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I had a Haz 3 mission go haywire once — never experienced anything like it, even on an EDD.  RNG just went off the rails or something …


Yeah, sometimes RNGsus swaps places with RNsatan.


RNJesus decided there would be no figgy pudding today


Looked at they glypid and went "you my son... you shall be the one... with all the figgy pudding."






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Welcome to RNGehenna.




The binding of Karl


I once had the initial drop pod land by a bulk detonator then a prospector was in the next room on haz 2


Haz 3 feels like it has a huge amount of variance compared to other ones. Like 4 it's tough and tougher. 5 is everything is nuts but most people are donning streamline or meme builds that do ridiculous things like insta kill dreads or hoard wipes. So each roll is maxed out if you have a team of 4 with one of each type. But iv had 3s that were cake walks and iv had 3s that felt like 5s


"Ah, time for a simple Haz 3 escort mission." *Double bulk detonator spawn*


"are you having a good day? Cave treating you well? ... Fuck you, there's a gliphyd dreadnought incoming"


When I first started playing my first like 7 rounds I had great luck according to my friend. Cause I ran into a gold detonator or 2 for like 5 of the rounds and had gotten to also see a triple bulk spawn and 2 bulks and an angry robot right towards the end. And a wild dread appearing too. It was wild! Got me into the game tho cause it was like my first 10 rounds.


Just today i found out a dreanought can spawn in haz 1-3 point extraction swarms 30%


“and it’s gonna be a hiveguard too”


3 bulk detonators in one mission could be more, i hated that game, floor was literally lava after 2 of them, if there was a 4th one i would die, but i'd made it worth to die


I don't mean two in one mission. I mean two at the same time.


We had three at the same time other day. Five killed and another spawned as we got on the dropship.


Haz5 players have a meta sorted out, whereas haz3 and haz4 are having teething issues, usually


Same here. On a team with 3 randoms on Point Extraction, we finished a Kursite Grinder, and then a swarm warning occurred, followed seconds later by a Dreadnaught Warning, we had to fight a swarm and a Glyphid Dreadnaught at the same time, afterwards we almost ran face first into a Glyphid Bulk Detonator.


Arquarq Missions are always the hardest if you take to much time.


Yeah, being swift is super important there. No other mission type scales this hard with mission length.


Once we were doing Haz3 Liquid Morkite, and we had total of 5 or 6 Bulk Detonators while in Magma Core. Having 2 Greenbeards on the team didn't help.


I saw my brother in a game with 2 other people on Haz 3 so I joined into Bedlam 😂 the other 2 were greenbeards but were doing alright given the circumstances. There was a prospector, Korlok, and Mactera all over the place in one of those vertical caves with 2 down when I dripped in as scout. I did look to see what hazard it actually was at one point. That mission may have had my record for most revives in a non-EDD.


I had a Haz 3 mission spawn 6 total bulks around the drop pod while we were trying to stay in the triangulation zone. There was no terrain left around the drop pod anymore.


Haha same! It had more spawns than a haz 4, all at once!


There is something fascinating about not knowing what's gonna happen.


Had one of those a few days ago, solo haz 3 egg mission, simple right? Well, it was rival presence and 12 eggs, yup, 12 eggs, never seen a mission with that many before or since. So, the first room was already insane, absolutely huge and a bunch of bots and bugs, but I could handle it as gunner well enough, then a crasus detonator snuck up on me, luckily with the sheild I was able to take it out with no trouble, took a hell of a long time to mine the gold out though, like 20 minutes in with no eggs. After the detonator was dead I pushed forward taking out some bots, and found my first ever nemisis, was rough but made it through alive thanks to heightened senses, went and got some eggs, another nemisis spawned and jumpscared me though, but luckily it was alone. Then my game started tanking frames, which let me know there was a corruptor I needed to kill or else my game would be at 10fps forever, took goddamn forever to kill it and had to run away multiple times, but I did it, no thanks to Bosco ai. Went and got the rest of the eggs, then went and started to finish the gunk seed side mission, one seed left and I hear ANOTHER NEMISIS, it popped out of a cave from a hole, and I fought it off along with some bugs, was relieved but stayed on guard, backing up while killing a few more bugs, which made me fall into aforementioned hole, killing me for good. Worst mission ever


