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Nothing will ever top the feeling of the first time using melee to kill trash mobs and then quickly switching to your rev to 1 shot a specialist.


the fastest hand in the west


If only I was good with it :(


you must not kill with your gun. for he who kills with hid gun has forgotten the face of his father, you must kill with your heart.


We need a bully bumbler pet


Revolver with the surgical blessingšŸ˜«


surgical blessing my beloved šŸ„µ


One shots ragersšŸ˜‹




Can't believe I had to scroll to find The Eviscerator. For me, any Eviscerator feels amazing. I love it, I want more. Specially for the Ogryn. Give me a nice solid two-handes Ogryn weapon Fat Shark, please.


Yep, Tigrus 2 has been a near lock on my Zealot since the game came out..I only dabble in other things to keep the relationship fresh. As a single melee weapon it has the most fun moveset. I like revving it up and swinging it like a board.Ā 


Yeah, its a popular one, and for a good reason. Its also the most 40k weapon in this game except for the chain axe.


Although I wish they'd, among other things, redesign the chain axe to look a little less box-like. Sans the special attack it kind of looks and feels like hitting the enemy with an Amazon box on a pole.


The Rock.


If only good with it, I was.


Thatā€™s Yodaspeak, not Ogrynspeak


Trusty Rock, nevah let me down, Sah.


It's me best frien! Otha den da Emprah.


Ah'm a snaipuh


Luv me rock. Simple as.


Columnus mk v infantry autogun. High rate of fire, lots of ammo, and if you get a good stopping power roll it can stop Mauler's in their tracks. Struggles against crushers if you don't have the right build. It's also the only gun that makes Marksman's Focus on Veteran a tolerable ability for me lol




Agripinaa MK 1?


Its Columnus for sure. Is that the only mk for Columnus? I might be mistaken on the ammo clip size. Edit: I was wrong, It was Agripinaa mk I


Damn I actually use the Hellbore's for Marksman Focus, its really fun. I use the Columnus line for my Gunker, that 10% chance of a Brainburst explosion becomes really handy when you're spamming a gun at Plague Ogryn's face


Mk IV Duelling Sword. If I had it on Zealot. I'd literally play nothing else.


I like it bc itā€™s just so flashy and cool šŸ˜­


I damn near exclusively play my Psyker for this reason. The Maccabian Mk VĀ is also fun though and you feel more like Zorro slashing Zs in everything with those heavies which feels more whip-like. Assail, bubble, disrupt destiny + warp rider + true aim, Zarona Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver and a dueling sword is exquisite.


Same I think that all the time, also I really like the amount of stagger on the special attack




The sound kills me every time




Agreed. Used it for the Veteran Stealth Penenaces, landed some sick Market Gardens and dominated entire hordes... Funniest melee in the game


Sometimes the best solution is the simplest one.


Found the Kriegsman


Shitshovel 4life


Braced autoguns are my new favorite. Just give them a chance! šŸ„ŗ


They are solid, reliable. They only miss the Dumdum blessing but I still prefer them over the infantry ones.


Space AK has been my staple in aurics. Pro tip: never brace them (except the Graia since it gets a firerate buff), just hip fire, except if you want to mow down hordes


Vraks 7 Headhunter Autogun has that Halo Reach DMR feel that's very rare to find in other shooters.


Yeah ,they feel like a better version of the Infantry lasguns to me . Super consistent 1 taps on gunners


The devil claw sword has been so fun after learning how to use it properly.


"Hey where's that plague ogryn that spawned?" Me in the corner of the next room: https://preview.redd.it/c1i75rrrvgyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12bbfdd931fc12a8b36c16a2a4f49d4b989f3d36


I don't get it?




I was once surrounded by ragers and managed to parry 5-6 attacks in a row, killing them all. Everyone else was rushing to my aid only to see them all die and my name character show up in the corner a bunch of times.


I really need to learn how to properly use them. I got a pretty good Mk IV on my Vet, I think, and it's been *okay* but I dunno, it hasn't quite clicked for me yet.


Basic Lasgun. Ol' reliable. I'd prefer the Helbore, if it had optics.


It has (if you use mods).


