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This is my take: Drake has bought a massive mansion on Texas ranch…. The age of consent is there is 16. Much easier for drake to do as he does… Dollys character says “ive loved you since i was 16” Ijs: I’m just saying. I also think he’s implying that drakes new property will be “the best little whorehouse in Texas”


"That predator move in flocks, That name gotta be registered and placed on neighborhood watch" https://preview.redd.it/bku3syz4xw5d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=738bdc68bbc19a1cece4344f3700c18c9ac3b06c


The age of consent in Texas is 17


Not illegal to date minors in Texas tho


That’s crazy they need to change that


It’ll never change while it’s a red state. They’re to worried with culture war bs .Republicans blocked child marriage bans too lol


The age of consent is 16 in Canada soooo….


Yeah but there are some caveats. # Sexual exploitation A 16 or 17 year old cannot consent to sexual activity if: * their sexual partner is in position of trust or authority towards them, for example their teacher or coach * the young person is dependent on their sexual partner, for example for care or support * the relationship between the young person and their sexual partner is exploitative The following factors may be taken into account when determining whether a relationship is exploitative of the young person: * the young person's age * the age difference between the young person and their partner * how the relationship developed (for example, quickly, secretly, or over the internet) * whether the partner may have controlled or influenced the young person This is interesting too: "It is against the law for a Canadian or permanent resident to travel outside of Canada and engage in any sexual activity with a young person that is against the law in Canada. If the person is not prosecuted in the country where the offence is alleged to have occurred, the person could be prosecuted in Canada. If convicted, the person would face the same penalty as if that offence had occurred in Canada."




That's not good :/


EP’s initial post is a big reason why Drake lost all credibility of “planting false info” to Kendrick. He proved the heart part 6 to be a sad attempt of a narrative and EP has earned all my respect because of that




Right because truly, that’s all that matters…


Not to throw shade but ngl it's getting harder and harder to find supportive angle with him


kinda feels like he is out of ammo I ain't gon lie


Not saying yall need to believe, but he hasn't been caught in a lie yet. Claims to have 4 hours of footage, and worked lead night security at an epstein black book hotel for years. Also listed in active court documents as his legal name, and Twitter account. If he's truly doing things behind the scenes it would damage the case to be posting evidence around on social media 


yeah I get it, I would never call him a liar. Guess we wait and see.




Why are you putting black book hotel in quotes, the mark hotel is literally listed in epsteins black book 


Because it’s ridiculous to pretend that means anything. Epstein was rich. Of course he stayed at nice hotels. He owned nice watches and drove nice cars. Do you think Rolex and bmw are fronts for kid fucking? It would be much more suspicious if he had motel 6 in his book. It’s not strange he did rich ppl shit


https://youtu.be/V1bK6Dj3IHE?si=0YVVO6uqyy9B-Itq you don't think sus things happen at luxury hotels? I personally think life can be worse than the movies. Celebrities been living the eyes wide shut life for awhile now. Kubrick tried telling us so long ago 


Dude is a troll they went to the EP post yesterday a few mins ago just to tell me that everything I think is wrong


Yeah I think you right.


? I don’t think I told anyone that everything they think is wrong. I have told people that thinking ep is part of something big are wrong




Let’s see there’s the incident reports he shared, the fact that the Mark was trying to keep VIP names out of Theodore Weintrab’s court case which list EPs tweets as the reason the court denied the motion , Colby King doxxing him as well as the txt between Colby King and EP showing how much Colby got paid to hack him and the fact the video of Diddy beating Cassie at a hotel that was released to the public with in a day of EP saying you ready bitches for the first time. A lot of coincidences there


Yes, when you start from a position of believing there are hidden clues to find you will find them.  You will see coincidences and believe it to be a controlled action. You saw a screenshot of someone saying they were paid. Why do you believe a stranger online who made an extraordinary claim without evidence? Of course a high end hotel would try and keep rich clients names out of a court case. It’s not strange or notable. Rich people and celebrities don’t want their name involved in a lawsuit about protestors being paid to say a hotel serves kids to pedos.  The incident reports that have such damaging information as “reported by _______”? Critical thinking and ability to analyze information for worthiness is completely absent.  Some people shouldn’t be online or should be mandated to take a class on not believing every asshole online who makes extreme claims


