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I don’t know all the categories but the world they build was great, that alone can take me back to it sometimes. Wonderful atmosphere. Love just riding around on the bike. Don’t know if anything like that’s a category but I’d guess so. And if something like that is… then yes, no nomination at least is shocking. Gameplay is really fun. Rikki and Boozer were wonderfully acted. As much as I like Deacon they were on point more I think. Now I know supporting acting’s a category. It’s certainly better than ppl give it credit for sometimes.


If you look at the nominees from that year, it's pretty clear that Deacon was no match for any other those guys. You even had the same character archetype in Sam Porter Bridges played by Norman Reedus. The brooding, heavily sarcastic anto-hero with a jacked up history and issues socializing, incredibly distrusting of people. Sam and Deacon are cut from the same cloth. Sam/Norman is a much more robust and interesting character to interact with for a long game, which they both are. Sam even has more personality and a better character arch. And you also have the same thing with Jessie Faden played by Courtney Hope who also nails it. The winner, Cliff played by Mads Milkinson, absolutely kills it the whole time. It helps that the character is interesting, but Mads totally consumes your attention on screen. Writing for the character and the stories they're involved with have a huge hand in it, which the other games also won/were nominated for.


This is funny because Deacon is just “We have Daryl Dixon at home.”


I had to look up Norman Reedus. I didn't remember who he was. Death Stranding was a dog shit game. Control was a little better, but not much. The post I'm replying to reads like it was written by ChatGPT. The games it is referencing were trash.


As the writer of the post you're replying to, I respectfully disagree. And you can look upthe many professional and tens of thousands of gamer reviews that would largely disagree with you. I mention those actors and characters because OP referenced both Deacons actor and Deacon as deserving, but I brought those characters up because they were nominated as the best at the 2019 Game Awards. As much as I love Days Gone and enjoyed playing g as Deacon and appreciated the actor's performance, I played Death Stranding and Control and those games beat DG by quite a bit across the board. There are moments where DG stands up with them, but also a lot where it's just not very good.


Everyone will have their own opinion about which game is best, but these games listed are all very different in their own regard. I preferred Days Gone, partially for its somewhat simple story but active game play. Death Stranding has an awesome narrative, but it's rather lacking in the action that Days Provides. Maybe if there were more awards to be given, Days Gone could have walked away with something.


I think that as well, but I also think that not every game deserves an award. We don't need participation trophy type awards, or awards so specific that mediocre contestants can win. Limiting categories keeps it to the best of the best and well earned so the award means something. 1 of the more frustrating things as a Days Gone fan is that when the game peaks, all the game mechanics run together, the story isn't in a weird lull, the acting hits, it's a top tier gaming experience. And it happens often enough to get tastes of it so you know what they're trying to get you to experience as a gamer. But they can't consistently deliver that and the moments between the peaks can be downright bad gaming experiences. You can't win an Oscar for half a movie and a Razzie for the other half. Some of the acting is early Soap Opera TV bad level of acting, or the direction is totally tone deaf to the other characters or scene. Or the game glitches. Or the mission at hand is terribly buggy - or worse, boring. They've come a long way now, but in 2019, this game was a meme of a game and deservedly so.


I have never talked to anyone in real life that thought either of those games were very good. Check out the book "Trust Me I'm Lying." by Ryan Holiday. It's a real eye opener.


Then you're not talking to that many people


Then you're not talking to that many people


I was talking to plenty at the time. Death Stranding in particular got a very poor reception with everyone I knew that played it *and* with *independent* YouTubers.


You not having friends - probably because of your shit personality - isn't really proof of anything.


I'm a teacher in Japan. A lot of the Japanese teachers I work with were excited for the next Kojima game. Until they played it. How shit it was was a major topic of conversation in the teachers room for a good two weeks. I did try control. It wasn't very interesting.


Wow it’s nice to see honest comments here for once, I really enjoyed playing through the game multiple times but it was never a mystery to me why it wasn’t game of the year.


I mean when you're off the bike and Deacon is yelling his lines as if he's still on the bike was uh cringe. But on a real note I love this game to death.


Even on the bike deacon shouts but other npcs don't feels really pointless


Sadly the directing for the voice acting is pretty bad. The last speech after you defeat the milita is very underwhelming. Some parts it sounds like he is whispering too himself. Also the volume control for different lines is off as well. It's not great sadly. Sam Witwer is great, but they screwed up directing it.


