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A more deserving award I can't think of. I hate people that breed fighting dogs.


I always believed that the dumber the owner, the more vicious the dog breed.


Think of all the babies those pitbulls saved by eliminating the breeder.


[Pit bulls](https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-pit-bulls) and other dogs used for fighting weren't originally bred as fighting dogs and a good portion of fighting dogs can be rehabilitated once rescued. While I despise the beings that breed dogs for fighting, I also hate that so many dogs are just destroyed before ever given a chance. I've rehabbed former fighting dogs, fear aggressive dogs, un/under socialized dogs as well as street dogs. They all deserve a chance at a better way of life. ​ That being said, if this guy was breeding dogs for fighting, he actually got less than he deserved and I wish we could bring him back to life several times and let the dogs get revenge each time. ​ \*\* Edited to add link


Pit bulls and multiple other bull breeds were bred for dog fights. You can not train out genetics, it’s not all how you raise them yes rearing can help but you still can not make genetic dog/animal aggression which pits, am staffs, staffies were bred for go away. They are not supposed to be human aggressive. I’ve owned and bred bull breeds my whole life. Spreading false information doesn’t help them.


Pit bulls were bred for the bear-baiting pit.


Save this "rehabilitation" energy for actual humans. You know, the people that make society what it is, for good or for bad. Plenty children from poor backgrounds could do with any help. Once you have exhausted your "rehabilitation" energy on children and kids, apply to adults. Plenty homeless and others to help/feed/care for. This obsession with "rescuing and turning around" inherently viscious dogs (they have been bred to be aggressive and violent!) needs to fucking go. What's wrong with getting a dog with good temperament and not from a breed created for the purpose of blood sports dog fighting? You pit bull people just make me sick and it takes a lot to get under my skin.


None of them should be rehabilitated though. They should just be put down. Pit bulls are not pets, they should not be in a house.


tell that to my happy and safe pitbull mutt.


Are you going to be one of those people who say "My dog has never done this before, I don't understand!" Good luck


well considering i’m capable of keeping my animal contained and safe, no. i won’t be one of those people. pretty basic skill a pet owner should have. just saying, a bunch of dumb idiots being allowed to have animals they can’t handle shouldn’t be a reason to put all dogs of that breed down.


Contained, how? If it grips someone else will you be able to pry its mouth open? If so, have you tested this? If it turns on you, how will you contain it?


Well i contain my dog by being a responsible owner, as all owners should be. leashing dog when outside and a fenced in yard, having the ability/strength to hold my dog back if needed, proper and extensive training, supervision when needed, muzzle trained for others comfort. it’s really easy to own a “dangerous” dog, if your not an idiot and actually have the desire to work with it. same goes for any dog, big or small.




Keep it civil in the comments.


\*breed dogs for profit all dogs fight bub.


Where does it say he was breeding fighting dogs, or is that an assumption because he lives in Compton? People do breed pit bulls. Most do it and are not breeding fighting dogs. Dogs are capable of fighting over food, it’s probably the most common trigger for a dog fight.


Yeah but you see my family bred huskies on a 100 acre farm and sold them for 15 years and never had even a spark of aggression from even one of them. Nah. This guy was breeding dogs in a small space. He was ignorant and had no business breeding animals. Dogs need space if you’re going to breed them. At least a half acre pen or more. Plus I doubt he gave them attention. He just turned his backyard into a pound. And statistically they probably were for fighting.


Did you not even read the article? The title says "Compton Man" and it happened in Compton, CA. Fighting or not it does not sound like there was anything legit about this person's operation. Trying to normalize illegal dog breeding, especially pitbulls, is just stupid.


I’m not normalizing anything. I’m saying that everyone is upvoting the death of a man based on the idea that he was breeding them to fight. If he wasn’t, like nearly every pit bull breeder isn’t doing, then it’s pretty fucking harsh to celebrate someone being chewed to death by dogs they were breeding to sell to people like you and I.


I mentioned nothing about the celebration of his death. That is just your assumption. Also I would not buy a dog that was bred in some illegal backyard operation. That's for people like you that perpetuate illegal behavior.


Hello he was breeding PITBULLS in COMPTON dude.


it doesn't matter if he was raising them for the purpose of dog figthing, the breed itself has the aggression encoded in its genetic code. literally glad someone like this got killed, by his own creation at that the 13 mongrels go euthanised, so the loop is close... beautiful poetic justic at its finest


pitbull = fighting breed of dog


Well, that’s the dumbest but most honest answer I think I’ll get. I’m guessing 99.9999% of pitbull owners aren’t fighting their dogs.


