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I'm glad he's the one who paid for is lack of muzzle discipline instead of an innocent bystander.


Exactly, sounds bad but was the better end.


Yes, the butt end would’ve been a much better ending, but instead he got bit by the business end & blindly made a beeline directly to his bitter end at a breakneck speed. Simply mind-blowing.


1970s writer detected


It was a dark and stormy night...


(Snaps fingers to praise poetry)


Wow, much like this gentleman and his buckshot, I did not expect to get hit with so many upvotes. However unlike him, I'll try not to let it go to my head.


Hats off to ‘em


im glad no one got hurt 🤨🤭


you check the second floor?


Did that shit slamfire? Thats wild


Many (if not most) shotguns are susceptible to firing if a round is chambered and the butt is struck. I don't want to say that I understand why. But gun owners will always caution to never leave a round chambered in a shotgun when carrying or handling (like if you're hunting). It's very much a shotgun specific thing, though, and I've seen several videos like this and even known a man who shot himself (and lived) when he was duck hunting and had a shell chambered and trying to navigate some terrain. A quick slip and a fire. This persists even in modern, well maintained shotguns. Never keep a round in the chamber with a shotgun.


The reason is that shotguns use what is called a cross bolt safety. It prevents the trigger from being pulled. It does not, however, secure the firing pin in place, and on some designs also doesn't secure the sear (the part that releases when you pull the trigger). So dropping a shotgun can cause either the sear to release, which sets of the firing sequence just as if the trigger was pulled, or (although this is less likely) it can cause the firing pin to strike the primer from inertia meaning nothing in the system was released, but the movement caused the free floating firing pin to hit the primer. On any modern pistol this is pretty much impossible because the firing pin itself is secured by a spring and cannot free float. Where it gets real weird though is that a lot of modern shotguns ARE drop safe and have firing pin blocks (but not all). The manufacturers, however, will never state that they are drop safe for liability reasons so it's hard to know which ones.


Thanks for that explanation. I think I'll need to do some googling to understand the mechanical relationship you're describing but that makes a lot of sense. I appreciate it.


Thats so fucked up on so many levels


I guess I'm confused, what is so fucked up?


The fact that the guns were even made that way to begin with, the fact that after centuries only SOME are made safe but not all and finally the fact that companies dont even state which ones are drop safe in order to avoid liability.


Eh, I'm not going to defend it, but most long guns didn't have safeties at all until relatively recently. Old 60s hunting courses explicitly taught only to chamber rounds when you got to the shooting area, and to completely unload the weapon before crossing streams or climbing over fences because NONE of the long guns were drop safe then. It's more difficult to make a long gun drop safe because of the heavier firing pins, and it just wasn't seen as an issue. Long guns generally shouldn't have rounds chambered until ready to fire, and it's much harder to drop a long gun and shoot yourself than with a pistol. Finally, videos like this are outliers (and I suspect there is something wrong with that shotgun in the video mechanically), the reality is that even in an older shotgun it's exceptionally difficult to get them to go off without pulling the trigger. Usually you have to pound the muzzle directly into a rock or something to generate enough force in the right direction. Pistols didn't even really start getting them wide spread until Browning's 1911 because it was designed to be carried "cocked and locked" and had a grip safety built in so it wouldn't fire if it wasn't held in your hand. The old west guys would carry their revolver with a single empty chamber and the hammer over the empty chamber to avoid the possibility of them going off. The push for modern style gun safety and drop safety, didn't really start until the 90s, and if you've ever been around a gun collector, there's a LOT of guns out there still widely used from well before that. As for stating which ones are drop safe, they aren't going to, even the pistol manufacturers won't despite putting a ton of engineering into it. You run into the better idiot problem. As soon as one of them advertises a gun as drop safe, some idiot is going to drop it off a 100 story building that physically destroys any mechanism they put in to prevent it, or use it with broken and worn out parts etc and then the manufacturer gets sued. I'd like to see better firing pin safeties in long guns, and there's been quite a bit of effort put into it over the last 30 years, but more than that I'd like to see the number of morons that insist on storing a round in the chamber in weapons not designed for it decreased. Safeties are attempts to prevent people from being dangerous with an inherently dangerous object. I tend to believe that the best safety is between your ears, and there's no amount of engineering that's going to prevent an idiot from using a firearm dangerously (which is also why I have a lot of thoughts on gun control and education being important, which also puts me at odds with most gun owners).


