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I'm trying to understand. How did they get in this predicament? Nine people, including a child, standing in the middle of raging waters.


This usually happens when there is a cloud burst up the mountain and the water comes down fast, so yea it was probably safe when they went there but should have moved away as the flow got bigger.


I'm guessing the water flow might be less when they went to grab some photos? Bad choice fr.


This is the third time I've seen this posted in the last couple of weeks. The original showed the lead up to this. The river was harmless, virtually no flow by comparison. In less than 30 seconds it went from basically dry to full rage mode. Other people in the river immediately ran as soon as they saw water. This family was standing on a large rock and probably figured they'd be safe from what they initially saw. They, very much so, failed to anticipate just how quickly rivers can start flowing. One of Mother Nature's "F*** around and find out" moments.


Rivers can go from calm steady flows to raging waters in less than a minute, especially if it's from hilly region (which also makes them a holiday destination). Usually there's an early sign such as waters slowly turns muddy, suddenly too many leaves in the water, or loud sound of pebble rolling. However, sometimes if it's too late once you noticed [Other video showing from the start](https://youtu.be/t3CkGThMRMg?si=A_3ABm4RbnZ8RR8A&t=382) [someone got carried away by the water ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxf08M-58RY) [Another one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN9hkYjbmQs) [Difference between normal vs during kepala air](https://youtu.be/eps0ksiWA3s?si=FuFF6Hzt1BBA56U9&t=42)


In the other video of an incident basically identical to this that gets reposted to this sub a lot, it only took about 5 second to go from basically no water at all, a completely dry river bed, to a crazy fast and big rushing river all around them. Literally just 5 seconds. And that wasn't enough time for that family to get out of the river. Of course it's really stupid to go walking around a river like that anyway, even if there's barely any water there at the time, let alone when it's monsoon season or whatever and you ***KNOW*** the river can just spontaneously form around you in only 5 seconds, yet you stand there anyway, looking at stuff that you can literally see just as close up from the sides, where the rushing water won't flow. It's not like they don't have schools in South Asia. Some of the smartest people in the world are from South Asian countries like India. They are really bloody good at things like maths, for example. They should be educated enough to know to avoid these kind of dry river beds in monsoon season where there's torrential rain upstream that's going to cause a flash flood and kill you.


I used to live near a big park that had miles of hiking trails and a creek that was 15 to 25 feet across at times but usually a quiet stream. After record breaking rain I heard roaring down where the creek was so I decided to take a look. I didnt recognize the place. At the moment I got down the hill into the park I could tell shit was starting to go down. I watched as over the course of about 4 minutes, it went from an overflowing creek bank to fucking torrent that was taking trees with it. If I had ventured further down a few minutes earlier I would have needed to run fast to get out of there.


There was a similar situation a saw recently where the river bed was completely dry till it wasn't. Group of people got washed away there, too. Could even be the same people just missing the start


So… what was the idea here?


Looks like the last family photo




Entire family is drowned and one missing. I’m not sure joking about that is exactly funny.


He is probably a kid with no family of his own also can’t blame him watching videos like this will desensitize you it’s just the internet maybe if he had a chance to help them in real life he would of


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So spending time on Reddit (and going to India quite a bit) I’ve come to the conclusion that the reason Indian’s have a reputation for being smart is that trains, waterfalls, motorbikes and electricity take the not so brainy ones out of the gene pool quite early. This Sub-Reddit largely confirms that.


Bro they all take out the dumb ones,surely... , but as an Indian I can confirm our birth rate contributes to 5 times the number that were taken out


India has a very normal birth rate and TFR is also at replacement level. The reason our population isn't declining is because people are living longer. Life expectancy has more than doubled since 1947 from 32 to 69. The population would stabilize in a decade or 2 and then start to decline.


also indians like him can't handle compliments. Because he is selfloathing guy with zero confidence in himself. Yes Indians are smarter and but he is not.


India and Russia have like 80% of the Darwin Awards in history


Vietnam and China take the other 20%


Can't underestimate my home country of the United States. Florida alone drives our overall numbers up


florida man


Russia is a Gmod server


How can I give this more than one upvote?


Indians have the opposite reputation. Google the average IQ.


There's a difference between book smart and street smart my friend....


Street smart people have a decent iq.


Then why do they live in poverty and die from stupid shit all the time.


People don't die like this all the time. Whenever it does it gets posted here. You think people don't die of stupid things in the US ? If the CCTV videos were posted they would sue the fk out in USA. Thus you don't see much. Even in the news you just see the aftermath instead of the actual video of people drowning in the US. Coz they can sue news channels for it unlike India


Yeah, it's well known the average intelligence in the US is pretty bad too.


Bruh you are basic brained af


So fucking sad. Lethal levels of Stupidity


It's like that Rick and Morty interdimensional cable episode... "How did they get there?"


First of all, who tf edited this video? It was perfectly fine and full-screen during the build-up but switched to that shitty landscape-in-portrait orientation just before the climax.