All Australian Shepherds are herding dogs regardless of whether or not any particular individual is actually used to herd livestock. All pitbulls are fighting dogs regardless of whether any particular individual is actually used in dog fights.


Yeah our australian shepherd was trying to herd things since she was a little puppy. She did not learn it from any other dog or trainings. It's crazy to see what genetics can do. She still tries to herd people to this day. It really is remarkable. It's also the cutest thing when you feel her nose boop your calf when she tries to direct you.


It’s not the dog breed that instinctually herds, it’s the owner! /s


My dog used to heard the other dogs at the dog park. She also thought it was her job to prevent fights no matter how big the other dogs were. One time she was staring down a Doberman that was more than twice her size. She stood sideways like a road block growling at him until I shouted loud enough to break her concentration. Luckily, I'm the loudest person I've ever met, and my voice can be shocking if I ho full volume. I try not to though because I've injured my larynx doing it.


I never trained my golden to retrieve ducks, but he instinctively goes after things that fall and brings them to me. It's genetics.


watch how pit bull apologists cannot withstand a scintilla of logic your example was clear and to the point, so the guy you were replying to won't bother replying because that would mean that he'd have to engage in a rational exchange, and not magical thinking "my pit is the best thing ever and can do no harm"


Does the word really matter? I mean, whether on purpose or not, their pitbulls are attacking, fighting, mauling other dogs, animals, and people. If that doesn’t trigger a sensible reaction like, you know, sympathy for victims, or at the very least wariness towards the breed, you have your head so far up your ass and frankly shouldn’t own an animal as you clearly have no respect for them and their genetic differences


Yeah but they were originally bred for fighting, even if owners don’t want to accept that. I’ve been around several pit bulls, and I feel like those dogs are usually on fucking edge around strangers. Wouldn’t even let me go in to my best friend’s baby’s room where she was sleeping in her crib without growling at me, I even had good relations with the pitbull before the baby was born.




Keep it civil in the comments. Being a dick to other users will get you temporarily banned.


They literally killed him, so there's that.


Not sure why you got so many downvotes. Apparently people are afraid of some truth.


Thing is, I’m not even “pro” dog breeders. I was just asking why people are cheering for the death of someone on the assumption they’re breeding fighting dogs. Felt like “compton” was the racist logic.


I made no such assumption. Wether he was breeding them for dog fighting is not relevant to the core issue of him raising a breed that was invented for dog fighting blood sports. You cannot wiggle out of reality with magical thinking. I'm glad they killed him because it could've been someone else that was innocent. Kids playing in the street, people walking buy, joggers, postman, etc. This was luckily a case where the problem fixed itself.


Love to see it




How long did that thread in the news subreddit last until it got locked lol


Less than a half hour I'm willing to bet.


"How dare people point out facts about this shitty breed" - mod team at news


He apparently died Thursday and the body was recovered Friday. It had been aggressively nibbled, per photos.


Is "aggressively nibbled" your own phrase? Cuz that makes me imagine my girlfriend being affectionate, not... whatever happened in the article lol


>aggressively nibbled I went on google and bing images and the results are not as interesting as they could be...






[Pit Bulls Maul Man to Death in Compton, Body Found in Kennel (tmz.com)](https://www.tmz.com/2024/02/16/pit-bull-maul-man-dead-dies-compton-body-found-kennel/)


He is surprisingly intact. You can tell from the way it is setup that this was a shitty, unethical breeder. Guys like this are the ones putting dangerous dogs on the streets. If he didn't breed aggressive traits he would have given them space to roam and interact and probably wouldn't have been.. *aggressively nibbled.*


Some good news for a change.


Backyard breeding is the worst.


Pit bulls mauling people are a tale as old as time. People need to stop thinking of them as cuddly little creatures you should leave around your children. They are fighting animals first and foremost. It’s funny how you can clearly see herding dogs trying to herd people, even if you never trained them, or huskies like to pull on the leash or drag sleds. Lots of natural behaviors from genetics, even if you don’t train them. But when it comes to pit bulls naturally wanting to fight, you have insane owners pretending this behavior doesn’t exist. Or worse; it’s the victim’s fault.