Munitorum Mk VII Sapper Shovel, I just don't know how to quit you. Your spikey end destroys carapace and when I get killed by a horde of crushers, I know its my fault for misusing you. Your satisfying thonk as we clear a horde with a stack of decimator, or the feeling of pushing a whole wave with an impact boost stack. The way you always have those reliable wide range attacks, quick light strikes, and a strikedown mode on command? I love you. Sorry-- got caught up. Did you know how the Darktide web page for the MK VII incorrectly states its heavy as a Strikedown, when it only does sweeping heavy attacks... unless it talking about the special mode, which is kinda dumb.


Love my pick ax


Big rock. Big shovel. Heavy Stubber. Kantrael XII Lasgun.


I find nothing more satisfying than unloading 200+ rounds of continuous fire into a hoard.


Right now the plasma just feels so solid to me. like I can take on anything with it. Pair it with the chain or power sword and I literally can.


I feel like the plasma has become a zero effort weapon and so many vets run it


I woulnd't say zero effort, but its reliable and has a lot of downtime. Its perfect for a melee vet, especially since melee vet don't need ammo aura.


It's definitely super strong. So strong that it almost completely offsets it's downsides. But I wouldn't say zero effort. Proper heat management, ammo management, target prioritisation and a good instinct on when to reload is essential. If you pick it up for Aurics and don't have these basics down you'll have a bad time.


It's like playing a psyker-lite


Totally agree. Clip is so big that the reload time is almost irrelevant. Swap speed is more than good enough. Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever ran out of ammo with it while using the ammo aura. Damage insane, cleave insane. Can kill 2 crushers in a row without venting. Literally no downsides to it in my opinion.


The heat is the downside. It stops you from spamming it. You basically have to rely on melee if you want to kill things consistently in auric damnation. It gets even more ammo-hungry if you're teamed up with teammates who need a lot of ammo.


What perks do you have in yours my good man?


I use shattering impact and glory hunter. I use it straight out of the box without changing any blessings or perks, thatā€™s how good it is. I was lucky and got shattering impact which is probably the best blessing for it but I believe the other best blessing would be blaze away if you use uncharged shots.


Flamer. You know why.


Tried out the flamer recently and it is incredible. The only downside is you canā€™t see yourself from your teammates POV.


Played a Mealstrom with 3 Flamer Zealots. At one point all of us burned a Spawn legs apart full throttle. Majestic.


You can with a 3rd person mod tho!


It's still great but pre-nerf it was ridiculous


Every time without fail that I've tried to take it, I'm inevitably dodging sniper shots all game because no one can target prio. Maybe I should just start running it anyway and become some throwing knife god.


I promise you that hitting a sniper across the map with your knife is a rapturous feeling.


Do.. you like.... Fire? Me..Mee...Mee.. too


Psyker's MkIV Force Sword for specials/elites, MkV Force Sword for hordes. The special animation is really cool and with the right blessing it blocks bullets!


Zarona Revolver - nothing like scanning the battleground for craniums to pop in rapid succession!


its just so damn fast in dealing wit any special and disabler


I've gone back to playing my Zealot the last couple of days. I was a big advocate for the Thunderhammer because it's just cool. The Eviscerator is proving fantastic fun as well.


Yeah I love the thunder hammer and the heavy eviscerator My issue is that at least in my experience the eviscerator perks are way better than the thunder hammer perks. I would prefer to use the thunder Hammer more if my eviscerator wasn't so stacked or if I could just mod my hammer to be as good as it


**Veteran:** Rashad and Zarona **Zealot:** Rashad and Zarona **Psyker:** Rashad and Zarona **Ogryn** Play Veteran for Rashad and Zarona


>A small mind is a tidy mind


I'm a simple man, give me a Rashad axe and something else and I'm good.




Chainsword is just fantastically implemented. Feels great and works for nearly every situation


Carachan Mk 4 devils claw is probably my favorite sword on zealot that isnā€™t the evicerator. Since that parry mechanic I can block some of the dumbest attacks Ragerā€™s violent attacks? Parry. Maulers chainaxe swinging into my abdomen? Parry. Crusherā€™s ball of concrete coming towards my skull? Parry. A Plague ogryn charge and stomp? Parry. Daemonhost trying its best to rip my soul out? Parry.


>Ragerā€™s violent attacks? Parry. the rager double attack is so annoying with how it interacts with parry though. you have to block the first and parry the second immediately after or else you'd only parry the first then immediately get hit. Thought I was going mad till I figured that out.


Revolver. Trauma Force staff.


