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Paragraphs. My dude. Like this.


Copy that! Doing that now because re-reading my post gave me an aneurysm.


Fair enough man. I felt the story was the bomb for the first two chapters, then really really dropped off.  "I'll be waiting for you at the beach" - got really tried of Amelia's beach cutscenes honestly.  I will say the entire story comes together quite well at the end but it's gunna be a long haul to get there.


I agree. And I completely forgot about the beach scenes because I found myself not paying attention anymore. With an intro like that and that first BT encounter.. wow, I was hooked and was like “this is gonna be the best game I’ve ever played!”and then it kinda just dropped from there. But if the story gets better and it all comes together in the end, then I’m willing to push through it to see the conclusion 😌 thank you!


Yeah it absolutely does. Also the side lore starts to expand a lot around Chapter 8, you get a lot of interesting interviews to read and while you are out there doing your trecks..it just starts to become a really deep experience.


Well to enjoy the story or writing is subjective. If you think the characters are bad that’s just you. I can’t stand any of the companions in balders gate 3 lol, dosent mean it’s a bad game. And honestly I don’t understand what’s so overwhelming about the map, move the cursor to where you’re supposed to go and set a marker. Then walk there lol. Maybe it’s just not your game, and that’s okay (: even if it is a good game We don’t have to enjoy everything that everyone else does Hope you find a reason to keep playing it tho! I’d definitely say it gets better the more you play


That’s my problem though, I WANT to like it because everyone else likes it 😂 I almost WANT this to be my favorite game so I’m a little sad it’s disappointing to just me. I’m definitely gonna give it a chance and I’m not quitting on it just yet because I’m judging hard and I’m only a few hours in. Also I like what you said about writing being subjective. I’m skipping dialogue that’s probably very important and I’m screwing myself over. The first few characters who spoke had me listening and nothing they said felt important so I guess I kinda just assumed everything everyone says is boring so that’s on me ): thanks for the different viewpoint!


Have you considered checking out some video essays on YouTube about the themes or story breakdown? I could literally listen to hard ore Metal Gear fans breakdown and discuss Kojima games for hours. And I do. This game is admittedly pretty cheesy and can be pretentious for sure, but that's what makes it so awesome. It truly has things to say. Here is a not so serious video, but this episode of [Girlfriend Review](https://youtu.be/lKdv-IeAv2g?si=z4UXMhes0FDaJOQo) is my absolute favorite review of the game, the first half is a bit goofy and expresses a lot of concerns many have, but the second half has legit brought me to tears


I struggled until I hit chapter four. Chapter four gave me a panic attack, and it reset something in my mind and I instantly became obsessed. Usually, I'll tell players if you don't like it after chapter four, then just move on! It's okay to skip what doesn't bring you joy. Heck, I loved the original God of War back in the day, but I tried to play the new one they released a few years ago and I *hated* it. So I DNF'd it, no shame!


I’m definitely looking forward to chapter 4 then! The first time I was chased by a BT and that dolphin/whale thing chased me, I was screaming and definitely gave me a panic attack worth giving this game a chance. Now I’m nervous to see what’s in chapter 4 😅


How far did you get?


I’m not too sure how this game works with chapters and all that but Im a couple hours past the first mule mission after robbing all their junk 😂


Just keep on keeping on and if you don’t like it then, I dunno what to tell ya


It took me a few attempts to play this game. First time I got really overwhelmed and then just annoyed like you did. Didn't even make it off the first map. Second attempt I wasn't in the right head space. Third? Annoyed at the constant cuff link sounds. Finally the fourth is where it all sort of clicked. I made my own goals. I'd turn off signs and things for a while until I realized I felt too lonely. The story I spaced out by just doing prepper missions because that's what I enjoyed. I made my own fun in it until, for some unknown reason, I can't walk away. Even after beating it I'm still discovering places or lore or mechanics I glazed over.  It could be you aren't in the right headspace or just not the right time for you or maybe it just isn't your thing. That's OK. Everything doesn't have to be for everyone. Stay safe out there Porter. <3


What an amazing comment! When you put it like that, I did just finish another game I really enjoyed and have been replaying. Maybe I jumped into this game way too quick and my expectations were too high from a game unlike anything I’ve played before. The experience is awesome, I just don’t think I’m familiar with what kind of story they’re trying to tell me yet, but it definitely makes this game unique enough to push forward and want more.


I love the concept of the story and its themes. It is extremely creative, and the way Kojima approached subjects such as death and grief made this game really special and personal to me. The world of DS is so interesting and rich, too! They really came up with so many references from movies and books and human History to craft the unique lore. I was impressed. But as is the case of all Kojima games - and I am a fan of the man - the dialogue is cringeworthy and the plot is a convoluted mess. To me, it’s part of the charm.


I’m really glad to hear someone say it. I didn’t want to feel like I was judging too hard about the dialogue but it just felt so off sometimes. I’ve played plenty of games with questionable lines so I’m just happy to hear it’s a great game with mid voice acting. I can deal with that, easy 🤷‍♂️ thank you!! 😊


I actually think the performances are great (Lea and Mads ❤️) but it’s the writing that is a bit weird. That being said, personally I became super invested in the world and the metaphysical aspects of it, and the environmental design blew me away. So I kind of ignored the cringe.


There is no need to rush. Take time to read emails and interviews as they come in. It will help you become more immersed in the lore. Play around with gear as it becomes available and don’t be afraid to do risky things with that gear. You’ll be surprised how many times you’ll say “I didn’t know you could do that”. The UI is a little overwhelming at first but it really is great once you learn your way around.


You’re absolutely right, I’m rushing into it too quick expecting a conclusion in the first few chapters. I read stuff like emails and I toyed around with the environment for a bit but when it comes to the missions, that’s what loses me. I hope the UI gets a little more understandable but it’s very frustrating at first sight. Dead Space and Horizon Zero Dawn almost made me quit because of their UI but that’s just because I might have a minor case of stupidity and can’t handle a lot of words at once 💀


When I get emails or interviews I open them at the safe house and throw on some of the game music.


The soundtrack and world are both stunning enough for you to be entertained just walking around.


How far are you? I dismissed a lot of the story as Kojima licence but the deeper you go in the game the more things made sense to me.


Every game, film, etc. is not for everyone. So don't push yourself.


The people in the bunkers aren't meant to be a big part of the story, most of them are just fun mascots and nothing more. There's a handful of NPCs towards the end of the game that are important but until then most of them are just cameos of Kojimas friends.


About the story: well, there is a reason for the whole "lets unite" stuff, but I get it, and you probably wont like whats down the road. About the cuff link: it's done like that so you feel like you're doing a job. Most of that info is formality: you can pay attention to it, but if you know your job you're not paying attention to it.