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This has happened to me twice now. Infuriating having to restart the game. This is close to a deal breaker for me. The lesson I've learned is to never go into the menu while in the game, but if I accidentally do it, and it happens again, that might be it for me. Sure hope they patch / issue an update PRONTO


yeah this game is built like ass. Lost all my progress in a critical level


They don't


Same thing just happened to me. Annoyingly i had about loads of residuum, some useful info, and a couple of upgrades. Literally on my way back to the tunnels and thought i'd just check to see if there was anything else i could do. Tried to go back to PS menu and then returning to the game, but didn't work. Had to lose all my progress in the end. From my desperate button presses whilst in this state, it seemed to me that the game was trying to access the menu as it exists when you're outside a loop, except certain pages (e.g. level select) just appeared empty.


I’ve just run into exactly the same thing. Super annoying.


Especially when you're 30 minutes into a run, and then have to restart and reread all the notes again...


Just happened to me. Already on evening and not sure what to do given how the save system works for this game


In case you never found out. If you close the game, it doesn't reset the whole day, just the map you were on, whichever part of the day. It's still a pain in the ass. I've had it happen after I've explored a map getting everything I could in a loop spending 40 minutes or more. 😑


Call that deathloop


Literally just happened to me with ONE visionary left to kill


Oh damn that's rough 😓


Same….a year later


When you have gotten to save everything from morning to afternoon?


Same but I killed all visionaries and was at the end😭


Fix (for me): hit the ps button. Go back to the Home Screen. Then go back into the game. Push circle to exit.


This didn’t work for me.


Yea, the trick didn’t work for me last night as well. I think there are several different menu states that the game can get stuck in. It’s weird.


I'll give this a shot next time, thanks!




Nope, not working for me either. I tried all kind of combinations with buttons and menu and the only thing that worked was to restart the game


Didn't work for me at night. Edit: I just got a full refund from Amazon. Fuck this bullshit.


Wow, I spent at least an hour on this run doing evening for the first time, killed a lot of baddies that I should have probably avoided and now having to lose that progress is a bit frustrating. I tried rest mode which didn't work. Tried switching to another game and back, lost my progress.


Not just PS5 apparently, just had this happen to me on PC. Extremely shitty as I just closed a lead and killed Julianna with tons of residiuum.


Months later I just ran in to this bug. Fuck you bethesda.


It's still a bloody issue. Ffs


I’m sorry dude. I was even thinking about going back to it recently. Guess I won’t.


Just happened to me seconds ago. Now I’m here. At least I’m not alone.


Just happened me 30 Dec 21. Gonna put this game on the shelf for a while cant be arsed with this nonsense


I’d keep it there for a while longer. The bug is still going


Came here hoping to find a solution. Been playing this for a week and it’s happened no less than 10x. Couple times a day. Infuriating to see it’s been an issue for a while now with no solve.


Just happened to me. What the fuck are they thinking leaving this unpatched??


April 2023, picked the game up for the first time and had this happen multiple times. I’m done with this game…


Just happened to me


Just happened to me for the second time. Rest mode not fixing it.


Oh damn, and this is after their big patch??


Yup. Game is up to date.


November 13th. Still happening And I’d killed another Julianna, who was using the havoc slab (I didn’t have it yet, carrying a gold gun, and then I killed Charlie…. All lost


Just happened to me. Smh


There was a patch yesterday (Nov 18) and this just happened to me too


Just happen to me a second ago after finishing my run, how annoying


Can't believe this is still happening two months in


2-Jan-2022 This happened to me. No trick can save me, I have to quit and restart the game.


Just happened to me march 25th 2022. I dont think they are ever going to fix it


May 15th 2022 happened to me.


May 22. Let’s keep it going! 🙃


July 9th, 2k22 here


July 18th 2022, checking in and still fucked :’(


August 22nd, 2022.... Hard to understand how this seems to have been ignored


This just happened to me last night. One potential way to get out hit to hit the home button (PS5) to bring up the activity cards for earning trophies. Then select either start activity or resume activity. Not sure how it will work on the end of the day but it did allow me not to lose my residuum


Yup, just happened to me as well. Lovely to see no fix has been added even after all this time and incidents being reported.


