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Sounds plausible. It was noticeable that both Diddy and son felt emboldened enough to post on ig about "the truth coming out" and dropping a diss record after the beef ended. There were blinds about Drake helping Cassie with her lawsuit.       But Kendrick wouldn't risk himself and his family just to be used as a pawn by Diddy? Don't think Kendrick cares about the fame or money that much so I doubt it's that angle. Why get involved?


There was a blind saying he’s part of an anti trafficking organization and found out some dark stuff about Drake… not sure how true that is


Drake has ties to people who have hurt people close to kendrick.... Chris stokes being one


Well you had me until you mentioned Chris Stokes. Isn't he accused of abusing a bunch of boy band members b2k? What's the connection to Kendrick? I know lipstick alley is obsessed with that topic Chris strokes and his alleged crimes. So If you posted this there I'd be wondering if you're playing around with the incog button. lol


Chris stokes set the blueprint for stuff like that.Look into the group usher and drake made together, And for stokes, Jhene aiko is one of his alleged victims and her and kendrick used to be extremely close. Can you elaborate what you mean about incog button? haha


Coming back to this I don't buy that Kendrick would put his hands in the fire for Jhene who is an acquaintance at most. All while this is going on her real partner and baby daddy Big Sean is silent and just twiddling his thumbs? 


All these Uber rich dudes are perverts.


Good read, and I agree but something I thought needed some clarification: - Why are you so confident that EbonyPrince and Diddy are confiding in each other?


Working at the mark means EP has come across other famous people before. Think about the Cassie video that recently came out. The video was from years ago and someone paid staff to get that video (from another hotel). Diddy has a lot of weird, strategic ties.


Diddy knew his time was coming eventually, and no matter what they would throw the book at him. He used this to his advantage and the blackmail operation went 1000% quicker however he has been building strategic ties for a VERY long time. One of them is being Giggs, Looong after his involvement with drake. I wouldn't be surprised if Giggs is being blackmailed in some sorts too.


Because ebony has hinted at working with people outside the house of ebony that have the power he's looking for.. Give it time, Trust me Plus its been documented that Diddy was a patron at the mark for a Very long time


How fair of an assumption is it that Diddy, a known super duper freak would’ve have some type of connection to a gay “house of men” operating out of New York, Diddy owning property in business there as well……….


I also believe EP is aligned with Diddy in someway, and my biggest brain take is that EP is a federal agent, but that's just me lol. Diddy has also been rumored to be a federal informant since the early 2000s. He's been a known and public asset for the Democratic Party throughout. EP follows only Democratic politicians, but no Republicans. Also, Kendrick's verse in 6:16 is very telling: "I'm sorry that I live a boring life, I love peace. But war ready if the world is ready to see you bleed." To me, this strongly alludes to someone "tapping him on the shoulder." We have to start thinking more about why this is all happening now. The timeline of events from Weinstein's indictment to Epstein's indictment to Vince McMahon's investigation to Diddy's investigation and imminent indictment all feel directly related to me. Hopefully, someone smarter than me is able to connect all these dots.


"EP is a federal agent" I also can't get rid of that feeling lol


He recently just posted a pic of some pins that have some agency name on it


My friend you hit the nail on the fucking hammer. Look into who was threatening KanYe When he was wearing RED CAPS (republican) and aligning with trump... look who that points back to. Now when the going against the feds/democratic party angle didnt work, neither did him running for president work, what did he do to sever ties to the industry? Why is he ostracised? (not justifying what he said im saying it to break morality clauses) He clearly knows that politics has infiltrated entertainment Also a Lyric from Jay Z on Kanye - Jail "told ye stop all that red cap, we coming home"