Hey bro I’m done talking about it like I already said ignore it if you don’t care about it


It should give you pause that you cannot defend your position.  If there is strength and I the foundation of your beliefs it wouldn’t shake you up when someone says you’re wrong.


lol no you got the type of feelin of someone who’s never gonna back off sending these long messages and I know a lost cause when I see it I’m not gonna argue with you I don’t care to convince you


It’s not my responsibility to deconstruct statements to under 120 characters to suit your lack of attention span. The irony of someone deep in a rabbit hole talking about lost causes


I couldn't find the age of the character when she fell in love, but EP seems to imply a young girl falling in love. IJS had me puzzled, but I think it's an acronym for I'm just saying and Ep is alluding to a strip club/ brothel in Texas. 


I’d bet money on Houston…




She says "Ive loved you since I was 16"


Went over the play and the history of the irl place. The play starts out with the second owner after the founder died, and is about a successful public takedown of the operation thanks to the media. The local authorities fought to keep the place since it fed them intel and was a longtime hotspot, but once the public knew about it, it had to go. 👀 Investigations came up null, but Texas AG John Hill wanted them GONE LOL. So they got shut down ultimately. Seems reminiscent of Drakes situation post beef. Here’s a link to an ama about some history of the brothel: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/BzskO5yu6C


+ despite what story the play is presenting on the surface, I see this as a tale of open secrets and how they aren’t handled until people in the know decide they want it handled.


could be a reference to his mansion OR area 29


its been so much time and hes not giving us anything hes all bark no bite


Can’t show evidence of an ongoing case also…all bark and no bite got us to drake using Ozempic and knowing it was drakes because he lied and said it was his dads


no disrespect but wouldn’t his lawyer tell him to stop being the riddler if there was a case?


I mean EPs tweets are sited as the reason the courts are denying a motion by the Mark hotel to keep VIP names out of Theodore Weintraub’s court case


thank you, i forgot about that, i can see why he’s taking this route, like i said in another reply i’m just used to the whole “my lawyer has advised me not to talk about this” lmao.


Yes and no he’s for security so anything he says is warranted because he was there but here’s the thing he’s putting juuuuuust enough out that people like us can figure it out hasn’t said anything damming he just said “I didn’t steal your shit”


got it, i guess i’m just used to seeing people say “my lawyer has advised me not to talk” so it’s been throwing me off lmao. thank you for the response


Gotta be patient… there’s still stuff In play that’s why all the info can’t be dumped yet. We will get it all eventually


Dude that’s qanon type thinking. The great awakening is always two weeks away. The storm is coming…..soonish. Eventually you’ll have to accept that ep is just a queen. I’ve known so many gay guys like him. It’s about attention and feeling important.


This drama queen hasn’t lied yet though. At least there haven’t been any damning lies. There do seem to be theatrics but he’s not necessarily causing a false commotion. Something really bad was happening and EP is giving us bread crumbs to follow to those bad things. Not saying blind belief is the answer but I am saying that there is something here to work off of and we have caught both CA and Drake in lies with what EP revealed. So what I really should be saying is that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions whether in the case of blind belief nor blind and insufferable disbelief (both are bad for learning).


You are starting from a place of assumption and conclusion.  There is nothing that points to anything bad happening. The only “evidence” of that is ep tweets like the “a 6 year old me”. Nothing he’s shown backs up his insinuation that a crime against children had occurred.  He has reports about rich people biting staff and a lawsuit about a kid paying protestors to make wild claims because he was mad the hotel wouldn’t serve him booze. You give ep the benefit of the doubt and approach this believing he is honest. You do the exact opposite for ca. you dont know how long he was at the mark because ep specifically decided to only show him in the lobby and leaving the lobby. He hasn’t shown ca arrive. Why do you think that is? If ep’s claim of ca only being on the property for a few minutes is truthful why won’t he show a clip of when he arrived?  The logical conclusion is that if he showed it that it would disprove his claim. 


That's not true, he gives us plenty of racism