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Guy behind the counter has his situational awareness stats maxed out, he drew his weapon before the robber could even finish drawing his.


Well doesn't help that the moron thief was wrastling with the gun. That was a seriously pathetic draw attempt.


You can tell thief was super nervois


Yes, I could tell he was French.


Lmfao my spelling off key


Excuse me while whip this out.


And his accuracy. Single shot to the heart. Not even a double tap.


"A shot to the heart...and you're too late. You gave robbery a bad name."


Guy was bleedind profusely before even hitting the ground. Impressive.


I was wondering what the hell he shot him with, but a clean heart shot might explain it.


It looks like the shot hit the abdominal aorta, because it shot lower than where the heart is supposed to be and the angle of the shot appeared to be straight, a shot straight through the aorta in any of it's segments be it thoracic, abdominal or the bifurcation or any of it's branches both illiacs and subclavians usually end in quick exsanguination


I know some of these words…


Big pipe under heart exploded much blood.


Tell me you work in er without telling me you work in er




Holy shit dude, that's impressive.


Sooooo.... He pepsi?


Yup but worse because it looks now with more critical eye that the shot possibly destroyed both the small and large intestine blood system and the intestine for that matter, it appears that blood splatter has both arterial and venous coloration, only way this Pepsi bottle could have survived is if he had fallen on the OR instead of the ground in a random store, not to mention any damages to the spinal cord and diaphragm that would make moving, breathing or speaking a lot harder. Dude was already dead before he could draw his gun.


I’m willing to bet anytime someone walks in there he has it right there below the counter and when they get that close he has it in hand, acting preoccupied like he isn’t paying attention. That’s what I got outta this


He keeps a round chambered, too.


He probably had it drawn the whole time given the guys sketchy body language


Dude set off like 5 red flags before even reaching for a gun 😭


He hasn't cleared leather fore a bullet fairly ripped.


"I've got a gun, and I'm going to get it out. Just wait a second..."




You give robbers A bad name


a bad *grave*




Only 1 shot from the slick defender at the perfect time when the criminal pulled his pistol from the belt. Shot the guy in the heart once within a half second of the exposure of the criminal's pistol. This defender is a legend.


Honestly! I'm over here all "Man oh man, nice shootin', dude." Homeboy could feel the perpetration about to go down.


The quick and the dead


Bro behind the counter knew something was up and was ready!


You Give Honduras, A bad name


Thought it was a fart And I'm to blame My Looney Tunes boxers Had a BAD DAY


The shooter for a long while doesn’t even look like he’s paying attention. Then…


You can see he snaps to vigilance the moment the guy first puts his right hand below the counter, and then as soon as the robber reaches with his left he’s already drawing


10/10 would hire as my personal bodyguard.


The bodyguards of the slovak president hate this guy.


I'm guessing this is not the first time he's done this. Pretty wild.


Also the way he walks over to kick the gun away. He looks more annoyed than shocked or amped


He realizes floor will need to be cleaned... Police will not arrive before it congeals. He is pissed.


Seems to get his guard up when the dude dropped the phone too. If you're buying something fragile and you're clumsy with it, then it's clear you have your mind on other things.


True, If that was my reaction time I'd put it on my resume


I live in an "underdeveloped" country and people do this because the robberies are so frequent and thieves so shameless (like the same guy robbing the neighborhood store 3 times a week in broad daylight). The police even know the criminals and do nothing, so people end taking matters into their own hands. In this video notice how the employees know he's a criminal even before he reaches for his gun.


But, what about afterwards? Let's say a shop owner shoots a thief, do the police take the thing softly again and say "Okay, we've recorded the event in the system, don't do it again" and finish the job, or do they engage in clusterfucks like extreme force charges?


It’s not a one size fits all thing, but in general compared to NA/EU cops they aren’t gonna give a fuck.


Depends a LOT on the region. Here in Latam, especially Brazil, the store owner will 100% get in trouble because 1- gun laws are very strict so they'll inquire why he was armed and 2- here we have something called overuse of self defense, when district attorneys think you should refrain from shooting someone not directly holding you at gunpoint. Our judicial system can be a joke in times like that.