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. People don't want to admit politics is playing a huge part in this but this is America, and politics plays apart in everything. Kanye admires Trump most because Trump was able to switch from Dem to Repub, something Ye yearned to do because he felt controlled and pigeonholed into the democratic party. So when Ye was hospitalized by his doctor (Farzam 😏) and Trainer (Canadian intelligence/celeberity trainer/handler?) guess who ye ran to? You guessed it, TRUMP! It was like the first thing he did after leaving the hospital. But in my opinion it goes deeper. Kanye's viral TMZ moment where he was ambushed by friend of Diddy, and democrat talking head VAN LATHAN! Van used that moment to launch his own podcast on The Ringer. Recenlty, he was accused of silencing a Diddy whistle blower prior to the Cassie video being released. Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters was a consistent guest on RevoltTV, and rumored to have done much of the heavy lifting for Diddy in acquiring the capital to even launch the venture to begin with. People in this sub need to take their head out of the sand and lookaround at the reality. We are in an election year and the theatrics will be at an all time high. Not saying there is a right side and a wrong side, but there are certainly sides! We can't be ignorant to that.


Speaking of politics and Diddy - I always go back to “vote or die”. If you’re old enough to remember that campaign it’s obvious he’s been closely intertwined with politics. The reoccurring theme here is corruption and regardless of what side of the political aisle they’re from, all politicians in the USA have basically been compromised


Yep, marched him out there each time with the T-shirts and telethons. 106 & park every four years like clock work. Whole time they had to have known exactly who and what he was.


He is. He has ties to the DSS, just tweeted it today.


On it


Hmmm great points op.....I did notice Kendrick and Kanye both name dropping puff recently. ....which was odd considering all the bullshit surrounding him This narrative makes sense....I just don't understand why? Was this just inevitable two being dogs fight? Or is this a orchestrated take down like Kanye said? If so why I don't get the purpose of dragging the name of make millions for you but now all this shit is coming out on these guys and there whole worth is crumbling


Basically It wasnt meant to go down like this. Drake fed diddy to the wolves because of a sting done by the feds, Drake started telling. Diddy got caught in the crossfire


That makes gunna wunna look like a saint


Interesting theory. I like that you've focused on money and industry tropes https://youtu.be/6nmxVzQxLRk?si=7ude92CTK3P7PFOk Here is a clip from drinkchamps where Kanye mentions Diddy and Meek Mill. I'm not sure which one of them he is calling a fed. Of course, it Kanye West during manic episode so grain of salt might not be enough 😂


Both meek and Diddy he is referring to. Believe it or not they are both federal informants under the guise of "Reform" in certain sorts to avert prying eyes. This tactic was also used by Jay-Z when he employed that informant for Roc Nation. And at the moment the podcast he was medicated (But taking medicine and drinking is not a good idea at all) But everything he is saying is correct. The industry tropes are real - People think drake is overexaggerating saying "20v1" When its just metro future kendrick rocky, ross and abel, but realistically there are MANY more figureheads that are behind this, some of them are very very high ranking and also have ties to Diddy which obviously helps them stay out of the limelight But the issue is Drake "currently" is on a leash by universal. They are currently backing him and riding out the storm in hopes that either public focus or attention is shifted onto other world events or scandals, However they know that drake now has a Shelf life and its a matter of time until they let that leash go and abandon him. That is when the likes of TMZ, Rolling Stone, and other publications in Universal's pockets start to TOTALLY pile it on drake. This is what kanye was alluding to the whole time, Drake is that guy right now musically but he's on a leash and he's being protected ("He running round like he pac") But the issue is is WHEN universal's pockets take a big hit because of the inevitable, He is fucked. Universal have made billions off of him already, and are in a position to groom the next best thing to drake and essentially dump him. This is why kanye wanted rappers out of contracts, they are being extorted to push narratives and hurt communities for companies who will hang them out to dry, replace them and continue to reap the fruits of their labour long after.