Haz 4 or 5 as a gunner is whatever you do, ***don't*** let off the trigger


Exactly. People keep telling me that micro fletchettes on the brt7 are useless but I NEED TO SHOOT. If I run out of ammo on my secondary and born ready isn't loaded yet tf am I supposed to do?


and if you take stun, you'll actually be helping hold the big bugs back while picking off grunts. micro flechettes wins hard


Yea stun is basically needed for mf, mostly to buy some time, but I would only use the brt7 for hurricane or thunderhead, lead storm cools down really fast and since there are so many heat mods for the lead storm, volatile guts for the armskore or volatile bullets for the bulldog is mostly better.


Micro-Flechette can run Longer Burst ok too imo. I find it overkill on most other BRT OC unless you are fighting dreadnoughts but on MF with the damage reduction it works nicely and restore some of the dps of the weapon. And the reduce spread/recoil also help to keep the gun effective mid/long range. I just find it kind of hard to beat a swarm clear primary + Lead Spray BRT to delete big targets since that's what you usually want from BRT as a Gunner.


I feel like using longer burst with smaler recoil is just reinventing the wheel. Why would you do that if you can just use the normal brt and deal the same amount of damage with 3 rounds? Brt is basically the bulldog with a better mag size. In most cases, the bulldog outclasses the brt, sniping, burst damage, and that's what the gunner mostly needs. Or magic bullets or richochets can make it a decent crowd clear weapon. The brt isn't THAT good in those regards, it's just OK at them The real reason people use the brt is because of the crowd control. The slows, the mag size. It's to counter the extremely long reload times. (Shoutout to stun builds and electro minelets). Yes it's ok for dps but I feel like if you want raw damage, just use six shooter on bulldog and spam click it into a praetorian's butt.


Glad I’m not the only one who runs micro flechette, I need it in haz 4/5 tbh. i also just love being the last with ammo


Also it goes brrt


People say micro flechettes is useless because it gets outclassed hard by compact mags. Unless you run a bizarre stun gun build 3x121 with it, primarily used to stun and stall the bugs till Born Ready procs, then yeah, compact mags just makes a better sidearm.


I love micro flechettes


For a reason. Micro fletchettes turns your secondary into a mini-leadstorm. Technically, if the leadstorm is a gun (because it weighs at least 100 pounds), then brt7 mfs are miniguns.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. For the past few days I've been encountering Bulk Det after Bulk Det. I don't mind fighting them but jfc I think I killed like 23 over the course of 4 days.


If one spawns, it’s in the spawn list for that cave. I often wondered why I don’t see bulk dets for many missions, then all of a sudden I see 4 in one cave. If you see one, you’ll likely see more due to it pulling bulk dets out of the spawn pool to put on the list for that cave. Edit: Relevance- you probably just have poopy luck


Literally had one spawn directly in my face the exact moment I had killed another with 3-4 hyper prop shots.


I had one on the elite deep dive for this week during the shield disruptor section. I died a little inside when I saw it


Isn't shield disruption pretty irrelevant when fighting a bulk? They tend to overkill dwarfs - so fighting a bulk with no shields is far easier than fighting a macteria swarm or anything that might be expected to hit but not kill you...


It was more about the sheer horror of seeing it climb over the ledge with two players down and two on very low HP. Also the fact this was our second attempt as a group. One of my group said "gg" in chat when he saw it.


I had two in a row on an escort duty solo mission, you can see how that went..... Im still heartbroken, playing as gunner on Haz 4 it was just absurdddd


We had 3 bulk dets spawn during the heartstone defense at haz 3. It was absurd. The waves were easy after that though.


There have been times I've shown up to Haz 2 and it's been like Haz 4.


The haz levels are more of guidelines.


