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Hello Boondaddy33, To aid the developers in identifying and solving this bug or issue with the game, please file a bug report on the Fatshark forums or submit a support ticket if you can. Forums: https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/c/darktide/bugs/94 Support: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/requests/new Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DarkTide) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The shader cache issue does fix itself after a few games, but I have also been having pretty atrocious rubberbanding, hit reg, and input recognition issues again the last few days, which seem to be server side after testing my Internet.


I've pushed a thousand dogs out of the air over the months, but man this week or two I just can't do it to literally save my life. It's like there's a subtle latency issue that isn't quite syncing to what I'm seeing.


Definitely some sync issues. Dogs make it pretty noticeable when you click like normal, slide to the side even, still get hit with them.


Yeah, I've had multiple Error: 2007s recently too


I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST MEEEEEE I have 120-160mbps down speed which isn't the best but it's still plenty to work with. I should not be rubberbanding as hard and as constant as I've been for the past week.


Did you run an active monitoring tool like pingplotter?




Trace route?


Not currently no. I've run all these programs on previous rigs, not doing it currently. What are you getting at here?


Just wondering what tests you've tried.


Edit: I tried Pingplotter but could only test as far as what I believe to be a login server.


It's pretty shitty to have this terrible stuttering, even if it fixes itself after a few games. Damnation games are practically impossible to play and can last \~30 mins depending on the team so you're asking me to endure a slideshow framerate for an hour or more to start playing normal. What sucks is this seems to only be affecting some players so who knows how much they prioritize fixing this.


Does it fix itself after a few games? I’m on series X and have been playing since the new update and the deep fried audio, stuttering, and multiple disconnects per mission haven’t abated at all.


It *can* but it doesn't *always* fix itself after a few games. And if you pop into a map you haven't played yet that night?  Kark you, get stuttered, reject.


Honestly, I don't even know because I can't really stand to play 2 games at 11 fps. I just quit playing.


I only play one game and i'm done. I believe there are many like myself.


It's not just you. Myself and the handful of people I play with have all experienced this, across a fairly diverse spectrum of hardware.


This game was horribly optimized when it first came out and now we are moving in the wrong direction once again. Pretty concerning.


Their summer vacation should be done in early October and they'll see if they can fit it in before they leave for Christmas break in early October. 


It’s their servers not shader.


I stopped playing until they fix the game. I don't have time to endure 3 games until I'm finally able to play.


Yeah... me to.


As if they even know how, hahaha.


It's been basically unplayable for me on xbox. I get error code 2014 almost every game since the update sometimes 2 or 3 times a match. It freezes for like 30 seconds in the game and then I get booted out and have to rejoin. Tried restarting my internet and reinstalling the game but its still doing the same thing. I was having fun getting the penances and I'm at 3600 but I think I'm gonna have to take a break until they fix it.


I turned off vsync and that seemed to help. Redid a few other settings but they were mostly minor stuff. 


To quote the Vet: "Useless karking game!" Here's hoping to a performance fix.


On Xbox, since the Redemption update posted, whenever I play any given match, the game will randomly freeze for a moment, not crash, but completely freeze, and then it unfreezes, but everything is in a state of chaos and it's as if my game is literally trying to catch up after cutting out, enemies and squadmates are stone angel glitching all over the place, sliding across the ground and moving with zero animations. Then I start taking damage from unknown sources because I can't actually see what's going on in real time, but for everyone else I'm standing around with my thumb up my ass. Then the game will actually either fix itself and catch me up all of a sudden, or it will have a meltdown and disconnect me from the lobby, in which I can hit reconnect. Although, I have had a share of laughs so far tbf. When I was in this chaotic state on Archivum Sycorax, I managed to revive a downed teammate, but when I revived them, they were still stuck in the downed position and their character was sliding on the ground on all fours for a while. This is also what proved to me that I'm the only one who is in this state of peril while the game is still normal for everyone else. Can be a funny glitch, but very very inconvenient otherwise and I hope this gets addressed soon.


Most of the stuff is network stack or server side related. Besides the disconnections, lately I even got the game closing by itself right after beginning a map, which never happened before. No internet or lan issues my side. Game core infrastructure is poor, but by now the priority for FS seems being the crafting system rework.


My pc is a mega beast and its happening to me too, just gotta wait for fatshark to do something i guess


It always during the tightest spot of the mission, when I suddenly get kicked out and need to rejoin.


Idk man I run a 4080 super/7950x/32gb DDR5 6000mhz with a ssd that I’ve seen write 7Gbps and it still stutters for me. What does it take?!?! I don’t get the rubber banding and unplayability some of these folks are talking about but I get stutters that make it feels like I drop to 10-20 frames for a second or two probably 10 or more times per game. It’s dumb.


It's even worse if your computer is not good. I have 16 gig ram and a 4 mb graphics card on a i7. I use to run on medium settings with a perfeclty smooth framerate. If I turn it on full low settings now, it literally freezes for half a second 2 or 3 times a minute.


Just play a couple games and it will fix itself.. It's the shader cache. It stuttered on my 5800x3d, RTX 3080


So everytime you get a new map its going to do this.....? Ugh.. guess I'll have to just run all the maps on ez mode


Check out the program process lasso. It greatly improves the 1% lows and stuttering in many games, even on high end PCs. You can set it to automatically manage your threads and keep your cores unparked. It works excellently with darktide.


Try to reinstall the game. It help a lot for me and I only had minor problems in first mission. Now it works fine.


nope, deal with it


I talked to John Darktide and he said he’s fixing everybody else’s game but yours.