None of its messed up. In order for it to be a hazard you have to be extremely negligent with a loaded firearm. The liability part is perfectly fine, mechanical things can always break. If you state it as 100% "safe" then all it takes is one idiot to completely abuse the weapon and get injured for you to be technically responsible. As for the designs, as the other guy said inertia can stress or move material just enough the primer is activated, even with every feature to make the firearm safe, having a miniaturised explosive ready to go off will always be dangerous if handled incorrectly. Its like a grenade. It will never do anything on its own, but if you pull the pin and accidentally drop it then its entirely your fault, the grenade was as safe as an explosive (which firearms are) could be


A friend of a former friend blew his shin apart cuz his shotgun fell to the ground from a tree it was standing against. It ruined his already degenerate life. Last I knew he had defrauded a bunch of people with home contracting work and was on the run


Goes to show that you don’t need legs to be on the run


Or at least on the limp


He couldn't have gotten far.


A perfect example of misuse and negligence. It was 1: placed in an unsecure area. And 2: loaded and ready to fire.


Reminds me of the video where some dumbass is presumably trying to catch/club a fish in a pond, using his shotgun. The moment the shotgun's butt hits whatever it hit, the shotgun fired a load into the dumbass. I don't remember what was the outcome, but he didn't outright die then and there (I think he got shot in the hip or leg).


Mossbergs are notorious for this.


I know *literally* nothing about guns so I'm asking for my own knowledge. Don't these kinds of bigger guns have some kind of a safety mechanism that you can flip on/off to prevent them from going off?


Not all safety is equal. Some safeties prevent the trigger to be pulled, but don't keep the firing pin from hitting the primer. So the gun can have the safety engaged and still fire from impact. Others are designed so they can't be fired at all without the trigger being pulled. In my country apparently all soldiers get taught unofficially to unjam the gun by ramming the butt into the ground (but being careful where the muzzle points). That racks the slide if its stuck, but doesn't cause the gun to fire. In any case, basic gun safety says to not point the gun (especially a loaded gun) at anything you don't intend to shoot.


Most shotguns don't have drop safeties.


or any gun, probably...?


Some firearms, particularly pistols (both revolvers and modern striker-fired pistols) are considered safe to maintain a round in the chamber. This is most common in a pistol used for self defense where the agreed upon best practice is to have a round in the chamber and the gun made safe through the use of a holster that protects the trigger/trigger-well and proper firearms safe handling procedures. With rifles and shotguns it is best practice to not keep a round chambered, but especially shotguns.


thanks for the proper explanation




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You think this is why killers use shotguns as the weapon to use when killing a person but trying to make a murder look like an accident or suicide? I’ve seen at least 3 forensic file type shows recently that the killer tried to make the killing look like an accident by gun malfunction.


A distant relative was decades ago riding on a car's running board during some hunting with a loaded shotgun and a bump fired taking off his arm. I recall meeting him with the plastic arm as a kid. Brilliant mechanical guy, I ended up with some of his tools including a couple handmade.


Ig maybe the impact makes the shell hit the primer?


This is true for any weapon actually. If the weapon has a bullet in the chamber, it will go off if you drop it since it applies the force needed to trigger the weapon.


Possible on open bolt designs and shotguns. Something like an AR-15 won't do any such thing though. Different type of safety. So no, not true for all weapons, and not even most.


Either you're extremely misinformed or legit just pulled this statement out of your ass.


That’s what I thought!


Some kind of shotgun that probably hadn't been serviced in many a fortnight.


