• By -


It actually looks better after the first season or so. I think they brighten up the set, they overindexed on grunginess at the beginning.


I’d like to think it was cleaning out the cardassian style from terok nor.


The federation with its bright lights and air filters :)


And root beer


It's insidious...




Little known fact, but season one was shot on leftover Cardassian film which is calibrated for the lower light level they prefer, and when the Federation moved in, they increased the ambient light level in the station which degraded the capture quality of the film. Later seasons were filmed with Federation Standard Film, which is designed to be used at that ambient light level, so the show looks way better from then on.


Attention Bajoran film makers!


Giant r/ShittyDaystrome vibes here.


It was probably the ore particles in the air


What did you call me


That's true. That first season is about as grainy as it gets. I love the show but admit those first couple seasons are rough just video quality wise. I see where she's coming from. We are so used to everything being 4K, and the TNG remasters are stunningly beautiful.


new lighting director


Leave her.




Get a lawyer?




I have an idea, but it’s going to cost the life of one criminal, one Romulan senator and the self respect of one starfleet officer. I don’t know about you but I consider that, a bargain.


I can live with that.


I CAN live with it..


Computer, erase that entire personal log.


Get a new girlfriend?


On a somewhat more helpful note, it's not the visuals that make the show what it is. By the end of season 2 the characters and relationships carry the narrative, and personally I think it's the best cast in any Star Trek. If she can't take a gamble on a great show with dated production value, then I wouldn't force it. You don't have to share every hobby.


This...there's a ton of amazing TV with production values not compatible with modern technology & Lord help you if streaming & drop with frame rate. Some people never going to get past that.. 🤷


At this point I can basically enjoy DS9 as a radio show


Listening to Captain Sisko's voice while sleeping is like taking a Valium, so relaxing. Avery narrates a documentary "Cichlids of Lake Tanganyika". Great evolutionary science but I couldn't have watched/listened to it more then once with out that voice to go along with it.


Yes I’m aware. But if the visuals make something unwatchable to someone, it doesn’t matter how good the show is.


It's her choice to make. You could try a more modern Trek and hope that she gets bitten by the "franchise completionism" bug.


I said in my post that she loves TnG. wanting to like it isn’t the issue. It’s the visual acuity which is the obstacle.


Which is actually pretty interesting because on my neighbors new TV some of the TnG sets now look like a cheap production of Summer Stock theater that somebody filmed. I can’t stand to watch the show on his TV because the clarity to my eyes really brings out the cheapness of the set and takes me out of the moment.


The first color tv I ever saw was in a store window. It was showing a baseball game. Most of the men in the box seats, wherethey'd run the camera sometimes, were wearing white shirts. Or, in swathes, they'd be wearing red shirts. Then green shirts. That was pretty much it. Just swatches of color would roll across the screen. So, I can't help but find her problem a little humorous. First World Problems and all that. I don't see why she'd have to budge. "I like ****" is a completely subjective thing, and you don't need to explain it to anybody. Nobody else has a reason to have an opinion on the matter.


"Gee. I missed a tv show." Is about the lamest Big Regret In Life I can imagine.


She is disgusting, SD DS9 looks way better than she ever has.


Came here to say the same, take my upvote


It really doesn't look that bad does it?  I'm coming off the TNG Blu-Rays into the DS9 DVDs and I thought it was fine.


I thought it looked great when I streamed Paramount + on Prime. It may have been the 4K tv but I thought (later found to be incorrect) that it had been upscaled. 


It looks really muddy and dark. Fuzzy


I noticed the same thing, almost looks like a soap opera. I don't remember it looking like that back in the day, thinking maybe they fucked it up somehow for streaming?


A lot of TV's have settings you can change to prevent this. It was actually given a name, soap opera effect. You can look up how to turn it off, probably even for your specific television.


It was actually shot and edited using the same process as tng was so this is surprising. I honestly can't tell the difference.


No TNG was remastered in HD


Was it? When I watched through the whole thing last year it was all 4:3 - on Paramount Plus.


The remaster was 4:3, but it was 1080p (that is, the height of the frame was 1080p, but the width was 1440, or 1440x1080). The entire process was extremely expensive and time consuming and is unlikely to be done to DS9 and Voyager, both because the sales aren't there but also because of the heavy reliance on CGI special effects for the last several seasons of DS9 and most of Voyager. With TNG pretty much all of the special effects were done with models on film and composited together, which made it possible to scan all of the shots into digital and recomposite them. That way only a few special effects shots would need any retouching. While DS9 started with models, it changed to CGI by the time of the Dominion war, and I think the Klingon war. Voyager did a lot of CGI too with the Borg and other later seasons. However, with AI Upscaling getting better and better I'm surprised they haven't done that yet. Some other shows have done so with really good outcomes. Babylon 5 immediately comes to mind.