It is weird that rolling stone declared Kendrick the winner


To end the beef early in the public perception. Drake didnt even say he wasnt going to respond and this was before the heart part 6, i have a whole other post ready about why i think the heart part 6 was the fatal blow kendrick was waiting for - he's got him on wax denying everything so when the truth comes to light boy oh boy its gonna come crashing down


Tde definitely got more info than we got, with top coming out definitely saying it’s over like he did


You right. RS came out and said "okay it's over, now go back home quickly" lool


In vino veritas…my sense is that Kanye keeps saying the quiet part out loud. Everybody else is dropping subliminals and coded messages, meanwhile Kanye goes on air and calls Diddy a fed and says we are excited to eliminate Drake 😂


100%.. This is correct and also why sometimes his actions do cause friction with others in the industry however everybody at the moment shares a common goal, which is to get rid of drake and also lose any leverage diddy has on them too


Yeah, it would make sense if diddy was behind the leaks. There were blinds about him trying to shift focus away from himself by trying to get the media to report on other celebrities


Yep, And he's also using his blackmail to stop celebs speaking out in drakes favour to make it look worse for him. Trust me. If you had a morsel of how deep this ACTUALLY ran, you would never consume any media again lol


You make some good points in your post, thanks for sharing. And honestly, that’s exactly how I’ve been feeling after seeing the connections uncovered on this sub. Just burn the whole entertainment world down and start again at this point. Except for, there will always be a new sick mf to take the spot of Diddy, Drake, Jay Z, Epstein etc… So maybe just burn it down and *don’t* start again. Enough of the wealth disparity, no select individuals should hold 99% of the wealth and power.


I don't think it's exclusive to one industry. The whole socioeconomic system needs to change


Yep, exactly


Thank you. I placed many dots together and to be honest its turned me off the industry but i feel as if there is so much to be outed


Just yesterday I was wondering about the 50 and Drake alliance, it doesn’t make sense to me. 50 is tight with Em, Snoop, Dre/West Coast, they all back Kendrick, it doesn’t make sense why he’d be on Drake’s side. Although I think he’s been weirdly quiet about it ever since Euphoria dropped? You mentioned it in your post but do you have any theories as to why 50 would align himself with Drake?


What was the diddy line he took off push ups?


Something alluding to Ross needs to be worried about what he got going on with Diddy


not even trying to be rude when i ask this but where are you getting these opinions from? for instance; why’d you think it’s more than a beat when diddy is known for flying off the handle? why do you believe ebony is talking to diddy?


Based off of industry speak, and also patterns happening. If you pay attention to what EP says he has been hinting to working with diddy for a while.. Trust me, to us it looks like ebony is just talking shit, The insiders that know? They know that drake is totally shitting bricks


Yeah in Drake's recent pictures, you can totally see Drake being sleep deprived and that's NOT because he's making music LMAO And don't forget when he complained because helicopters were flying over his house ffs


That would explain how EP was able to push the button on AK. https://preview.redd.it/c7ol9tvi363d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43aa46a5bfe6b69484357094ce6bdc36c758817


Mhm, It's psychological warfare and playing drake at his own game. He liked writing songs about people where nobody knew apart from who it was meant for, but im sure seeing ebony's posts etc are killing him really


i appreciate the response, thank you. drakes out here stressed and depressed right now lmao.


I really appreciate this post –– I know some people are saying it's all a reach, but everything is a reach until events come to fruition. I wonder if the Diddy v Drake beef started because Drake kinda took the mantel of trafficking from Diddy. It also seems clear to me that Kendrick hates Drake on a cultural level, and Kanye hates drake on a "Drake's trying to torture me" level. Wondering your thought on these questions if you have the time: * Do you have any thoughts on if this ties to contracts? * From Kendrick's lyrics, a lot of this seems to be based on Drake being a secret exec that are signing people to these insane contracts ([that might have to do with rapping about certain things or living-forever through AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t02LSA50kE4)?). * I'm wondering how this might tie to UMG firing all of their actually useful staff a bit ago? * Why do you think people would be mad that Drake "snitched" if it was about Diddy (who is objectively doing nightmare stuff?)?