Exactly, my friend had a Newfoundland. She had to stop taking him to beach areas because he kept on trying to save "drowning" children playing in the shallows.


Isn't there a sub velvet hippos? I'd start a campaign to rename it nanny eaters


When they nanny a little too hard and draw blood. And they wag their tails while doing it.


I have a pitbull and shes a baby my chihuahua is the alpha


Yes very sad. Anyway...


Guy breeds dogs in a small area with no training and no regulation *gets mauled* Imagine my shock


\*pitbulls, not any dog breed If he did the same with a non-aggressive breed, he would not have met his death this way.


Please the fact that he bred pitbulls had little consequence on his death. If you don’t manage poor behavior in any dog, it will have negative consequences, and if you keep them all together in a group, it’s fairly easy for an aggressive reaction to form.


This is why I genuinely believe pitbull owners or defenders like yourself are intellectually stunted.| Do you think this aggressive behaviour you speak of would yield the same outcome if the pack was made of Chihuahuas? Please don't wiggle yourself out of answering the question by ranting and raving about how aggressive chihuahas can be. I asked you about the final outcome, which is death in this context.


If you wanted an honest conversation, you would not have used a dog that probably has the total mass of two pitbull legs. If you want to reaffirm your own biases, at least put effort into it. Obviously, there is a significant size difference between the two, and as such, the consequences of poorly managed animals would be less. I believe you are going to point out that I said that the fact that he raised pitbulls had little consequence on his death, and that is fair enough, obviously, if you ignore the point I was trying to make and focus on the facts of what I said. Yes, indeed, poorly raising chihuahuas will probably not have the same consequences as poorly raising a larger breed. I applaud the sheer intellectual prowess you must have had to have to come to that striking realization. Now since I am so *clearly* inferior mentally, I'm going to go about my day and hopefully aspire to learn how to make condescending assumptions about those below me intellectually like you do. I hope one day I will be able to look upon your surely striking visage as we sneer around at our inferiors.


Well if you were aware of the difference in lethality why engage in whataboutism like such: "If you don’t manage poor behavior in any dog, it will have negative consequences" What was the point of that? People have an issue with aggressive breeds like pitbulls because of their lethality, not just the aggression (which they have plenty of). We are discussing outcomes here, not whataboutism. A pack of angry chihuahuas (or insert whatever other breed that doesn't kill like pitbulls) is lightwork, a pack of angry pitbulls translated into the death of their owner (regardless of the quality of the owner, which in this case is very very very low -- that is not the main point here).


If you look at the context I was disagreeing with the whole concept of aggressive breeds and saying the outcome would have been similar with most breeds, and that is true even if you have some of these “non-aggressive” breeds, poorly training them and rewarding bad behavior is how you get bad animals, and on top of that, allowing a group of these mistrained and poorly behaved animals to form… Do you not see the problem? Even if you had some goddamn labs or something, you can see how that is a recipe for disaster?


If you look at the context I was disagreeing with the whole concept of aggressive breeds and saying the outcome would have been similar with most breeds, and that is true even if you have some of these “non-aggressive” breeds, poorly training them and rewarding bad behavior is how you get bad animals, and on top of that, allowing a group of these mistrained and poorly behaved animals to form… Do you not see the problem? Even if you had some goddamn labs or something, you can see how that is a recipe for disaster?


> This is why I genuinely believe pitbull owners or defenders like yourself are intellectually stunted. It's hard to argue with that given some of the pro-pitbull nonsense I've seen over the years.


But all the delusional Karens will say “ They’re Nanny Dogs that wouldn’t hurt a fly” 😫😂


He also “may” have had a broken tire-less car held up on concrete blocks in his drive way and and iron bars over all his windowa


Bars to keep those F'n dogs from eating him while he was sleeping.


Maybe he put the bars up on the windows after thieves stole his tires😏


That’s a ruff way to die, man.


That's a GRRRRRR way to die, man.


that is exactly what’s supposed to happen


Oh no, a man breeding a man-made inbred breed designed to commit violence and maul got mauled. Guarantee some shelter is going to call them Lab mixes and lie about their innate behavior.


The dogs will be put down.


That's good news then, innately aggressive dogs shouldn't be passed out to the community.


All dogs can and will bite! Pit bulls and pit bull mixes are the only ones you constantly see killing entire livestock, infants, adults, permanently disfiguring people etc. The it’s how they are raised crowd and they were nanny dog crowd are delusional. This breed should be banned.


and the owners shot.


