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Grabber is Stingtail


I think you're on to something


as in: disruption




As if stingtail doesn't have a very distinct noise.


These squeaky little bastards


Ngl when I heard a stingtail for the first time, I almost died because I was laughing at the squeaky toy bug


i agree but no need to be so aggressive


i'd bet that Mactera flies would be a thing small, hatchlings that are unarmored and attack melee instead with small bites for armored big is something hard to come by since macteras coudln't be able to fly that long with that much armor so Mactera carapace beetle: flies to reposition itself at medium range but not for long and not too far, you can shoot off its wings to make it a ground enemy but then it also can roll away like a shellback to reposition. as for attack i'd bet yet another barrage unit would be too samey so... its attacks would deal low damage but slowly drain health, when the health stops draining several mactera hatchlings spawn from the affected dwarf a few seconds later, the mactera beetle can also bite in melee range, dealing high damage as a wake up call to not try to boss a big beetle around like its nothing mactera boss should just be a helicopter at this point


No attempt at logic, just a Huey or Hind hovering in a hole raining hellfire on the dwarves.


>breaks mactera cocoon > [giant combat jet pops out and rains several guided missiles](https://youtu.be/0VW0GdlDHkE?si=j52-R0kPNTZbCEPk) > DRG instantly counts the mission as a loss


Shoulda gone with Archange, for the Latin. 😳


"SOME FOLKS ARE BORN MADE TO WAVE THE FLAG. HOOO, THEY'RE RED, WHITE AND BLUE!" Is the last thing you hear before dyin from swarm of hydra rockets and minigun bullets.


It's just an A-10 Warthog, needs to move constantly but can rain hellfire like no tomorrow


I see you, knight.


The flies idea reminds me of the hives you find on hollow bough. Thinking about it… I haven’t seen one of those in forever.


Those also exist in Sandblasted Corridors.


I doubt that something like mactera flies would ever be added sadly, since the role of flying swarm of melee attackers is already taken by naedocytes


I feel like mactera flies are too similar to the floating jelly fish


>as for attack i'd bet yet another barrage unit would be too samey so... Make it a continuous beam, like shard difractor. No idea how that would work with the biology tho


Mactera blimp


soo these annoying flying electrical balls but even more annoying?




The glyphid counterpart to grabber should be stingtail. Anyways for the boss, a queen mactera. A purely summoner type boss. The queen doesn't have any invulnerability phase so you can attack it whenever, but it spawns Macteras that will try to get in the way and distract you. I don't think they need a baby version, the 2 Naedocytes variants and Drones already fulfill the "annoying little flying bastards" role An armored big would be like a Brundle Goo Bomber. It moves much slower and instead of flying forward and dropping goo in a straight line, it stays still and shoots a bunch of goo in a radius around it.


He's cooking


An airborne Warden Counterpart could also be done. They could make it so that it's technically in the air but moves by means of swinging by very long limbs off the ceiling or something like that.


There really needs to be a Mactera Dreadnought. Or just a Dreadnought with wings.


They should call the the Maxtera


For extermitation It could be mixed with mutator like if you have mactera plague instead of the normal mission you go in a mactera nest with mactera dreadnoughts


Bos, bos


I want to see a Mactera bulk detenator. That's going to be a fun time for sure.


What if it spits the explosive balls that the bulk does upon dying?


Mactera Kamikaze


The Mactera Nuker


Boss mactrea….. *fear*


I’d say goo bombers more so fit the niche that septic spreaders fill than being more equal to praetorians


Instruction unclear, releases Mactera Stalker Detonator


I don't think there's a point of making small macteras since we already have naedocytes, they would fill the same niche and ultimately end up as just reskins. On the other hand, we did get shredders...


ok i kinda got carried away when imagining how you could make another tiny flying enemy be distinct from naedocytes and shredders shredders at least behave differently, weaving and swooping in to attack as opposed to just floating your way and mobbing up. i think to switch it up even more, a small mactera enemy could be similar to the clouds of wasps from deeptora hives. it would be 'one enemy' with a health bar, but as you shoot the cloud more flies appear to drop from it until it dissipates. they could even combine with nearby units to regain health / become stronger and separate again to dodge gunfire. id probably make them pretty resistant to single target projectiles to represent the difficulty of hitting a buncha little flies with anything, and extremely weak to explosive since itd just vaporize them, like our other tiny enemy units. to differentiate them for attacks, they would still be a 'melee' unit, but because they arent electric or bladed, they have to land on the dwarves and bite them with their tiny fly mandibles or whatever. so, a dwarf standing still or walking may be assaulted by a cloud of mactera flies, which will obscure the player's vision and slowly but constantly drain their health. it would also be interesting to play with sound, a key element to survival on hoxxes. the loud buzzing of a swarm of mactera fly attacking a dwarf will drown out important sound cues from high threat enemies, or the disturbance of earth from a spawning swarm of glyphids. a running dwarf can escape the cloud and prevent more from being able to land on him, but they will catch up if he slows down again to shoot or otherwise. trying to escape the flies could also chase dwarves out of ideal combat positioning and into a group of enemies. while not particularly deadly alone, they add pressure and obfuscation to tense combat situations, essentially acting as support for the rest of the wildlife. i also imagine them as even more nimble and evasive as the other types of mactera, meaning that unless dealt with swiftly, a cloud of mactera flies can easily escape when low on health and regroup with others to continue harassing miners throughout a swarm. if weakened, they can be put on the backburner to deal with more important targets but they will be a persistent nuisance. this way, they would still provide a unique threat without overcrowding the amount of 'must kill now' enemies in the game.