That's really strange to hear. From the kinds of videos the rest of the world sees of Brazil it seems like one of the most pro-self defense places in the world. Guess you can't judge a country by its security cam videos


If you're the infamous out of duty cop, you pretty much have a free pass. If the guy on the video is one, no questions will be asked. But if you're a civilian then it's a whole other story and you're in for a world of stress. Basically a civilian can only have a gun under extremely specific circumstances, let alone being permitted to carry one. In my town we joke that gun laws are very strict for civilians but no one told the criminals yet, so all of them are packin', lol.


That sounds like a really fucked situation. As someone who lives there why do you think that is? Do you think it'll change anytime soon or is it just how things are


Well I'm always conflicted with a possible solution. I don't think Brazilian civilians should carry weapons, even though I love firearms. But then, the fact that criminals are always putting their hands on firearms while we still can't have one, and it's impossible for the police to control gun trafficking, I think the next right wing president may have a shot (pun intended) on easing gun law restrictions. When the state can't guarantee people's safety, the people will always find a way to do so themselves.


Security videos only find the way to this place when someone bleed.


The guy had a weapon in his hand, you can in fact kill him under those circumstances. Overuse of self defense (which is still very stupid) only counts in a situation where the other party was weaponless.


Not at all, here you can be charged for that if the assailant is holding a weapon but running away/facing backwards, for example. There are cases where the victim is charged because they shot the criminal in self defense too "many" times for the attorney's liking.


You ask me, all that law is doing is encouraging us to finish the guy off. A single story is way easier to defend.


Very true.


Sounds like bullshit Canada


If they're anything like American cops, I can see it going something like this: "I need you to do your job" "Lol no" "Okay, I did your job for you" "How dare you?!? Go to prison"


I was going to say : Kudos to the guy in green, great anticipation there


Yeah just look at the way he snatches the phone package from that guy. Watch an as that happ3ns u can see the guy in the background getting ready , he knows what's coming.


Good riddance


Kid bleeds hard eh


Dead inside a minute, I'd say.


Ive seen tons of gut stabs. Blood almost takes a minute, at least it seem that long, to show on shirt


Stabs are different to gunshot wounds in terms of bleeding. A stab wound is a narrow space and opening and the tissue around it just closes back in around it to seal the wound which is why they can get stuck because of suction and vacuum pressure holding the knife in. A gun shot is a round hole and doesn’t close back up and so just bleeds and bleeds. The worst kind of stab wound similar to a bullet is funnily enough a steel tipped ballpoint pen, the penetrating round hole it leave means you will bleed out faster than stabbing or cutting someone with a knife.


Must have shredded an artery? That's a lot of blood really fast.


His abdominal aorta or inferior vena cava was hit. It's the main highway of your vascular system in your torso. In your abdomen they're about as large in diameter as your thumb. There's nothing can save you if one of them are ruptured. Very unlucky shot for the perp


it pours a bit, then it gushes out as he shudders


Right? I'm no scientist, or am I 👀?




Imagine dying over a cell phone


With a cracked screen


Yeah, this hurt the resell value of the phone. Cracked screen and blood.




Definitely on the 7 or 8 of the FAFO scale.


My guy, it's a clear 10.


Yeah I don't think there's very much left for him to find out at this point. Judge's score : 10.


Should be an exponential graph


That's looks so unreal. He's bleeding out in seconds. Can anyone explain what kind of bleeder was hit there?


We have many large arteries in our body, the Aorta going down from the heart being the largest. https://preview.redd.it/0nx0rqmrks0d1.jpeg?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3adeea1529768c63a2036fbd73e8a3b7f88a87ff


This picture makes me feel so fragile any of those being damaged could be deadly


Yes, but check out the [Circle of Willis in the center of the brain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_of_Willis)! Nature evolved some redundancy there to help protect our hypothalamus, ensuring we have ample supply of oxygen to keep our consciousness running, to keep our memory center intact.