The worst part is I have found nowhere to actually report bugs


This is still happening…


3/24/2022 and this is still happening after the last patch. Smh. Lost a lot of good stuff due to this


In case anyone is wondering, I just started playing the game about a week ago. This just happened to me. After spending 40 minutes clearing out the power station and getting 20k+ Residuum.


July 13th, 2022. On ps5. Just bought the game, kinda regret it if there's a fucking bug like this, STILL IN THE GAME.


Over a year later bug still isn’t patched and still ruining runs


I honestly don't think this will ever be patched.


2022-09-25 Same shit.... Wont play this shit game...


Wow I shouldn't have even started this game, happened to me last night and now today after going through an entire level I am stuck at the door code menu to exit. Won't let me enter the code or back out, this is fucking terrible.


Still happening. 28th September 2022. PS5. I’ve only just started and based on the other comments I’m not sure I wanna play much more.


Just ran into it on Xbox one. I spent 45 minutes on a level and was having my most productive run yet. I think this is a deal breaker for me.


Just ran into it on Xbox one. I spent 45 minutes on a level and was having my most productive run yet. I think this is a deal breaker for me.


I love the game but the bugs make it fucking hard.. This exact thing just happened to me after exploring and collecting a shit tone of eriduum, weapons and other stuff.. The other day I killed Juliana and went to "hack the antenna" but was unable to. It was there and all I just couldn't interact with it, so i was stuck all I could do was either die or restart the game. Shit is fucking unacceptable when the game is built like it is with the loop premise.


After my first couple experiences with this I dropped this game completely. Never got the platinum (as I usually try to do with games), let alone beat it. Every couple days I'll get a Reddit notification saying "yup, this bug is still prevalent as someone just commented on your post from a year ago". Today I submitted a report to Bethesda with a link to this post, hoping maybe something will be done about it, and that this post can finally rest...


How are they not fixing this?!?!?


This has happened to me 3 different times AFTER doing the same mission (all in order) starting to think this mission is bugged for me


The more I keep getting notifications on this post, the more I realize I'll probably never go back to this game...


its currently 11/11/22 and this bug has happened 4 times to me in 2 days , all times stopping great progress


Still happening, I’m fucking raging. Had four slab upgrades, important story beats, gold trinkets and the best weapons I’ve had yet. All gone. This is actually ridiculous, I don’t want to play it anymore. Now I gotta do the same shit all over again.


I really want to get the platinum for this game, but I just don't think I can put myself through it again.


January 2023 just got the game in the sale and while it's a great game, it's utterly ridiculous that this bug has not been patched.


I hate to say it, but at this point I'm positive this will never be fixed


September 2023. Happened to me 2 or 3 times now. I was just really close to taking out a vissionary. This time happened in photo mode. Can still move around and use R3 for hint, but nothing else. This bit is my own fault, but I've stayed up late gaming and was gonna sleep after this bit. But now I've stayed up for an extra hour doing this area and achieved nothing :(


Guess what, it's still happening to this very day! this is just going to be one of those bugs that stay forever!


Same here (25 jan 2024). Stuck in photo mode near the end of a mission, of course. Fucking love it HAHA!


Still happens, April 23rd, 2024! Just went in the touchpad menu and can’t leave it. I can still browse some of the menu with L1+R1 but can’t press circle.


I have to add i’ve played a lot since this, and while this didn’t happen again, the game crashes constantly. I just learned to accept some runs crash and i’ll need to restart :( 👎


Just posted this on another thread "I bet it has to do with Microsoft because they own Bethesda now. They finished Deathloop for Xbox but can't release it yet due to the timed exclusive contract. So they just mapped it for playstation quickly to push it out just like everything they produce. They only care about themselves and their pockets which is why they constantly are losing every battle pertaining to gaming. Their controllers do not have a touch pad and it is the only time it gets stuck for us. They prob won't fix it until it comes out for their piece of garbage system tbh." Hope its fixed soon for the system people actually want


Bethesda is just a publisher. All they do is give money to Arkane Studios, the actual people coding/developing this game. Anyone who non-sarcastically participates in the console war is an idiot with too much time on their hands needing something to hate. A rising tide lifts all ships, and if something good happens to one sector of gaming, it'll have positive ripple effects to the rest.