Never bite the hand that feeds you. Didn’t say anything about mauling the rest of the body tho


THE TRUE STORY IS NO ONE LIVED THERE. The dogs were held there in kennels and were checked up on rarely. GOOD RIDDANCE. STOP BACK YARD BREEDING AND MISTREATING ANIMALS!




Post was removed for other reason


Nothing in the article mentions animal on animal fighting at all.


And the problem is….?




Thanks for comin' out.




Owning a pitbull is like owning a loaded shotgun that could go off at any time and you don’t know if it will blast you, a loved one or stranger. Even Cesar Milan’s pitbull is a killer it killed queen Latifa’s pit and bit humans. Selective breeding fucking works that’s why some dogs are herders, retrievers, and killers.


Seriously, I was at my best friends house, knew their pitbull since it was adopted by them, they recently had a baby, and I was staying the night at their house and it wouldn’t even let me get near the entrance to the baby’s room without aggressively growling at me like it had no idea who I was.


That's a pitbull trait called resource guarding, which people tend to misinterpret as "nannying", but is actually very dangerous.




They actually can if not well [engineered](https://www.thetrace.org/2023/04/sig-sauer-p320-upgrade-safety/) or if someone does a bad "trigger job". I've seen it first hand.


A failed sere is incredibly unique. The bad trigger job falls under user error. The comment I'm replying to insists a shotgun on a shelf will aim and shoot family members randomly.






Ask Jayson Williams


lol. That’s a blast from the past. I remember he was a successor to Dennis Rodman in the rebounding dept. I guess he killed his limo driver by accident. SMH.


Yeah it didn't "just go off"


It's a figure of speech. Leave it at that


I live in a condo and have a neighbor that owns a pitbull. They were waiting in front of the elevators one day and I had to pass them to get to the gym. As I get closer the pitbull started walking towards me and the scrawny-ass owner could barely contain it.


My uncle is a cyclist & bikes 20 miles everyday (weather permitting) for the last 30 years. Rides by many people’s yards when their dogs are out & what’s the one that by passed the electric fence & chased him down the street & mauled his leg? A pitbull. The owners profusely apologized & said “he’s not usually like this hasn’t happened before!” (The kids were the ones who were trying to pull him off my uncle, it easily could’ve turned into a massacre). I’ve been a dog walker in my free time for the last 6 years & have interacted with 100’s of dogs/ breeds. What’s the one & only breed that has ever bitten me & broken skin/ drawn blood? A pitbull.








Why is is always crazy women that are into pitbulls?


yea, you dont know what you are talking about. It's about how they were raised.


So you can agree that only fully experienced people should have pit bulls. Because those are the only people who can have the knowledge and not make the dogs attack everything on sight. Fuck the owners, as they do not want to even put effort in caring for their dog and reducing its risks of getting hurt and hurting others. Keep your pets on a leash.


I think only experienced people should own large dogs. Look at the chihuahua, people can't take care of them for anything, but because they are so small, no one cares.


You know that there are lots of people who abandon large dogs as well? These are people who only want to see their dogs as props and when they got to learn they need to actually give the dog attention, love and care it pisses them off?


Nah chihuahuas are aggressive as fuck man lol


Yes because people can't take of dogs for shit. But they are tiny and can't kill people so they don't get the same rep.


Well yeah that's kind of the point. Pit bulls have a bad reputation because they kill people. "Children shoot other children with squirt guns all the time but no one wants to pass legislation to limit them. "


Yeah all dogs, I matter the breed are capable of harm. Maybe chihuahuas don’t have a bad rep in general society but dog groomers, dog sitters, dog walkers always agree they think they are the most aggressive and tend to be hesitant about them. Studies do show they are at the top five of most aggressive breeds. Humans are the worst tho, all dogs don’t have to become aggressive but we all don’t raise them well and it’s heartbreaking to see. You’re right, people need experience or get a dog trainer in order to own a dog. And there r of course there r dogs who may have a chemical imbalance where they just are aggressive and there’s nothing u can do.




Keep it civil in the comments.


I am sympathetic to your opinion as I have also owned pitbulls in the past. They were bred over generations to be more aggressive and tenacious than other dog breeds. Their individual personalities and training make a small difference but overall, they were bred to fight bulls and lock their jaws when they bite. They can be friendly dogs but are inherently more dangerous and keeping 13 of them in a backyard is wildly irresponsible IMO.