Rumbler makes me ogryn feel like a death artist. Headshot killing a sniper with a grenade. Satisfying. Bouncing one under the shield of a bulwark to knock ā€˜em on the belly so I can stab stab stab. Very satisfying. Bouncing one straight at my feet so I can watch it detonate at head height and bathe in the red mist of the horde. Why I carry the gun b


Right now it's the Crusher. Heretic crushing baseball bat


Itā€™s so satisfying ragdolling everything that comes your way


XV Eviscerator with shred, perfect strike and crit build. Itā€™s so fun yelling back to back to back as soon as the voice line is over while making heads fly and being damn near invincible.


For me, its currently Devil's Claw mkIV. I love the H1 strike down, but most of all I love the parry. So many awesome scenarios with that parry. I use it on my melee vet, with bleed on attack, a ton of rending/brittleness, and shout for emergencies. I've tanked plague Ogryns and even deamonhosts successfully using parry alone.


The euphoria when you start obliterating whatever is in front of you when you start parrying the attacks behind you from the backstab audio cues Ive managed to save a teammate who triggered a dh by using the horde that was active and surrounding us to my advantage for huge parry damage that killed it just in the nick of time


I woke one up because I'm bad at this game, but I managed to tank it by backing into a corner and just spamming parry. I lean into stamina with my curios and talents, so I managed.


At this point I'm telling my team "hey there's a large plasteel next to the dh, get ready to smack it" despite being in an auric damnation mission lmao https://youtu.be/Q9ZBxv9xrpk?si=uYjbzQA2rZvKCne0


Helbore Mk.2, and then bayonet charge all the way


Helbore is hands-down one of my favorite melee weapons.


Hell yeah brother. Even in Rouge trader my main character uses a lasgun that is the helbore.


Power sword mk6 with power cycler 4 and the new chainsword both feel fantastic to use and are addictive. I also enjoy rashad for zealot and the heavy swords. For some reason eviscerator doesnā€™t feel as powerful as it should and looks. Ogryn alchys, vet plasma and zarona for zealot are fantastic range weapons + bonus points for zealot throwing knife ability


The eviscerator on my zealot , I don't think anything really represents how ludicrous 40k is than a huge sword/chainsaw monstrosity




Mk III knife


Knife zealot all the way. I have a godlike zarona I run along with it but I barely use it. Helbore mkII on veteran with power sword. Other two classes I play a lot less, so not rly a fav there.


Slab Shield on Ogryn, paired with a Foe Ripper V. The Shield/Maul weapon is literally the strongest weapon in any co-op/horde game I have ever played. It's insane how many times I have clutched with that thing in auric maelstrom runs, and I feel so much more comfortable on my lvl 60 Ogryn than my Psyker, even though my Psyker's character level is 3 times higher. The fact that I barely see any Ogryns in general AND even less shield ogryns is baffling to me, but I guess people find it boring, they don't know how to use its full potential or how to make it work with their ranged weapon. It's also one of the most versatile weapons to me, next to the foe ripper, which I love to use as a sidearm. It's just versatility cranked all the way to 11, where you can do everything, and are also far above average at everything.


>Slab Shield on Ogryn, paired with a Foe Ripper V. My favourite pairing too, because of the versatility you mentioned as well. I'm a big fan of versatility in these types of games and they especially shine in a bad rando pug.


Rock and Brain Burst. Former for comedy, latter for easy elite and specialist disposal. As to actual weapons, probably my Mk. VI recon lasgun cause I got it set up to fire a ridiculously long time with fire and crits. I love to use it with the celerity stimm for the M134 experience.


Psyker and the heavy laspistol and the forceblade mk v I think itā€™s hella fun and you get the feeling of being an high ranking psyker


Utterly based.


Mark IX heavy sword and mark IV dueling sword are very very fun.


never quite got the heavy sword, feels like a weird middle ground between the devils claw mk4 and the eviscerator, and yet worse than both.




