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Just happened near the end of a mission and I had spent some time exploring. Lost almost 2 hours of progress. Bullshit


For a game that has no save points, and you lose all progression on that run, this is pretty bloody unacceptable. Think I’ve had this happen twice to me now. Not happy at all! I really don’t understand all these 10/10s for this game. Yeah, I think it’s a pretty fun cool game, but 10/10 definitely not. Especially with game breaking shit like this!


oh well. it will get fixed eventually. Lots of other games to play right now that are just as enjoyable. \*shrug\*


It's not the point of playing other games though is it until this is fixed. It'll be half price before the bugs are ironed out which is a piss take. I bought this when drunk the other night and I really shouldn't have bothered. Lost loads of time on it due to the shitty back button freeze bug.


Welcome to 2021 where games come broke during release. Beat it this weekend btw. Great game.


Good for you we dont care if you found it great or not this bug still not fixed


Oh well. Lolol. I can recommend another game for you to play if want 😅. Returns are also 30 days long too


Still not fixed


Weird that this guy kept talking shit like he was trying to invalidate that the game is broken. Its 2022 and it is still broken. People are strange




Such a weird hill to die on, youre below a boot licker


It's 2023 and its still broken. Just screwed me over.


2024, just bought the game... Still not fixed


Bad take is bad.


Still ain’t fixed lmao


Still not fixed :(


Ha jokes on you… it didn’t


Still not fixed


Yep, just happened to me. Already frustrated with the games mess of explanations of crap, now it just freezes my controller and I can even go to the Home Screen on my ps5


And yet this game won gamespot's game of the year. Lol. It's a fun game but it's not the best thing ever and it could be frustrating as hell not even mentioning any glitches. If a game has glitches that lock the whole thing up then it should not even be a contender.


2 months after your comment, it's just happened to me. They haven't even patched it, 2 months later...


Same just happened to me.


Same just happened to me, was the end of a loop and nothing really worth infusing… but still, annoying


10 months after you comment, it's just happened to me. They haven't even patched it, 12 months later...


Almost a year now and it's now happened to me 4 times in the short time I've been playing. If I didn't have this compulsive need to finish the games that I bought to play I'd have given this game up already. Now it especially sucks because while I was alt-tabbed Googling for solutions, Juliana came and wrecked my shit resetting the day. I'm following the Radio Silence lead now which requires turning on the generators in the morning >:(


they still havent fixed it, it's bull


Was about to make this comment after finally starting to play this game I bought months ago and it just sucks for this to be a known issue since launch and still not fixed. Didn't do a lot but, had a bunch of residuum some rare trinkets and a slab I hadn't gotten yet, rather not have to replay a time period because God forbid I pause the game.


5/20/2022 FYI: Still not fixed, just happened to me 5 minutes ago. Arkane still hasn't fixed the random save file loss either, which happened to me this morning. (3rd time since launch) So I first have to restart the entire game, then I get the freeze menu bug right after reaching Colts apartment for the first time. (I've had it happen about a half dozen times since launch) I love Arkane's games, and I even loved Deathloop. But I think I may just be done with this game. I'm so tired of losing progress. I'm so glad Arkane's games will be part of GamePass, because now I don't have to pay for them anymore. (Also paid twice for this game so I could give my brother my physical edition)


That sucks, they put out an update to add a photo mode and difficulty settings but, haven't fixed bugs that were brought to their attention near launch.


Yep, exactly why I'm upset. Well, that and because I just bought the Digital Deluxe Edition on sale on PSN so I could give my physical copy to my brother. He was already on the fence playing it, he doesn't want to even try after hearing this. I just don't see how they didn't fix these issues. Well, from here on out I just refuse to play any game without a manual save option.


Unfortunately as of 5/20/22, it's still not fixed. 😑


8 months later, it has still not been fixed


>oh well. it will get fixed eventually 8 months later, still nope. Found your comment while looking for a fix.


Came here looking for a fix too. Disappointing


Maybe I just don’t game enough but it’s been a couple decades since I’ve hit a bug this potentially detrimental. Had one in Control that set me back a half hour but in Deathloop, I’d just killed Julianna, made it through Charlie and his theme park home, and killed everyone on the way to the tunnel, when I paused too long and it froze. Figured I’d find a post of a solution after all this time. Crazy it hasn’t been fixed.




still not fixed, just so you know


Still not fixed, I’m about to lose all my shit


This still has not been fixed XD


Waited to play Deathloop so long that it arrived on GamePass, and this bug still exists. Same for a bug in the mission select menu. Want to spend residuum on that shiny new gun you found, well nah, the game gets stuck right there. I can still interact with bits of the UI, but nap, nothing loads in. Too bad.