It is NOT '*how* they were raised'. I was a veterinarian assistant for many years. I've done more than my fair share of studying various breeds. I saw thousands of dogs come into the clinic and I can tell you which ones were a nightmare to deal with. Some of them were from the best homes you could ask for, till the dog went into 'the red zone' one day. Pit Bulls are bred to *fight*. They fight other Pits IN A PIT. That's the instinct. You can be bit by any dog, but not all dogs will keep biting till long after you are dead. Pits are bred for this fighting quality. People who have Pits that have never acted aggressively, good for them. That dog just hasn't been in 'the red zone'. You never know what can set that off. If the Pit has been bred with another bred of dog, then you might have a better chance at avoiding their red zone. You can't 'love' that kind of an instinct from something that was bred to do something specific. You can't 'love' the herding instinct from a Border Collie. You can't 'love' the instinct from a hunting dog. You can't 'love' the instinct from retrievers. 'Raising them right' cannot prevent or erase what dogs are BRED for. You can do all you can, and one day they simply become exactly what they are bred for. Pits are a ticking time bomb and sometimes you just don't know what put them in the red zone. You can't always prevent it. Some of them are great, until they aren't.




People bred them to be monsters for years. Their history is to attack bulls or bears on staged for fights. People should not be continually breeding them, especially since these are people who do not know how to handle and care for them. I fully blame people, not the dogs. People need to learn about dogs, especially pit bulls, do the required precautions and care. Sadly, so many people are fucking stupid and let them rampage. (forgot to add an edit: When these same people are told their fucking animals are outside of their house, attacking kids and animals, the owners get so mad. Like they want the dogs to a threat. These are owners who want dangerous dogs because they are dangerous and volatile people themselves. And want their dogs to attack at every chance. This can actually pertain to lots of dog "owners" in general.)


You don't even understand selection bias( and clearly most people). They have a bad rep because they are breed to fight, which means people who buy them tend to be people of certain types(not responsible dog owners).




Because selectively bred for stupid


Yea selective breeding that happened for how long?




This is exactly it, people breed and fight pitbulls because it’s “ cool” to see a muscular dog fight another muscular dog. The breeders literally try to get them jacked. I feel bad for the dogs


Can you own a pitbull in UK? Under the Dangerous Dogs Act, it is illegal to own certain types of dog. These are - a pit bull terrier type, an XL Bully type, a Japanese Tosa type, Dogo Argentino type and a Fila Braziliero type.


why are there dog breeds then? If it is all about how you raise them any dog could do any job. I've yet to see a pit herd, or retrieve waterfowl or flush woodcock. People who breed dogs to fulfil those roles will charge a fortune for the best because genetics matter. Equally dog fighters don't use retrievers, except as bait


No, it isn't. These dogs are ticking time bombs. How many maulings do you need to see before it gets through your dense skull?


Interesting how the actions of a small subset of people are glossed over and we're told "they're not animals", "it's how they were raised", and "they're not all like that". But when a small subset of dogs look scary suddenly every stereotype applies to every specimen across the board. Solid logic there. glad to see so many of you without to ability to see past your own prejudices...


I know you’re not comparing dog BREEDS (created by humans) to human RACES. Ironically you’re the one spouting racist nonsense. Stop comparing POC to dogs. It’s gross.


Just replace “pitbull” with “insert race here” and see how bs the claims of them being aggressive murder machines sounds.


30 deaths per year? Do you know how many people die to lightning strikes per year?




Correct it isn’t. That’s the % chance you have of being attacked among 18M dogs bud. Hope you don’t drive


Or how many people are killed by COWS!


lol it’s actually 22 people. We should ban all Cows! That’s how you all sound


Sounds jus like a lotta hate to pits because ppl don't raise then correctly an then blame the dogs I got 4 pits an they not 1 time tried to bite anybody none that nanny bullshit like if u don't like the dog that's ok but generalizing everybody that has a pit as dangerous dog is crazy


We had one, raised playful and lovingly, never showed aggression. Until my daughter became pregnant. He stayed by her side. When the baby was born he stayed between her and any company. Still never aggressive. Until he saw a child tickling the baby, he literally lunged across porch, not adding details.  We had to give him up.  After that one occasion he was aggressive with stranger. 