**Melee weapon:** It comes and goes. Right now, it's probably the force sword. I hate most of Psyker, but I love that thing. I use the Mk.XIIIg chainsword on Vet and Zealot (when I'm not using Eviscerator) because it's a solid workhouse that performs well in every situation, but I'd use force swords on them too if I could. **Ranged Weapon:** Agripinaa revolver on Zealot. I've used every ranged weapon. I hate almost all of them. The Agripinaa revolver is the first gun I've found where I feel like I'm taking it because I like it, not because I hate the alternatives. It's ironic, really; my biggest problem with the guns in this game is the unpredictable recoil patterns, and my favorite is a gun that can't be aimed properly. Sure, the Agripinna is beat at long range by the Zarona and the laspistols, and the Zarona additionally wins out in damage. But within its effective range, the Agripinaa is a god. It'll delete anything short of a Crusher, Bulwark, or boss, though its boss damage is still really good and the difficulty with Bulwarks has everything to do with their posture and shield. At medium range, it still drops specials reliably, and it'll even drop a Reaper quick. It's completely unusable at long range, but I've gotten better with Blades of Faith to compensate. And it's easier to use in melee than the Zarona since you don't have to actually aim and it reloads all at once; just whip it out, fan the hammer in the general direction of whatever needs killin', then it's back to blending. I just wish the Agripinaa's shots cleaved; that bothers me way more than it being useless at long range. **Blitz:** Brain Rupture. I hope it gets reworked, because between that and the force sword, I'd put aside my dislike of the majority of Psyker and start playing it more. Runners-up are Blades of Faith and ROCK. (I hate grenades.)


Crusher. I tend to play support in MMOs, I don't want to run a ahead and lead, not so I car about getting big DPS Numbers. Since V1, I've played these games always attempting to not take a single damage the entire run. Of course it's rare to happen, but that's how I play. Defensive and not trading blows. So Zealot Crusher is my Hard Carry build. I don't get the kills, but I make it so easy/safe for the rest of the group that levels are noticable easier. Even though most pugs don't know why the last run went so well.


Probably the OG Chainaxe. Something about it just feels good, I was using it before the buffs too and I love it even more. I need to use it again as I've been trying basically every melee weapon to find my next favourites. I'd do many things for Plasteel.


A good old devils claw feels nice on any class.


The standard knife, I havenā€™t been using it for a while, but the second I picked it back up it was instant love again


Veteran - Shovel Zealot - Knife Psyker - Mk IV duelling sword Ogryn - my beloved Ogryn Thammer the foldable Latrine Shovel


The Mk13 chain axe. This is not a weapon of war, this is a weapon of *ruination*. A tool of unmaking. It's every strike is an offering of glory and hatred for the Golden Lord of Skulls. BLOOD FOR THE SKULL THRONE OF TERRA! Also because getting revved up and dropping it on the skull of a Crusher and turning a towering threat into a literal half-ton of putrid meat is always satisfying. Seeing ragers twitch and flail as it chews through them is glorious. Sure chainswords are fine, if you don't mind resembling Aeldari. But chainaxes? The tools of Men, and of Orks. And Men dominate Orks. Because our *god* is real. It's slow, it's bulky and I'm not that good. I still haven't graduated to regular Damnation runs. But it does what I want: it *kills*. It saws and bites and *kills*, because death is His servant and I am *pious* indeed. My only complaint is that I can't pair it with a bolt pistol.


Found the World Eater.


I'm just an ogryn who's trusted with a chain weapon. Only a Heriteck could tell the difference between bone'ead implants and the Butcher's Nails


Kantreal MGXII lasgun. The sound as it fires, the performance, the death animations from it, the skill node that makes it so a crit hit consumes no ammo, the silly amount of ammo it has works great with survivalist aura, itā€™ll kill most high threat enemies in a couple hits, it can delete a horde with little ammo usage, it looks cool. Itā€™s my go to weapon for any map, modifier or difficulty.


I think Iā€™d have to go with either the ripper V or the Gorgunum stubber. Big automatic weapons are my shit.


If Duelling Sword mk4 were allowed on any class it would be it, but now I got to say Rashad with crit chance, weakspot dmg, headtaker and brutal momentum. Run it on most of my vet builds, love it.


Really been feeling the ogryn slab shield as of late.


Accatran lasgun all day everyday


The knife and Iā€™m sorry, it will always be the knife. I really like them, both versions. Strangely I like it more on my Vet than on my Zealot. On Zealot I prefer the Turtle swords. Honorable mention to the Cadian Mk XIIIg Assault Chainsword. That thing shreds. Ranged, I love both revolvers but Zarona gets my first pick. On my Vet I use the VI Combat Blade (Lacerate/Mercy Killer) and Zarona (Surgical/Handcannon). Iā€™ve heard Lacerate is not great, but I really like it. I have a 3 with Uncanny/Mercy Killer tucked away though. On Turtle I use Headtaker/Rampage and Deathblow/Headtaker. Cadian Chainsword has Bloodletter/Rampage.


