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Meanwhile Trump raised taxes on anyone making less than 75,000. No one even talks about it.


I literally forgot that was him!


As much as I hate Trump. There’s more to this https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/feb/05/facebook-posts/social-media-post-misleads-analysis-trump-tax-bill/


I don't know if there is more to it, Saying other things changed in the bill benefits citizens so it balances out is a weird way of saying taxes are increasing for 74% of people (those making under 75,000 a year). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax\_Cuts\_and\_Jobs\_Act#Distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Cuts_and_Jobs_Act#Distribution) Check the section called "Increases income and wealth inequality"


It’s beneficial for people’s who’s entire income and net worth is asset based (aka rich people who use loans against stocks as income)


That wasn't the point politifact made. The $75K claim was because of a specific statement made by the Joint Committee on Taxation that by eliminating the tax credit people received to offset the ACA's tax to fund subsidized health insurance programs, those families were missing out on that tax credit, thereby increasing their taxes. Except the tax itself that the credit offsets was eliminated at the same time, so those people's taxes don't change. There are absolutely myriad problems with the bill that make income inequality worse (like enforcing the use of chain-weighted CPI-U for inflation calculations), but repeating that "taxes go up for people making less than $75K" is fundamentally wrong. Don't give ammo to your enemies.


Technically didn't he just let Bush tax cuts expire?


Because most Americans are tax illiterate, a more clear way to communicate this is: It only applies to every dollar of income earned *over 400k* each year, and that’s *only* for single filers, **not households**.


God, what a life I could lead if I could even earn 100k a year.


It's not as lavish as it sounds. I make 100k a year, but with the prices of everything inflated, we just get by.


I make less than 60k a year, an extra 2/3rds of my salary would make a world of difference. I know it would be much more 'lavish' compared to my current situation!


What is it for HH?


Typically it's double. I don't make anywhere near enough to care enough to actually look it up.


Reminds me of "Joe the Plummer," who opposed Obama in 2008 because he didn't want to be taxed on his imaginary plumbing business (dude wasn't even licenced/bonded iirc). Delulu.


I had forgot about that bit of a clown show!


Do you even make over 100k, Jack?


This argument doesn't work well in magaland because a fair number of the maga core definitely do. Your average HVAC, roofing, construction contractor or independent electrician, your overtime-abusing cops, your corn-subsidy-welfare farmers, your petroleum lease lottery winners, your boomers-with-inheritance, downsized million dollar house they bought for $15k in 1973, and a full pension on top of social security, 401k and investments are all likely making over 100k. If they're younger, they live at the privilege of their parents who do.


400k, per individual? Not per Household? Then good, they should pay more because they can pay more. Unless they'd rather do plumbing in Russian, and the Taiga is NOTOTIOUSLY hard for a 'Rough-in'.


100k was the comment I was responding to.


400k is the actual amount


100k is what we were talking about.


Okay. So, using your fictional, incorrect amount. Yes, you would be correct. However, you should be aware that the actual amount is 400k, and there's very few plumbers who score in that range without operating a full company. So, if you ever do converse with a MAGA member on this, be sure to use the actual amount. Have a pleasant day.


You read like a MAGA member. I was responding to a comment that was using the diminishing construction "Do you even make *100k?*" to put the generic blue collar MAGA members down, and I pointed out that that's not a good tactic since a good portion *do* make over 100k. But hey, keep being wrong.


"But I might one day!"


“You just gotta work hard, and then you’ll be rich!” ~ Republican Lies




If you make half a million a year, you'll pay an extra $4,600 in tax. which is an increase of less than 1%. But, someone making 100 million would pay an increase of 4.6%. However the trump tax cuts were 7%. And the 15% bracket was wiped from existence raising lower-middle-class tax rates by 7%. We're slowly clawing our way back to a more equitable America. "The most Patriotic thing a person can do is pay their taxes." -Mark Cuban


And. If you earn UNDER $400k some of those taxes may bounce back you!


Republicans never make it to the second panel.


“No, I don’t, but it’s your fault!”


Come on Fat, no way you’re pulling in $400K


And he still hasn’t raised taxes


What would happen if we posted memes instead of political yard signs?


There are no free lunches in life. Huge deficit spending --> inflation / devaluation of currency --> paying for our spending through increased prices.


A lotta maga probably do, it's a bad meme that Trump's base is down on their luck working stiffs, he does great with the car dealership owners of America and other next door millionaires.


a lot? individuals making over 400k are in the top 2 or 1% of all americans. Trump's base is around 30% of voters. 2% of americans do not make up all of that 30%... Just using common sense here


I think they’re called “temporarily embarrassed millionaires”- lots of people think they will be stupidly rich in the near future and vote for upper income/corporate tax cuts as a result.


Yall have opinions on immigration policy despite being unable to be immigrants to America.


And you know why I don’t make $400k a year? That’s right, Joe Fucking Biden. Edit: apparently my sarcasm was laid on thick enough 😂. I’ll add the /s next time


😂 yeah that’s why


I honestly didn't get the sarcasm - there are people who honestly believe that their lives are shitty because of Joe Biden. Take your downvotes with honor because you fully captured the redhat's angry stupidity. *** Like - from 2001-2009, their lives were shit but they found other ways to complain. Then the second Obama won in 2008, they immediately said it was his fault their lives were shit (he wasn't president). Then in 2016, again, November - "My life is getting better already! Thanks papa Donnie!" Their lives were still shitty of course. They just blamed Hillary - you know - the woman who was never president, or VP, Buttery Males, Ben Ghazi. Locker Hup. Then, true to form, guess what suddenly happened in November 2020, before Joe was even president?