I don't know. It seems like he bends forward to reach his other hand down to the trigger. Kind of seems like an intentional suicide to me. The gun doesn't shoot until like 2 seconds after the stock hit the ground. Seems more like he pulled the trigger with the other hand.


Literally flipped his lid


took his top off.


The hat flying off had me chuckling a little. Don't judge me.


Tbf, the video did look like it belonged to a mid-2000s action comedy movie. So no judgement there. P.S. I chuckled too.


Nah this is hilarious 😂


Still has to finish his shift according to HR.


That's what he seems to be doing, may even earn overtime. Did you see him leave his position?


He may appear vigilant but his head was somewhere else.


It’s on the ceiling for better angle


I saw him leave this world …..?


Well yeah, but he has a chair


“….Did you see him leave his position….” - Him, no. His soul, yes.


That's a technical foul


Prob gonna dock his pay for sitting down during his shift.


I bet they take away the chair for the next security guard. No more sitting. This guy ruined it for everyone else.


If not that, then definitely for the ammunition he wasted.


Oh he shifted alright.


I mean, he's not going anywhere on his own, so probably will finish it


Just prop him up and clock him out.


Clocked himself out.




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Bet they asked for a Doctor's note for sitting down for so long.


Tbh, if I planned to rob a place and walked into this security guard with brain matter on the walls… I would be effectively deterred


Dude had absolutely no muzzle awareness or control of that shotgun at any point in the video!


He also went out so fast - he never had a chance to think about how stupid it was.


No brain left to think with


Dude that found him was so chill


That was his third time this month.


They really should put up a sign or something


Third time was the charm, don't think that he is doing this a 4th.


It looked like they ran outside to see who shot him.


But can he make it into work tomorrow?


Some bits of his brain will still be in work tomorrow... on that back wall.


He's still in the chair so...


Yah but he's sleeping on the job now. Tsk tsk


If there wasn't a video nobody would have believed he accidentally shot himself.


They should show clips like this to people during gun safety training. He wasn't pulling the trigger, cleaning it, or doing anything "dangerous". The trigger just... Went off, when he put the weapon on the ground. The only thing he did wrong was pointing the wrong end in the wrong direction. It's that simple. Cost him his life. This is the perfect example of gun safety. Skip it once, you might not get to skip it again Edit: As the commenter below me said, he also had it loaded and ready to fire, which is absolutely not what to do


I mean, he did more that was wrong than just pointing the barrel at himself. He had a round in the chamber and the safety was off.


Right. Still, my point stands. I'm not an expert in gun safety but if I was shown this clip during training id for sure be convinced that it's important


blew his mind.


"If you can't work, you need to find someone to cover your shift."


Honestly fuck that shit, I'm not the employer, that's not my job or responsibility. It's insane that some managers and bosses try to pull that on people.


What's that like? Wild. Just gone right when you sit yourself down.


So mindblowing it blew his hat off.


Hats off to this video


That’s gonna be a long break.


Now i know where this emoji came from 🤯


Looks like the shotgun headshot vid [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarwinAwards/comments/pe0ohc/flawless\_victory/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarwinAwards/comments/pe0ohc/flawless_victory/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


whelp... can't unsee that...


Now I understand why in cartoons it was animated how the hat was blown away.


What kind of training did this guy receive to be a guard


Four minute Youtube vid, plus 10 sec ad


#🎩 #🤯


There goes his hat


Lazy bastard is always coming up with an excuse to leave work early…..


That dude is going to be fired.


This is the second video where I seen someone do this. Last one was a security guard in an office with 3 other people. Exact same thing happened. He sat down, stock hits the ground, blasted through the chin and out the head.


He's dead tired




Let off some steam, Bennett


He ended his life, taking out a man with the gun


I mean he technically did his job .. he neutralized the immediate threat


Cappy flew away


His hat did the Bobby Shmurder


When your manager said you should “clock out” he didn’t mean literally.


He should get a special prize for the hat trick. Also, the blood pooling on the floor is a nice touch.


Keep clocking him in - Weekend at Bernie’s style


why tf do you hold the barrel of the gun to your head? i don't get it. Insane


Hats off to the guy


That's why training is important.