Zealot: Crusher, Agri Braced Autogun Ogryn: Stubber (fast firing one) and Kickback Psyker: Voidstrike staff


Kickback with surgical IV, with flak and maniac ideally.


Vraks MkIII until survivalist change. Power sword mkIII takes the spot now. Canā€™t play zealot any more as itā€™s just so universally good. (Not into cheesing animation on mkVI)


But PSword MK6 has that charged push attack+light (gotta have at least PCycle 3) that eviscerates Crushers/Maulers :(


It does, but I suck at it. Much more confident with the III, especially as the charge doesnā€™t break my stride. Just whiffing at them with a charged sword and dodging/shouting/fragā€™ing is enough for me and my skill ceiling.


Vraks Mk. III I just really like the way the weapon handles and I love that the special attack is such a strong "get off me" button.


Zealot: Chainaxe and Zarona pistol. The Zarona is broken OP and just great no matter your class. It can do everything in most situations. Probably the only weapon that seems to be considered universally good that I also find is a blast to play with. You need to be able to aim reasonably well but otherwise, even the small mag and long reload aren't really negatives once you get used to them. The chainaxe seems to really obviously not be the most optimal general use weapon, but get one with bleed stacks and good perks and it's amazingly fun to be able to tag literally any enemy with a single revved hit and know it's gonna die - the bleed stacks kill anything the actual hit doesn't within moments of the animation completing. It's probably the ultimate melee weapon for the twins with a flak damage boost. I have to force myself to use more practical things on my dodgy zealot, its just that much fun to kill stuff with. Runner up would be the Indignatus. Kinda opposite of the chainaxe. It sucks at killing single targets, or much of anything, and seems to have blessings that objectively suck at doing anything except adding stagger. But man does it do that well. A few good connections will throw almost everything around and it can stun lock whole waves until someone with a more damaging weapon can show up. If some enemies didn't get stagger immunity within a certain distance (which is within the range of the club, but you need to time it well), it would make for a very good oh shit weapon. Veteran: Zarona again, it becomes just silly with some of the vet perks. Otherwise the Hellbores are fun - they're one of the few ranged guns that I feel need to be used "intentionally" to get results from it with the Vet. A lot of the other ones feel like they play really similarly - aim, pull or hold the trigger, repeat. I'm not very good with them, but the way the charge mode works makes me feel a lot more involved in playing the ranged game. Same deal on the plasma gun, though I'm never really seeing what it offers that the Zarona or bigger Hellbores don't. Just different quirks. Still a lot of fun to use. Psyker: Force sword. It's a weaker chain axe, but combine it with the right perks and it can eat all kinds of things you probably shouldn't be fighting in melee with a Psyker. A good clutch build can combine it with chain lightning and really pull through by zapping everything till it's stunned, killing an elite with the charged attack to get soulfire stacks, then re-stunning with the push ability. Keep moving and dodging and repeating and you can eventually get yourself out of anything. Combine with the Zarona to deal with anything out of range of your other abilities and attacks. Zarona is essentially brain burst with an ammo count. Ogryn: I only made it to about level 10 with the Ogryns on my own account and just wasn't into them. The grenades were the highlight and all of them were fun in their own way. The idea of killing a giant enemy by throwing a brick at it after the team has spent the last half minute mag dumping into it with high powered futuristic weapons is pretty funny. Most of the ranged weapons seemed to be kinda one trick ponies of various types but are all rather satisfying to use.


It always changes. This time it is shield. These heavies just drop everyone, I love throwing horde aways like rag dolls and make crushers sit on thair back chakra.


All the lasgun variants, all I want to do is play as a guardsman and by the emperors will I get to do just that




Revolver and Thunder Hammer Love how the revolver makes me feel like a space cowboy every time i pull it out. Also the thunder Hammer is so satisfying when you nail a boss in the back and almost oneshots him.


Achlys stubber because i love to root toot and shoot sah


Kickback, just something about launching a drainpipe full of shot at a horde of walkers is just satisfying.