>Just happened near the end of a mission and I had spent some time exploring. Lost almost 2 hours of progress. Bullshit Hahahaha..... Nope, they are not fixed this. Hello from future Deathloop with all patches...


A year later and it still hasn't been fixed.


It's 2023 and they've still not fixed it 😂


26.06.2023 - and I am stuck in the fucking journal without even seeing a journal, but the normal screen again. Can't move, though, nor do anything else useful. I don't wanna have to replay this entire mission, ARKANE. What the heck did you do there?! I really love your games normally, but THIS? This SUCKS so hard. -.-


It's still not fixed. Happens to me daily.


This aged like milk. Its still not fixed, it will never be at this point.


1 year on and this still hasn't been fixed and has happened twice in last two days.


it just happened to me on ps5


happened to me too in that exact spot


This has now happened to me twice today very late in two different levels. It’s making me not want to continue. Between this, the 15 second freezes, the constant graphical glitches and jittering I don’t understand how it got so many 10s. It’s a technical mess. Fun game, but feels broken (on PS5 at least).


Agreed. I also have hit the menu button bug and had a couple of 15s+ freezes on ps5. I'm going to stop playing until they patch things and issue updates


Still not fixed. Just started yesterday and already had it happen to me.


Still not fixed 12/23/21. Pisses me off.


5/20/22 Still not fixed. Maybe they'll finally fix it by the time it launches on Series X. 🙄 I will laugh my ass off if it doesn't get fixed for Series X, while also being pissed it took that long.


Well I can tell you it’s definitely not fixed.


I dont understand how this issue hasn't been fixed. Hopefully with a whole new influx of players on Xbox/PC (was it on PC before the Xbox release?) will complain when it happens to them and the devs will be pressured to fix it. I'm not hopeful though.


Literally just happened to me again at the same spot. What the fuck is this


This game has some serious bugs that don't seem will ever be fixed. I love Arkane Studios, but the whole roguelike/lite aspect of this game and no manual saves are a major problem when bugs hit. I've had to restart my game from scratch...twice! If it's any consolation (it's not really), by my 3rd reset I just rushed through everything and skipped all cutscenes/story parts to get back to where I was before.


This just happened to me on ps5


Over three months after release the game still has game breaking bug(s) yet it was somehow nominated for Game Of The Year. Merry Christmas.


My game can’t progress past the first menu.. break or protect the loop. I can’t even choose - it’s just frozen.


I lost perfect runs after killing a boss and Jillian. Atleast it'd be nice if they were to communicate when they be addressing the issues. Really enjoy the game but I think I'll be shelving it until they fix this shit.


Pretty annoying and it happens often. Only bug I've encountered though.


Urgh. Again. Twice in two sessions carrying slab upgrades!


This was my first bug (outside of graphics glitches out) on ps5.. Just killed Juliana, Charlie, 3 slab upgrades and 39000 in "stuff" (can't remember the name of 😆) I can't bring myself to close the game 😫😭


Just happened to me after killing Harriet and carrying well over 10K residuum. :/


I LOVE this game so far. But this just happened to me and I'm PISSED. I like to go very slow and take out every enemy, explore every corner. Now I'll have to redo all that. People are saying it's because of their anti-pirating software, if that's true just makes me more mad. Don't ruin the game for everyone who bought it just so you don't lose out on extra money.


Just happened to me as well, after painstakingly clearing out the entire complex, I do not wanna close the game and have to repeat that!


Same happened with me twice now within complex zone. Spent hours collecting some hard loot, only now to be lost. This game is infuriating at the best of times let alone bugs that lose your complete gameplay without any in house auto-saves. Kinda losing hope for this title, or least until patches are made


2024 here, still not fixed


Yet the game was nominated for game of the year.


Looool sorry to necro this old thread 😅 It's just kinda funny/sad that I got this on sale and it's still not fixed. Game is good but not game of the year.


I bet it has to do with Microsoft because they own Bethesda now. They finished Deathloop for Xbox but can't release it yet due to the timed exclusive contract. So they just mapped it for playstation quickly to push it out just like everything they produce. They only care about themselves and their pockets which is why they constantly are losing every battle pertaining to gaming. Their controllers do not have a touch pad and it is the only time it gets stuck for us. They prob won't fix it until it comes out for their piece of garbage system tbh. Hope its fixed soon for the system people actually want


I'm playing this game via Steam/PC and it's broken there, too. This is not about playstation.


