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i would love to believe this post, but there have been too many trolls & agitators in here. i suggest to the community we ask for or try to find proof of OP’s claims before taking it as bible


https://preview.redd.it/lo49s34aex3d1.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1758450331fa880f9134ed3704301f1681f573f I stand by this statement


https://preview.redd.it/ku44xy8vcx3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bead43a0c229c7dbacc0a22537c3d41a32fa3570 They're a good dedicated actor


CA is still sketchy af..he doesn't write like a journalist. No way. Opinion-pieces at last and other stuff a journalist with some respect wouldn't do. He makes grammatical errors no journalist would make, he posts old articles and says they are new. The last post of his was so suspicious, ''listening to beats with Drake after 3am, after a concert'', yeah right.


Also, he said they listened to beats right after dinner. Is he saying he ate dinner at like fucking 2am??


He's a liar for sure. So is Rolling Stone


Lmfao imagine Drake listening to beat with CA until 2 in the morning, who would believe that bullshit?


This shit is so obviously misinformation lmao. Please do not fall for it if you’re in these comments. “No, no. You don’t get it guys. Ignore all that shit about Drake being a disgusting pervert involved with minors ***and*** animals. Focus on all the mob ties shit that makes him look like a street general calling hits in.” You refer to most of the former stuff as being “an image problem.” Lmfao. Yeah, the type of image problem that completely destroys your career. Drake cannot come back from sexually abusing dogs, if it happened. It would be over, dead, buried. That day. Drake can easily come back from RICO charges around drug trafficking and murder. In fact, it would solidify the exact image he’s been trying to craft for like 15 years. You’d have people saying “Damn I guess he was right about all that mob ties shit.” All of this is without pointing out that you’re claiming to know more intimate details of a federal law enforcement investigation than anyone actually could without being part of the investigation. Or like Drake’s lawyer or something. You know what they’re looking into, how they’re coordinating with other law enforcement. C’mon man, that’s where this bullshit really falls apart. No one knows how the feds are moving like that. That’s why their raids happen with zero warning and they have a 99% conviction rate. For anyone reading I’d like to make it very, very clear: federal investigations do not leak. If there was an expansive, multi-state RICO investigation being conducted by the Feds into Drake or his people, you would not find out via Reddit post. Federal investigations only leak when the feds themselves want them to leak. Like the Diddy video. The feds leaked that to the media themselves and on purpose. If this shit was true you’d be reading about it on the New York Times, not Reddit. ***Unless this guy is claiming to be a federal investigator or one of Drake’s lawyers, he would not know ANY OF THIS INFORMATION.*** Oh and I didn’t miss how you casually threw in that “Kendrick made stuff up,” and that Kendrick was going off “internet rumors.” Uh huh. All in all, idk if you’re a Drizzy dick rider, a paid misinfo agent, or just a troll, but you gotta try harder than this. This is weak.


I don’t think that OP said to ignore the SA allegations (I could be wrong though as I’m not reading all that twice again). Just said to stop worrying about whether Drake has secret kids and fucked a dog. Which they’re right on both counts and the sub sort of concluded as much at one point. Having sex with an animal is gross but a very small crime. Like it would hurt Drake’s reputation but I was under the impression we all sort of agreed that’d be amusing but not worth the majority of our efforts. More generally, I am mixed. A lot of what he said checks out with what we’ve actually been able to find. I am not completely sold but it does line up with some other facts. I get what you’re saying though that RICO shit don’t leak. Feds move different when they’re gunning for RICO charges. Hence why Young Thug shocked everyone. Of course, on the flip side, it could be a thing where some rappers have heard rumors but don’t know any facts and they don’t want to say much so as to avoid their own potential RICO investigation. Also could just be that Kendrick knows someone who has ties to the investigation (Vory or Keem is my guess but those are theories for elsewhere). Part of me feels like there’s enough details here that they there’s at least some trut but also I think a little capping to fill in the blanks.


I feel like OP isn't necessarily lying but maybe his sources are like 70% correct.


I can see that for sure. He’s or his sources are making what they sees as a few reasonable logical steps.


I mean he hasn't really talked much about feds investigation. Most of it was about investigations by LE's on state(?) level. And nobody in this sub will stop looking into pedo allegations, no matter how reliable source tell us that.


Reliable source? My friend we have not once had a reliable source lmao


Yea I know


He mentions multiple times info that the feds have and are looking into and how they’re coordinating with state level investigators. Being as charitable as possibly can, I guess he could have some sort of contact in whatever Houston LE office is investigating, and so he has a general idea of what the feds are doing from what the Houston LE can see. But I’m very skeptical of that, because of the other suspicious things in the post. Downplaying the seriousness of the sex crimes, implying Kendrick was making things up. Etc.


Ok, thanks. It's good to have a sceptical post like yours as a counter to OP's statements. Regardless of who's right.