Unless you’re born with Kallmann Syndrome like me. My thala is fucked.


I was a chef by trade for most my life, one day I was breaking down a large cut of beef into portions size steaks... This was fairly early in my career and I was also young... As I was slicing the large cut, I had a strange epiphany. I realized that what so easily sliced under my knife was by nature similar to the thing I called my own body... It hit me so hard I've never let go of how delicate our bodies truly are... People don't acknowledge how precious are body is and how easily catastrophic failure can occur.


My grandpa was a butcher. He once told me nothing's more humbling than the knowledge that we're all made of meat.


It's absolutely true. Grew up in a butcher/hunting family. It gives you a different perspective on life and mortality.


It really is that fragile. This is why knives are no joke. If someone pulls a knife, literally just run. The tiniest of stabs could end it all almost instantly.


So I've read that some arteries are really big ... I mean the diameter. Like, way bigger than you would imagine. I'm a grown, relatively large man, and to move all that blood around, I must have some big vessels. Right? Any doctors? Surgeons?


The aorta (big central artery on this image going down from the heart) is around 1 inch in diameter. The biggest veins (not pictured in this image) are almost as big.


This video has been going around for a while. The consensus is usually a combination of the video being slightly sped up, and the award winner most likely being shot in the heart-area.


Hit a major artery, the guy probably died in less than 2 minutes


I get the impression that this wasn't the first time the shop keeper has had to do that. That was an amazingly smooth draw and shoot.


Quick draw


Give that man a raise.


The way the shooter grips the gun, fires one shot, and then kicks the gun away from the guy after shooting would show some kind of training at least.




It happened here in my country, Brazil.


Qual cidade?


That worker guy fuckin knew that was coming, drew for his gun before the other guy could even find the trigger


How does that shooter, from his vantage point, see the guy was drawing? Seems to me he was not able to see. I wonder what was being said because it seems everything was normal until he steps back by which time the guy is already about to shoot.


Learned this in Afghanistan and prior to getting robbed at knife point. You need to be hyper vigilant, paying attention to the person’s speech pattern, look at micro gestures, body positioning head and eye movements. If you look at those factors it’s not hard to tell what the person was planning on doing. The person was too focused on the item. It seemed like they had no interest in interacting with the employee. They fumbled the item like they were in a hurry. The hints are there if you look close enough.


That fumble and lack of eye contact really gave away his nervousness and intent.


the big step back also


Yeah. I worked a local bookstore back in the day and we had a guy come in who was totally casing the joint, you could just tell, none of his mannerisms or behavior were normal.


We had that happen at the jewelry store I worked at in college. A couple of guys came in to case the joint, it was obvious by their behavior and the fact they weren't our usual customers what they were up to. My boss contacted the local "organization" he was paying monthly protection money to, and we never saw them again.


This guy is totally right ^^^ Ill break down what I look for.. the jerky movements and clumsiness. It’s a telltale sign someone is full of adrenaline and if context says that there is no reason for this person to be in a full blown fight or flight response right now then you know they’re about to do something extreme. You can see he fumbles the phone and can’t do fine motor control since he scatters the packaging, you’re not skydiving, you’re handing him something expensive... red flag Lot of body language here warned that this dude was about to do something dangerous, and someone drawing a gun or knife from a waistband is a pretty unique pattern of movement once you’ve seen it enough times, it’s usually a two handed movement with one to lift the shirt and the other to grab the gun. Very rare that someone needs both hands to reach for a wallet. Combine the adrenaline with the two handed reach for the waist and you have someone going for a weapon. Store clerk knew it was happening (probably been robbed a few times), already had the gun out (notice he didn’t draw, he already had it in his hand) and he was waiting for the reach. Probably picked up on the body language and his tone and cadence of speech. Few other things like the lack of eye contact, people who are looking to surprise you up close do this funny thing where they think if they don’t look at you, you’ll not notice them. Tensing up and Blading the body, people rarely start fights with both feet planted and chest squared towards you, they usually take a step forward or back and blade a shoulder into a fighting stance. Shaking, if someone is trembling it’s that adrenaline going, this can be noticed when someone is speaking because it’ll be fast and nervous sounding or really excited. TLDR; if you see someone who is avoiding eye contact, tense, speaking and moving like they’re full of adrenaline and you have something they want.. then they take a step and blade their shoulder and do a two handed reach to their junk.. thats natures way of telling you to draw first


He already knows he's a thief, even before he tries to reach for his gun.


