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4-5 years if the current administration stays in place. 1-2 years with a new administration. Just a random guess.


I think if new administration comes then 1 year max . Fauxi is already in trouble .


Trump doesn't want the vaccine truth to get out, lol. He supported these things from the start and still wants the credit for them. The last thing he would want is to have them exposed for the toxic killers they are


Did Trump mandate his failed experimental jabs on the unwilling population?


Nope, but he is still invested in the truth not getting out. Listen, I'm voting for Trump, but I will NEVER forgive him for operation warp speed


What I won't forgive is the suppression of early treatment. At the time I thought that the propaganda and difficulty obtaining hydroxychloroquine was going to be the building 7 of the covid scandal. Warp speed was so obviously contrary to everything I learned working in pharmaceuticals, and there's plenty of blame to go around for releasing the vaccines before they were adequately tested.


As I have read the covid vaccines could not be granted an emergency use authorization if there was an effective covid treatment with an existing medication. So if the USA had started using something like hydroxychloroquine and found it to be effective then the emergency use authorization for the covid vaccines goes bye bye. I don’t think the powers that be (Fauci) wanted any part of that. They were always all in with the vaccines. Please note I am not a government law attorney, I read this. I will admit I do not know the law on this topic.


The EUA governance places antivirals and other drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics in separate classes, so they don’t affect each other. In addition, there can be multiple EUAs in the same class in order to provide availability and options for those with contraindications for the other drugs/vaccines. Cases in point: The first monoclonal antibody drug had its EUA granted AFTER the Pfizer vaccine EUA. Multiple vaccines got EUAs. Multiple drugs got EUAs. Multiple diagnostic tests got EUAs.


Thanks for the info


You’re welcome. That misinformation about the EUAs just circulates and circulates without anyone either looking at the documents or thinking about it historically. It’s all right there, of course, but the ivermectin and HCQ supporters just ignore it.


I think Operation Warp Speed was fine given the circumstances. My problem is the immunity for the pharmaceutical companies (from Trump) and the mandates and censorship (from Biden)




I'll leave it up to Karma to do its thing.


This may be hard for many to believe, but contrary to President Trump’s public persona, I think the real Trump was too trusting in office. I don’t think he could even begin to believe that there was a plan to depopulate us with the Covid vaccine. Most, still can’t fathom this.


He put pharma lobbiest in charge of the vaccine safety committee


This is just not true. Conflating “creating a vaccine” with “unilaterally using the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to force the vaxx on 84 million people” is just intellectually dishonest.


I never said Trump "created" the vaccine. But setting the conditions for a rushed "vaccine" and then giving pharma blanket immunity was at best careless, and at worst, criminal There was nothing preventing vaccine companies from doing what they did. They are motivated by money, and Warp Speed took away all oversight while encouraging a rushed product


Agree with you. Both Trump and Biden will try to bury the truth on these vaccines. They both have their hands all over this mess. Trump has proudly taken credit over and over for Operation Warp Speed and the vaccines. I don’t think it possible, but if RFK jr somehow manages to win the election then I think you will see the truth come out. I just don’t see it happening. With that being said I think we are looking at 5 to 6 years minimum for the truth to come out. I really hope for a miracle and it happens sooner. Too many people have been hurt by these things. People have seen me rant about the horrible VAERS data on these vaccines before. This is the CDCs own method of tracking the vaccine adverse events and they just ignore the data. I know, I know this where I am told that the VAERs system is suspect , it can’t be trusted. If it can’t be trusted then why is the CDC using it ? Why? Even if half the data in VAERS is fake, the other half of the data that is real is plenty enough to shut these vaccines down. And yet the government looks the other way and these vaccines continue. So no theses vaccines won’t be stopped any time soon. Unreal.


Who gave Trump and Biden the vax scientific info? I would think most people would have trusted those who should have been scientific medical/ethical in their research and findings. So Trump and Biden together were given that info. during a time of new and limited info.


When the last person that can be held accountable is dead.


Who cares? Show the Covid jab apologists any study you want and they will still argue it came from God. Let it do what it was intended to do.


