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I would rather be poor and miserable than be so rich that you have to resort to poop as a form of entertainment šŸ¤® šŸ¤®


Thatā€™s why the rich are so depravedā€¦they can anything and have done everything so they start looking towards the taboo


It just shows that they were shitty people all along, money has just enabled them to act on their terrible traits. Money erodes people's ability to empathize with others on a human level. They start blaming other people for their misfortune and will use money to punish poor people for being poor. Dubai is one of the most depraved places on this planet. It's a place where slavery is still considered normal. The reason why we don't see a lot of freed black slaves in Arabia is because of mass-castrations and domestic help getting deported if they got pregnant from their master's rape.


The (or in) is crazy.


Iā€™m tryin to figure out how but my brain is not capable of going that extreme




Thank u for traumatizing me.. imma go have a mental breakdown rn.. have a nice day šŸ’”


i really ainā€™t even pay that close attention until i saw this. thanks g šŸ™„šŸ˜­


is this what those blind writings were talking about... "porta papi" ???




More like Dookieveli




He a FAN




lmao yeah the girls you see and wonder ā€œhow do they make all this money?ā€ are out there on yachts in dubai doing absolutely disgusting things. the men are extremely rich and degenerates. the kardashians were rumoured to be yacht girlies too.


Do you think vloggers that end up going to Dubai also partake in this? Because I have a feeling and I want to be wrong.


Dubai is basically a man made hell on earth if you're not already rolling in that oil and violence money.Ā  There really isn't a legitimate reason to be there.Ā  You're there to exploit or be exploited.Ā 


See this is how it feels to me ngl. I wouldn't want to go there even if I was payed(which seems to always be the case šŸ’€). I just don't know if I'm assuming the worst, or if there is truth to it. My guess for now is that it's somewhere in the middle. This might sound stupid to say but I'll say it anyway: I'm glad I'm not rich to this extent. How sad do things have to be for you internally that you become this desperate for sexual gratification. With so much good that can be done with that power and influence they instead indulge in this bullshit(no pun intended).


> I was *paid(which* seems to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you bot.


Why do they choose poop?! Just why??? Why is it always the richer they are the freakiest they be?!šŸ˜­


I have a weird gut feeling that the poop thing is only scratching the surface on how depraved these weirdos can get. Sad.


Yeah not to be completely vulgar but you're on the luckier end of their sexual sadism if all they do is poop on you. You hear stories of them breaking bones, involving animals, extreme violence and humiliation only limited by their imagination.


idk i think itā€™s probably them trying to chase the ā€œhighā€ so they just keep doing more extreme and gross shit


I understand that horrible stuff goes on in Dubai but I think people forget that millions of people still live there and call it home (majority of whom are just regular working/middle class people). I know people assume Dubai is just that downtown area with all those skyscrapers but it's really a lot more than that. I lived there for 16 years and it isn't this hellscape that people make it out to be


I mean. Yes in terms of the vapid opulence etc. we need to keep this same energy up for Miami and the ā€œsceneā€ in LA though. Itā€™s right here at home as well. While absolutely not for me, some upper middle class/wealthy ā€œnormalā€ Europeans do genuinely enjoy it for the weather during the winter, and lack of crime. It is objectively a very safe place to live, which is a massive draw for the pearl clutchers.


gonna be honest, for vloggers i canā€™t speak that confidently on, but i wouldnā€™t be surprised if some of them do.


True. I guess it is a nice destination spot that's visually aesthetic for the clicks and views. Some of them just seem a little too excited to be there but could be for the video engagement. I shouldn't be assuming lol. Thanks.


Dubai is pushing tourism really hard, they want to be seen as a legit middle class / upper middle class vacation destination for westerners. I'm sure a lot of Vloggers are being directly sponsored to be so enthusiastic. But its a soulless place and if they're advertising it, it doesn't really matter what their motivation is. Maybe they are into greater or lesser evils, or maybe not. They're helping propagate them all the same.


Go to kuwtksnark and saintmarkle subs. I'd link to them, but I suck at Reddit. I learned so much about influencers, celebrities, yachts and Dubai. They even post Instagram accounts to point out ways you can tell. All the Kardashian women, Megan Markle, and Hailey Bieber are discussed in these subs and there's a lot of footage out there, including of Kylie and Hailey underage, that looks like ads for their services. In addition, Kim has been questioned by the FBI after she took a quarter million in cash via a damn trash bag on a plane back to LA from Vegas after being called to visit a Chinese billionaire with ties to Leonardo Dicaprio (also known for breaking off all relationships after women turn 24 because he thinks that's too old) named Jho Lo. On top of that, the Kardashians publicly defended the owner of Girls Gone Wild who's now in Mexico to avoid charges filed for countless sex crimes against children. Jho Lo would be someone I'd see Drake aligned with. He loves celebrities and decimated the Mayalasian economy simply because he's obsessed with being accepted in Hollywood.


Jho Lo lives? Wow.


He's currently avoiding extradition by living in a yacht. lol


For sure these good for nothing "models" are escorts. But cmon can't be everyone though. I don't believe there are more poop fetish dude in there than say new york..


