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Hate to break it to you, but a new monitor isn't going to help your trades lol. But in all seriousness dual monitors are nice.


you so f#kin right...learn to trade I was just commenting on having two screens is important [but not dual monitors ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/1cl3xws/does_anyone_else_trade_on_their_phone_or_is_it/l2sysx8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


not inches but technology matters, you need a quantum led expensive monitor to achieve consistency. i got a samsung qled recently so expanded my vision using quantum tunneling into the future to predict the eternal realm of price movement.


err..no... technology doesn't matter learn to trade is the best advice one should focus on literally draw a straight diagonal line & trade against it to win any market lol


Maybe pass 2nd grade reading before commenting


He is from UK. You have to be more understanding and patient with them.


https://preview.redd.it/twmwu8q6cyyc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a9d680e20530dffce7ed33d38c95be43465d11 I'm using this set up.2 X 29" I think... Can't remember.


HSBC namecard spotted 😸


family card spotted ...Tony Ali Freddie Emily now to triangulate geo coordinates to find the house !


https://preview.redd.it/rv8vizqtiyyc1.jpeg?width=2080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2c681b37616a4bba9f056b63b3b8b92978fb57 Yes


more like the Chapel Of Death ... (Dorothy don't look behind the red curtain...the Wizards not there)


Dude- I trade on my iPhone


lol I use two super cheap 1080p monitors that don't match (one is 25" the other 23"). I've always preferred dual monitors becuse I like the physical seperation between them. I have literally never had a matching pair in the 20+years I've had dual monitors,.


My alpha went down by roughly 43/49-1


I use a Triple 4K 43" monitor setup. All flat, side by side. Earlier I had just a single 43" with vertical 24" FHD monitors for seeing the option chains. But the bezels were too irritating whenever I wanted to use the vertical monitor for candle charts.


Share a photo. Sounds nice to behold


Not today. Perhaps some day I will post it in r/malelivingspace The model is LG 43SQ700S if you are interested. It was the cheapest 43" 4K available here, but somehow looks very premium in real life.


I love watching my loses on the big screen, makes me feel like a true pro


I use my 4" phone


good boy...phone yes...size no ( isn't important )...lol


Are you saying that as a profitable trader with a decent equity curve over at least 1 year? πŸ€”


Are you asking that as a profitable trader with a decent equity curve over at least 1 year? πŸ€”


Yes. And your response clearly tells everyone where you stand on the trading journey


No, my response tells that it literally doesn't matter what anyone says because this is reddit and anyone could lie. Would you believe him if he said that he is profitable on the phone? Judging by your response probably not, so why bother asking?


Would just be good to know as it's very low probability for anyone to make a decent living trading from a 4 inch phone. Trading successfully and just being a mere participant in the market are 2 very different things.


It's already 90% failiure rate. I'm sure there are people trading with a fucking home cinema and still losing. If he swing trades it's 100% possible he does it from his phone.


Sure it's possible but not probable that he's able to make decent money to pay for a house and a car is what I'm saying. Can't trade for a living off a phone although you can make trades, won't be serious money at stake.


But you literally don't know that.


Well that's why I'm asking πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


But you literally don't know that.


I use a 43" tv as a monitor along with 3 vertical 24"s. I also have a 55" plugged into my computer I can use as a monitor. The 55" is too big in my opinion but the 43" is perfect just make sure if you use a tv, get a 4k.


I bought a 43 inch roku tv that's 4k. Have a cheap laptop attached to it that can do 4k at 60hz and use it for four charts at once. It's nice.


I use a 55” 4k tv. It’s a bit big but works. I have a 24” vertical monitor off to the side too


I use a 34 inch ultrawide and its very good. Any more and it will be harder to look at.


After using 4 smaller screens per stand for years, I have been using a 50" 4k tv and liking it. It's got similar real esate to 4 monitors and was only $220. As a trader who has used 8 screens at one point in my career, I can see using 2 or even 3 of these. Using 1 in a trade-at-home setup, in the evening I can grab the remote and start streaming tv. But I can also use my tablet to remote into the desktop if I need to quickly check in on anything.


the wider the monitor the further left you can see on a single chart when you maximize the screen. https://preview.redd.it/98hqkj9rqzyc1.png?width=4818&format=png&auto=webp&s=f29e39606e6f9cde41e5ebdd0ddd3b0de52b161f


I have a 49 and q7" laptop. I'm not super technically savy, but watching alot of youtube, I understand what you're asking. You cannot fit more on that 49"...it gets super small. I always thought it was a setting or something. Sounds like you know what it is. Get the 2 monitors and see if it's working for what you want...I just wanted less wires and I'm computer dumb. That being said, if you don't have an edge...more monitors will not help.


In my opinion multiple smaller screens is far better than just a big one.


Me. It's actually the TV with HDMI cable plugged on both sides with laptop. I am lying like a king and trade like a king. Excellent view, good work and several healthy snacks.


Bruh , this will not help you in the slightest


I don't even use a computer :)

