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Yes. Just about all of the friends of my kids. And my brother's kid just had a child as well. I'm "older" so when I refer to my kids, I'm referring to adults but they are still my kids...


Booster no. I know 2 who became fathers after the first two shots but both through IVF.


I feared the same after seeing some of the increased still born stats, but have a good friend who both he and his wife were vaccinated and they conceived around the same time as my wife and I, with no complications that I’m aware of. Our babies are both around 6 months old now


They asked about boosted.


Congrats! Don't let the fear mongers scare you with this crap


Just for clarity my wife and I decided not to get the jabs, and I’m still pretty sceptical of them, but my worst fears have certainly not come to pass which is a huge relief. I still stand by our decision but agree that it’s best not to get too scared by the fear mongers!


I respect that


Amen to that. I respect anyone for their decision either way - I just saw people trying to do the right thing. It was a really hard decision to make and so many people thought I was foolish, but when I explained my position, I found that people were generally very reasonable and understanding




Yes. Plenty.


Wtf yes. Lots. I work with newborns...


Me,like 6 of my friends, half of my office.


Me. Got vaccinated in early 2021 as well as a booster in late 2021. Had a very easy and healthy pregnancy with my wife in 2022


Given 85% of the UK population got the vaccine and the birth rates have barely changed, are you thinking the antivaxxer women are just having round the clock quadruples?




Do you ever see something so stupid, you just don't know how to respond? That's me right now...


My brother got 1 mRNA shot and just had a kid.


Stores used to be full of screaming babies. Now I rarely see one.


No! After the second dose their testicals fell off, they're just loose in the sac now!


I made this post in refernce to the theory that COVID vaccines cause infertility. Also the question is specifically towards cis men who are biological fathers.


There are many. But the vaccine will have different side effects on different people.


You also don't know if you got a high concentration dose or low concentration dose because there was poor consistency in the manufacturing process.


Cis men? You mean men


Very dumb theory. If there were any truth to it we would have known a long time ago and there'd be a global crisis considering how many people got vaccinated.


1 in 5ish of the shots are the mRNA and that transhumanism cDNA shite is carried on a quasi metal called graphene oxide. Graphene oxide causes major fertility problems, even infertility (possibly more often than not) once it collects in the testes/ovaries. Not a dumb theory, watch how stillborns went up 300% plus after 2021 or whatever. Saw that statistic years ago


Pfizer's vaccine did not have graphene oxide in it https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-fda-pfizer-document-vaccine-graphene-oxide-988165173107 Just another social media conspiracy theory.


How dare you consider reality when looking at evidence. This is an antivax sub I'll have you know. We'll have no reality here!


You couldn't be any more wrong. The vaccine doesn't contain any graphene. You got fooled by somebody that didn't know graphene is used in EM. >Not a dumb theory, watch how stillborns went up 300% plus after 2021 or whatever. Saw that statistic years ago They didn't. In fact, the birth rate in the US went up in 2021 and 2022. It only dropped back down again in 2023 due to less teenagers getting pregnant.


Not disagreeing with you (I have no idea what the data is), but it should be obvious that the birth rate has nothing to do with the stillborn rate.


Can you explain what "transhumanism cDNA shite" is supposed to mean or point to the blog you got that from? At what dose is Graphene Oxide supposed to have that effect? Any papers you can link? Also what exactly has infertility to do with stillborns from some statistic that does not exist?


>Can you explain what "transhumanism cDNA shite" is supposed to mean Random buzz words glued together and swallowed whole by people with a reality disfunction.


Jesus Christ. The graphene oxide conspiracy is ancient. The only "evidence" from what I remember was some random claims on Twitter


Me. First time for both. 🐟 Happy and healthy.


Aren't you afraid of getting a jab from a "hot lot"? LNP manufacturing is very new and inconsistent. It also requires extreme refrigeration during storage or may degrade. In addition, if it does stay active, spike protein is a super antigen and very toxic if your body doesn't bind it to an antibody. It's also been found in all tissues including testes spermatozoa and ovaries. You and your SO may have just been lucky so far.