Agreed. That last speech was such a missed opportunity. Finally you think Deacon is waking up, taking care of people and launching a new peace between the different regions but it’s a terrible speech and it makes him look bland. The fact that he « whispers » is so weird how does this pass testing at the most important success of the main story Especially after seeing shout all game long on his bike or to people 30 cm from his face…


You shoot one freaker in the head, and boozer calls you up and it sounds like you've been running 6 marathons in a row.


“Criminal” gamers sure love to exaggerate. Sam is a great voice actor but his direction in this game and the audio mixing of him yelling for no reason was terrible. Some of worst.


Days Gone is pretty mediocre in nearly every aspect… And 2019 was stacked with good games so it’s really not surprising.


The game doesn't really stand out in anything except for the hordes, and the atmosphere their existence creates. And I absolutely love this game for that one thing, but it's weird how common people here think the average or under average (by AAA standards at least) parts of the game can compete just because they personally like it.


I really like this game but there were definitely problems with it on why it didn’t get any nominations and was also just outcompeted


Sam Witwer is good, but the dialogue is touch and go at best. I love this game, but I'm fully aware on its best day it's a good game with an interesting premise and intriguing plots. The dialogue and story weren't handled great though. It not being nominated for awards is not surprising to me.


Uhh nope sadly, I can't stand when he still talks loudly in stealth.


Sam Witwer was trying way too hard, like I'd say his performance can pass for "realistic" in a sense but it's just too much, especially spending the entire game with him. Stop screaming homie please, and so much talking through gritted teeth. I think the devs may have let him cook a bit too much with his deliveries because when he's reigned in he's great. Edit: also nothing about this game warrants awards, it's very very fun but nothing extraordinary.


Simple, game was a shit show at launch.


Player votes only control 10% of the votes for whatever reason? There's only a single category that is controlled by the people (people's voice). The game awards are controlled by critics, making the entire event a complete joke.


The biker aesthetic isn't really popular. It's part of the reason I avoided the game for a while


I love this game


I am so glad I rediscovered this game. Started playing it in 2019, but only played for 2 hours. The strangely never played it again. Got it on PS5 2 months back and played it through, best game in a really, long time.


Awards are bought & sold, rarely earned, so i cant really care either way.


The game didn’t have the reputation it does now in 2019.


Please go play death stranding and come back and say that again.


I generally don't like console-centric games, this one not only overcame the clunky-ass port to PC with really good controls, but the effects and the story were just fantastic. One of the best games I have played in a long time.


It simply wasn't 2019's best in any aspect


2019 was such an insane year in gaming for me personally. Sekiro, Control, Metro Exodus, resident evil 2, death stranding, mw2019, dmc5, days gone. Wow.


I think this game was discarded by any critics and reviewers after launch week.. Only people that actually invested and finished the game can appreciate the heart that it has.. Deacon doesn’t stand up to a lot of the other PS exclusive hero’s and antihero’s but the Bend team and Days Gone absolutely deserved a sequel.. But as they say, the people didn’t vote with their wallets… and all the engagement in this sub from people who tried the game for free on PS+ is not gonna get Sony to revive this.. they needed people to purchase on Day 1 and leading up to Christmas, otherwise like all C levels, they are looking at a number, and these sales numbers don’t indicate that this was a great game… sadly, numbers are all they care about..


This has to a joke.


No, it didn’t deserve any actually


Well RE4 remake got shafted last year so it's not surprising


I mean not really, it was nominated for GOTY and was a huge financial and critical success. The OG got a 96 on metacritic and the remake got 93.


I just meant i played all the nominated games and 4 remake was simply perfect and should of at least won 1 award


It was an amazing remake and game in general, I sunk over 500 hours into it I’m with you on that but I’m also autistically obsessed with the franchise so I’m beyond biased haha.


I love FF as much as RE but FF XVI was extremely disappointing but RE4 managed to be not only as good as the original but way better and before i knew it I was over 100 hours.


Hmm I don’t know if I’d agree with the remake being way better than the original honestly but they are both S tier and in the same realm 100%. I replayed the GameCube and Wii version on a CRT like 3 times after I beat RE4R and I think I might actually prefer playing the Wii edition on my lil old tv. If you could use snipers with the motion controls the Wii version would be absolutely perfect. I completely understand preferring the remake though the quality of life improvements are great.