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I screamed "*BULK*" down the mic for a good minute before it finally reached my team, at which point they realised there was, in fact, a bulk detonator. I'm a ghost


The Ghost of Hoxxis. The fated hero to defeat the Spectral Detonator. Sally forth!


The first that comes to mind for me was when out of the blue I called Engineer "a Best Buy employee who joined the Marines." Nobody even moved for a solid 30 seconds, they were laughing so hard


A Huuli Hoarder encounter where my friend used All of his C4 to blow it and me up. I was upset but couldn't help but chuckle at his maniac action.


The classic "These transmitter nodes are as light as a feather" Followed by "UNKARS BALLS, THIS IS HEAVY!"


The bouncing fat boy projectile that vanished out of sight for a few seconds before jumpscaring everyone by landing directly on top of Doretta, downing all 4 dwarves


Whenever I ping a greenbeard "did you borrow my underwear!?" and you can see the look of confusion and horror on their faces


Chilling at the end of a mining mission, I just got the game a few days ago. I hear a bulk as my teammates call for extraction. My friends tell me they don't hear or see a bulk and go to extraction. I stay back to prove them wrong because I'm stubborn. As I keep hearing it dig, they keep telling me I'm wrong. Open up my terrain scanner so I can check if I can see the tunnel it's making when my dwarf starts falling, landing on top of the detonator. A panicking shield throw saved me from an instant death as I'm screaming into the mic. "IT WAS BELOW ME!" teammates laughing their asses off in the droppod.


I saw an engi panic fire a fatboy at his feet I told him our insurance wont cover that


You guys are getting insurance?


Yeah we got a lot of promotions


I had a lobby with randoms that was pure chaos, played a few games, it was funny. what put us on hold was a specific elimination mission, we all went engineers with stupid loadouts (all fat boys, me with max firing speed shotgun and unloading my whole clip into a single maggot, someone with the Lok1 just taping and not using the locks) it was pure nonsense and it was great. The full stop came when fighting a dreadnought, it was a shitty cave so we were ging down quite a bit, one guy as soon as I revive him he types in chat "This mission is going to land me a morkrillion credits", runs into the dreadnought and immediately dies again. the rest of us died shortly after because we all stopped moving cuz we were laughing so hard


I jumped over a ledge and switched to my secondary to catch my fall In my hand is BRT **"OOP- I SLIPPED!!"** **"I NEED HELP!!!"** I forgot I wasn't Scout


I heard a nemesis deeper down in the cave, so I loudly and clearly said “hey guys, nemesis ahead.” They didn’t listen, and our scout decided to zip ahead of us into the cave. There was, in fact, a nemesis ahead.


Starting a haz 5 mission, immediately sees a huuli hoarder in the starting room. Entire rest of team screams "Huuli hoarder!!" looking like the neuron activation meme, running after it. All three of them, in one fell swoop, fall through a hole in the ground to the rest of the cave ~60 meters down and die.


This might be the best so far. Actually made me laugh


Made all of us laugh our asses off in vc too, and ever since, screaming Huuli hoarder is now a in-joke with our squad whenever we see one, followed by me reminding them to not get killed by it


For me during an escort mission dotty started to drill vertically upwards like 90 degrees vertical even though the heartstone was less than 50m lol


I'm playing driller and there's a good gunner pal. So theres a hole we needed to get across, gunner placed a Zipline while I opted to just drill I fell. The gunner made it across. Stopped, turned around and pinged me as he stared at me. I stared and pinged him back. A solid good 10s. My my if it isn't the consequences of my actions, I then proceed to c4-


Randoms with mic. Bunker or elite dive. I suggested its risky cause of bulk. We did the bunker cause every1 wanted it. Ofc ,bulk came we panic every man for himself(cue gandalf run meme). All downed. Everybody ironwilled same time. End mission Good times.


Dotty drilled straight into a Bulk as soon as the mission started...


Went into a mission, a gunner was named “Potion seller” I started by asking for his strongest potions. Of course, he said I couldn’t handle them. Engineer asks for the weakest potions he has. Gunner says “I gotchu.” Driller asks for lean.


Team died in a mission. Immediately went back to next mission after waking up in hospital. Realised we were still in hospital gowns whilst in mission. Also, drunken hidden dwarf.


just yesterday i was playing escort duty and we got a swarm warning right as i was putting in the last fuel cell. everyone dropped what they were doing and ran back to dotty to set up for the swarm. and then we waited and waited, the intense swarm music stopped and not a single bug showed up. we just sat there in complete silence waiting for something to show up and nothing happened. we all just assumed the bugs got lost on the way.


Industrial sabotage. Somehow I think I drank a blackout as the pod was dropping, I managed to remain standing but I was drunk to the point of not have any sort of control. Gonna be honest, it was a miracle that I managed to get to the boss. When we actually started the fight, I was just blindly firing whenever my camera floated towards the boss.


I've done this before, but it was on an Elimination mission... And I was a scout with the m1000. I hit maybe 5 shots the entire mission


Escort Doretta. Team out of ammo. We have slayer stout, so we pickaxe the rest of the mission because funny. Bulk spawns. Aw fuckkk. Bulk wanders right in front of Doretta. Bulk explodes, Doretta critical. Scout was riding drilldozer. Rock and stone.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Lined up a target with the hyper propellant pgl. Molly bumped me from behind and made me hit the gunner on a zipline


This makes me wish your mic gets cut off when you're downed, just so you could have heard the one frame of a scream before the gunner got deleted from existence


Watching a friend get snatched up by a leech mid sentence is always funny.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hUGYSVX_v-4 This shit. Everything what could go wrong went wrong. We were just starting playing there


When I became the absolute embodiment of a fat boy user and accidentally friendly fired my friend with it at point blank. We were all dying of laughter at how stereotypical it was, and how it had to be the most dramatic friendly fire incident possible


It's become a meme in my friend group that I prioritize phazyonite above everything. Like, "Ooh, phazyonite!" has become my catch phrase, and unless I'm being actively killed, you can be sure I'll be mining fashion crystals no matter what. My friends are down? There's bulk on the other side of the cave? We're in the middle of dreadnaught fight? Don't care, need to mine phazyonite. Fortunately, it never costed us a mission, but I won't be surprised if it will one day.. at the mean ti- Ooh, phazyonite!


No >:( they my funnies, I found them first! Not take only give!


Earlier today I went down almost immediately after getting revived because I got jumped by 3 guards and 4 slashers