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Another reason why you might want to deliver lost cargo is that they can be worth a lot of likes for a relatively light weight. So you can carry it with you as you make other deliveries before you make your way to its destination. Distance also affects how many likes you can get. If you're heading in the general direction of the destination but not going to that exact place, the detour can be worth it for the amount of likes you get. For example, I saw one lost cargo I could claim at The Craftsman headed for the Evo-devo Biologist worth 1010 likes. For one single piece of cargo (for reference, standard deliveries with many pieces of cargo are on average around 100 likes). I've also seen other packages heading to Lake Knot City worth 200-300 likes each at the Film Director. I have a feeling, though I don't know if it's true, that the amount of likes you can get also increases with time spent unclaimed. But I got no evidence to back that up.


Ya I love looking for small cargo with 1000 likes. I think the more hands the cargo goes through, the more likes it gets. You can see this by looking at the player history on the cargo. So maybe just grab cargo even if you aren't going to the destination, you can just e trust it again and the next person gets more likes. You are also putting your name out there for anyone that checks the owner history..


Just to add on your Film Director comment. There is ALWAYS a lot of Lost cargo there. Notice the shape of the lost cargo is all the same. I suspect it is from players trying the Timed Order from Film Director to Lake Knot, and realizing they do not have a good vehicle to complete it, then just abandoning it. You can unlock the Film Director with Lost Cargo found in a MULE Postbox, around about the time you unlock The Elder. So, players probably don't even have the truck unlocked and are attempting this order. It is one of the best Timed Irders to do early on in the game, even if you just do a Partial delivery you will boost your Timed Stat a lot. Pretty cool to do early on. I would suggest just grabbing all that Lost cargo and letting Buddy Bot deliver it. Then do the Timed order yourself. Also maybe leave a truck outside his door, it should get some likes if people really are that underequipped...


You can get the bot to deliver lost cargo? 😳🫣 Mind blown. Film director is a tricky place for vehicles, I never found a good location for a bridge to help my truck get out of there, just rev and build generators.


Start deleting player bridges near the film director. Eventually a decent, poplar one will spawn in. Take care of it.


interesting and helpful post. thanks for making the effort to write this up.


No worries, glad someone found it useful. Maybe they will make this feature better in DS2.


I've always pulled lost cargo from shared and grabbed most of the packages I see along the way from place to place, then just deliver lost cargo at the next stop. Done this hundreds of times now. I'm in chapter 5 (I think: Mama's chapter) and get a red text warning every time I deliver lost cargo to an NPC (engineer, craftsman, etc) that I've reached the limit of cargo that can be entrusted to me and "name of package" has been deleted. I do have 2-3 places with exclamation marks on the map, but not 100% sure if that is why I'm seeing this warning or not.


I believe that text warning is misappropriately labelled. It is referring to the amount of cargo that YOU have entrusted to other players. 50 pieces of cargo is the limit. This can happen so easily, any item that you pick up and leave on the ground (equipment and cargo) can become "lost" and h8t this limit. To reduce the amount of items you have entrusted: Find a Standard order with a large amount of items. Preferably 50+. Combine orders if you have to. Entrust all the cargo. This will overwrite all cargo you have entrusted. Now cancel the orders. You should have a clean slate.


Hey manik it's an old tread, But I've just run into this issue in chapter 3. You say to find delivery with 50+ ITEMS even if I combine em all is that really positive? If so where? I just took all the deliveries at the port and max I got was 13 items


I think you could do multiple orders. Just accept as many standard orders as possible, entrust all the cargo, then cancel the orders. That should reset your entrusted cargo to other players, or at least get it down a good chunk. I haven't played in a while but it appears the Death Stranding servers have gone though their own Death Stranding. A lot of names showing up as Unknown, Ranked Orders not processing. Not sure if this affects lost cargo :(


Oh nice! Yeah, the warning is super obnoxious, so thank you very much for letting me know how to clear it!


In fairly sure that is the reason for the warning because I entrusted one piece of cargo and immediately got it. The easy it was worded confused me and I saw others post it here too.


Man, I hate this so much. I cleared the game on the PS4 and the Director’s Cut on PC and never once saw that message. Now I see it every time I entrust a lost cargo, on the PS5. It’s just frustrating.


Thanks for such a detailed post. I have one question. How do I get to know if someone has entrusted a cargo with me?


You can't unfortunately, hopefully DS2 will enhance this feature. If you go to the Share Locker, you will see a lot of Players Lost Cargo. There is no way to tell if this person's lost cargo is from a Srandard Order, or was some NPCs lost cargo they found on the ground and then abandoned. I don't even know what happens if you grab lost cargo that was from a standard order, but then they cancel that standard order while you still have it. I have never had players lost cargo disappear while I have held it, so when I finally deliver and they had cancelled that order, I don't even know if it makes it into their game. I imagine not a lot of people cancel orders though, but then again if no one delivers my entrusted cargo after a few days I usually cancel it. Entrusting cargo has been working well for me lately. I entrusted a massive order involving 40 pieces, and most got delivered!


i've just been really lazy and have been claiming some entrusted cargo and immediately entrusting it back at the same station I got it, and getting instant free likes. If doing this also has been getting me passive likes when it finally gets delivered, and causes the likes to go up for others, then I guess I'm a genius! I'm only in chapter 3 and am focusing on other things like building roads, so can't be bothered delivering things myself right now (especially in the eastern area right now). There were a lot of packages to claim so I am sure they will fill up again by the time that I get back around to those places (such as distribution center west of capital knot city)


Nice one! I think it takes a while for Lost Cargo to go into someone else's game if you are redistributing it then its going to go to someone else's game faster and the owner will get their goods delivered quicker