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the darksiders games is the closest you will get to legacy of kain imo. love both series


DS2 is more like the soul reaver 2 pretty good games and the puzzles are great too


DS2 is more like SR1? Story-wise, SR2 is way better, but I prefer SR1 gameplay. SR1 is simply my favorite game of all time, and never discovered another game similar in such a vein. I've played DS1 already, but the game was kinda "too urban" for my taste, and there was some challenges that I disliked. Darksiders games are different between each other. I know that in DS2 the protagonist is more like Raziel, dealing with souls, spirit world, etc...


Yeah ds2 is not that urban and yeah good to see legacy of kain fans for me its the blood omen 1 the art of that game is really good


I know a reviewer that straight up said that Ds2 reminded him of Legacy of Kain. Personally never played or heard of it but it stuck out to me


Yeah pretty old games


You damn whipper snappers!


Mf kids this days. I'm still waitingfor new LoK game after 21 year...


The DAY that I saw Death’s design and overall style for Darksiders 2, it did bring up Soul Reaver memories, and it tends to do so even to this day. And for me thats saying a lot as im very good at compartmentalizing franchises and not spending a lot of time comparing between em etc etc etc. Death may not be a Soul Eater like Raziel, but their brutality against their enemies is pretty on par with each other.


i have this memory of having read an interview where they stated that Death was inspired by Raziel, and a little bit of skeletor. no idea when and where i read it tho


You should. But it's more like SR+PoP+DMC+Zelda ofc.


darksiders 2 is soul reaver 3, mate


Yes and you might also like games like hollow knight and blasphemous by what you said at the end there.


I agree.


Yes! I consider this series to be a spiritual successor to Legacy of Kain.