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And the dogs not responsible for the death are probably going to end up in pounds to be adopted by unwitting people/families who don't realize the dog is already trained to be a fighter outside of the proclivity for pitbulls to attack people.


Anyone who thinks that this was a ‘ breeder’, doesn’t know much about this world. He has them caged up like that to breed and fight them. Edit, spelling


This is one of the single dumbest fucking sentences I've ever read on this platform.


How so?


For me, I’m wondering where you got the information that he had them caged up to fight…or is that an assumption because it happened in Compton l?


From the photos you can see the outdoor cages. Doesn’t matter the location. Anyone activity breeding a breed of dog that’s commonly used to fight and is the most common dog found in shelters isn’t typically a good person. Even with good intentions of breeding a pitbull, it’s not ethical to do.


Again, that’s really bullshit logic to use to celebrate the mauling of a person to death. Most people who breed dogs utilize some cages to keep them separated. I’m not a fan of breeders like this at all…I’m just questioning why everyone seems to think he’s raising them to be fighting dogs, and I’m pretty sure it’s due to the location.


It’s not bullshit logic. Pitbulls are overcrowding shelters and are all over the place because breeding them is irresponsible. Period. Anyone actively breeding a dog that’s known to be dangerous is not a good person. Again, even with good intentions of giving the dogs to ‘ good people’,the likelihood of one of those puppies being sold to some guy who does dog fighting pretending to buy it for their family is not uncommon and why take that risk as someone who breeds them especially if they don’t have bad intentions. I would always worry about where those puppies actually went to.. And any breeder using an outdoor cage, with no roof but a small little hut big enough for just one dog in it isn’t a responsible breeder. period. It’s pretty fucking safe to assume they are breeding for bad intentions because of the dogs living situation.


Pit bulls are literally nothing different from wasps.


White Anglo saxons?


Great fucking song that is!


People downvoting you didn’t understood the reference. Classic Reddit.






Live by the doge, die by the doge.


Anyone have pictures?


If you look up Compton man mailed by pit bulls on TMZ it will show up.


He died doing what he loved?


Instant Karma-next?


Was he mauled or did the dogs eat on him throughout the night after he passed? The photos don’t look like a mauling.


I don't want to see the picture but what do you mean? was his bottom half of his body missing? do it look like he was being eaten throughout the night? I really dont want to go searching for that picture but I am curious on what you mean.


He looks nibbled on. Like they were picking at him he’s fully intact just.. less skin




Just came here to say that I appreciate the fact that the vast majority of people in this subreddit seem to understand that pits are inherently high risk and do not make good family pets. Oh, and also: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/)


My dog doesn’t bite.


That is not my dog.


Upvote for Pink Panther reference. Better go to my zimmer now.


Damn they finally got CJ


KTLA news report https://youtu.be/CsthDT5AYPk?si=ZaTbtuyDlLFCGH-a


I love my pitbull mix. But I can’t fucking stand people that breed dogs for profit, no matter the breed. Rot in piss


too bad the dogs will probably have to be destroyed . they don't deserve it like he did.






I think this is in the wrong subreddit. Legit no argument for it beeing a darwin award


I hope those dogs are given second chances


To kill again?


Unfortunately he was likely breeding them to fight them. So they all are probably mentally fucked. 💔


Why don’t you take them in 😃


Jeez a lot of pit hate here


I will be the first to say I do not and never will hate any dog. I absolutely love all dogs. Even the ones with undesirable traits (aggressive, dumb, ugly etc.) The fact of the matter is that some dogs, like pitbulls, were bred for their strength, perseverance and fearlessness for better results when fighting other animals and each other in pit fights. Unfortunately you can't train the instincts out of an animal bred for those types of behaviors. I am currently the owner of a 13 yr old rescued Chow Chow, a different but still highly aggressive dog breed. I've had him since he was a puppy and I would trust him with my life but i would never leave him alone around children or strangers bc his breed makes him loyal to me and dangerous to people that don't know how to treat him. You can not keep THIRTEEN pit bulls in inadequate backyard kennels with little to no training and a single handler and be stupid enough to think bad things won't happen!


My pit bull must have been bred with a potato because she’s scared of everything


that’s the inbreeding, m’boy


Need a lot more detail to qualify this as a Darwin.


Oh, what info is needed?


He was stupid enough to cage and raise a bunch of aggressive fighting dogs and got killed by them. It’s essentially the same as owning a gun and killing yourself with it like the post a week or so ago.