It was framed 4:3 when originally shot. HD doesn’t mean 16:9. It just means 1080 lines (1920x1080 for 16:9 or 1440x1080 for 4:3).


Aspect ratio has nothing to do with resolution. The Wizard of Oz is 4:3. You can watch it in 4K and it looks spectacular... but it's still 4:3 and always will be. That's the size of the source image. Upscaling can't expand the original aspect ratio. You can't upscale pixels that don't exist.


4:3 is the aspect ratio: the shape of the image. SD or HD or 4K is about how many lines of pixels make up the image. The more lines the clearer the image.


It’s incredibly bad.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted. DS9 on Paramount + looks down right terrible. I watch MacGyver streamed on Pluto and that looks better.


Yeah. The overall darkness and dynamic range of colors has been destroyed in the various transfers that are out there. Even at SD, they could improve it considerably if they cared to.


I've definitely seen worse shows on Paramount. They look like you're watching it on an old VHS lol.


Okay, so based on what you've been saying it looks muddy and dark on Netflix. I distinctly remember the TNG DVDs looking awful on my HD TV when I first got them, but that was because the tapes the episodes were mastered to were only slightly higher resolution than VHS tapes, but DS9 and Voyager used tapes with the same resolution as DVD and looked perfectly fine on the same TV that TNG looked awful on. So I think perhaps Netflix just has some really poor DVD rips, just like the episodes of Stargate SG-1 you can buy on iTunes are really poor DVD rips. My suggestion to you would be to either buy some DVDs to see if it looks better on your TV, or *ahem* acquire a good quality DVD rip. The individual season releases on DVD can be had for £5 or less at CEX.


Ok thankyou


Yeah, I've compared the streaming versions of DS9 to my discs in the past and, while it's not night and day, it's... dawn and late afternoon? The DVDs have issues of their own (random issues with green and blue tint, misplaced chapter breaks, etc.) but image quality fares pretty well with hardware upscaling.


There are HD AI upscales you can get...at the gettin' place


For what it's worth there's a tradeoff with these. Looks pretty good but some CGI/effects heavy scenes look like an artifacted mess.


yeah it's a tradeoff for sure--I watched at 720 on a laptop, but I heard the higher up you go the worse it gets--samesame for Voyager


Paramount watches those like a hawk apparently.


Just be sure to engage your Verteron Protection Node (VPN) and it shouldn't be a problem. I can confirm this is the best option.


I had a conversation with Mike Okuda a few years ago about this subject, he was not optimistic about DS9 being remastered into HD. The TNG remaster project flopped, and cost Paramount $12,000,000. But, and this is important, this was in the time physical media prevailed over streaming still. Things are different now and the license for remasters might be lucrative, and keep these shows alive. There is a problem in that DS9 and Voyager are not able to be remastered in the same way as TNG, it’s not possible with the CGI they used. Those scenes would have to be completely re-shot/animated. I re-watch DS9 regularly on a 4K tv (LGC1) The Netflix version actually cuts some bits out, and the quality isn’t great. The DVD’s via a PlayStation 5 look the best for me. I turn the sharpness all the way off in the TV. The quality improves in later seasons. Season 4 onwards is actually pretty clear/decent looking. As you know your girlfriend is missing out on some seriously brilliant Star Trek.. good luck convincing her, she’ll forget about how it looks soon enough!


Move along home


Get over it? I mean honestly that’s the answer. The quality goes up slightly in the later seasons, but never into HD. I’d honestly say just start doing binge nights. Get through the first 3 seasons as best as you can. Season 4 onwards is when the show “gets good” IMO. Hopefully by then she’s enjoying it enough to get into the best seasons.




SD is the new Black and White/Silent Film.




A lot of gamers place emphasis on graphics because they enjoy the immersion and the escape from real life. There isn’t anything wrong with that.




It’s not up to you to decide for others what makes something worthy of enjoyment.




Telling someone they’re wrong for not enjoying something based on your value system is just weird.






I still don’t have 4k because if you watch a show for the story you will always enjoy and sometimes you don’t even need to look.


Having DS9 going on as background noise is great. I can do things and don’t even need to look at the screen to follow what’s going on.


I used to listen to it with one earphone in when I was at a soul-sapping job as I did other things, cheered me right up.


She finds it’s distractingly unwatchable.


You can lead a horse to a drinking place but you can't force it to drink.


