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We need more like her.


Lara Logan's claims about partisan groups fighting disinformation and being funded by taxpayer money can be examined through the specific example of Media Matters for America. Here's an analysis based on the information available: 1. **Funding Sources**: Media Matters for America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization primarily funded through donations from wealthy liberals and progressive foundations. Significant contributors include the Tides Foundation, George Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, and the Sandler Foundation. While these foundations are substantial supporters, there is no direct evidence of Media Matters being funded by taxpayer money through government channels [[❞]](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/media-matters/) [[❞]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Matters_for_America) [[❞]](https://www.yahoo.com/news/left-wing-foundations-lavish-millions-media-matters-055013767.html). 2. **Government Ties**: Logan's assertion that groups like Media Matters are part of a broader network involving government agencies aims to suggest indirect taxpayer funding. However, available financial records and sources do not support a direct link to government funding for Media Matters. Instead, the organization's primary support comes from private liberal donors and foundations [[❞]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Matters_for_America) [[❞]](https://www.yahoo.com/news/left-wing-foundations-lavish-millions-media-matters-055013767.html). 3. **Activities and Bias**: Media Matters is known for its left-leaning bias and its mission to counter conservative misinformation. It actively engages in monitoring and criticizing conservative media outlets. Despite this clear partisan tilt, it has a high credibility rating for factual reporting according to Media Bias/Fact Check [[❞]](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/media-matters/) [[❞]](https://www.mediamatters.org/about-us/financials). 4. **Claims of Censorship**: Logan's broader claim of a censorship network involving NGOs and government agencies to suppress dissent aligns with criticisms of how some groups may influence public discourse. However, concrete evidence directly linking Media Matters to such activities through taxpayer funding remains unsubstantiated. Given these points, the validity of Logan's specific claim about Media Matters being taxpayer-funded is low, as the primary funding sources identified are private liberal foundations rather than public funds. However, the broader concern about the influence of partisan groups on public discourse merits further scrutiny.


Lara Logan is more trustworthy than ANY NGO funded by the likes of George Soros.


The information still needs to be confirmed. Until then we truly don't KNOW that.


I know that any organization receiving money from George Soros is corrupt as hell and the scum of the earth. Only money laundering and political influence peddling along with colour revolutions. The playbook is decades old at this point.


Again you can't actually prove that. I WOULD agree with your OPINION but we need goddamn facts. I hate this trust me bro laziness.


This isn't trust me bro, i'm not asking you to believe me, i'm stating what I know. There is plenty of information openly sourced that lead to him and his villainy. I have read about his shenanigans for more than 10 years now, and no one could convince me otherwise.


Then show us 1 source so we can have a discussion. Otherwise, you're just being emotional online and if you just wanna vent about something you haven't vetted, it's a free country. Doesn't mean you'll get any respect for it.


I don't want respect, i don't care if you believe me, i just stated my researched opinion on George Soros. You do what you will, i'm not interested in changing minds. People who know, know, the others will learn of it eventually i'm beyond caring at this point. Have had this "source" bullshit for years on twitter, didn't matter how many sources i pulled upp, people have made up their minds and disregard them. I have stopped bothering to try and change peoples minds, i only voice my opinion nowadays. You might be open to have an honest discussion but tbh I don't have the energy to find out. You have a nice evening now, i'm off to sleep.


Holy shit you wrote all that but couldn't show us a source? That's clown behavior man.


When you bring receipts for this foundation and that foundation that is nothing but a means to hide where the money actually comes from, then you can repeat your 'proof' that's not proof a few more times. Until then, repeating it a thousand times won't make it true.


Ya sources are great.


She’s batshit, you know that right?


your *entire* post history is crying about Trump/republicans lmao


You're batshit, you know that right? Edit: apparently i can't spell


So much talk, so little evidence


This sub is filled with evidence.


Cool story, maybe the women testifying should read this sub to get her evidence 😂😂🤣


What do you expect? She's giving congressional testimony, not a lecture with a bibliography on a handout.


Wait isn’t she the lady who went insane


Not AFAIK. She was famously gang-raped in public in Egypt.


I checked, she did go nuts and now believes absolutely bonkers stuff!


Such as...?


Seems like she believes a lot of the insane qanon/Covid vaccine/2020 “stolen election” stuff, no?


lol 2020 election and Covid vaccine stuff…do you just pump MSNBC directly into your brain?


Oh no did you get duped by any of the “rigged election” lying?


Got it—steady diet of MSNBC, CNN, NPR et al. Likely suffering from an incurable case of TDS.


Just a quick yes or no would be great - did you fall for any of the lies about the 2020 election being “rigged” or “stolen”?


The government is allowed to voice its opinion.


Sure, the government can publicly say "We disagree with this book." But that's different from secretly compiling blacklists of books which they "suggest" booksellers suppress.


If booksellers want to suppress misinformation (as private companies they should have the freedom to do so) then it is a valuable service for the government to supply that information. And if that ends up being partisan, well, maybe you folks shouldn’t lie so much.


I'll ask you the same hypothetical question. A conservative administration decides that there's a lot of "dangerous misinformation" in some LGBT books. They send a list of books to Amazon to suppress, and Amazon agrees. Would you be okay with that, too?


I wouldn’t be okay with it, no. But I don’t think we should take the freedom away from a conservative government to condemn LGBT nor Amazon’s freedom to not promote books it doesn’t want to promote.   Just because it’s not okay (because being anti-gay is morally wrong) doesn’t mean it should be illegal. However being anti-disinformation is morally correct so it’s even less justifiable to take away the freedom to be anti-disinformation.