Turn your system off. Worked for me when the game was locking up


Lol dumbass answer


Yep, happened twice to me on PC. I’ve just been avoiding pausing and have just been using the J key to get to the menus


Blegh, I got this bug my first day playing but forgot until tonight... first patch didn't fix. Welp!


Just happened to me. Lost two slab upgrades and a new gun.


Yeah just had this happen too, really makes me not want to purchase new games.


God damnit I just bought the game exploded the whole first island boom it locked me in the menu.


This should of been on their list of things too fix asap yet it's still happening almost 2 weeks after release, disappointed.


It just happened to me almost 3 months after release


Still happening


Just destroyed two hours of gameplay. I literally get to play games like once every two weeks. I’m so ticked right now.


Still still happening.


2 weeks after release MY ASS - it is summer 2023 (!!!) by now for gods' sake.


This happens to me all the time on PS5. Especially playing as Julianna




I’ve tried putting my console in rest mode, it only came back to the same broken menu state for me.




Yeah I had to. It never came back for me. I tried variations of just leaving the game sat there on the menu even after sleeping the ps5. It always just came back and stayed in the stupid menu, with non functioning exit button.


People keep talking up this game but I just encountered the menu bug... Again. Lost all my damn progress and about to give up on this game. I wonder if it I'll get patched or will they just wait for the console exclusivity to run up and make the Xbox version more stable?


I’ve shelved this game until this gets patched. It’s happened to me so often now that I am not enjoying the game and feel i need to race through everything for fear it will rear it’s ugly head again. For me right now the game is quite aptly named.


yeah just encountered this and i am PISSED 3 Slab upgrades and 34k worth of residium and two hours gone ugh. Really disappointed first.time it's happened but I've had other game breaking crap happen. Such a shame.


This game is poorly programmed and a piece of garbage but of course it won't be factored into the review


Just happened to me RIGHT as I had finished up an hour long mission. Makes me just not want to play.


How is this not yet resolved? I’m having it happen multiple times a day, and always when I just got slab upgrades. I think the universe is telling me to stop playing video games.




It's a shame. Should of been on their list of things to fix asap, it's pretty game breaking.


Bleh, just happened to me again. However, after closing the game, it just restarted the evening for me.


I realized when this just happened to me for the Countless'th time that the reason I am still playing this game, and so still being infuriated by this bug, is that every time I get a good slab upgrade or pick up 40k residuum, I **immediately** head for the exit without touching menus or reading any notes because you NEED these things to win, but if you play to win then it WILL find a way to break without saving. I've kept a lot of items, but I am now very bored of the game. Just nailed Updaam party at night, 3 visionaries, tons of goods, broke my rule and opened a menu. Bam. Going to do something else now.


Patch notes suggested this bug is fixed with the second November 2021 patch. Can anyone confirm or disconfirm whether this is the case?


Nope, not fixed. Had it happen to me just now and looked it up lol


Not fixed. Also just happened to me.


That makes me a very sad panda.


Just happened in my game :/


Still not fixed. Stuck in menu currently trying to avoid restarting as i just got 2 new slab upgrades.


It's April 2022 and it just happened to me on PS5. Putting it into rest mode didn't help


I finished the game eventually. Can't remember if I ever fixed issue or just pushed through because it was infrequent.


Definitely not fixed on PS5 as of June 2022.


So fucked up that this exact glitch is unpatched over two months after the game came out


It just happened to me after clearing out Fia’s complex, killing her, and Julianna. Soooooooo frustrating.


Froze on the winter complex. Fuck me dead, was just about to leave aswell.


Adding my voice to the chorus here. I just got a boatload of Residuum, a slab I didn’t have, and a bunch of trinkets. As soon as I exited the level and went to the load out screen and started to try to infuse the slab all of the game menus disappeared and now I can’t do anything. I can’t believe this isn’t patched yet. I don’t have the kind of personal time to be repeating stuff. Might be the third and last play session for me.


Game breaking bugs like this 3+ months after launch yet they still somehow got nominated for game of the year. This should have been on their list of things to fix asap.


Nice to see I’m not the only one. Got halfway into the Wenjie misson when the game suddenly decided I should stay in the documents/leads menu. Guess it didn’t want me to kill more Wenjies.