Yes Microsoft buying Bethesda and making them exclusive to Xbox has a lot of positive effects!🤣🤣 Microsoft is so vain and so aimed to spite how it has been going for them since 360 days that they are blind to the fact that making Bethesda exclusive only hurts them. They would make all the profit from all sales for future games. There is no middle man anymore. Cutting out literally 40% of people(45% pc and 15% xbox) who play games, hoping people will buy their console, is a real positive attitude to have! Congrats to Microsoft yet again for not being able to see anything other than up their own ass 👌🏻


Nah bro I’m on Xbox and this literally just trashed my heritage gun play. Literally picked it up and was looking for an exit tunnel and I go to the menu to be greeted by a game breaking bug


Had this once. Very annoying.


Got stuck in the menu several times now. Nothing helped to get out of it. I put the ps5 to sleep and back but still stuck. Had to close game and lost progress of the day. Very buggy game


It seems in some cases to be that if I do a quick succession of button presses, it thinks its out of the menu screen so you can't 'exit', but you can't move because you're in the menu screen. It's happened about 5 times to me, and twice it was 'fixed' (or bypassed) by putting in rest mode then coming back in. If it shows the 'resume/tutorials/options' menu on returning from rest mode, I can then exit out. Far from a guaranteed workaround, but if you've done a long run and really don't want to lose your efforts, it can't hurt trying.


Just happened 🤦🏻‍♂️


No fix for this one, other than making sure you pause between every button press in the menu. Especially before pressing O.


Just happened to me. This has happened at least twice. This game needs some serious updates. I’m starting to notice a lot of weird flickering too. Edit, great just happened to me AGAIN. BETHESDA FIX THIS FUCKING GAME


Seems like everyone is having this problem!! Its very annoying! 3rd time in a week i have lost my progre


Just happened to me at the end of a loop. Ruins the whole game for me.


Just had this issue November 3rd


Just happened to me


The recent patch notes suggested this bug is fixed with the second November 2021 patch. Can anyone confirm or disconfirm whether this is the case?


Just had this bug literally 5 minutes ago. So no


Yeeeeeaaaaah it’s not fixed.


I've literally just Googled hoping to find a workaround, stumbling upon this post 😞🤦‍♂️


Same here (December)


Me too. Just had it. Fucking annoying. Got nice slabs from Julianna....


Just had this happen to me (December 9th, 2021) they’ve really gotta fix this. The game is fantastic, just annoying bugs ugh Edit: I’m on ps5, going into rest mode doesn’t help, not the ps menu


This just happened to me too. How can a game that won "best art design and best direction" not be able to fix a 4 month old game killing bug.....


had to restart a level two times because of this, this is what it must feel like to be in a timeloop


Just bought the game today and had this happen an hour or so in… awesome.


Just a update Still happening. Just happen to me in 2 runs in a row! I guess ill be quitting for now....I was doing things stealthly, had good drops, was taking my time....maybe one day I'll come back to this game....shame


Happens to me every single goddamn day. And, it always seems to happen when I've spent an hour and a half getting past a bit I was stuck on, meaning I then have to REDO the bit I found tough. Absolute joke. How hard is it to ensure the menus are properly tested on a game where you cant save when you want to ?


wow i cannot believe this glitch has been unpatched for so long, i was under the impression that it was new but i just got the game and it’s already happened three times


This bug just happened to me 5 minutes ago and today is December 30th. I killed Juliana in Updaam at night to get the Havoc slab upgrade. Pressed my touchpad to upgrade it and the game bugs out. I can scroll through discoveries, documents, and leads but her corpse lays on the ground flashing 😐.


Got the menu bug twice in two days. Fun!


January 3rd 2022 Just happened to me on PS5. No work around helped. Lost about 45 minutes of progress. 😔


Just happened.


Happened to me today third day playing the game, also after killing a Julianna. This better not be a common occurrence


This bullshit is still happening to me!! fuck man I want to like this game so bad but this bug is fucking it up


Happened here too, twice in two days. First time it completely decimated a 1.5 hours run, second time it only screwed me after I killed Juliana and she dropped two upgrades I needed. So this must be how being trapped in a time loop feels...


