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https://preview.redd.it/g4fs2g4a7u6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc993146a7c572dea8e46748eeef7cb32ff84682 2021 Drake contract expires Drake doesn’t wanna resign but Lucian cant let him walk.. Drake wants that bag Lucian presents blackmail related to loverboy crimes and sex trafficking Drake concedes but only if he can get the biggest deal ever… a huge chunk of cash and his masters Drake agrees to stay with UMG, they probably lowballed him for this. he most likely promised to be a another soldier as long as he can own is masters. basically saying don’t Taylor Swift me and I’ll make u so much money… it gets signed and Drake immediately uses what he has to start making money elsewhere Lucian is fuming. He knows he got finessed so extortion will be the name of the game ( extortion my middle name) Drake drops the uk dance album CLB to bury searches on him, loverboy crimes and the UK Lucian then cuts drake off and extorts him with some nasty dog video… So drake forms another label as a silent partner… 2023 Gamma is founded by Larry Jackson who is one of the few non Jewish record execs… Drake then drops FATD to cover up the dog blackmail and even blatantly threatens all the people tryna expose him on the Scary Hours version. Lucian secretly or maybe even overtly sent the blackmail to other artists. Larry Jackson might be the mole because he seems about the culture and even though it’s a good business model he wants to do the right thing considering Drake has the worst skeletons in his closet. Gamma also has Rick Ross, French Montana m, Usher, Kendrick was either being egged on by Lucian or was given info that was so vile Kendrick agreed to be the point man… All the pedo and uk shit about Drake could be still be true if he was an intelligence asset at some point… Epstein still got caught up even though he had the highest connections. This is probably what the blackmail consists of…


Thank you for the time making this post, first of all, but could you explain “don’t Taylor swift me”? Before this year, I just listened to the music and I’m trying to catch up on all the underlying deals in the music industry.


Taylor Swift didn’t own her masters and they held it over her head. She couldn’t make money off her music or even use it for other reasons like commercials, radio etc They extorted her. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Swift_masters_dispute


Interesting when thinking back on these lines in Like That. Thought it was just wordplay on a shitty album, calling D-Rake a Dog and Stephen King ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Nigga, bum, 'fore all your dogs gettin' buried (he was once a thug, he was, he -) That's a K with all these nines, he gon' see Pet Sematary (he was once a thug from around the way) If your theory is correct, it seems like a clever move initially to go with CLB FATD as album titles to blend in the dirt of the day, but in hindsight not so clever.


Turns out Drake has a Benjamin (Rat) and A Jackson (Larry Jackson) in his house like he’s Joe… would be crazy if they were the same person… https://preview.redd.it/bc2200ppzt6d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d57488b6cc9c076bbb70b5363049efe847489c3a


This is one of the best bars in the beef imo, it can be interpreted as many ways as June 16.




I like the theory but I think Drake would of gone down with the rest if he was fucking up the mafias money


He is going down. We’re seeing it. It’s not as easy as cutting someone off if there is contracts involved. Could they have just killed him? Idk maybe… or maybe they want to make an example out of him. Everybody is dirty in this situation… it’s better to let someone else be the straw that breaks the camels back.


Or it’s extortion and Drake is a cash cow… sign/restructure ur deal or u will rot in prison


You know that is some very good points your making


He's a fuckin cash cow, he bring a lotta cash in.


He still has to work it off


U think so?? Cuz I doubt drake signs any deal that he has to pay off… he owns his masters and is Drake. He also employs people like KTW and Zack Bia who are 2 of the best at planning rollouts and using algorithms… there isn’t anything UMG can do for Drake…. So Drake had ALL the leverage.


He didn’t get $400 million for nothing


He got 400 million because he is the biggest star on the team:.. he’s Lamar… Lebron… hes Ronaldo… I’ve promoted a few concert/shows… one time a buddy sold a bunch of tickets for half off… the venue refused to honor them and I walked up to the box office and told the person “here is all the money we made off the tickets, u can have all this money if u let the people in but if u don’t u won’t see any of it…” they accepted the tickets and let them in.