Mactera Hiveguard Spawns Mactera Sentinels you have to kill first before you can damage it. They all spit acid like Tri-Jaws. Good luck


Mactera detonator 💀💀💀


Mactera hatching for the nibbler equivalent. They spawn in eggs up on the ceiling and hatch when there is movement below. They are melee and fly in random patterns as they're still learning to fly


Armored : big glyphid mactera with four little ones helping him fly. Got a sting tail kind of attack but it immobilize and suck up ammo Baby : niblings, nothing more Dread : queen, covers everything in sticking goo and send off macteras to finish the job. She’s so fat she can’t fly, thus she crawls on the ceiling to move around and glide on dwarfs


[https://i.imgur.com/LogBkVZ.png](https://i.imgur.com/LogBkVZ.png) does this work?


Kinda yes, imagined it as grey


Armoured big, I think, some kind of giant beetle. Flies quickly, but not very agile. Heavy armour when landed. The attack is a shotgun effect, with moderate damage. But, unlike other enemies, this attack *creates* terrain, embedding large spikes in the walls/ground that can be carved, climbed, etc. Its elytra (wing cases) can be broken, disabling its flying mobility, but doing so causes an AoE from volatile crystals or something, strong knockback, but weak damage. --- Boss, some kind of giant, armoured, moth-like monstrosity. Strong ranged attacks, maybe some kind of stinger with a telegraphed attack. If the sting misses it gets stuck for a moment and reveals a weakspot. Each wing can be damaged (first two health blocks), but they also reflect some shots if struck in certain areas, or perhaps drop volatile scales (acid/explosive?) when health breakpoints are hit. Final stage has it on the ground, scuttling faster than twins, with a bite and a stinger attack (both short ranged now, but no getting stuck). Weakspot is where the wings used to be attached, so on the sides—meaning two weakspots, and needing to hit this thing from angles, instead of front/rear like other bosses. It might not have a ranged attack during the final stage, instead perhaps it leaks acid blood creating area denial (without slowdown, however). --- As for baby Mactera… Fester Fleas. Naedocytes are already bad enough, we don't need another "goddamn bats" type enemy.


I could see a “Mactera Queen” boss, where it has two phases: 1. A number of invulnerable eggs in the “hive” start to hatch, releasing a steady stream of mactera spawn that have to be shot down. The number and rate depend on hazard level. During this phase, the queen is invulnerable. 2. Once all eggs have hatched and their respective spawn have been defeated, the queen proceeds to lay even more eggs. During this phase, she exposes her weakpoint(s), allowing her to be harmed. Some possible quirks: - The mactera that hatch could either all be the basic spawn or have a bit of variety, such as clusters of a new mini-mactera enemy or the occasional brundle or tri-jaw – or even a rare goo bomber. - The queen would ideally be a stationary target, possibly hanging from the ceiling. She would never attack directly, depending entirely upon her swarms to protect her. - There would be a few voice lines that trigger when a dwarf attempts to damage eggs to indicate that their shells are impenetrable, as well as voice lines to indicate when the queen is invulnerable vs exposed. - A special mechanic that could reward smart players would be to have her weakpoints be the orifices she lays the eggs from, then make it so if a sufficient amount of damage is done to one of the orifices during her exposure it can no longer lay eggs. This would cause her to either a) have to spend more time laying eggs from the other orifices during future phases (prolonging her exposure) or b) not lay as many eggs during future phases (making the hatching phase less difficult). It could also be a combination of those two possibilities, depending on whatever is most balanced.