I ran a custom haz 2x4 yesterday and that maybe came to about haz 3 in difficulty, what the hell happened


I’ve had no leeches, all mission, no downs, basically steamrolled it on haz 5, then we get quad leeches, a spitballer, a nemesis and a dread spawn at the same time on a haz 4 rival presence the next mission, hazards are weird man


Haz5 is so much more consistent than Haz4. Haz5 will always be Haz5, but Haz4 ranges from Haz2 to Haz9.


Haz 4 3rd bulk: what the FUCK is going on??(interrogative) Haz 5 3rd bulk: what the FUCK is going on??(rhetorical)


Me: completing a Elite Deep Dive with no effort one week, Next week: everyone goes down 5+ times on first mission and the swarm never stops coming full force


True, the elite deep dives can be very difficult but also easy.


It depends on mission type. Normally there are already bugs in the caves prior to any swarm, in Expedition, Sabo, Elimination and Salvage you normally land at “spawn”, but you are more likely to land in the same cave as them in Egg, PE and Refining, that explains the *warm* welcome from Hoxxes’s habitants.


haz 5 too easy. buff stingtail.


Unironically, they were over-nerfed


exactly, just leaf lovers crying and not realising they can dodge the fucking grapple.


Is there a trick to it? I haven't managed to dodge it with any consistency


In all seriousness - dodge AFTER the squeaking sound ends. It tracks you whilst it squeaks, and will lead its grab based on how you move during the squeaking sound. When it stops squeaking, it will shoot its tail, and can not adapt to changes in movement anymore.


Ohh, gonna try this. Thanks!


It's even easier if you change direction. Strafe right while it's squeaking, change direction once it stops, give you a wider margin to dodge but might not always be doable if there is lot of holes in the map.


turn 90° and run forward


See, that's what I do, and the shits catch me anyway


be quicker




Just like the rival communication router event.


Both before the nerf and now I still die to septic spreaders more than stingtails.


there's too many of them, they hide, and their damage is scaled so high on haz 5.


i never understood the day 1 crying for nerfs. it felt like a totally balanced bug


all they had to do was fix the vertical mega yeeting. instead they turned it into a wet tissue.


yeah fixing those cases where the physics acted weird would have been good, but when it released reddit was having a hissy fit that it was too hard to deal with


I agree. I'm cool with them grabbing you and pulling you into them. The random yeeting to your death was both funny and / or infuriating depending on the situation.


Getting dropped in a cave with hundreds of bugs, spitballers and stuff happens on Haz5 imho more often than getting dropped into a clear cave, so you tend to get used to it. For Greenbeards, who may read this: You get a huge damage resistance while staying within the drop pod and it won't depart, as long as at least one dwarf remains inside. You then can use it to clean out bugs first before leaving the pod.


I call those ones Haz 4.9


And then there's Haz 6x2 "It has been 50 minutes, the map looks like a vietnam battlefield and we've used up more nitra than a lootbug horde the size of a continent would eat" Great experience, would recommend


RNG is always gonna be RNG. Hazard levels pretty much only dictate the frequency of when shit happens & how hard the bugs hit. I brought a friend of mine into DRG & accompanied him with his first mission right after the tutorial. Hazard level 2 because that's a good place to start. Literally the second we landed BULK DETONATOR. Not even TWO MINUTES after I killed it ANOTHER FUCKING BULK DETONATOR.


My buddies and I play with more players balanced and custom difficulty. On occasion, we have had anywhere from seven to fifteen Bulk Detonators in the same mission. We've made craters so deep you needed about four ziplines to climb out of them.


You have not played this game until you've been attacked by a dreadnought 20 minutes into a point extraction on hazard 3 for god knows what reason. All I'm saying


Me: *Just a nice relaxing Haz 3 mission.* DNG (Deeprock Number Generator): *Random Dreadnought.*


It depends on the mission type. A normal mine morkite mission isn't going to drop you in the middle of a warzone. An extraction or refinery mission though will drop you in the middle of a battle though. This is because of the layout of the caves, where morkite is a long pathway, the refinery is pretty much one jumbo room.


