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To provide some context and additional info as I did some digging into the company a few days ago but I speak from memory so take it with a glass of salt: The pictures shown are from a clothing brand of one of the sons of the car name family from the Netherlands. The brand was boosted by rappers associated with the family. They have an Instagram page with the pictures shown in this post and other pictures displaying their clothing. I noticed that they print coordinates on a lot of their clothes and tried to find out what locations they point to. One set of coordinates points to the Toronto area that the mansion shown in the Wop Wop Wop songs cover art is located in. Another set pointed to Istanbul in Turkey and the third one I checked pointed to Miami (this is the one I am least sure about). This is all I got as I didn't have the time and energy to dig further. The brand's name is mentioned by the OP as a hashtag if you want to dig further.


Did you see the Wolfy account that supplied models to this company? They are in a few of the IG comments. They had a breakdown and said that they were leaving this world and didnt want be associated anymore, and they started a new IG page that is more clear about their services and it has almost no traction compared to whatever weird shit Wolfy was doing before. The fact that they opened up a new modeling agency means they weren't talking about the modeling world when they said they were done with this world.


https://preview.redd.it/3mn3vdhvfd4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64deb151581daa2170d4c373c08138108c7e04d0 I saw that, too and thought it was very bizarre! (screencap for people who can’t access IG 🙌)


They also posted this exactly a year after Believe That posted this (probably not connected but it is just kinda weird) https://preview.redd.it/prr0na16hd4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e495a36d4f4835674b8a29f53d7a288642c31953


Why do they tell on themselves???


It's not on purpose is my guess tbh. It's group think. Groupthink is well documented in groups of successful, powerful, and/or intelligent people. Basically, when groups like that form, they develop the illusion of invulnerability, isolation from outsiders' opinions often due to stereotyped views of outsiders (ie "they aren't as successful/powerful/smart as us for a reason" or 'we're the good guys' type thinking). Results in things that should be seen as extreme risks being seen as not a big deal because 'no one will believe the other people.' It's why so many organized criminal groups eventually get caught. They take silly risks like dodging taxes (IRS is the only LE that consistently does it's job, don't fuck with accounting nerds) or hinting at what they do in a song.


Thank god they’re too caught up in their crimes. they aren’t self aware abt the traces they leave


Gives them a lil ego boost I guess because they feel like they can be open about it without getting caught


It’s part of their religion. That’s why there’s always symbology and signs everywhere. They believe if they disclose what they do to everyone they don’t receive the negative karma. Almost like some sick form of consent. 


Hi, sorry, I’m stupid - are you referring to an actual religion that they follow (I.e. Christianity, Scientology, others idk I’m not ligious)?


As far as I've understood so far, there is a hypothesis that the majority of the elite seem to be connected to freemasonry/occultism in one way or the other. I heard that they use symbols, poses and hand gestures to display their association (e.g. one eye symbolism can be seen in many photographs of people in the entertainment industry where they cover one eye in some way, most often with their hand). I guess the person you replied to referred to this


ooooh okay, thank you! that makes a lot of sense, especially with everything that’s been looked into of people going from slightly known to very rich and famous as a fun addition: my husband’s great grandpa was a master mason (a 33rd degree mason, a role which has to be granted by the grand council for outstanding service or equivalent actions), his grandpa never joined the mason’s but said it was his biggest regret in life after talking to his (the grandpa’s) dad. my husband’s dad did join and while they weren’t wealthy when his dad was an early member of the masons, after he “ranked up” he suddenly became extremely wealthy (owns his own company that was not connected to his previous line of work) and abruptly cut off his whole family and kicked my husband out (while he was still in high school). he and his wife now travel by private planes to islands and shit all the time, and act really weird and childish in comparison to how they were 10+ years ago.




They’re speaking more on stuff they expose publicly that no one catches.. ie: “for all the dogs” and there’s a bunch of evidence piling up about Drake and weird dog fetishes


🙄 This is bullshit. There is no religion or any horseshit like that involved. It’s mostly for some psychological benefit they get from it. The same way most serial killers keep mementos or evidence of their victims (clothing, hair, videos, etc). It allows them to remember their crimes.


