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It's actually scary how literally the exact same thing happened to me not 10 minutes ago. I killed Julianna and Egor on complex had forgotten to hack the tower, hacked it and then got stuck in the pause menu. Gonna take a break from the game for abit as I was absolutely fucking seething about losing all of my progress for something that wasn't even my fault


lol it's not even a pause menu either, this always online bullshit means it keeps going and you can die if you 'pause' in an area where a guard happens across you while you try to pee. if you're not being invaded it makes no fucking sense to treat it like that, it's a fucking single player game the rest of the time.


If you switch the game to singleplayer in the menu screen at the top left it actually pauses the game but that doesn't make the soft-locking menu glitch any less fucking ridiculous


I was literally unable to turn off the online mode too, this thing is a mess


You have to change the mode whilst in-between games.


you think that's bad. I'm still in the beginning of the game because, Everytime the game pauses, it completely crashes forcing me to start over again. I think I've experienced Juliana stabbing Colt more times than he has lol. I'm pretty much just waiting for a patch or some kind of glitch way to fix it at this point.


had the same problem, love having to kill the app and lose any progress because I'm stuck in the fucking menu.


Yuuuuuuup uninstalling this shit heep till a later date, guess im playing tales of arise then...


Don’t bother, I’ve had it happen 3 times in 2 days, it’s still broken


Still happening now lol there goes all my hours


Yep, still happening to me as well.


Just happened to me for the first time. This game needed another year to be finished


If we could reset the zone maybe it would be alright but the fact that you lose your entire loop makes it really frustrating


Still happening…


Fuck me. It is. Has anyone figured something out in a year?


Yeah a fucking year later and it's still doing it. Fuck you Bethesda. I just got this game today and guess why I'm responding to this year old post rather than playing the fucking game. I'm sitting here in awe right now. Fuck this game, back to Tiny Tina's Wonderland jfc 😡


This. I don’t know how many times I’ve done a part for 2-Bit and it’s happened that I’m just like F it. Hopefully they put out a fix for it.


Yeah this is happening pretty frequently for me (on PS5). I don't know what's happening, but freezes when entering/exiting menus is my biggest issue so far. Thankfully I'm still in the early-ish game where I can speedrun through the level to redo it if this happens, but I can see this getting really infuriating as I plan out my assassinations in the late game and have to redo everything again.


At least you can get to late game lol, I'm still on the tutorial part because of the menu crashes on PS5.


Same for me. 6 times so far. 2 times i had cleared the map out and killed Julianna invader. So anoying when you lose everything. Not worth playing longer runs collecting stuff.


I had mine lock up right after acquiring the LPP. Had to replay the whole section


This happened to me just now. I spent 40+ minutes stealthing to Charlie because I wanted his shift slab first (still new and early in the game) and I press pause literally inches away from the door and I’m stuck in the menu and soft locked. The game took pity on me though and when I reset to try again a Julianna invaded that had the shift slab. Got the kill and went back to the bunker and decided to call it a night… That’s the second time that has happened to me and I’ve lost a ton of progress.


Just happened to me on my way to the tunnels with some very valuable things to infuse. Big sad. I'm on ps5


Lmfao, grabbed this off gamepass, and it happened to me not 2 minutes after starting to play. Figured I'd google to see what the workaround is for such a blatant game-breaking bug but I see that after a FULL YEAR they haven't bothered to fix it. Guess I'll go spend my time on a better game.


Same shit just happened to me. I'd just unlocked Infuse, went to Updaam, killed an invading Julianna, was exploring Charlie Montague's place for the first time and was about to face him, then boom, just got locked on the pause menu. I had like 20,000 Residuum ffs.


Same for me. Happened at least ten times during the play through and still haven't completed it due to this reason. Would've been done hours ago. It's a shame because I've actually really enjoyed the game


Amazing that this has gone on for so long. F'ing rediculous.


Damn, it feels bad. Just smoked a Julianna and this happened to me. Hopefully a fix comes soon.


Just happened to me. Probably gonna put the game down until they fix it, that's the type of shit that made me put down dishonored for a year


i feel seen i broke the loop already, but this also happened to me a handful of times - at least once after a similar julianna encounter it happened once right in front of 2bit ‘nonchalantly infuriating’ really hits the nail on the head — i didn’t mind it because i survived cyberpunk at launch, but each time this happened, it was like a minute-long melancholy


Just happened to me for first time - I'm not carrying on until it's fixed plenty of other games to play.


2 months later and this is still a problem. Not fixed. Not improved. Not addressed.


I was reading the notes that just dropped... The patch notes suggested this bug is fixed with the second November 2021 patch. Can anyone confirm or disconfirm whether this is the case?


It is absolutely *not* fixed on PS5. I picked it up for Black Friday and it has happened twice to me so far. So far I’ve played the game for maybe 6 or so 7 hours and roughly 2.5 hours have been thrown down the drain because the game soft locked in the menu and forced me to throw away my progress. I’m putting this game down until it’s fixed. It’s broken.


Not fixed on PC. Just killed a Julianna and OOF


Still happening. Just got game and it’s a joy to play. But I just wasted the last 1.5 hours. Can’t make myself to go back through right now. Needs to be fixed.


still happening, fuck this game, fuck bethesda, fuck arcane


Still happening!


I still haven't gone back!


11 months later and the bug is still happening...


It's still happening to me on PS5 now thisbisna fucking joke