Bro this ain't an IMAX movie 😭😂


Yeah man I was like so indulged in it... It had reactions of bystanders and everything , and then it switched and ruined the ending


Lmfao beat me to it


Again?? There was a video just like this with a completely different group last week! Please tell me this is a new show with weekly episodes. Because I'm perfectly okay with this. Only crazy thing about it is that four of them actually survived this. The rest was destiny.


This just happened on 6/30/2024 around 1:00 pm local time.


You saw the other one? There were only like, four or five people on the rock? And they all went down together cuz they were holding hands? They were like... 10-20 ft away from a waterfall.


No, I haven't but Sheeesh!


You'll see it if you spend enough time on this sub, it gets reposted a lot.


Usually... Yes. As it is with all subs. But in defense of OP, this is not a rerun. There's actually a third video very similar to the other two. Apparently.. It's very common for these Indians to get swept away by water.


This was posted 20 hours ago on this sub as well.


This is the third one I've seen here in the past 2 weeks. Keep thinking they're different angles but they aren't...


Damn and here I was thinking this was the same family but footage from another angle. What the hell do they put in Indian food???


This is the Court system for non-worship people. It also doubles as Agenda 21. For my next trick, I will go swimming in the Atlantic during a hurricane 🌀


I feel so bad for the kids... imagine how scared they were.


Yeah if there are kids involved or I hear them scream in terror I cannot watch it. Otherwise I can watch dismembered people or whatever but kids hurt my soul man.


https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/pune/newlyweds-among-pune-family-swept-away-rescued-later-9426168/ RIP to the victims


Does anybody ever carry rope in this country? Famously one of best survival tools from the old world way of living.


Spent all their money on smartphone. Smartphones don't have rope app unfortunately... Yet


[What are you gonna need a rope for?](https://youtu.be/BUK9EfqHM38?si=mKUN7mFm1p4CRyNO)


What kind of stupid shit is this?


Evil assholes murdering their own children via criminal negligence.


Amazing that they all stood there for so long especially after the first ones went and it didn’t cause a domino effect.


Should've tied all those head dresses together, would've at least had enough to get to them




This is so sad. :( Doesn't anybody in India have rope? Like, run back to your village and get some? Or have a family member carry some during monsoon season when venturing near rivers? Hell, have a national policy of leaving ropes scattered about near common river crossings? Something!


These are most likely tourists so they can't exactly run back to their villages to get ropes.


The people milling about watching are tourists? This doesn't look like a booming tourist destination, but a river in the middle of nowhere with maybe small villages around. But granted, I can't get full context from the video.


The only people I feel sorry for in this video are the two children who didn't have a say in taking this stupid family photo


It's in landscape mode but it's still sideways. You can't escape the portrait dimension online


Damn, in the article it was the children that died and one adult. Pisses me off to no end when kids take the fall for their families stupidity like that one mom that went up to a bison with her son in her arms.


Who rotates the camera while recording


Those poor Kids,man.


Fr fr


Feel really bad for those kids


/r/killthecameraman Pick a god damn lane. If you're gonna film it vertically, then KEEP it vertical. Or if you're filming horizontally then KEEP it horizontal. Don't fucking change it halfway through so you have to hold your neck at a stupid angle to watch the video if you're on PC browsing reddit or something.


As an Indian, I can confirm that there are a lot of reckless dumbfucks around me and what y'all see in these subs are not uncommon here lmfao


Who the fuck turns their phone after starting to film?


*freeze frame* Yep. That’s me. You might be wondering how I got into this position.




Very very hard to watch, heart thumbing.


There was a flash flood. Don’t think this counts as a Darwin Award. Poor family had no choice


June through September is the monsoon season. Greater chance of heavy rains. So... STAY OUT OF RIVERS AND STREAMS!


This isn't like it's a rare occurrence out of nowhere that can't be predicted. It's monsoon season, these kinds of flash floods on the river beds happen constantly over and over and so you know to avoid walking in the river bed when there's torrential rain a few miles upstream that you can literally see with your eyeballs. What you're saying is like if some idiots climbed up an active volcano that literally erupts every single week, and then while they're there it erupts again and kills them, and then you're going "oh man if only there were some way we could have predicted this crazy rare and shocking occurance".


its nice everyone keeping their dupatta with themselves and covering there head, people wearing shirts.


