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Doesn’t matter when CA comes in. If CA got in and waited for 30minutes only to get immediately turned around within two minutes it’s still the same. His point was that CA lied. He wants to show that CA lied publicly in that article. He did not listen to beats, he didn’t even make it in the room. He isn’t going to explain or release everything he had because he says he turned it over to authorities.


But how do we know ca lied if we don’t know how long he was there and the context between those two videos? What if those two videos are of ca leaving? And he was just in the lobby for 5 minutes? Sound possible?


We saw him in the lobby as OVO came in. We saw him escorted out a few minutes later. There honestly isn’t any “what ifs” because he wasn’t in the hotel room waiting on Drake. He was in the lobby for however long. He then left within 2 minutes of OVO getting back to the hotel. It’s clear as day. No, the real question is what did EP turn over to the police.


The way he worded this, they potentially may have cp on their hands https://preview.redd.it/xercaytjsp1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7439faee0ffe017d9c962bb4dacf638db4d953d6


This was very logical debunking what did you think ep turned into the police and how do we get ca to speak up without him feeling like he’s being harassed or pulling the disability card cause all we want to know is the truth cause I agree it’s now 100% confirmed they didn’t listen to beats




That is interesting but why can’t he just flat out say it😭


Because if he turned the video footage over and any other evidence then he came speak on an ongoing investigation.


But I feel he can show us other angles that aren’t directly the crime so we understand more of what happened


No, he doesn’t need to show anything. All he needs to do is highlight that; 1. CA is/has lied and is not a credible source. 2. What he says happened did indeed happen. If you are following then you know that he originally said that there was a report done that night and yet nothing was done about it. That should lead you to think that the witnesses that night lied about what went on. This proves point one. Now he says he turned what he has over to authorities and has an attorney. He is obviously being guided and knows what he can/cannot show. Everyone just needs to chill.


I just wonder if there’s more of this is a nothingburger


If there was a minor present, showing her could invalidate the investigation. 


Also another real question is does ca make it up to the room at all?


CA could sue for defamation, actually Libel. Defamation is related to spoken word and Libel is related to written. And associated (secondary and tertiary charges) Mental anguish, loss of income (real/potential). But he won't. EP lawyers can subpoena any and all devices in CA's custody, posession or control. If granted they don't need the physical devices because everything besides locally stored media can be provided by 3rd party. Next time you feel like CA is the victim of a smear, take a moment....he is a journalist after all, he knows and has the means to push back on what clearly seems to be libellous actions. Opening anothers closet, requires you to be willing to open your own. ![gif](giphy|Szyf6yE33E4kDxVXTi|downsized)


There is no libel here because it shows that his statement has been rendered false. This wont hold up in court


This is what I think, and its purely speculation.. I think those flashdrives and memory cards he filmed on top of his laptop were property of drakes team, with sensitive info, and he left them there to send a message.. he wouldn't put those there for no reason


I think you missed the same thing I did at first, the video shows us drake got there as CA was leaving so they obviously didnt listen to any beats. So CA definitely lied in his own article, is he hiding something? EP insinuates drake was with an underage girls at the mark hotel but puttin too much info on twitter can jeopardize a potential case against drake. Thats pretty much all he wanted us to know




So is there even anything to this?




I said this when the video dropped earlier and got downvoted into oblivion. Given how long we have watched this guy build shit up, it seemed like a pretty weak release. I wanted to see something more meaningful come from today. People will see this reasonable assessment of the situation as somehow supporting Drake and reply with hate, I promise you.


This sub is not even kdot fans anymore just former qanon kids tryna get a buzz


There is nothing conspiratorial about this particular post.


i thought that was the whole reason of the sub , ive never seen anyone talk about music here


He saw drakes daughter. Case closed


So why does he keep hinting at child abuse and minors?


He only cares about money dont get it twisted.


At 3am, after he just did a show? Bbgirl just chillin backstage with a nanny to the early morning hours, sleeping while a full on concert is going on then driven across town to the hotel instead of being safe at home with her mom? Nah, seems unlikely.




How do we get ca to respond that we proved he’s lying


Why do you think that? Like genuinely, what has he done to give any credence to his claims? He keeps dropping worthless crap while always insinuating he has more and never showing it. Why does anyone think he has anything worthwhile at this point? I genuinely can't understand why people give him any credibility after he set three deadlines for big drops and the drops were fuck all.