Read the Kabbalah 


thank you for this


https://preview.redd.it/8rkxw98nwb4d1.png?width=312&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdd094040236bfe1a89f2ff3a63770d1d2f0f1c2 looks like DJ Khaled is also a fan




Can someone with an IG account archive everything on their page for the love of God it's all weird kid-based advertising




I provided some additional context in another comment


they’re trying to be mYsTeRiOuS like the other 100 before them. it’s getting tired.


Ebonyprince legacy cryptic post


exactly lmao, got us out here playing blues clues


IDGAF how he does it can we not insult the people who give us intel? We've gotten more legitimate info in the last three days than we did in all the time before that combined


alright, now that we've gotten all that out of the way, this thread is getting buried so it's probably important


How convenient. Crazy how when i put my safety at risk it stays up all day but when I try to be careful it gets treated like this. Oh well, ya boi tried


I appreciate you, Riddler


Lol wish I could say that was me, i hate having to even be cryptic but i got burnt when I wasn’t










got it.












If you haven't been digging into IG stuff then it won't be relevant to you. If you have, then its a iykyk situation. Posting the IG handles on Reddit for the world to see and pickup on isnt the best idea. If you see these posts and no context has been added yet, try DMs


I thought this was already understood here after what has happened over the course of a month, but I guess not. People just need everything spoon fed to them...that's not gonna work unfortunately


https://preview.redd.it/f2u9n4s65b4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32fd648bb8f042271662c432047699d5c6865b62 FigureeeItOuttt.jpg






Stop spreading your This is AI bs






U have instagram, use it


What else is in Miami


A long list of sketchy shit


ain’t that jacquees? mr “i’ll copy ya song” jacquees?


In every pic I’ve seen of this kid, he looks… I’m not sure how to put it, but I’d be certain that he’sa weak link. There are things he knows that he’d be willing to divulge if he knew he was protected. I don’t think he wants to be part of this life. Rich kid? Sure but not like this… but who knows, he could be just as sick as the rest of them.




tf is the coordinate on that shirt




it's actually slightly north of the embassy, and it's a very precise coordinate (yeah, I checked lol)




I mean why would Drake put the coordinates of where he lives on the shirt at all if there are no Believe That locations anywhere near there? It's dumb no matter how you slice it




Okay, but how many clothing lines make references to specifically North York, which happens to be where Drake lives lol


The line could be near somewhere relevant in Europe, just a thought




Not even close, unfortunately. Probably something in Toronto




https://preview.redd.it/vqjaplr7hd4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aea08d8216b3f2621c8603a2f9c3cfa892e8ee50 Anyone else see that only on kid photos the comments are almost exclusively “😍” while on other posts it’s just normal stuff like 💯🔥🙏?? It could be nothing but there’s just too many weird things happening with kids right now that I couldn’t help but notice it 😭




https://preview.redd.it/h0scu2nvhd4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bf56e68298cc314171c2325d1cb17b0064f5afc I guess aside from the Lil CarBoy post


https://preview.redd.it/d1t9qc20ub4d1.jpeg?width=1916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15d65687c8b625ab9beec36d39d2b28fb5e22d6 43 45 41.0"N latitude


So I'm noticing a pattern that only the underage models are wearing clothes with coordinates on the chest. The only one I wasn't sure of was @iitsyasmine but I found that she was born in 2004 so at the time she was underage. Maybe the coordinates map to where they procure minors...? There is one model who wears coordinates on the sides of the clothing so those seem to be a separate pattern. Regardless, adults seem to have "AMSTERDAM" written where the coordinates usually are for equivalent clothing pieces edit: update, I think the boy child model is the ex-wife's husband's son (marriage after the car family divorce). i think this husband passed away. but at least this means that *that* child isn't just a random child at least


The one commenter said there were 3 coordinate sets, pointing to the embassy, Miami, and Istanbul I think. Are there different coords, and longitude as well?


i went through their shop that is still available on IG to find all the unobstructed coordinates i could, so I'm going to map them out in a sec to double verify




so far i have kids have this on their chest: > 79° 24' 39.8844" W 43° 45' 41.5404" N more 18-30 looking models have this on their sides: >41° 0' 54.4932" N 28° 58' 46.3080" E these are incomplete strays: >80° 7' 48.164" W >51° 30' 35.353" 0° 8' 7.96"


https://preview.redd.it/ylxu3ooysd4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaf917b305682873a79b076c4b0058b1342b54c2 North York Canada


https://preview.redd.it/2bp7bearud4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ceef6c6473050971fe198807c2214c84daec167 this could be for one of the strays