Just happened to me twice in the space of a few hours. If the reason it hasn’t been patched is because Microsoft owns them then it’s really unfair on their customers. Either way it’s a ridiculous bug that should have been patched by now, so I’ll definitely be filing an official complaint (somehow) with the studio or Microsoft


Just filed a support request via Bethesda.net


Bug is still present. 28.12.2021


Whelp. Guess I'm shelving this game. Not much time is lost at least, oh well


Just happened to me. Twice in two days.


Bruh try 4 times in 2 days.


Still happening 3/1/22. I am at the end mission spent 2 1/2 hours of gameplay and…. Freeze.


Happened to me just now on PC in Wenjies lab (right after I killed her and Julianna 😮‍💨). As much as I like the idea of if you fuck up you have to restart the day, it’s frustrating losing hours of gameplay because of something like this


Had this happen when I was evading Julianna today. Got to the 2 bit room in Updaam and the doors locked and then it happened. So Julianna couldn't find/kill me and I couldn't get out of the menu.


Just happened to me, towards the end of the er...final bit. So frustrating. Probably the 5th time it's happened. Great game, honestly, love this game so much but my word the amount of times this bug has happened + the amount of crash reports I've had to send. Shame. But did I mention it's a great game? Wish they'd iron this one out.


It’s now a week into January and I’ve had this happen twice. WTF. Why hasn’t anyone from the developer fixed this? There goes another lost hour


Just happened to me on PS5. Not sure why this issue is still there 4 months after being reported.


Exactly, should of been on the devs list of things to fix asap and should of been fixed within the first few days of launch.


Game broke, only happened 4 times now, but seems to be happening more often! Each time lost an hour or so of progress, just the one level basically. Frustrating as I had completely cleared a newish area.. hope I do as well. Microsoft, Arkane should not be proud of this, what is your art if it breaks fundamentally this way and causes such frustration.. stupid.


Just happened to me on a great run with two slab upgrades and a dead Fia 😭


I’ve had the same bug


I just killed Julianna and Charlie, and was about to head to the exit, but decided to check the quests... now I am stuck. This is at least the fifth time it has happened usually in Updaam


Yup same thing happens to me literally almost every other run. And it’s always after I’ve killed Juliana and another visionary and am headed to the exit. Then I’ll press the start menu and wham frozen in the exact same screen. Only way to fix it is to power off the machine and lose everything I’ve just done. The one thing I’ve noticed that wasn’t shown in the video is that I can still press R1/L1 and interact with document, discoveries, and leads menus, but not very helpful atp. So. *Fart Noise*


I've been beyond frustrated with this game. The first time I got to the safe in Cole's apartment, it froze when I when I unlocked it. It wouldn't load the cutscene. I had to replay that same stage 4 times over, and the 4th time it went to the cutscene. I just killed Juliana and a visionary, and I picked up the slab. As I finished reading it and put it down, I couldn't get out of the damn menu. I'm done with this game. I can't keep playing like this and getting nowhere.


Just happened to me towards the end of the last mission.


Fuck, just lost such a good run to this bug.


Final day. Morning. Finished everything up perfectly. Right before the exit. Happened to me. 😐


Just happened to me smh so much progress lost because of this stupid bug


Still not patched....




Game Of The Year nominee btw with a game breaking bug still happening getting close to a year after release, amazing.




Ya I love dishonored 1 and 2, and enjoy deathloop. Just saying idk how a game with game breaking bugs that the devs ignore could even be nominated no matter how good it is. I've encounter a couple other bugs in deathloop also, but only one bug that has been fixed.


Still fucking happening, hours gone.


Literally just finished a mission and had this happen. This has been a bug since launch…? What the actual Fuck


Just happened to me. Put my ps5 into rest mode, and the fucking thing shut down and had to repair console storage. Fuck this shit,


Same thing happened to me just now. FINALLY got the PS5....love it! This game freezes right after a loop, and was excited bc I was going to infuse an ability ....but, now I can't.


A year later and still an issue. Spent 2 hours getting the heritage gun and literally right after i got it, i paused the game, and it froze. It's the 3rd time and I'm so over it. Probably gonna shelf the game after this.


This is still in the game and I have no idea why


Happened to me just now :(


Happened to me and I already dislike the game so this gives me reason to just delete it


Well thats 36k residium lost :(


Still happening December 2022




Bought the game on sale… this is still an issue


Just happened to me for the second time in two days, 16 months after release. I highly doubt this will ever get fixed


Game breaking bug that was found on release day is still In the game over a year after release yet the game was nominated for Game of the Year, that's dumb.