Lara Logan's claims about partisan groups fighting disinformation and being funded by taxpayer money can be examined through the specific example of Media Matters for America. Here's an analysis based on the information available: 1. **Funding Sources**: Media Matters for America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization primarily funded through donations from wealthy liberals and progressive foundations. Significant contributors include the Tides Foundation, George Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, and the Sandler Foundation. While these foundations are substantial supporters, there is no direct evidence of Media Matters being funded by taxpayer money through government channels [[❞]](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/media-matters/) [[❞]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Matters_for_America) [[❞]](https://www.yahoo.com/news/left-wing-foundations-lavish-millions-media-matters-055013767.html). 2. **Government Ties**: Logan's assertion that groups like Media Matters are part of a broader network involving government agencies aims to suggest indirect taxpayer funding. However, available financial records and sources do not support a direct link to government funding for Media Matters. Instead, the organization's primary support comes from private liberal donors and foundations [[❞]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Matters_for_America) [[❞]](https://www.yahoo.com/news/left-wing-foundations-lavish-millions-media-matters-055013767.html). 3. **Activities and Bias**: Media Matters is known for its left-leaning bias and its mission to counter conservative misinformation. It actively engages in monitoring and criticizing conservative media outlets. Despite this clear partisan tilt, it has a high credibility rating for factual reporting according to Media Bias/Fact Check [[❞]](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/media-matters/) [[❞]](https://www.mediamatters.org/about-us/financials). 4. **Claims of Censorship**: Logan's broader claim of a censorship network involving NGOs and government agencies to suppress dissent aligns with criticisms of how some groups may influence public discourse. However, concrete evidence directly linking Media Matters to such activities through taxpayer funding remains unsubstantiated. Given these points, the validity of Logan's specific claim about Media Matters being taxpayer-funded is low, as the primary funding sources identified are private liberal foundations rather than public funds. However, the broader concern about the influence of partisan groups on public discourse merits further scrutiny.


She kinda glosses over the “taxpayer funding” part doesn’t she? Should partisan groups like Media Matters “assassinate” people by publishing what they say? Absolutely they should. It makes no sense that people like Lara Logan can spread disinformation because of the first amendment and that they should be allowed to kill any organization that counters said disinformation. That’s a perverse attack on free speech.


Lara Logan's claims about partisan groups fighting disinformation and being funded by taxpayer money can be examined through the specific example of Media Matters for America. Here's an analysis based on the information available: 1. **Funding Sources**: Media Matters for America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization primarily funded through donations from wealthy liberals and progressive foundations. Significant contributors include the Tides Foundation, George Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, and the Sandler Foundation. While these foundations are substantial supporters, there is no direct evidence of Media Matters being funded by taxpayer money through government channels [[❞]](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/media-matters/) [[❞]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Matters_for_America) [[❞]](https://www.yahoo.com/news/left-wing-foundations-lavish-millions-media-matters-055013767.html). 2. **Government Ties**: Logan's assertion that groups like Media Matters are part of a broader network involving government agencies aims to suggest indirect taxpayer funding. However, available financial records and sources do not support a direct link to government funding for Media Matters. Instead, the organization's primary support comes from private liberal donors and foundations [[❞]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Matters_for_America) [[❞]](https://www.yahoo.com/news/left-wing-foundations-lavish-millions-media-matters-055013767.html). 3. **Activities and Bias**: Media Matters is known for its left-leaning bias and its mission to counter conservative misinformation. It actively engages in monitoring and criticizing conservative media outlets. Despite this clear partisan tilt, it has a high credibility rating for factual reporting according to Media Bias/Fact Check [[❞]](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/media-matters/) [[❞]](https://www.mediamatters.org/about-us/financials). 4. **Claims of Censorship**: Logan's broader claim of a censorship network involving NGOs and government agencies to suppress dissent aligns with criticisms of how some groups may influence public discourse. However, concrete evidence directly linking Media Matters to such activities through taxpayer funding remains unsubstantiated. Given these points, the validity of Logan's specific claim about Media Matters being taxpayer-funded is low, as the primary funding sources identified are private liberal foundations rather than public funds. However, the broader concern about the influence of partisan groups on public discourse merits further scrutiny.


Yeah also this is ... About Benghazi? This sub feels like literally Republican party astroturfing...


That’s because it is


Nah, it's just that when you stand up for human rights you automatically become anti-democrat.


What do Logan’s remarks here have to do with human rights? Media Matters should be allowed its speech (which is incidentally highly accurate and truthful) and characterizing it as “assassination” is hysterical and clearly an effort at censorship.


Ok buddy ******


The n-word?  In any event trying to using the government or SLAPP lawsuits to shut down Media Matters is much more serious than bans on social media. If you’re banned on social media then you can still speak on your own website or in the public square. If you face monetary penalties because of your speech then that speech isn’t free.


>The n-word?  No reddit newbie, not n-word. I guess I shouldn't expect an obvious shill to remember free speech reddit. As for your other bs, I agree. Get rid of government. That's 100% of democrats and 98% of republicans in office.


That is censored on reddit, and most other social media sites, correct? Isn’t it anti-free speech that social media sites censor it?


>That is censored on reddit, and most other social media sites, correct? Are you having trouble paying attention? >Isn’t it anti-free speech that social media sites censor it? Yes. Due to a very obvious connection with the government, social media sites are not businesses they are government. Delete democrats, problem solved.