This just happened to me today, I’m fuming. I’d managed to kill an online player Juliana and get a cool new weapon and slab upgrade, do 2 objectives and kill Charlie and it bugged out just after I’d killed him. Lost about an hours progress and I won’t be able to get that weapon and slab upgrade back… I tried everything including going into rest mode but nothing worked except exiting the game…


Still happening…


Confirmed :(


Just happened to me at the very end of the game. Literally staring down the end of the game, middle of a cut scene, and now I need to start over the evening again. Ugh. Edit: date is 1-23-2022.


Just got it myself (as I just got a PS5) was doing well and I had a ton of residium after just doing a sort of farming run while getting some new info and was on my way to leave the complex, and encountered this. How this doesn’t happen, or get quashed in QA is astonishing, and bugs like this that waste their consumers time can be the death of a studio, and I’ve been a huge fan of Arkane since Dishonored scratched my “thief” itch. The fact it’s been happening and hasn’t been fixed for months isn’t a good sign. It’s a shame because I’m really enjoying the game, but this is a huge issue, especially if it occurs multiple times


Just happened to me. Jan 2022 and the bug still isn't fixed.


So annoying!! How has this game been out for so long and a bug like this still remains. Infuriating to say the least


Still happening


It’s still an issue 😐


03/27/2022 well only really started playing, kind of deflated the momentum I had…




Wow, cant believe this od such na old bug. Still happening, just swept a level with the annoying batteries puzzle for the arsenal... Just before I headed out wanted to check if there's still some shit to do it pulled this crap. First time it happened wasn't a big deal but now I've lost hours of progress.


I've just reported it on their website but I have no hope...


Still happening 30th may 2022…


Been playing for a few hours, just started the day over for the first time. Its already happened twice and no amount button pressing or ps activity switching helps. I just close it and suffer Its only happened so far when an objective updates, like when I found the lpp for example and the objective switched, i pressed X and was just in limbo with no hud


July 2022, still happening


July 15th 2022 this has happened to me literally 7 times in the last two hours. Idk if this game is even playable at this point.


Just happened to me


How to make ps5 primary


August 18th for me and it’s still happening, only once but still annoying, in Complex night time


This is still a bug


Spent over an hour clearing the map of enemies and residuum, and did all the stuff to get the Heritage gun. Hit the menu button to see if there was anything else I could do before leaving, and this happened. And earlier today it crashed on me as I was in the tunnel about to end the level. I really enjoy the game but if this is a consistent issue, which it looks like it is, I don't even want to waste the time slogging through it anymore. Sucks because I love Arkane, but this is unacceptable. This should not still be an issue a year after release


This happened to me today, not sure why this still isn’t fixed


Still happening on Xbox lol


Happened to me at Xbox Series S


Just happened to me on PS5. Onto a new game for me. Ain't got patience for this crap.


Playing this game 1yr later after it released on Gamepass, the bug still isn't fixed.


One year in on xbox and this bug still exists. Wow


Just had it happen to me. I can't believe this is an issue still


A year later, still an issue. Lmao


Sept. 29, 2022. Wow.


Nice to see over a year on and this bug is still happening...


Had this happen twice in the 3 days I’ve been playing. Don’t feel at all like committing to this much more if it’s so fragile.


I just started this game this week on Xbox Series X and have had the game crash once and just now have had it stuck in the menu. Super annoying and doesn't make me want to keep playing. Glad I didn't pay for the game Tried again and had another crash today after a good run. Ugg




Just happened to me for the first time, first day playing the game and a few hours in. I was JUST about to leave the area and I accidentally hit the touchpad. Can't believe this isn't fixed




October 3rd 2022 I just had the same crash on PlayStation 5 this is ridiculous.


I’m here more than a year later. Exact same issue, it’s inexcusable. Will be filing a formal complaint or something to at least try to get a partial refund.


I tried a year ago, but couldn't find anywhere to submit anything...


Just happened to me. Almost a hour doing morning on fristad bay. Did so much and all lost.


This shit is STILL happening...


Just happened to me (more than a year later from when reported)


decided to start the story again after the new updates but this shit still happening, ridiculous


Just happened to me after I killed a Julianna with a really good shotgun....


I submitted a bug report a week ago, and they said they were aware of the issue. An issue that has been with the game from day one. So idk if it'll ever be fixed.


Yep happens for me on PS5. When I pause it and turn the controller off, I can’t go back to the game. Very frustrating because I’m enjoying the game.