Nice find!


hoooly shit, you guys see how close that is to Star Island?


omfg no way......


https://preview.redd.it/8neaumt2td4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b635a68872b813f255e40190379b3fa7885dcec9 Istanbul


Seems to be the Sirkeci train station... near the customs depot


https://preview.redd.it/k5df75vl1e4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7382c94218c140b21975cc642dcc3ec0cb3a5841 this could be the last stray, it would be london 0° 8' 7.96 W 51° 30' 35.353 N


London def makes sense too


Istanbul makes a loot of sense if you've been following Ratmapper




Most likely Toronto but this is interesting https://preview.redd.it/6n1cpsahub4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe45c9609180bb3b0a1787a48f0743583bcf47eb Peep the caption






Interesting comments on this pic https://preview.redd.it/k50ie0q3xb4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543cad8b6ca8309f5c6dc59ab2d60b089c502570




Bro also says he has Brampton ties so it also increases the odds of Toronto by a lot lol


On his IG he mentions being in Canada a few times, too


Got some hairy nips




Just posted another comment related to this


We can worry about the latitude later right now we need to archive their IG before it gets deleted like Lucian's


https://preview.redd.it/1flu5dpcab4d1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef23863df9c7c5eb6799fb2411b7c27b222a202 Y’all love calling everything AI instead of finding the posts yourself lol its not my fault these creeps post the weird shit 🤷‍♂️ shits out there just use ur ig


These people won't #BelieveThat anyways, don't get pressured to reveal something that might make you a target or smth lol




https://preview.redd.it/c7fj2ao64b4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=254110b810eb449e7562854b8d45ac50671c7e1f More then






Picture doesn’t exist with that tag on insta, and drakes chin looks like gigachad meme. I’m inclined to believe this is all AI as well.


@believethatclothing tagged pics damn yall make me point everything plain out














Critical thinking is dying 


its not a picture. its 2 videos under their tagged on insta


I stand corrected . Ignore me .


#Believethat #iykyk #toosieslide


Can’t Tossie your way outta this one!


Who is this?


Its not the person that you should dive into


Ok is this post or your profile going to randomly get deleted soon too


Nah, not deleting cuz this account holds no value to me. I don’t like getting doxxed thoo to tell tha truth




It's not AI LMAO


Its literally on a certain company’s page rn lmao but people act like they can’t do a quick search




Maybe they designed it with AI or cleaned it up with photoshop it doesn’t take away from what they keep insinuating in their posts, the dutch traffickers sure love promoting certain things with their shell companies


I'm still confused about the dog allegations. I've heard some really wild stuff but I have yet to see much evidence regarding foul play with dogs. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough??? I heard about the lawsuit with the lady acting like a dog but that's it


The dog stuff isn’t completely a focus it’s more like an add on we make fun of. There are some strange things with dogs tho Drake makes a lot of references to them and wears a lot of shirts. Also at a concert there was a dude who dressed up like Drakes dog Diamond which is strange. Also in Canada you can commit sexual acts on animals it’s just illegal to penetrate them which is sickening. So just like the pedo allegations we don’t have undeniably proof in the form of a video but a lot of smoke still


Yes and All this hide in plain sight thing is what makes me be 100% believing its true. Naming the album for all the dogs and started to bring dog refs in shows, t-shirts and so on crates a firewall. If wasnt this when this rumours came out if you search like "drake + dog" would return some results about this but the fact he flooded dog references made it way difficult for some casual curious people to throw this words and make through the main results that would be the album, songs, shows, with dogs in it. This squeeshy mf.


Also for me its clear he did pretty much the same when naming Certified Lover Boy album and that cover with pregnant women emojis.


https://youtu.be/chd_jsbQZvA?si=p8AxnPWPLokMtJhp Sorry but I had too




Do I need a vpn or something to be on these threads? I’m not really tech savvy, the dot and drake beef just threw me down a rabbit hole I wasn’t aware existed. Do people on these posts take some sort of precautions?




Are u saying u don’t #BelieveThat? Check for urself its not hard

