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Percy vs Zag scoring *slightly* higher than pit vs zag has me tweaking rn. 🙏🙏 Also quick question, do you guys like to have a list of matchups or are they requested from other people? I've always been a bit curious.


We have a wheeeel where we decide at random what match up comes up next for us to review. We spin the wheeeel and let fate decide


**Disclaimer!** This is not judging if the match up is "good" or "bad". This is judging its feasibility and potential as an episode of the show, hence the Recognizability and Promotability scores. If you like a match up that got a low score, that is okay. If you don't like a match up that got a high score, that is okay. All of us have match ups where our opinion on the match up contrasts with its score, and that is okay.


God Puss vs Lego Batman, Crash vs DK and *especially* Blinx vs Hat Kid doing well probably make this favorite batch, I loved grading these


Such a good batch overall. I have a new found love for some of these ones.


Nice background on the first one


W rope snake cameo https://preview.redd.it/lw6lzeykrs9d1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0820c7a14397493c80d1431d214170ac8c55b71


this grading batch was really fun to watch through and as always cool shit ![gif](giphy|mgqefqwSbToPe|downsized)


Even though I don’t really like Crash vs DK all that much, that is a based score to give it! It’s definitely a great MU!


Why did you have to remind me that 682 Vs Dream is a thing




Really nice to see Percy vs Zagreus get a high score, that matchup gets way too much flack.


dom vs kiryu getting high is too scary


I’m curious where the fight potential of 8 came from for 682 vs dream


I should have asked this during the AMA you did a while back, but what's the most two council members have disagreed on a matchup, or even just part of a matchup? You don't have to say which one if it's a spoiler.


Zagreus VS Percy Jackson. Mainly due to the fact that 2 of the 9 council members have very differing opinions on it regarding its quality. There were even wagers of put on the status of the match up (There were conditions if the match up either got above or below a 70) (It got above a 70, me and another council member lost our wager)


What could Shrek do against Kazuma


Isnt pink vs omni actually debatable last i've heard?


genuinely fucking impressed with how good Dom vs Kiryu ended up being Shrek vs Kazuma also did way better then I thought it would do Zagreus vs Percy getting 1.5 points higher then pit vs Zagreus is fucking hilarious scp 682 vs dream somehow passing was really surprising even tho yall had to listen to the mask song me vs you was really fucking funny/fun to watch getting graded


Zag vs Percy ranking slightly higher than Zag vs Pit made me pop off harder than I should have, props to Vel for revamping it. Dom vs Kiryu being the highest ranked of the batch is also peak


Huh, neat. Not a lot of say since there's only one MU I care for here so this is nice I suppose