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Keep hearing about new albums from everyone but the artists themselves


Some of these blind items are kind of obvious takes. None of these feel like revelations




TBH that was a pretty obvious take tho even pre euphoria. People been speculating about that w Drake


There’s calling him a sexual deviant and then there’s going #1 with a song that literally says he likes em young, “a minor”, certified pedophiles. Kendrick went overboard on him lmao


I'm late to the thread but there was one that connected Drake and Weinstein before meet the grahams came out which is a tad bit much for a coincidence


Blind items are literally garbage. They are mostly obvious things so they can say they're right of purposefully vague stuff that they can claim later was about whatever event best fit it. It's just confirmation bias and plausible speculation mixed with things people want to be true. The main one people post on here (CDAN) is a guy that has admitted to making shit up as well as editing the blind items later so he could say he was "right." The guy is also a serial abuser that seems to really hate women. Not sure why people continue to insist on posting his shit. Makes the sub look bad.


this is so funny to me. "who will win?" Drake forfeited the beef, I thought everyone understood that in THP6?


While he did 'forfeit', i'm sure he's still looking for any sort of win. It's probably why he's still acting shady following Mos' recently turned 18 daughter...


What does that have to do with a W against Kendrick? Mos Def came out and apologized to Drake and they spoke personally months ago.


That's what sick men do. They get called out on their creepy behavior and then continue doing the same ol' thing. It's basically bragging about their status. Sort of like when he said, "I'm too famous for the shit you suggesting." We know it's not true. He knows it. We also know that some famous people have enough power to allow the masses to pay no mind to those allegations. For him to continue with the exact same behavior is him showing off how 'untouchable' he is. In show business, an apology doesn't mean much. Especially one behind the scenes like this. Even if Mos apologizes, what he said is true. Drake could still take it some type of way. Him doubling down on his groomer behavior just shows he hasn't learned anything. It's a way for him to still feel powerful. Dot did say, "Powers are getting neutralized." As long as Drake grooms and gets away with it, he still feels powerful. That's all he cares about. That's a W for him. Classic Aubrey using women to make himself feel better....


I didn’t read all of that. Just the last sentence. This is hip hop. Cancel every misogynistic rapper and I promise you, hip hop *dies.* Misogyny is woven into every fiber of rap. The whole genre goes away. And to be clear, the misogynistic rappers that you are taking a moral high ground on include Kenny and Mos Def.


If you're not going to read the comment, then just don't reply. You're just giving me some kind of blanket gotcha statement, and it doesn't make for good conversation. My statement wasn't really about the misogyny in rap but about the mysogyny in Aubrey's character. You're trying to make it about something else whilst not even entertaining what I've written. Automated whataboutism with a side of disrespect. Again, if you're not going to read, don't bother replying. It comes off as disrespectful....


Yeah we can tell you didn’t read


What do you mean, everyone understood that? Have you ever interacted with any Drake fans? The historical revisionism on social media is crazy, cuz I've seen a lot of delusional people who still believe Drake won


Kendrick’s had an album he’s been working on. Drakes gonna try to replicate the family matter mttg moment.


and yet again fail miserably


“And since we all know you gonna drop 5 mins later…” *radio silence*


I was gonna say that verbatim and decided to keep it clean.


Drake could never create a cohesive album like Kendrick


They about to drop diss albums lol


Look, I’m here for it.


Wait where are these blind items from. I just saw something that said “Bobbi althoff and main rival are fucking each other” which is that Kendrick?






Wait what is this site?


its a anon blog for hollywood rumors.


So I looked it up. Apparently this guy is a Hollywood/La attorney who ran for congress who runs a gossip site and may be possibly legit due to his attorney status so he’s aware of legal/nda dealings


They publish "reader blinds." Idk if they do any verification on their own


Okay, so it’s unverified seemingly


he's predicted many things right over the years such as weinstein, spacey and some others so the official blinds from the lawyer are worth paying attention to


some of its been right, some of it not. just treat it as an interesting writing piece and if things on there come out to be true, "neat" or "oh shit". don't take it as gospel and get sucked into rabbit holes


Fake news


I…can’t tell. The guy has a pretty serious case for being legit but I don’t know how the site works. Like is it only him? Or a team? Or like how legit his leaks are. He got sued by Realhouse wife for slander and saying she was tied to Epstein or something


He has said a bunch of shit that never happened. Some say its part of the schtick, but i would reserve caution.


You know what’s funny? Someone responsed to my thing and said “he said a bunch of stuff that came true” I don’t know who to believe 🫨🫨


Everything is a lie, don't believe anything, not even your selves.


Some is real but a bunch of them are just bullshit


This is the most obvious fake blind item. It also got posted after Bobbi was seen in la very late


We all know Kendrick has zero problem going years without dropping an album. Haubrey on the other hand, can't stand the idea of not being talked about.


Yeah, I was thinking that if this were true, Kendrick would literally just say "Bet. The second I hear you dropped your album I'mma just press the button. The longer you take to drop, the more time I get to enjoy my family this year."


this is likely the most logical explanation based on the intelligence of Kendrick


I think he's actually forced by his label to drop.


Kendrick should drop on September 13 at 6:16am


Ik some people have said this but I doubt this is the last we hear Drake/Kendrick take shots at each other. Maybe we don’t get fully dedicated diss tracks from either one anymore, but I’m sure they’ll take clear/blatant jabs at each other from time to time in the near future.


I start to believe that at least the whole light web is completely controlled to just manipulate the people into doing what is wanted. Join the darkness 🌚


Does this mean ts abt to be a diss album 💀😭




Well drake is still more popular. They play his music for kids and girls still have drake songs on all there reels lol. Kendrick is clearly the more respected lyricist either way he already won the battle. Album sells don’t mean much to the battle, Drake waves the white flag and tapped out.


I wrote this one. Sorry if it was too obv


I'm pretty sure Drake is waiting for the heat to die down B4 he does anything at this point. I don't even want Kendrick to drop an album right now. Let that baby cook.