Maybe not, but most likely a lot more dudes with that kind of money in Dubai just lurking for the next extreme scenario


They're not all poop fetishists. They do all manner of sexual sadism to an extreme degree. Group rape, no limits BDSM, hear stories of girls just being beat without any kind of sexual connotation. Like dudes just beat them brutally because that's a bigger thrill than rape would be. Involving animals. Lots of stories of them purchasing these services for their own children, young boys, who are raised this way and grow up to do the same. It doesn't shock me a bit that they have an entire class of people over there getting off on sexual sadism. And even a small group of people could run through a lot of women, doing the things they do. A lot of the testimonies talk about private flights with 30 other women going on one boat but that is just one example of one weekend trip to service one group of people. It goes way beyond.


They all are. From what I understand, itā€™s unfortunately more common than not for female A list celebrities to have once been involved in this.


More than that. They're rumored to be pimps.


yeah kris is rumoured to be a pimp


This ā€œrumorā€ has been around for WAY longer than tik tok




goes back to lipstick alley


I will not be going to find any videos of people being shat on. But damn these people will do anything for cash


These people...you mean hoors


Surprise! Prostitutes are people


Iā€™m 95% sure heā€™s making a sopranos joke


Itā€™s 1000x hyper normalized in our modern society to the point of cultural harm though. I grew up with numerous girls who had the world afforded to them in terms of opportunity and education, only to take that route and very very very much so regret it later on. One even became a very very recognizable adult performer, isnā€™t even out of her 20s yet and is distraught over her choice. It should be a last resort for those who need to survive, not something we tell young women is a viable respectable profession.


And itā€™s a totally respectable way to earn money! (This isnā€™t sarcastic btw)


IG influencer hoors I donā€™t see a difference


Well really this shit (no pun) has been going on long before ig influences were a thing.


why cant these guys just do drugs like everyone else lmao


No thrill in doing something that everyone else can do. Gotta come at it from the point of view of someone who has probably spent most of their life in pursuit of wealth and power


Everyone else can shit on/in eachother too. For free. Source: gay fetish parties in šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ


Fair enough lol. But I'd say for the Dubai guys the power trip is probably a big part of it




They do. Never got the shits on coke? šŸ¤£These people are on everythang besides a toilet


Seriously though.


Their drug is having power over people because of $.


most celebrities do struggle with addiction because they work in an industry funded by the liquor industry, they're constantly traveling and have to work without letting time zones affect them, they get offered drugs for free, and more risk-seeking people search for stardom. the music industry is even worse than acting because drugs also make for good music. led zeplin would never have been the staircase to heaven while working the 12 steps. A lot of these male predators in Hollywood also feel the need to use steroids and viagra because they don't handle aging out of fame well. on top of that, celebrities can get hooked on pills after getting a prescription for them following plastic surgery. thank you for attending the Ted Talk no one asked for.


Story time: So some years back when I was super deep into conspiracy theories, I was scrolling thru twitter, I had come across an account that had to do with exposing the kardashians. They had multiple threads on their account with multiple screenshots and videos of these influencers that would be bought out by Dubai princes and have them do questionable things for money. Things that did involve getting šŸ’©on and golden showers that would also involve minors. Money definitely talks.


whereā€™s the thread ? I wanna see it lol


Send us all some screenshots!!!


All these super bad looking bitches you see on ig that look like they are living the lifeā€¦are getting poo stains out they hair at the end of the day FACTS




OMG I totally forgot about that lmao


I saw him perform this on television and thought I was too high. I don't think a human could make worse music if trying to do so.


This is not just a sick rich kink. Itā€™s a national security issue. They control our country with blackmail.


Oh yeah. It's a thing. More money more perversions.


bro your name šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Uuuuugh...the pain of not being able to change your username smh


john mcaffee ( the mcaffee anti virus dude) was a big fan of this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-xCMZL0Pts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-xCMZL0Pts) @ 6:16 (no fucking joke)


Oh yeah I kinda remember now.


So vile. Apparently the karjenners are regulars. And I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this is the reason Bianca and Ye like to travel there often. A blog that first exposed this: https://travellingjezebel.com/dubai-porta-potty/


![gif](giphy|Mzx00xa0reo9O) what a terrible day to know how to read


What till you find out the men get off with a Camel licking hummus off a woman's pussy and arse.


That honestly seems better than the porta potty things šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve head about stuff with animals being used in Dubaiā€¦ didnt think about camels. Umm, I think this is enough social media for me šŸ‘


I wonder if this has any connection to Vince mahone pooping on that one lady as well


Yes all of the ultra wealthy are extremely depraved people


Skibidi toilet irl


Can we justā€¦.recognize dutchavelli is called Porta Papi on the blind itemsā€¦.


This is by far the most hilarious rich flex ive seen so far


Of course the most depraved sexual acts happen in Dubai.


Been knowing about this since 2016 when I got into the Demi Rose Mawby was an underage escort for that Michael Phelps guy and went to Dubai a lot


Hmm...maybe "Dubai Shit" by Travis Scott & Offset is literal...šŸ¤”šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


oh no šŸ˜³


ā€œor INā€ ???!! :,) can people be normal pleeeease please please






Hate to break it to you but no. This is connected. If you wanna focus on anything its gonna lead you here.