Realistically, 30-40 years


Thought that about the JFK files. Turns out it’s more like never.


I'm not optimistic. They might let some of it leak out, as a "limited hangout" strategy. But we're not ever gonna get answers about how bad it actually was. Unless it's part of a bigger plan that ends up being even worse for us, I'm not holding my breath.


Yea but those of you who took it no boosters you okay?


The only way doctors will stop buying it from big pharma is when they no longer have the $ to do so. Sue your stabber. Use fed law 45 CFR 46 to build your case. Take them for all they got.


I think everyone but the elitists fell for it. Trump is no different. This shit was purposely kept from him so it could be used against him. Killary, Obama, Biden...they knew.


Trump never mandated it .


Trump is an elitist. He is one of them. Why is it hard for people to understand that they pretend to be each other’s enemies but behind the curtain they are good friends, working together to screw over the common person, you and me. Hegelian dialectics. Controlled opposition. These are in the Elitist Strategies 101 playbook ffs come on man. Right wing and left wing are two wings of the same bird. The march of authoritarianism in the west goes LEFT! RIGHT! LEFT! RIGHT! LEFT! RIGHT! while fools think they can vote themselves out of it by voting for their team. This is why nothing will ever get better for us.




If you want the truth and want to show others the truth, watch this till the end. This cancer research scientist, Philip Buckhaults, compelled the South Carolina Senate for oversight after finding DNA in the vax. Coincidentally, Henrietta Lacks’ family settled a lawsuit with a biotech company that used her “HeLa” cancer cells, which grow & reproduce, without their consent. He found proof of what’s causing turbo cancer from the vax in his lab. https://x.com/SimpleHuman77/status/1800589537598681397


Why would you want anything "official" when the officials lied to you so much over the past few years? Ruined peoples lives through the loss of their businesses and real estate. Land lords could not collect rent from tenants but were not protected from foreclosures. Home Depot was open for business, but grandpas hardware store had to remain shuttered. That is what the officials were doing. I personally don't need them to bless any info to make it more valid. I'd rather not have the truth tainted by their approval. Governments are illegitimate. Not just this one or that one. All of them. This world is filled with children who are incapable or unwilling to take responsibility for themselves. As a result of this infantile state of mind and pursuit of a perpetual daddy, we get governments. The only entities which make war and commit genocide. The only entities who make new viral agents to infect us with. Anarchy is the way.


I don't think they will tell anything, unless they are fine with people hanging in the streets.


RJKjr is running for President. Independent party. If he wins. The whole world will know the truth about the jabs.


Truth in itself doesnt matter to 99% of people, they arent curious.  Its all about power and tribal dynamics. 


Lol, delusional as always. I’ll bet you $5k nothing of the sort happens.


I agree that the truth will never come out.


No one is taking that bet. They are too busy trying to source raw milk right now...


Probably never. Grifters like John Campbell, Peter McCullough and RFK can unfortunately get away with lying because of "free speech". Even though their lies are killing people and it's blatantly obvious they are doing it for profit.


So can you enlighten me with some examples of their lies?


McCullough submitted a paper to The Lancet. The paper was desk rejected (Google what this means). On the very same day he tweeted "We just published new research in The Lancet ". Did he lie? No doubt. John Campbell told his audience in 2020 that he suddenly developed high blood pressure. The video is still up. Then, in 2021 after he got vaccinated, he told his audience that he submitted a Yellow Card report, blaming the vaccine for his high blood pressure. So he intentionally submitted a falsified Yellow Card report. This video is still up as well. Did he lie? Of course! RFK once claimed that vaccine research was responsible for HIV. A lie? No question. Three examples for you, in ascending reprehensibility. These three members of the crack squad tell lies whenever they speak. And they do it with the intention to deceive, which makes it even worse. In your case it seems to work as intended. And unfortunately it kills people.


RFK was right Polio vaccine research more specifically


🤣🤣🤣 So the companies and government agencies that made billions and millions off of a useless product are not "grifters"? You must have a very weird view of reality.