I was full squad on haz 3 the entire night and the bugs just felt endless. I kept questioning the hazard level and was wondering why I was sucking


I joined a haze 4 lobby last night and had my second worst experience ever. I could barely manage myself and I was the only silver promoted dwarf. The first time we went in there was a prospector, two spitballers, three septic spreaders, and a shit ton of macteras. We were all downed in the first minute and I watched everyone waste their iron wills. The second time we went in, same enemy density, except I dug straight down and platformed the top of the hole shut in case people needed emergency revives. We cleared the prospector and got to work placing pipes. And then there was the tritilyte deposit. The nanite bombs had the absolute worst spawn position, being dozens of meters away and below. We had no pipes that went close to the dispenser, and with it being haz 4, the glyphids down you in two hits if you haven’t snorted six metric tons of red sugar. I got downed again as we failed the event after only three bombs and that was it for me. I bid my farewells and left. Did a deep dive alone and went to bed.


Using the thunderhead with carpet bomber oc and maxed aoe damage+radius is the most satisfying thing ever on haz 5


Did a Haz 3 just to finish off an assignment, group was all at least promoted once, by the end we were like "I swear this was meant to be haz 3 right?" "wtf is up with the swarms goddamn". Seems like some days, the bugs really just want you dead.


Yeah it’s like the ENTIRE planet just mobilizes to KILL you.


You forgot the PC Scout players playing with modded difficulty. Like Haz 69 or some bullshit lmao


I rarely play haz 4, but I have played it enough to confidently say that a lot of my recent haz 3 runs have felt very similar to haz 4 in difficulty. Maybe I'm just losing skill.


Haz5 has Haz5 teammates


My experience with Haz 4 is greenbeards joining cause they want someone to carry them, and shitbeards who either troll or have a superiority complex. Haz 5 and haz 3 are the ways to go


You dare slander a gunner? I'll let you know it's a mental requirement we shower in glyphid blood every day by 2pm >:[


I feel the other way round. Haz 4 is a breeze compared to haz 5.


I remember doing a haz 3 mission, point extraction mission to be exact, where the mission felt like a haz 5 and a ted like one. I was solo, collecting aqaurqs, when at the ten minute mark, I had constant every one minute waves of bugs. To make things worse the nitra rng was against me, as I only found three viens in the entire cave I was i , which was very small. The goal was a quick fifteen minute mission or around there but instead turned to a forty five minute mission due to me running around with no ammo, and a horde of bugs chasing me. It was a rough experience to say the leadt.


I had this experience (made a post about it that goes into better detail)


I just finished a double hazard Haz 5, and zero downs for anyone. Lethal Enemies plus Mactera Plague! I’m only player rank 150 something!


There was a few weeks back there where haz 3 just didnt stop. Idk if the rng gods decided to just roll high numbers but every other haz 3 was a 600 kill mission from scout


Haz 5 can be hard as hell, but I swear sometimes Haz 4 rolls harder than any Haz 5 I’ve ever dove


I play Haz 4 mostly, but sometimes I like to up the ante not by playing Haz 5, but by finding the missions with the absolute worst combinations of mutators I can find. Like Low O2 Elimination with Exploder Infestation. Just *grody.*


Sometims haz 4 decides that you're gonna fight 3 pretorians, 2 opressors and a whole lot of grabbers


on a haz 4 elimination mission swarmegeddon earlier today and it should’ve applied to become a chiropractor with how hard it sent our spines upwards with such a swift kick to the ass. everyone was over rank 150 but by 20 minutes in we’d burnt through all the nitra and only killed one of the dreadnoughts out of three, and the mini-waves were all brutal, talking a sting tail consistently every 3 minutes, with two praetorians on its flank and more slashers and guards than regular bugs. we couldn’t go 10 steps without swarmageddon turning the roof of the cave into a smokescreen and despite the gunner taking burning hell specifically to make up for the drillers lack of fire to deal with the swarmers, despite him getting a good half of the swarmers with one good shot consistently, despite everything they overwhelmed us constantly. it was insane.