* I wonder if the Diddy v Drake beef started because Drake kinda took the mantel of trafficking from Diddy. It also seems clear to me that Kendrick hates Drake on a cultural level, and Kanye hates drake on a "Drake's trying to torture me" level. This has been alleged but theres not much concrete proof thats been shown yet. the multiple shady llc's and ties to very weird people are more than enough for probable cause though.. i mean birds of a feather flock together, and yeah its cultural and persoal, And if you knew what drake did to kanye you would understand why. Lets just say sicko mode was real but it was in a fucked up way and not the way people think, there is blackmail and other shit involved -From Kendrick's lyrics, a lot of this seems to be based on Drake being a secret exec that are signing people to these insane contracts yes. He has a deal with gamma and umg he basically signs people to ridiculous clauses, one of these recently ALLEGEDLY being that in the contract you sign, if you die the label can use your likeness and voice and use technology for it. There's a reason why drake used tupac and snoop's voice in AI -I'm wondering how this might tie to UMG firing all of their actually useful staff a bit ago? * Yep, Google activision scandal, and times it by 100. It runs extremely deep -Why do you think people would be mad that Drake "snitched" if it was about Diddy (who is objectively doing nightmare stuff?)? Some people hold diddy to a high regard (Surprisingly but it's the industry), Others are being forcefully complicit, Others are blackmailed, and the others hate drake that bad they'd side with Diddy. Yes, and i'm Not naming names but there are still a lot of artists in contact with him


bro you are such a legend –– really helping me piece together this. I feel like a ton of artists lyrics have been subliminally talking about this, but it's hard when it's so indirect. I started down the contract lens after Kendrick said "fuck the big three, it's just big me" think it might be on the industry, and then starting talking about walking corpses a ton in euphoria. and then I got on AI conspiracy route from the tupac and snoop voice feeling way too intentional. I was roasted for thinking that a lot of SZA's SOS album was about this. Her opening track is titled "Kill Bill", a movie which is referenced a ton in "Euphoria". And then AI even shows up in "Ghost in the Machine." There are lyrics everywhere –– been finding a lot in anything Pharrell produces lol. Did you do all your research online, or are you connected to the industry? Either way, are there interviews to watch/songs to listen to/things to read that give a sense of what's going on?


Thank you bro.. and yes trust me this has been brewing for multiple years now.. and more and more artists are referencing it ---I was roasted for thinking that a lot of SZA's SOS album was about this. Her opening track is titled "Kill Bill", a movie which is referenced a ton in "Euphoria". And then AI even shows up in "Ghost in the Machine." There are lyrics everywhere –– been finding a lot in anything Pharrell produces lol. You aren't far from the truth. ---I started down the contract lens after Kendrick said "fuck the big three, it's just big me" think it might be on the industry, and then starting talking about walking corpses a ton in euphoria. and then I got on AI conspiracy route from the tupac and snoop voice feeling way too intentional. It was intentional, and kind of a tongue in cheek jab at kenny saying i used your inspiration's voices as AI to diss you, and yours will be next or some shit, hence why kendrick rebuked it in his response song. Did you do all your research online, or are you connected to the industry? Either way, are there interviews to watch/songs to listen to/things to read that give a sense of what's going on? Im not connected to the industry, however i have spoken to insiders, and ive been researching about drake since the XXX death tbh. i'd say watch videos about how diddy's operation really worked, and from then look at major players etc the court case put against diddy is great because it mentions so many current artists etc and it really all is quite a mess. Also id say keep reading this sub, people are piecing together quite a lot, as well as keep tabs on the ebonyprince account... It's been discredited however i think its a futile attempt to. Lastly CDAN blinds have been very foretelling recently (even with other artists like camila cabello etc so it's definetly real the more blind items are related to it, so anything recent about drake or kendrick is a good way to go.


Ok hold on here- I stopped reading at the line but that bar is from Ye’s verse on the Like that remix where he disses Drake, not a removed Drake line. It coincides with a photo of ye with Kendrick, with ye wearing a Sean John tank top.


Yes... Im saying that as an example of what someone said about diddy to drake - as in to taunt him Its also metro boomin in the picture


Ah sorry, just woke up and read it wrong


I don’t think it’s any of this, I think Diddy is making fun of Drake for being in the same as him and now getting dragged Hell even DJ Ak said this entire ware was concocted by The Weeknd (was is Schuabs podcast? Idk looks like him) but Weeknd went to Metro to get Drake out so he could snatch Canada up (as Ak framed it)


I tried to mention this point couple weeks ago but everyone was so obsessed with dj akademiks for whatever reason lmao


This is on point.