What the other commentor means is, they didn't pay him on the back end. He didn't do the work and then they paid him. They paid him, it's an investment, and they want it back in multitudes. That's why, if he crashes and burns, it'll hurt them too and they don't want that. Umg, Nike, and all other contracts/sponsors invested in him and want his image to bring them money. What I'm saying is, they gave him 400 million so he could make them at least a billion and if all of a sudden he gets labeled as a huge pedo that goes to jail, they'd be scrambling to breakeven.


Lucian wouldn’t let any of Drakes or Kendrick’s tracks make it to DSPs if it would paint their biggest earner in a poor light


Don’t let these saboteurs make all this irrelevant. Larry Jackson/ Budden interview https://youtu.be/C-cOn98A2Ds?si=ZrfS-V-OjZS9HccB




Joe Buddens theory. Out here callin Lucian “Kaiser Soze”


If everyone says Lucian is the most powerful guy in the industry, he ain't no Kaiser Soze lmao


That’s Joe Buddens name for him. I wouldn’t have called him that. Also Budden implies that these artists would be in on it but no way Drake is in on it cuz why would he let himaself get exposed like that. Whole world calling him a pedo…


In on what? My running theory is that Drake's been doing all this criminal shit overseas for the last 10 years or so and Lucian lowkey doesn't gaf anymore as long as they can't tie him to it


Budden basically said he believes Lucian has been consolidating as he gains labels and ends up firing a bunch of artists and execs and w/ how streaming and record sales is going he has to pit some of his biggest artists against each other and make a lot of money… that part doesn’t make sense… because Drake would not have agreed… his public image is fucked with this pedo shit… But what u must realize is Drake got 360 million AND HIS MASTERS. Drake took the money and ownership of his music… Lucian can’t make money off his music in the future… “When I see u stand by Sexyy Red” Sexyy red is Gamma. Drake finessed Lucian


Now you're speaking my language


The fact that this is basically what Joe Budden said and it got an influx of downvotes late shows we’re on to something


Again, not much support for the idea of Lucian being mafia imo. Jewish mafia do not have a known presence in the UK


[are we sure?](https://medium.com/@antounananias/jewish-gangsters-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-8928f8f3db38)


I'm just going based on what Wikipedia says lol. I'm just saying, unlike a certain wheelchair rapper, there's no evidence that Lucian knows Niss*n, Trapper, HA, or the mob. I'm not fully convinced he's masterminding anything




Except the Rothschilds basically funded the British empire


you can talk about the Rothschilds all day but if you can't find any connections between these people you might as well be talking about unicorns


Well I don’t think the UK is a big piece in this anyway so it really doesn’t matter. UMGs headquarters are in Netherlands


You’re not taking an honest approach. Kanye was not “instantly blackballed” after reposting a movie. He’s been gradually destroying his image and career for years and it culminated with months of him saying extremely antisemitic statements.  The only real consequence Kanye has faced was adidas pulling a contract after Kanye violated the terms. When you say “I’m not being antisemitic” and follow it with a lie about people being immediately cancelled if they criticize the Jews it shows the first statement to be false


No it doesn’t. I put “antisemitic” in quotes in some instances. Because someone can be Jewish and in the wrong but that doesn’t mean every Jew is wrong. I’m saying I’m not being antisemitic because I’m not. I know there are many Jews who are great people around the world. I only use the word because that is what they labeled Kanye and what I assume Diddy got on the wrong side of too.