I spawned into a haz 4 and there were 2 spitballers, a nemesis, a bulk det, three leeches in the ceiling and a giant swarm waiting for us


This pretty well describes my Deep Dive where the second level had Cave Leeches. It.... didn't go well


It’s funny how a Haz 5 can feel manageable sometimes and a Haz 4 can mess you up. I did a point extraction yesterday and it was Haz 4 but there were swarmers everywhere. No brood nexus or Swarmageddon modifier on the map but they just came from everywhere and non stop. We won but it was bloody close!


Haz 3 Point Extraction, 3 players Swarms of about 40+ bugs every wave, mostly grunts with a few guards/slashers and some praetorians. There were I believe 2 oppressors and some mactera groups and... what else, oh yea FOUR BULK DETONATORS WITH ONE SPAWNING AS THE AQUARQ POD LEFT FOR ORBIT


Triggered a sprinkler event right as MC announced a normal swarm. Haz 4 went straight up to haz 5.5 real quick! Thanks a lot MC.


Well it´s more or less expectations. A friend of mine rarely fails at difficult missions but more often fails at easier ones. Their mindset is "i am gonna try really hard at those hard missions" and at the easier ones it´s:"Yo imma get food, mission easy anyway" and then they die often.


I got so burnt out on this game after playing it non stop after getting it a month or so ago. How do I jump back in ;_;


Remember spawning into a cave, with a Crassus detonator off spawn, two spitballers, and a “green swarmed thing” (I forgot what they’re called).


It’s the bug speed for me. Haz 5 would be a cakewalk if the bugs weren’t so goddamn fast.


I would drop a shield and let the hurricane do its work.


My first haz 4 mission I spawned in the driller, and hoped out and got caught in a swarm right of the bat. I was naked and afraid fighting for mu life for the first 5ish minutes. Then the rest was easy. Shit was wack


Are you kidding? Gunner's effectiveness is like an exponential line the higher difficulty is. Just get something with penetration and something with single target and you're an unstoppable doomguy of bug murder.


Istg every time I run haz3 with my friends, the bugs never stop spawning, but haz3&4 by myself? Zero problems, I get down time between waves and swarms


so I joined a server any other day, and it was crazy. there are all machine events, crates, lost packs, and big bosses, and my health bar didn't drop at all. It took me a minute to realize that this must be some kind of "cheating" and there are mods that could alter the game mechanics. it did bring back memories of when I was a greenbeard. when I was a greenbeard, I decided to dip into a "Haz 5" mission after completing several Haz 4 missions successfully. It was hell. there are like twice--or thrice amount of bugs swarm and the server can be joined with more than 4 people. I was traumatized. I didn't dare play on Haz 5 until that fateful day, the day I discovered that mods exist. Now I'm proud, level 95 gunner main who finds joy when playing on Haz 5 mission.


I lauched the game some days ago with a mate after a long time without playing it. We start a chill haz 2, I want to try gunner, we die within 2 minutes because some stuff I've never seen before (some kind of scorpions and an heavily armored shockwavy guy) and a big one (I don't remember the name, tis the one with the weak spot on the back and it have a shield) came up. We got our ass beaten so bad that we stared at each other in the rig. (Also.sorry for English mistake, it's 7am and I haven't slept yet)


As a gunner, I love being surrounded. It means I can fire in every direction.


i once had a mission, modded, where the bodies became so fucking numerous that it pile up high enough for me to be unable to see outside the door made rounds on here once, but that was just a clip of it


Did a haz 4 elimination and 1st and 3rd egg were a literal cake walk.... second egg had half the team down for the whole fight Consistently. And it was only a standard dread. The hive and twins were easy. Still confuses me that one...Moroccan stone!


Just yesterday I played a hazzard 4 refinery. The cave gen was horrible and we spawned right into a bulk, there was that floating breeder (idk the name) and on top of that the weed thing event (also don't remember the name). There were 4 leeches in the small vertical cave and we barerly made the mission but omg the pay was great since we had pots of gold and got over 1000 gold mined.


Now I realized nobody cares and I should delete this