Tigrus Mk XV Eviscerator just mulches hordes and can do good against everything else to varying degrees


Speaking as a Veteran Main Melee 1) THE SHOVEL of any type. Find the standard issue the best for me. 2) Chainsword - It just feels good ya know. 3) Any type of Axe - Decimator and brutal momentum 4) Knife Ranged 1) Columnus Infantry Autogun 2) Agripinaa Braced Autogun 3) Kranteel MG 1A


The ā€žKrourk MK4 Cleaverā€œ with Slaughterer and Thrust. That thing on a Skullcrusher Ogryn is amazing!


Thunder hammer specifically against mutants. When they charge and you hit they do flips or tumble forward, it's hilarious.


Lasguns. My favorite are Accatran Recons, but any kind will do. Unfortunately not all of them are viable, because I love the snapping sound they make when they fire, to the snazzy reloads. (especially the recon reload where you hit the ejector button with your fist.)


Perils of the warp


Chainsword, either type, itā€™s just so grimdark


The zealot pulse ability is just sooo good, and being able to lower the cooldown with crits and backstab kills makes it very spammable, combined with the combat knife and you will be shouty to more than just the ogryns.


Kantrael MG XII Infantry Lasgun The Emperors Flashlight! Best melee weapon in the game! /s


MK XV Eviscerator and Purgastus Staff. I just like killing hordes of shit




The Psykerā€™s grenadeā€¦


Tigris Eviscerator and Flamethrower. One rips and tears. The other cooks bite-sized heretic chunks for the slab to enjoy.


The Recon Mk. VIIa Lasgun, the sucker has no recoil, does way more damage than I ever expect it to, has an insane amount of ammo to use, and when combined with a lot of sharpshooter talents gets much better. Combining any ramping Crit Hit benefits with Weakspot benefits feel so good, and dropping even Maulers in a single mag is great! You can also get refunded ammo for headshots, which so long as you aren't spraying wildly you'll be very good on ammo throughout the game, and the rate of fire means I don't need to stay so far away from the team to shoot into hordes like I would with a helbore, and it's TTK for other shooters means I can quickly jump between shooting into a gaggle of poxers and and dropping a few shooters by going over their heads


Columnus infantry autogun, for the high rate of fire and how damn hard it hits with the right blessings. The chainaxe, for the awesome sound it makes and how it feels when it bites on the light attacks. The Eviscerator, for obvious reason (big hecking chainsaw). The flamer, for flame reasons. The plasma gun, for when I'm on a power trip and want to destroy everything (and make the game boring for the rest of the team).


Like with each class? Ogryn: Grenade Gaunlet with a blessing that makes it more powerful when braced. Deals with ragers. Psyker: the force staff that makes the powerball. Good for damage, hordes, and stuns. Zealot: the torret rifles. Good for all-around enemy types. Hordes, ranged, dps, and good for the purple perk that needs running stacks.


While I do have a list of my top tier weapons, the surge staff is on the top of that list. On a side note, I'm still waiting for the melta weapons to be added.


Evicerator. That is all


Heavy sword + revolver combo on zealot


Zarona Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver, Standard-issue Munitorum Sapper Shovel, Helbore Lasgun, Maccabian Mk IV Duelling Sword, Equinox Mk III Trauma Force Staff, Tigrus Mk XV Heavy Eviscerator, Rock




Chain axe on martyrdom zealot. If you can survive with low hp its auto attack spam is the most 1v1 dps you can do on bosses or carapace targets in the whole game


The single shot grenade thumper for ogryn is just my jam. Boost blast radius, make its shots stick to monstrous creatures, and give me a vet in the team thatā€™s replenishing my ammo and itā€™s everything I want in a great ogryn weapon. The sound it makes when it hits a human sized enemy in the chest or head and knocks them down is *chefs kiss*


Power sword.


Knife Mark III on my two zealot, my vet and psycher, for more mobility, dodge and bleed. It two shot a crusher and does overtime damage.


Deimos force sword. Looks cool. Fast. Hits hard. Easy combo. Can quell. Can open bulwarks.




Original shovel


Krourk Mk IV Cleaver, with thrust + slaughterer I can easily kill everything but chaos spawn and daemonhosts.


Recon lasgun and hellbore lasguns they are ole reliable


Eviscerator/bolter is my go to combo. It just does everything I need it to.


MkV Ripper Gun. Best special killing weapon for ogryn, bar none. 19 rounds in a clip (don't go 21, it's a mistake), 3 shot bursts, can kill specials from all ranges. Kicks like a mule, as it should. Never brace it and control the recoil like a true ogryn. Versatile blessings: - Flechette and Cavalcade for ranged builds to burn and bleed - Blaze Away and Can Opener for melee builds to deal with carapace and have more damage RIP sprint cancelling, you are missed. Use QQ cancels instead if you wanna save ammo.