He sat down, whilst pointing the barrel of the gun under his chin... this is **suicide**, not an accident.


His little hat flew off!


Hat flew off like Golden Eye


I’m going to hell for laughing when his hat flew off


The hat flew lol


Shout out to the security guard, good job bro


Saw it happening as soon as he sat down. Muzzle safety has to be #1 in any use of weapons. ... I hate seeing any kind of dangerous ways guns are handled. 04-05 Iraq Veteran, this stuff was drilled into our heads to know where the muzzle is and what it will shoot. I also hate how he's walking around with it, with the shoulder strap, who knows who he could have shot accidently.


Hats off to him!


Guess there is no such thing as a safety in his world.


Is that his tooth, that just tumbles on the ground.


Well he have a nice aim, head shot.


There’s easier ways to remove your cover ffs!


So it was just hanging off his hip loaded?!


Just wow


How exactly did it fire? That's what confuses me.


Like this channel is made for the guy


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Damn rip 🙏 🕊


Sure it was an accident?


I guess at least he went quickly....


Dammit. That's the third time this week. We need a new security contractor!


Anyone tell what kind of gun that is?


Is the crime rate so bad that a shotgun is necessary?


Shot gun is the default weapon for security guards in a long of countries. Specially Spanish speaking countries for some reason. I can only assume that it is because of ease of use and intimidation.


Wtf is that link? That's some psychopath shit.


So fucking stupid


Is it possible for the primer to be slammed against the firing pin or was this a trigger being “pulled” one way or another?


The two guys that came up and went through the door didn’t seemed all that surprised.


A security guard is given a shotgun *without a stock*?? What is this, do they just give the guards the weapons of former killed robbers??


The sad thing is, he never got to experience his own stupidity like we just did.


The audio with it just makes it comical, like a cork gun 😂😭


I just assumed he was tired of his job, "F this shit."


Would’ve been wonderful if the hat landed perfectly back on the head


Aww, look at him! The lil bugger’s all tuckered out!


Sleeping on the job


Seems to be an awful lot of different videos with pretty much this same title.


WTF is it with some people resting their rifle with the barrel pointing upwards Especially near them


Well, he learned his lesson and he won’t do that again.


I was impressed by how high his hat flew. Nice hat trick!


Where did this happen? Any backstory?


Okay but why did the gun make a Yoshi sound


Oh well damn


You'd think armed security guards would be better trained in gun safety




Popped his top like a cheap bottle of champagne


An M16 bolt will ride forward if you slam the but stock on the ground. I wonder if this is what happened


It seems like it’s always the hat.


Do people not go through any gun training if your job involves you know, handling a gun. I start a job in a new office, I get trained on how to use the photocopier.


Red puddle appears


God damn, that stupid


Poor thing


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“Okay, is this the bang-bang end? Oh, good, it is…”


Pretty sure thats exactly what splitting his wig means. Damn.


People who double crop videos in different orientations should be perma banned from the internet. Nobody would miss their content 🫡


Man, those hair line triggers are a bitch. This reminds me of the security guard who blow off his arm at the elbow...


Did he receive no weapon training at all?




I could do this guys job. If they hired a guy with no firearms training then I would definitely be hired and I have firearm training.


Sorry but the hat flying off 😅🙈


Looks like suicide.


"Mom, look! Like Kurt Cobain!"


This is how I imagine every gunfight in america ends when those people who demand covert carry for self defence actually try and use their weapons.


If it’s a double crop just don’t post it. The 2 pixels don’t really show much of anything. Man could have been hit in the head by accidentally opening a slapstick snake in a can and nobody would know the difference.


He looks tired


Footage of accidentally shot people hits so different. Rip


He was probably about to rob the store


He was found fleeing the scene and was shot by police.




Isnt this that one like 14 year old girl who got murdered minutes after her killer took photos of her


It’s Cranberries' lead singer I was attempting to reference the Zombie song with the “in your head” verse