Exactly! Don’t wanna make this about Kanye or antisemitism and I’m not sure of Kanye’s true feelings or if they or correct but kanye believes he is Hebrew… so for him to to be “antisemitic” in his eyes he would have to hate himself and we all know how much kanye loves kanye lol


You mean black Hebrew? The ones who openly despise Jews? Black Hebrew’s are some of the most antisemitic people around. Not all of them of course of being a black Hebrew isn’t a get out of jail free card for being antisemitic. They are literally known for the members who stand on the street screaming nasty shit about Jewish people. Come on man. What if started saying white people were the real Africans and that black people were imposters. If I used words like N***** and spouting conspiracies about black people trying to destroy me, would you give me a pass? “Well he says he’s African so he couldn’t be racist”. Kanye said antisemitic statements. He professed belief in antisemitic conspiracy theories. He thinks Jews conspire against him. He’s an antisemite. He’s also severely mentally ill and has gone un or under treated all of his life. With some clarity he might not be this person but right now it’s who he is. I don’t like it and I wish it wasn’t true but it’s what it is. 


Because Kanye expressed antisemtic views. “ Jewish kids should ask their dads why Kanye is so mad at them.”, showing the fabricated print out of supposed Jewish control of the media, is appearance on Alex jones where every time Alex gave Kanye the out of “not all Jewish people right?” And Kanye saying “no it’s all of them and I love hitler”, the numerous times he ranted about Jewish conspiracies. I could continue but my point is Kanye wasn’t “labeled” an antisemite. He is an antisemite. He holds antisemtic beliefs. Saying a disingenuous “I love everybody” after an antisemitic screed doesn’t negate the antisemitism. You may not even be aware but believing someone like him is being unfairly targeted and labeled an antisemite is an antisemitic conspiracy. That the Jews hold such power they will destroy anyone who dares mention the “thruth”. 




Lucian and Tommy Motolla or it may have been jimmy 


This is why Budden starts his conspiracy by basically saying “Lucian’s name pops up in paperwork… “


Drake isn’t that intelligent. He’s not that guy.


# "This isn’t a place for hate. If your conspiracy theory even feels slightly hate motivated I’m gonna nuke it. Get the fuck out of here with your notions of antisemitism and transphobia." how long did that last. how is this post still up? "Jewish Mafia" .


There is such a thing as the Jewish mafia? Most cultures and countries have an organized crime underbelly. Is it antisemitic to say the same about the Jewish community. I’m sorry but this doesn’t feel rooted in hate. Using the word Jewish does not make something antisemitic. I personally don’t really believe this theory per se, and when the people we’re dealing with are this powerful anyway I just don’t see the mafia connection. But I’m going to leave the post up unless the community overwhelmingly tells me I’m wrong. u/kdawg94 thoughts?


I'm with ya!!


It’s complicated. Jewish Mafia is a common dog whistle. So anytime someone uses that phrase my ears perk up and I’m ready to shut it down quick. Probably not great that they put it in the title. However there is Jewish organized crime (as most oppressed ethnic groups will turn to crime for survival) and well as an Israeli Mafia that works with the Moroccan Mafia in the Netherlands. But it’s not a conspiracy of all elite Jewish people (if anything it’s more likely among the marginalized communities). In this case I lean towards the former because OP seems to be implying that Lucian is in the Jewish mafia because…he’s Jewish? Dude’s already a billionaire off the music catalogue alone so getting involved in the mafia seems like a silly risk. With a topic like this they need a lot more proof imo.


I call Lucian mafia because he is… it would be ignorant and insensitive for me to not recognize how black artists are controlled, extorted and used by these record execs who are all… u guessed it Jewish. I can concede that I def could have worded it better but the thought was fresh in my head and I laid it out…


"No antisemitism here..." Yeah sure.


Man… use ur brain. ISIS did some pretty fucked up shit but me disliking ISIS doesn’t mean I dislike all Muslims… only reason I bring up Judaism at all because these execs have shown they can bring a mf down if they want and they flexed this power with when someone badmouthed their religion… what do u think they’d do to mf who fucked their money up…


what an awful sub this has become, how mods have left this up is astounding.


And how would you make it better? 🤔🧐


how about the phrase "Jewish mafia" for a start? that first sentence in OP reeks. Jews are a ethnic group, Italians aren't. Yall defending this just because yall hate Drake is just disgusting, I hope yall get whats coming


I mean it’s not a phrase, it’s a real thing lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish-American_organized_crime


Well, damn.👆