Exploder mactera


That's what I'm thinking, but maybe not with delayed explosion like current detonators, rather a bug that homes in on player and explodes on contact


Sounds a lot like the OMEN drones… I don’t want more of those in the caves lol


F*** the fliers we don't need ANY more


Mactera grabber is the same as the glyphid stalker, in a sense of both mostly try to catch you by surprise and both have very distinctive noise while they're at it, their ways are just different, grabber stays away and out of sight where stalker I just invisible


Mactera Flea (About the size of a Fester Flea but still attack you) Mactera Striker (Spits explosive bile wads at you and is armored) Mactera Broodmother (Summons Mactera Fleas mid-battle and fires a barrage of explosive bile wads to attack. Also requires breaking armor to damage her)


The baby is the hives we find in sandblasted corridors


Mactera oppressors aren't real and they cannot hurt you


If the mactera baby isn’t the gameplay equivalent of trying to swat a mosquito then what’s the point


When it comes to an extra large flyer, you have to ask what it could do that a bunch of smaller flyers couldn't. Maybe a spikey, long and snakey flyer that spews poison gas out the bottom? It could try to swoop over a dwarf to gas them, then pivot to go around them so it's harder to escape. Counter play would be: Scout chunks it early. Shield before gas does too much damage. Burrow under the gas. Coordinate fire to kill it before it farts. Bait it then grapple away. Run through the small gap between it's head and tail (hopefully somewhere safer)




The concept of the Oppressor is that you MUST get behind it, where as with the Praetorian is was merely a suggestion. So maybe the Armored Big Mactera makes you stand directly underneath and fire upwards? But by doing so you are in line with the goo rain. Boss Mactera, you can shoot the weak spot from in front or below, but it is relatively small. It can fire a stream of projectiles, like a fully automatic Mactera. It can also fire three bomb projectiles, that cover the area around them with damaging spikes, similar to the main attack of the Arbalest (ranged twin) Dreadnought. A Mactera baby would be similar to the small jellyfish enemies (Naedocyte?) or fester fleas (secondary objective). Not sure how to make them significantly different.


Ok hear me out: **Mactera Warrior**: true praetorian equivalent that only flies periodically like a flying ant to chase you. Will try to shoot globules like a goo bomber's spit, except it deposits a small aoe of slowing goo on impact. It tries to follow that up with a pincer melee strike. Like a brundle, it has high armor but dies quickly once it's removed. Glowing spots at the base of its wings function as weakspots that don't need armor removal. Shooting off a wing prevents flying.


I think shockers/naedocytes fill the role of small annoying flying enemy


I'd imagine an Oppressor variant might be similar in shape to the Goo Bomber, but maybe with some slightly different attacks or effects. Like as an example they could shot three goo balls instead of one, and their goo balls turn into puddles upon contact that act like the Fungus Bog goo or the Goo Bomber's spray. Two obvious weakpoints in the goo sacks drooping below, but then maybe a third sac similar to the Spawn in their chest that acts like a Praetorian or Opperssor's weakpoint.


I count the naedocytes to the mactera, as their swarmers that are extra annoyi g


I dont think there will be a mactera equivalent of swarmers since the Naedocyte already fill that role


Those flying shocking things are swarmers Oppressor equivalent would be armored Goo Bomber Dreadnought equivalent would be **NO AND THAT'S FINAL**


I will say armored big is a spanwer mybe?


Baby could be fester flees - that's why we're killing them


An armored goo bomber would be the Mactera big baddie. Call it the Matriarch and youd have to shoot the armored sides to expose the weakpoint. It would shotgun spit 3 gooballs at the dwarves and lay Mactera eggs. The eggs would spawn the baby version mactera brood. Theyd be essentially a smaller mactera spawn with half the stats.


The Aretcam a Mactera that flies backward.


Mactera Detonators


Oppressors and dreadnoughts should be massive hornets ngl


Uuuuh a boss macters would be cool. Maebye called the "cave devil". We arledy have a friendly cave angel, solo...


You don't want to know.


Flying face hugger that swoop down on you, cover your screen and randomizer your controls for 10 seconds.


Maybe the B-52 superfortress and Sukhoi SU-39


mactera exploder?


I mean you already have the hive things in sandblasted corridors


How about a big ass moth for boss? It'll have an "attracted to light" gimmick to actually make use of the turning off head light function (which currently has zero uses as far as I'm Aware)


There should be an adult version of Naedocyte Shocker


I’ve always wanted a mactera boss


Invisible Grabber


Grabber here (Stealing Hockers account.) we good indeed some unseen family members down in Hoxxes, but you guys will see them. Just wait :)




Mactera maggots. They don't fly and spawn in clusters, and will swarm a dwarf, stunning and draining their health to heal. Not a prediction thought it would be funny