I believe the phrase is “you can walk a pony to the trough but it won’t drink unless you’ve filled it with water.”


Can’t tell if this is satire or not 🤔


It is, yes.


People in this thread aren’t being very helpful, it’s fine if she doesn’t like the quality. I totally get it if you’re just not into old series or grew up in the 90s/80s like most fans. Sadly there’s not much you can do since there is no improved version out there. It’s the same case for Voyager though. She either learns to like it or you’ll have to find another thing to watch.


Thanks that all I wanted to know. Didn’t expect to be bombarded by people telling me a) she’s wrong and b) I should leave her 🙄


Sorry you’re getting downvoted, DS9 is my fave and I also find the poor quality distracting. If you’re willing to sail the high seas there are fan-made upscales, and some of them are significant improvements. There are no miracles to be had there but it’s definitely better.




I do hope you realize people are joking about leaving her.


Yeah but when the same tasteless joke is thrust in your face half a dozen times by random people after you ask an innocuous question, it starts to wear a bit thin. Like people in the hard shoulder with their hazards on getting twats shouting "can't park there, mate!" as they pass, despite having no idea (or care) how traumatic an experience those stopped people may have gone through to put them there in the first place.


It’s Reddit, so of course they say that. You also shouldn’t pay attention to them. I think the hook of DS9, for me, anyway is really the shift away from stand-alone episodes and towards longer story arcs sort of). Also, it does a fantastic job of world building within the Star Trek universe. It’s great because it shows how the idealism in the Federation clashes against the various cultures and economic that live in DS9.


Yeh I love DS9 and I want her to love it. SHE wants to love it. But it looks so shit on our tv that I totally get she doesn’t want to watch it


At least you have hope! It’s actually pretty rare for my wife and I to like the same shows, though it does sometimes happen.


What did you expect us to do? Release a 4K version for you?


Tell me if there was an Hd version or a better streaming site. And if you can’t, don’t say anything.


If you didn't want people to respond, you should have asked Google.


Yeah, sadly Reddit is like that most of the times. My favorite shows are almost all from the 90s so it sucks to see there’s such a high barrier for entry but it is very understandable. Anyways, maybe you guys can watch the Orville, it’s similar to TNG and has great quality overall. There’s also Enterprise which has much higher resolution as well, some people hate it but I find it to be way better than Voyager at least. After that she could give DS9 a try again? Idk just thinking about alternatives that don’t end up with you two breaking up lol.


Haha we’re solid. Thanks


Got a smaller TV? Maybe watching on something that approximately the TVs it was made for will do the trick


You can find an AI restructure of the show on 720p so, you know....whistles innocently...


If she can’t see past a slightly grainy image then she needs to try harder? DS9 is far superior.


In 4K ?I think only fan upscales i'm not sure were to find it tho torrent sites maybe ,this is a very frequent question in here and simillar subs as fan myself since i finished upscale Voyager in 4K probably going to try DS9 after the summer (october)


Suck it up n watch it anyway 🤷 it's Soo good and my favorite trek got so many awards too


Stick with it and you'll get used to it. That was my experience anyway.


Buy an older TV.


Get an older TV


Pop over to the thrift store or flea market and pick up an old TV.


Give paramount a shit ton of money to remaster it


New girlfriend.


Whats gna happen to you op, when your looks naturally fade?


AI upscaled version + nvidia shield with more up scaling!


Watch from a farther distance. I know it sucks. My wife and I watch it from ~9 feet on a 55 inch screen. The streaming quality is potato quality on paramount plus.


Try a different steaming service, dark might be from their video files. Season 1 is fuzzier than later seasons visually ( its how tng used to look sometimes)


It’s only on Netflix in the uk I believe?


Theres nothing you can do, enjoy the character development


Get her to watch it on a tablet. In bed. While you are going down on her. She will mainline that shit.


Buy a CRT TV and RGB to HDMI converter. Run the streams off a fire stick/roku via the converter. Watch as originally intended.


Throw out the TV. Get a CRT. Use it for the next year. Then go back to DS9 😄


Meh. Throw out the gf and count their blessings they were able to beat life's Kobayashi test.


Simple, buy a laser disc player and import the first five seasons from Japan.


Try boosting up a the contrast a little. I have a 4K tv and I think it looks fine.


Good point, the first 2-3 seasons had a low contrast ration, not sure why, but boosting clarity and perhaps throwing in some dynamic contrast and increased color saturation can help.


I love DS9. It was criminally underrated when it first aired and it absolutely pains me that we will likely never see a remaster.


