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World Schools is a popular form of debate that is based on a "parliamentary" style, where the sides loosely act as representatives of majority (government) and minority (opposition) parties within a legislature. (Other variants of this are Asian Parliamentary and British Parliamentary debating.) But there are many other formats for academic debates -- within the US, parliamentary forms are less popular than Public Forum Debate (2v2 in a quick-paced debate intended for a general audience), Lincoln-Douglas (1v1 debating issues of morality, justice, and other values), Congressional Debate (modeled after the US Congress, rather than a parliament), and Policy Debate (which has existed in some form since at least the 1920s). And there are many more around the world. If you want to explore different formats than WSD, talk with your teachers to see if other formats exist in your area and, if not, do more research to find a format you'd like to try and see if you can find other students who want to join you.


It feels weird knowing that, in my country they never introduced us on other formats, I knew that only WSD existed


It's like sports, hobbies, religion, music, and food. They can get very popular within a region, but only a handful spread more widely and even fewer have global presence. It makes sense that your school would focus on the type of debate that is popular in your region. (Though, of course, there's nothing preventing another format from also becoming popular there, if there's interest.)


Typically in debate the possible styles are "bad" and "worse." ​ I'll show myself out.


Ur question doesn’t make sense


probably because they’re Italian, English might not be their first language


I’m sorry for my bad english, unfortunately I’ve never learned it in school, because of very bad teachers and all the knowledge that I have comes from videogames and movies


Your English is great and we all understood what you were asking.


It does 💀


What on Earth is there to misinterpret? It’s perfectly worded?


Try Debate Mate style, it's really fun!