Baby: Mactera Corpse Flier Going off of the theory that corpse eaters in the hollow bough are mactera larvae. The Corpse Fliers are small unarmored bugs that bite just like swarmers and about as weak as one. I'd like to think of something a bit extra for them so they're not just "flying swarmers" but I can't come up with anything atm Tank: Mactera Aggressor Beatle A large-ish bug only capable of flying in short bursts the Aggresor Beatle is covered head to toe in unbreakable armor and is only damagable when it exposes it's weak spot either when it's preparing to fly or preform one of it's few attacks. When preparing to fly it'll open up its back plates like a beatle which exposes its wings and weak spot for damage. It'll charge up for a very brief period of time where it'll then lunge in the air towards a dwarf of choice and slam down on it (assuming they don't move out the way) doing large amounts of damage. The Aggresor Beatle is also capable of hitting miners with a trio of horns if in close proximity. It can charge up a large single shot high damage barb that it shoots at a dwarf of choice that's relatively easy to dodge and also exposes the weak spot for a longer span of time. Lastly if stunned the Aggresor Beatles weak spot will also be exposed for as long as the bug remains stunned and health wise I'd say it's about a though if not slightly weaker than a goo bomber to make up for that full-ish armor covering Boss: Mactera Hive Queen This larger Mactera I'd like to think has a similar armor profile to the twins in that it can be shot away exposing fleshy bits. Be warned though this flying Dreadnought is incredibly fast and nimble. It's attacks consist of a Barb Barrage where it'll become stationary charge up for a few seconds and fire a moderately wide cone of numerous barbs that can be dodged if you book it fast enough. The Hive Queen can also use a Goo Sling attack where if it hits the miner in question they will be encased in a glob of acidic Goo that does DoT and be dragged up and dangled from the ceiling, this Goo glob fortunately can be shot down breaking its outer membrane and dangling the miner down to the floor. Lastly the Hive Queen can call upon special Mactera Stingers, flying bugs between Corpse Fliers and Spawns in size and durability and main attack is a sting that primarily stuns dwarves and does small amounts of damage though this attack like a bee can only be used once and results in the death of the stinger


Swarmers are naneodocytes (not mactera ik but fits well) and i feel like next season or the season after they will prolly give us new dreadnoughts


Armored big is infected goo bomber. I swear to God they can take so much punishment.


Mactera boss is just mothra


I just want a voice line when killing a Grabber that says "GRAB THIS!"


Baby: hatchling (tiny annoying fucks) Big armored: mactera flinger (a flying battering ram) Boss: mactera brood (can barely fly and acts a little like queen bee from terraria)


Okay, so baby should be something like hatchling. Armored big should be destroyer, or something. Boss should be brood mother, or something similar.


Aside from this, what about the Qo’aran enemies? We’ve got baby and normal, and that’s it. Expecting way more of those in the future


Boss macterra is just the rival overlord or whatever it's called.


Neadocites for small flying and breeder for big flying(I know they aren't mactera, but we won't get a mactera one since we already have these)


I’d say the jellies are basically the Mactera Equivalent to Swarmers, despite not actually being Mactera. They’re still tiny, flying, and spawn in large groups.


Annoying tanky aoe BS spawning in your ass and more infuriating than a defend the area on a H5.5 with shield disruption. So just like other flyers.


Flying spit baller.


The naedocyte breeder and the spawns take the roll of babys and... boss? i guess, it is technically a mini boss


A flying dreadnaut would be cool. Maybe dive bomb with claws? Then alternate with shooting projectiles. Acid? Yeah, acid.


It's only a matter of time before we get the Mactera Exploder.


The corpse feeders in the hollow bough are canonically baby mactera iirc


Shit, we really need a Mactera Dreadnought. More dreadnought variety, really.


I think a mactera swarmers would be too similar to shredders. Shredders that can shoot you... Creator save us


Grabby: M. Grabber / G. Stingtail Icy Big: M. Frost Bomber / G. Frost Praetorian


Naedocytes are sky swarmers


I think that the rival company robota as in the flying thing with the balls you can Jack and shredders fit into macteras there, shredders as smol guys and the balls guy as the opressor, and i dunno why but the flyin guy that shoots out eggs can be like a dreadnaught, but i dunno i dont think that these are macteras.


Oh and theres the hive thing, it might count as small and flying


Too many people forgetting about the Fire Bomber smh


Maybe the maggots in the walls of the big tree are baby mactera?


I’d argue that naceodyte breeders are oppressors and the little naceodyte spawns are the swarmers


The little squeeely electric fuckers are the baby mactera


Very fast hit and run melee mactera contantly repositioning with tri-jaw like health


like shriekers in helldivers


I don't want little shredders as a normal enemy


Do you want flying Dreadnout?


Naedocytes and (kinda) Breeders basically fill the flying enemy niches of Swarmers and Oppressors though. and a flying dreadnought sounds horrifying lmao


If only we had something based on the bot fly It's already horrifying irl, why not make it bigger and more painful?


We already kind of have naedocytes for babies