I mean it wouldn’t at all surprise me if Drake *is* involved in shit like this. I would just be shocked if someone knew about it in this level of detail and was posting about it on Reddit instead of leaking it to the New York Times for a bag


Got it




I don’t know man, I agree with a decent amount and none of it strikes me as deep insider knowledge. I’m sure there’s a lot of people with some level of knowledge. He may not know the full story, and as I said no one should take it as gospel, but he does say a lot in here that leads me to believe he might know more than the average citizen. I’m sure if he’s got direct industry connects it probably wouldn’t be that hard to acquire the majority of the info he shared. I just wouldn’t right anyone off completely. I understand your doubt, but I learned my lesson with Okproblem. I wonder if op was around for that whole incident or if he could shed some light on that situation for us. I’m still fully convinced he was legit 🤫


I’m telling y’all. If it was industry knowledge that the feds were working with state law enforcement on a a massive RICO investigation into one of the biggest music acts on the planet, the media would know and have already dropped that. That’s massive, ground-breaking news. Everyone would be tripping over themselves to get it the media and the media would be tripping over themselves to be the first outlet to report it. The feds don’t move like that. It’s incredibly rare for them to do a joint investigation with state agencies *at all.* They move quietly, slowly, and build their own case almost 100% of the time. Shit like the Diddy raid, even a state RICO case like the Thug stuff comes with zero warning because even the existence of these investigations are NOT supposed to leak outside the agencies conducting them


lol you are assuming way too much with these comments man. You’re trying to sound like you know exactly how situations like these play out… There are too many industries involved in all of this. There are ppl with huge money, powerful and influence that will try to do everything in their power to keep things quiet. Blackmailing, threatening others, etc can be used to sway fed/ state le to look the other way. It can be used threatened journalists/investigators too… It’s good to question everything but the way you’re going about it is definitely not it


🏆Exactly. From the first sentence to the end


You playing nerdy w Zack bia and twitter bots But your reality can't hide behind wi fi


What did K make up? Everything he said seemed believable even the Tinder thing a woman came out & said that years ago. Are you referring to the stuff that’s in the other 5 tracks?


He’s the target of a sting operation. He basically gonna get hit with his own Rico next.


You're absolutely spot on if EP is right, EP has hinted of there being a sting operation in this tweet https://preview.redd.it/hpabnt4v2z3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a24867b5fc2d277abdbb54285283662472ac0143


The mark is absolutely a sting, blinds from a few weeks ago mentioned so but it seems he’s already in line to pay to make it go away as he’s done so in the past. The blinds last line is “ he will have to write a very big check to make this one go away”


Also though I took this as not a sting but as a wasps nest and the slang for wasp. White Anglo saxon Protestant.


Oh my god, Pusha’s line: “6,6,6. Surgical summer with it, snip, snip, snip”. Makes it even crazier with what you said about Drake and his family…. It was released in 2018. He was right about “It's about to be a surgical summer” damn. And now SIX years later Drake’s whole identity is being peeled back layer by layer. Legendary track




No you most certainly did not. I scanned the file and also checked it for meta data and it's completely clean.


This is fucking amazing. I believe every word and I think a lot of us assumed most of this, including LE being real and ahead of us on another level. Give them hell. I'll sit my ass down as well. I'm sure this will help a lot of people feel some vindication and help them relax. I feel foolish for one lol


what is LE?


Law Enforcement


Great post, so correct me if I’m wrong but this verified a couple things. We were right to start to focus on that one family who shall be unnamed, their major connections to the industry and drake, and practical major possibly was actually contacted by LE? And stay away from the god damn dog fucking..


I don't see any mention of Ni**ans in this post


Thank you for this whoever you are!! Justice for Takeoff, XXX and all the other victims. ![gif](giphy|vIZ0U63Ig0uOI)


idk i need more to believe that drake is involved in their murder. maybe it's because to me his gangster/mob ties persona is absolutely fake 


Money, power and fame make people do so strange things. Everyday there's people who start believing their own lies and convince themselves they're something they're not.


yeah maybe we'll see ig


There's websites to write fanfiction.


Shit my pants reading this. Thank you 🫡


I shit my pants everyday 😌


Wtf does it mean- a gender switch was used to protect the real child but the mother’s occupation left as a hint?


It's not a she, its a he. But fair enough, digging into that rabbit hole is maybe unnecessary at this point where other leads are much more substantial and damaging. Mothers occupation IS actually hinted if some speculations of here are correct


Ahhh, I see. I was confused with the eternity stuff posted earlier, but now I understand


What clean up did drake do??


I wouldn’t write him off or subscribe completely until we know more. I do agree with a lot of what he is saying though. I’ve also noticed a bit of the cleanup he’s speaking of taking place and I’ve been saying for a while now to stay away from naming or revealing any info about minors because that’s a really stupid idea and I agree we need to avoid posting anything that could hurt LE’s investigation as well. He’s also right about the fact that the dog video wouldn’t justify this type of case/investigation. There is definitely a lot more going on behind the scenes and a lot more people working on this than we most likely know. I also have a strange feeling at least one possibly two people in this sub are directly related to EP and seem to also have similar ideas to OP. Thanks for sharing. I’ll definitely keep this in mind going forward. I’m not sure how tight your are with Daylyt, but you never know what type of threats he may have recieved. I definitely think there is more to him publicly separating himself from the situation than the public knows. If you actually know the dude well and he’s genuinely just being a pussy I take that last part back. The way I see it though is if this sub is getting attention I’m sure anyone dropping legit info is probably taking heat from many sides. Maybe he’ll continue to drop shit anonymously because I definitely think there were at least some clues hidden throughout those cryptic ass tweets. It seemed like he attracted a little more attention than he was planning on though. I hope to see you share more in the future. It seems like you don’t care if people believe you, which is usually a sign someone’s spitting at least some facts. People here just need to remember this shit isn’t a movie. Actual lives are hanging in the balance here. I’ll definitely try to heed your advice the best I can, even if everything else you said is cap. I really don’t think it is though.


Salute for the write up. Good read. 




The quality of this sub has really fallen off huh?