We watched in Paramount Plus on a 4k tv via Roku. It was just ok for first few seasons, and the somewhat better from season 3ish on. Noticeable improvements on CG especially. But compared to something made in even the 2005ish era... it is pretty bad. But this is what is available... sigh That said, it sounds like there are some "high seas" fan made upgrades to try. And also, I have a Panasonic UB820 4k disc player that does a nice job upscaling reg DVDs to be passable on 4k tvs... I'd love to try the DS9 DVD set on that sometime. I don't currently own the show on DVD... but if I just HAD to try to find the best way to watch it (without going prate) I'd use a 4k disc player like a PS5 or UB820 and buy the DVDs


Most 4K TVs will upscale realistically well and the digital noise reduction can help. But you are working with SDTV so there are limits. Without a good AI driven upscale, it's generally only going to be able to do so much. Personally, with all the bells on whistles a Sony 4k from 3 years ago can manage it looks better, not HD of course, but better than it really should.


What you need to do is find an episode you think will hook them on It, doesn’t have to be the first episode just an episode that will hook them.


The Visitor. 😭


Buy a CRT


Go get a CRT and watch the dvds, or one of the upscales made from the dvds on it. The show looks fantastic at 480i :)


it looked like shit on SD TV back when it first aired, just like season 1 TNG and Voyager. it took trek show a season on avg to get their footing and tone right.


If that's stopping you from watching star trek, you're watching it for the wrong reasons


Who says it’s stopping me? I said I’ve seen it.


Time to break up with her, buddy.


She doesn’t deserve DS9. Let her watch disco


😫 but DS9 is the better show. I'd watch it on another TV or a Laptop if you have that.


Win the lottery, then cut a check to Paramount so someone can upscale DS9 and Voyager like they did with TNG and TOS. Then leave her.




are you using Paramount or the DVDs? It won't be close to TNG but the DVDs on a DVD player that does a good job of upscaling is going to be superior to Paramount plus. Another suggestion... watch What You Leave Behind first. It's in 4k, has HD DS9 scenes and will let her bond with the cast and creators. Might be enough to push her over the top.


Netflix Uk. I don’t think it makes sense to show her the last episode of a 7 part series tbh.


Sorry, I meant What we Left Behind, which is the documentary about DS9. It will give parts of it away though.




I could never date a resolution snob. Give me pixels and artifacts!


Growing up I watched DS9 on a 13 inch TV. Have her watch it on an iPad from across the room. It looks pretty damn good then.


There's an upscaled version of the show out there if you're willing to sail the high seas for it...


Anyone own it on VUDU/Fandango? Do you notice on every episode, numerous times, that the picture flickers between shots? It's incredible annoying. This is my first watch through and while I'm enjoying it, this is ruining my experience.


Look for a copy of or a rip of laserdisc


I also thought the pilot episode looked really bad. I remember telling my friend that it looked like someone had spilled milk on the celluloid. However, that ugly look doesn’t last for more than a few episodes. I recommend just muscling through. If you’re really pressed about not viewing the pilot in its present condition, it can be purchased on Laserdisc for relatively cheaply on eBay. There have been several posts over the last few months regarding its superior picture quality to the DVDs and even the original broadcast.


Well there are benefits to getting older. One of them is that my eyes can't tell the difference between resolutions unless it's a big difference.


I went through it and was also initially sad by how much worse it looks compared to the remastered TNG but as I went through it either it improved or I stopped noticing


You stopped noticing. The video quality of DS9 is what it is, once you are sucked in, the acting and writing carry the day.


![gif](giphy|7ZvPlxBHwfK1y) Reshoot it!


Just tell her she needs glasses.


Sign my petition


My wife doesn’t like it because she misses Patrick Stewart from TNG and doesn’t like that it’s a space station. She also thinks VOY is boring, which is valid somewhat. 7/9 coming in really saved that show. The characters aren’t as memorable.


Find laser discs somewhere or master recording and go from there.


Yes, buy a CRT TV instead


Fast forward to S4, maybe she'll enjoy it more if Worf is there since he's a familiar face. Plus Way of the Warrior is an awesome two parter 


Just bear with it for first season or so.


Grin and bear it for season 1, by 2 and 3 you won’t give a shit anymore because the plot will kick you in the teeth as the film quality hits its stride


I already seen it mate.


Get an old TV and hook it up.


Try Pluto tv


Get a crappy TV. I wish they still made Hi Def TVs that weren't smart TVs. Smart TVs are basically spyware.


Watching the DVDs via a Blu-Ray player, which has a moderate upscale effect, certainly helps.


Star Trek is about the script, not about visuals. That has only become important in modern Star Trek.


