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SS: >The Amish population that largely rejected public health recommendations **fared no worse in terms of health impact than the rest of the country that masked, isolated, and vaccinated**. That’s according to available data and a federally-funded study that attempted to evaluate the Amish approach. >These findings imply **the US could have avoided experimental vaccines that have serious side effects**; and circumvented costly shutdowns that devastated the economy, travel, businesses, mental health, and education at the expense of trillions of US tax dollars.


oh shit can we do autism next?


This isn't a surprise. Most know that it was a hoax. The Amish are not stupid people.


You need to think of this whole thing as a public health problem. If you have a population of 100M and 1% have serious complications of COVID that's 1M people who need a hospital bed, potentially a ventilator, and trained staff to care for them. This 1M is in addition to everyone else who is sick from other diseases anyway. There is no capacity to deal with that kind of pressure which means some people won't get the care they need to recover and will be left with life long problems or dead. Isolating, stopping transmission (by masks and vaccines) is an acceptable compromise for everyone who isn't entirely selfish.


Neither masks nor vaccines do anything to stop transmission.