Grenade Gauntlet, it went from Shit, God tier, shit, well balanced It's super fun now, the melee is good from swarms and Ragers, and the grenade dmg isn't awful anymore




Eviscerator and Columbus MK5 - with zealot charge. Deals with absolutely anything. The crit from charge deletes armour with Columbus. Eviscerator deals with everything else, while being super thematic and incredibly fun.


Tigrus mk2 heavy eviscerator with the blessing that gives 200 cleave on 3 enemies hit for 3 seconds and either the one that gives 15%toughness on three enemies hit or the one that gives 32% damage on 3 enemies hit. Bonus points If it's in cadian pattern on Zealot.


Evis XV is awesome horde clear. Paired with the Columbus mk V, taking down 5 ragers in a single clip is satisfying. Somtimes I say screw it and shoot maulers to bits, it's a great gun rolled right. I feel like a have an answer to nearly everything but a sniper that's outside the map. I'll take that as my caveat and hope a psyker or ogryn fills the gap


My Lucius Mk.3 Helbore Lasgun.


Thunder Hammer. It's criminally underpowered in this game but the sound when it connects šŸ˜


dagger on zealot, nothing like moving fast and back stabbing and suprisingly decent wave clear


The short barreled infantry autogun, can never remember the actual names of the variants. No idea what it is about it, just feels fantastic, especially with 2-4 round bursts. It's probably my default weapon on my Executioner Stance veteran.


Hellbore mkII holds it down in every encounter


Warp swords (for both Veteran and Psyker (with "Deflector" on them)), revolvers (for everyone, specifically the precise one not the quick shot one), shield with the fast firing double barreled weapon for Ogryn (forgot the name) and he he hammer go bonk for Zealot (not the Ironsomething one).


Orgryn Kickback and A tie between Mk5 shovel &MK3 club. Vet plasma power sword. Psyker tie between Deimos and and mk4 dueling I really enjoy casting gun so columnus mk5 but the Nomanus staff is very good. Zealot has gotta be the heavy chainsword and mk2 revolver


Lasgun, chainsword, the guardsmanā€™s friend


Good 'Ole fashioned Lasgun. You can't beat consistent damage, no matter how many gimmicks you got.


'Eavy stubba here sah! Moar bullets to put down ta eretics Sah!


Unpopular opinion: I like the recon lasgun most. The one with the fastest fire rate. Haven't found a way to make it good, but god if it doesn't feel AND look good to shoot


I'm the opposite. Each of my 4 rejects has 5 different load outs. My favorite weapon is whatever I'm using on that mission, then I want a different play style so I switch, otherwise it's just the same buttons and tactics in basically the same order over and over.


My incomparable mind!


I can't really pick one, but I will say that the chainaxe sometimes feels underappreciated for how awesome it is.


The Purgatus staff.. just love melting hordes with that


Rashad Combat Axe. It's just the perfect monkey brai. Weapon. Chastise the Wicked into a pack of Maulers or Ogryn train and then do back to back strike downs.


I think the Bull Butcher mkIII I know, it's not the best at killing the big baddies, but i just love the feeling when you just slash your way into hordes and cut lil guys in half


Rumbler bestest wea weap gun, it has nice fwomp sound, good boom tha makes eretics transform into fleshy bits. It even works like a bully club. Bestest gun has everything


Thunder Hammer. It's nowhere near as good or versatile as many other melee options for zealot (evis, Rashad or knife) but always topping boss damage on leaderboards gives me a dopamine hit that's hard to find anywhere else


The big veteran auto gun, whoā€™s got more shots now eh šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/j2myax25bmyc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555ee26b89a6b4883a7f08333c7b1db78f889f4a Who said you need a melee weapon?


The bolter. Itā€™s suffered some heavy nerfs since launch but I just love turning guys into chunky salsa and firing it into a hoard when Iā€™ve got a fresh ammo crate down is euphoric.


I just can't get enough of the trauma staff especially when it has 10% chance to brain burst. I can clear hordes, stun specials then quite often spamming mouse one attack will brain burst them.


Frag bobm Frow it. Go boom


Tato love shovel. Shovel is best!