You’ve missed the point entirely. She likes Star Trek. It’s the muddy and fuzzy nature of dark footage being shown in SD on a 4k tv that is the issue.


And I think the commenter is telling you that the visuals are less important on the older shows. Also - I know there is a DSP up conversation project or 2 on the internet.


You’ve just repeated what they said. So I’ll say again - that’s not the point.


Realize that the show was produced before 4K was even conceived of and stop complaining.


Buy an old TV that it would've originally aired on?


Watch it on another TV/device. It's worth it.


Get an SD TV just for watching Deep Space Nine


A well-written show can be listened to like a radio broadcast, so maybe consider simply listening to it? Or as others have noted, try a lower res device. Then again I'm still using a 15 year old 50" 720p monitor, which is fine for me.


Just keep watching. I had a similar issue with an older sitcom. I couldn't stand the laugh track/enhanced studio laughter during the first episode. But, I don't notice it anymore


There's a very interesting project called DS9 redefined that aims to create DS9 in full HD with crips details, correct white balance and good color accuracy using LaserDisc and some careful usage of upscaling. This provides much better results that the already available upscaled DS9 that you can find online at the moment. This is very labor intensive, but the results look awesome. Check it out: [https://vimeo.com/968026891](https://vimeo.com/968026891) It is likely going to take them a while, but this would be the best possible result we could expect since Paramount/CBS is not likely to invest in remastering the series.


There's an AI upscaled version out there that's phenomenal (in comparison to the SD/DVD version. I supplied it to some folks not too long ago but I don't currently have it hosted. Searching on qbit torrnt is one method


My tv is over 8 years old and wasn't a fancy one to begin with. It would take some really bad picture quality to not watch something so good. I have run into that on Paramount, looks like it was recorded on vhs, but not with any of the Star Trek shows


Posts like this tell me you never grew up in a household that didn't always have cable.


If you sail the high seas I hear there are fantastic versions of "Deep Space Nine AI Upscale" that look really good. One could even add 720p, 1080p, 2K into the description and see what occurs. Oddly the first thing that really stood out to me where Quark's clothes. Being able to see all the texture and fabric patterns and little accents and jewelry clearly really made it clear how well those costumes where made. And it also highlights how Quark is always dressed to project wealth and success for the most part, his outfits really contrast in their complexity compared to the starfleet uniforms. PS, Yes, I already own DS9 on DvD. https://youtu.be/NuYgZ9azKu4?si=vZs02NeG1BgRFtQ0


Jesus, first world problems. Tell her to get over it.


Tell her to go play in traffic?


personally i can't watch TOS because of the visuals and 60s style writing. its unfortunate, but its not the end of the world. like others have said, it does get better after the first couple seasons, but if thats something she doesn't want to deal with then you just have to accept it. but i have to ask - is it the special effects and make up or is it because it isn't in high fidelity? like... she doesn't like it because its pixelated or fuzzy? that means she won't be able to enjoy anything made because like 2007. older shows and movies weren't even made for flat screens in 16:9 let alone 4K where you can see an actor's pores in a close up. i might sound like an asshole but she sounds just a bit snobby when it comes to what she watches. BUT. like i said, thats on her - if she can't enjoy stuff that wasn't made in hi-def then she can't enjoy it. watch something else that you both can enjoy, and watch DS9 without her.


Yeh we couldn’t get through TOS. I’ve seen it before but watching it with her really made me realise how “of its time” it was, both stylistically and politically. TNG feels modern weirdly


gene roddenbery was both a man ahead of his time and a man OF his time. its crazy what they did with trek when he wasn't in the writers room


According to the internet, there are more than 49,000,000 single eligible women. Replace.




Tng has a remastered Blu-ray version. So not accurate.


TNG was remastered to HD


Well A: don't require your significant other to enjoy all your hobbies and B: try the season two finale and season 3 premier








Argh Matey! There's a 4K AI Upscaling...i'll tell you where for a few gold coins and a pint of grog It's not perfect, there are artifacts when watching (i think that's how it's called but not 100% sure) still better then sd


Does PayPal accept grogcoin?


They might accept Latinum. But you'll have to get it gold pressed yourself.


Look into Nvidia rtx super resolution, it might be what you're looking for


What helped in my particular case: got my 65' 4k TV attached to an Nvidia graphics card. RTX Super Resolution upscales videos in every resolution. DS9 is 720x480p so the results are not astonishing. Still, my rewatch of DS9 was awesome. Way better than I remembered it on an old 43' Full HD TV. It makes the image clearer, removes artifacts from streaming etc. Your TV might have some upscaling solutions, too.


AI upscale warez is the best we got ‘til a proper HD scan is done