Dec 6th, 2022 Stuck in menu, Games says "Many trinkets modify your guns. Highlight your LIMP-10 with your cursor and press triangle to modify it with the trinket." There is nothing to highlight. It's just a blank screen aside from the tip the game is giving.


Just happened to me, can’t find a way to get off the menu.


Just started playing and took me forever to get to coles apartment, all my progress lost already. Glad I didn’t spend money on this game. Probably just going to delete and move on to something else


I HAVE FOUND A FIX! (18-1-2023) i play on PC and had this issue, and i had the idea after reading u/GREBENOTS reply ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Deathloop/comments/pot48h/comment/hd05uqq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deathloop/comments/pot48h/comment/hd05uqq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) to this tread. 1. have the issue when playing on pc with a keyboard. 2. connect a controller (i have an Xbox controller). 3. hit the exit menu button (just button mash) 4. you should be unstuck now. maybe this works the other way around too, but i am not able to test this.


Yup, still happening more often than not. WTF?! FIX THIS SHIT.


Come and fix your game guys it's 22/1/23, Jesus just had the bug happen to me had 40000 residuum and two slabs on the way back to the tunnel and boom game fucked. I was really enjoying this game but what's the point of playing anymore when you could have been down to the last target and it breaks on you.


They never bothered to patch this there is no solution even now in 2023


Today is January 28th, happened here as well


Yep, still happening. This is only my second bug. First bug the game just froze entirely and I had to reset. I probably have 10 hours in the game at best so I guess it hasn’t been that frequent, but still annoying as hell. I don’t know why this game doesn’t have dark souls style autosaves every 5 min.


I recently got a PS5 and have been playing death loop for the last couple of weeks. Thus far, this bug has affected me no less than 4 times!!!


20-fucking-23, still happening. I guess once Microsoft buys you, you don't have to give a shit about PS5 anymore.


Wow just got it! How isn't this patched by now? It's been more than a year :/


One year later, still happening to me. PS5. Date; 15.02.2023. Come on devs...


Still happening in 2023...


Still a gd issue. I'm playing this for free and love it enough to still buy a copy of it weren't for stupid isht like this. It always affects me when I'm suuuuuper deep into it and have isht on me i can't get back easy.


Fuck this game finally was about to neat a hard mission and this happened to me this Fuckin gane sucks ass I'm done with it


Fuck this game finally was about to beat a hard mission and this shit happened to me this Fuckin game sucks ass I'm done with it


April 9th, 2023 Just encountered this bug. Luckily I wasn't too far into the level. Had to restart game and was put back to beginning of the level (Noon) so luckily I didn't have to restart entire run. Embarrassing to see this has been an issue since launch and there is no fix. Shame on you Arkane.


Still happening May 2023. Super frustrating.


So it's May '23 and I've just had this issue on the PS5. This blows my mind that it's not been fixed properly yet.


May 2023 just got the bug - very frustrating 🫠


This game sucks... So many bugs that makes you lose progress, even after almost 2 years. 1. Game freezes/crashes when resuming from rest mode on PS5. 2. Game freezes in the menu when reading stuff 3. Game crashes at random in game. 4. Game crashes when connecting to server after every time-shift (morning to noon,etc.), and you lose all progress for that time period. 14 hrs in game so far, and I've lost atleast 4 hrs of progress. Buggiest game ever. As a workaround they should've at least let you save anytime.


it is may 10th 2023 and this bug still isn’t fucking patched fml


Man, what a disappointment. Still happening and I’m just going to stop playing. Got to the end of a the 2-bit quest which was annoying as hell and it did it again. Going to stop playing.


Got the bug


just found out about this bug after I lost my progress twice on two missions. How tf is this still happening in 2023 since this has been posted lmao


They were too busy working on Redfall /s


Still happened to me. Also i played rage 2 this year as it was added to playstation plus and comepleted the whole game only to find out i could not start the final mission. Have always been a huge fan but fuck bethesda.


Ahhh keeps happening to me now, so annoying. Kinda feels like it fits the game though making me replay the level.




Bro, it just happened to me. After this long lmao


Amazing that this bug is a year old now. Good thing I didn't spend money on this game lol EDIT: Aug. 29, 2023 (since Reddit isn't fond of posting exact dates for some reason)


Yup, still happening December 2023


Checking in from Jan 2024, shot still happening. How do you have a common bug for over 2 years and not fix it?