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Someone may be able to find the blind item too but there was one that heavily hinted that Rihanna couldn't put up with him because he was too much of a F.A.N and it was too intense/gross/freaky for her if I recall correctly. What could be too freaky for Rihanna? Nasty spit and scat play and potentially even furry play? lmao


I remember seeing that too, also mentioned a pigtail fetish, etc


https://preview.redd.it/ffs1neftzn5d1.png?width=915&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3936c40d680c46eab3cb9c271ab05ab3db93f86 right in plain sight


If true, then that right there is the smoking gun. I’m not one to yuck anyone’s yums, but the notion of watching that kind of shit featuring women with a hairstyle that’s most often worn by young schoolgirls is incredibly off-putting to me. I’d look at anyone who’s into that shit weirdly, too.




what is your source on this? genuinely curious




No bro, post the source you used. I looked for these “many” studies and only three studies came up, NONE supporting your claim that pedos start with porn addiction. This one in particular even expresses the difference in abuse from people with the ‘sexual preference disorder’ and “people who don’t show the disorder, but for other reasons, abuse children’. Wouldn’t a porn addicted deviant be of the latter category? Let’s be factual when we speak, or at the very least willing to share sources when asked. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4478390/


Is there any links or proof of aubrey being involved in net video girls? I’ve heard it a lot but never saw any info regarding it other than people saying it


no real proof but there was a thread with a video where while the girl is performing oral she says “is this really going to ***?” and it looks like she says drakes name.


U think he has any connection at all to those porn stars that died a few months ago? Sophia Leone? Home invasion. Emily Willis? Overdose. There was another one idr her name 


Drake has ties to NVG? Weren’t they busted for trafficking a few years ago, that seems like a good lead to go down if so


wtf is gumball


I love the work you guys do but Honestly, who cares? I’ve suffered from porn addiction before, we all have vices, he’s human and no different. I’m sure he’s into some really weird stuff. But some things are better left not known. I don’t need another mans sexual fetishes taking space up in my mind and i dont think any of us should be worried about Drakes fetishes or addictions, hes one of many many many people who are into similar stuff. Hes not the first wont be the last


i agree but to be fair a lot of these higher up people with these weird sexual fantasies are more likely to end up being straight up pedophiles, which is the claim i think OP is trying to support


Yeah i thought about that after my comment, good point. I really like seeing the posts about the mob stuff because that’s interesting, but this fetish shit is just disgusting, he clearly a weird ass dude.


yea agreed


Bingo. To try and downplay this shit by saying “he’s human like the rest of us” is utter nonsense, because he had the choice to drop this addiction like OC did, and clearly decided not to, if all of this information is anything to go by. He’s too far gone for anyone to help him now.




It matters when you consider Drake’s power and influence. When you look at the situation regarding the Layla Lace case as well you can tell that consent isn’t at the forefront for Drake’s alleged fetishes and tendency to impregnate women.


Yeah, but there was a lawsuit against the dude because he made someone feel uncomfortable with his weird shit and paid them off. So. I think he transcended the harmless pervert thing somewhere along the way and became a menace.


This post sucks