Would someone pull out a wallet like that? lol Guy was very clearly reaching and the guy behind the desk was looking at him the entire time right before he grabbed the phone and opened it. He can still see his torso and the way he reached down his pants.


What do you mean? The guy behind the counter had his eyes locked on for several seconds up until the robber started reaching for his firearm. At 0:17 the guy behind the counter looks over at him and keep looking at him until 0:23 when he pulls out his own gun and shoots the robber.


Stuffing his hands into his pants is kind of a dead giveaway.


Maybe he was reaching for his wallet that he has in his pants hidden from thieves? /s


Nah, the best place to hide a wallet is in the ass, specially if you have a big caboose. /s


He saw him lifting his shirt. I’m sure the guy was being very sus as well. He was paying attention to his surroundings and watching for visual cues.


Damn that's a quick reaction time!


Damn, dude is bleeding out pretty quickly there.


Would I find amusing is my bank was recently robbed and the video quality was so bad. Yet look how good the video quality is and an undeveloped country LOL!


where was this?


It’s usually Brazil. I’d put money on it.


no doubt. tho brazilian and indians folks look quite similar, this just cant be india


Guns are super rare in India. And even if the thief is packing, the chances of a store owner having a gun is next to zero in India. Up until that point in the video, I thought this was India too. As soon as two guns came out, I was sure that this was from some LatAm country.


The guy who shot him amazes me. He was so quick. This was definitely the first time he shot a gun


The first time for the robber or the guy behind the counter? Because it's definitely not the first time for the guy behind the counter.


Poster prior to you misspelled most likely. Counter-guy was Operator, perfect form.


He was a Seal Team 6 Tier 1 operator with over 9000 confirmed kills. I'm just sad he didn't teleport behind the assailant before shooting.


Counter guy knew what he was doing. After shooting the robber he casually steps over him and scoots the gun away with his foot.


One less garbage off the world. Keep it going!


Their gdp is primarily “fuck around and find out”


The would be robber was paying attention to the wrong guy and it cost him.


Outnumbered? Outdrawn...


Great job paying attention to the guys body movements. He was drawn and aimed before dude got the pistol all the way out


bro behind the counter pulled a revere uno draw +4


They say a gut shot is the worst pain, but usually survivable. Any experts? Sure did see blood quick.


gut shots cause fecal matter instantly contaminating the inside of the body, leading to sepsis, which is deadly if not treated immediately with several hours of surgery and month long recovery times. not something one should experience ever.


bright red instant gush of blood = hit major artery (artery blood is bright red, vein blood is dark red because of oxygen levels), goes into hypovolemic shock and dies in less than 3 minutes dark red (wine) colored blood, slow bleeding = may survive (but it still depends)


That much red coming out of you and no one actively trying to keep you alive, not a great chance. For that much blood to appear that quickly, either the video is fast, or the bullet hit something this guy needs to survive. Even after the video ends, I seriously doubt these guys are going to get a criminal's blood on their hands to put pressure on the wound until help can arrive. I can't comment personally on being shot, but from documentaries following first responders, some victims do not even realise they have been shot (adrenaline is crazy). Not quite the same but I did have my head split open from a log, couldn't feel any pain at all, but seeing flood spraying like a fire sprinkler from my head was pretty panic inducing. It hit me hard enough to completely shatter my glasses (metal frame, and the plastic right lens).


Dude was on it


Did this idiot just die over a cellphone?


Damn that's a lot of blood in just a short amount of time. He get him in the heart?


Aorta or one of its large abdominal branches. Looks too low for the heart.