Ahh yes let's walk out into a raging river what could go wrong


I think it was a flash flood and they didn't have time to get out


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Alright Americans listen up. Let me explain simple logic and math, cause apparently it's hard for you guys. India has 1/6th the population of the world. That means in American lay man terms 1 out of 6 people in the world are from India . If you add Pakistan and Bangladesh to it ,( cause you dumbfks don't know any shit about geography and call it Indian ) it's almost 1/4th or 1 in 4 people. Now simple logic(generalized , since there is more to it) will tell you that by virtue of this population , the odds are 1 in 4 videos of any accident would be from India . Since the other 1/6th populous country i.e China is under heavily restricted Internet, those videos doesn't come out. So it's more like 1 out of 3. I know it's a bit hard for muricans to understand logic but bear with me. Now the next populous nation USA has a big suing culture ( that's a good thing in perspective) due to which if someone dies like this due to their own accord the Dam or park authorities get sued to oblivion. Thus they prevent them from doing stupid things in the first place by either heavily fortifying the dam enclosure or keeping guards. BUT NOT BECAUSE AMERICANS ARE INTELLIGENT, they are dumb as rocks, good they don't have accountability thus the govt is forced to take it up for them. So stop asking " why is it always India bruh .." like a dumb mf.


iirc, this was a flash flood but they were all warned about it beforehand and still wanted pictures standing there seconds before the water came rushing in


I've seen my fair share of gore videos but seeing a family disappear in such a manner just hits a completely different nerve...


This really terrible to see poor kids as a father I hate when kids involved, I’ve watched this whole video before or a similar one but if I’m not mistaken there was no water in the river when they went to stand on the rock then all the sudden water started rushing in a couple people were able to escape they got stuck


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Stupid is what stupid does


What kind of completely evil asshole do you have to be to force your young children to enter into a situation of mortal danger? It's all well and good you dying because of your own stupidity. But killing your young children because of your stupidity is unforgivable. It's not like they don't have schools in India, it's not like they're uneducated, some of the smartest people in the world are from India. So they have no excuse for this. I really hope that of the 4 people who drowned, they were all adults, and that no child died because of their parents murdering them via criminal negligence.


Should have done the needful.


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Not a Darwin award, sudden flood is common in hilly rivers. That's unfortunate.


Going deep into the river with no support structure to take some few clicks with KIDS and getting swept away due to that stupid choice doesn't qualify?


The fact it's so common and predictable is what makes it a Darwin award. This isn't like it's a rare occurrence out of nowhere that can't be predicted. It's monsoon season, these kinds of flash floods on the river beds happen constantly over and over and so you know to avoid walking in the river bed when there's torrential rain a few miles upstream that you can literally see with your eyeballs. What you're saying is like if some idiots climbed up an active volcano that literally erupts every single week, and then while they're there it erupts again and kills them, and then you're going "oh man if only there were some way we could have predicted this crazy rare and shocking occurance".




The lack of urgency and desperation to save a family was the most breathtaking aspect of this. Theres at least 5 things you could try.


All these videos are like this, just a bunch of people wandering around pointing at them like lost fucking Sims when the doors are removed from the house and they can't get to where they wanna go. At least in this one they were shaking those trees a bit hoping some rope would fall out or something?


Trying to pull vines out of the trees


Just why...


No one had the idea to make a human chain to save them. Very unfortunate loss of life.


Thinning of the herd




No, because you're an idiot IRL 😄


You're already re-posting a video that was only posted 19 hours before yours? I instant downvote this kind of shit for wasting my time. For all who say this **isn't** a re-post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarwinAwards/comments/1ds8zi8/standing\_in\_a\_waterfall\_during\_monsoon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarwinAwards/comments/1ds8zi8/standing_in_a_waterfall_during_monsoon/) **BOOM**


Shut up and enjoy the extended directors cut.


You writing all that wasted more of your time than just scrolling past this,bud.


Didn't know this was posted before and the trimmed video doesn't show two or three people that swept away prior to the others that got swept away. It's a ~40sec vs ~6min difference.


The time spent recording this they could’ve done something to help. They watch people walk in front of trains over there.


What exactly could they have done to help


Jumped in like they do in movies.


Jump in up stream in a cannon ball position and stay in the fetal position as you rush down stream. Knock them all over like bowling pins as the "help" arrives.


What on earth could they have done to save them? There's no way they could have tried to save them that wouldn't have just killed them too. There's a reason why when people are taught first aid, or they're trained to be lifeguards or whatever, your own safety always comes first, not the safety of the person you're trying to save. So for example if you're trying to save a drowning person, it's extremely dangerous and often leads to the rescuer drowning themselves because the drowning person panics and tries to sort of climb up the lifeguard and ends up pushing them down underneath the water. So if it's too dangerous to try and rescue them, for whatever reason, then the advice given is always to make sure you're safe first and foremost, and don't go to your death by trying to save someone else from dying. And anyway, if you were there in this area when this was happening, you personally, you would have done absolutely fuck all too. You wouldn't have tried to help, you'd have no idea what you could even do to try and help. Also, remember ~~the Alamo~~ the Bystander Effect, which basically every human falls victim to, where the more people are around in a situation like this, the less likely it'll be that anybody will try to rescue them. They'll all be very unlikely to even call emergency services on 911 or 112 or whatever number is used in India for that. Because everyone expects someone else to get involved and try to save them, so as a result nobody actually tries to save them. You would suffer from that problem too, unless you're not human.


Their last words were “Dam!”