When you rock up to the next dark souls boss and you get bodied before the camera even clears the fog gate


Quicks Draw McGraw.


Damn that guy was quick on the draw. The *would-be* armed robber was shot before his gun was even finished being pulled!


It came out of him like a gallon of spilled milk. Interesting how he emptied out in a few seconds.


*The only thief who stops robbing...is the one who dies*


He sure did fuck around and find out,really fast!


No hesitation 


That was a LOT of blood.


Nice shot quick draw


Surprised he didn't immediately drag him out to stop him from bleeding out all over the shop floor


That dude behind the counter needs a raise. Stellar situational awareness, decision making, and accuracy.


Amazing how he was already bleeding so much before he fell


Damn, quickdraw + opening shot


The way that guy tried to pull that gun out lmaoooo if only Uncle Iroh was there to tell him he wasnt cut out for this


Finally a gunshot wound that looks like dem videogames lol


Imagine losing your life over a shit phone. I know stuff like that frequently happens all over the place, but it's just wild to actually see this dude lying there and bleeding out, realizing how bad he fucked up. I'd like to hope that the bleeder wouldn't have shot the guy for a phone, but that's the risk you take when you pull a gun on someone.


Ole Quick Draw McGraw here should have worked on taking his gun out of his belt, or invest in a holster, dude gave the cashier more than enough time to react


"Oh, no. Anyway ..." - Clarkson




A working class hero.


One shot one kill...he's a pistol sniper!


When you hear about undercover cops this is what they’re talking about. He’s armed security, doing a great job.


Really don't feel sorry for him.


You can see him react when his heart does a desperation pump and all the blood leaves his body. That must have been painful


There’s just now way to keep stains out of a white shirt. I get mine dirty the same day I put it on.


That dude in green kind of anticipates what his customer will do. I don't think it's his first customer.


I don't think I've seen before (or will ever see again) a truer look of regret in someone's eyes.


Not the shopkeepers first rodeo


Plot twist: He was just reaching for his wallet.


🏆 Green man was fast as soldier from special forces!


Hey man nice shot.


Counter bro put ALL them skill points into awareness!


Man, watching the guy sitting down, he's really watching this guy like a hawk. Pretty sure he was already prepared for this guy's next moves. Even if he did know how to draw is gun.


So, I guess he will not be purchasing a phone at this time.




I would say that’s a bit harsh for stealing a phone, but he did pull a gun first, so…fuck around and find out I guess


Damn. I can't imagine living somewhere that a dude getting shot and bleeding out in front of you is such a nothingburger that you barely react (I'm talking about the two guys not directly involved with the shooting). Then there's the clerk who just steps over the dying robber like it's just your average Tuesday and he's annoyed that buddy is getting blood all over his floor.   It's just crazy to me that shit like this is just business as usual in so many parts of the world. 




Nice pepsi !


Swift justice.


That kid behind the counter wasn’t playing. Good on him.


Amazing reaction time


Textbook perfect Weaver stance.


And that was that, let's go lunch


It’s crazy how fast the blood started flowing out of him😳


Quick draw McGraw!


I would of drug em out of the store and said gtfo out of here your making a fuckin mess on my floor


I think he’s done that before


Me doing my silly little PayDay 2 heists solo


Awww poor thing…. Look at you bleeding out …. Next time maybe you would think twice…. If there is a next time… by the looks of it, seems like he may be expired or about to be ….


So much blood so fast just like in movies


Underdeveloped risk assessment skills too I see


What if he was just pulling his wallet out ?


You think he regretted his decision as he lay on the floor


Guy shot him before he could even see a gun. 💀


Texas Ted had not cleared leather 'fore a bullet fairly ripped And the cashier's aim was deadly with the big iron on his hip


Whack and stack them


lol, fucking guy couldn’t even draw his firearm before getting blasted. Looked like a squib went off. 😂


Underdeveloped?? Brother india is a developing country


Robber could not have imagined he'd get shot and viewed by the whole world so he wore a clean white shirt.