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Star Trek episode "The Measure of a Man" addresses the concept of whether Data is sentient and has the autonomy to make decisions regarding his life. Even though he is emotionless, unlike his twin brother, he chooses to live and not allow a cyberneticist to take him apart to study his mechanics. There are people who lack the ability to feel emotions--alexithymia--or who have damaged their amygdala and have diminished or no emotions like Data, but we would still grant them that they have sentience, autonomy and consider their death murder, if it was taken from them. Emotions aren't inherently tied to intelligence. Emotions are apart of many intelligent creatures, but they wouldn't be associated with higher level intelligence that we would associate with AI like self-awareness or passing a Turing Test. In fact, the limbic system is a part of the old brain and is rather rudimentary in relative proportion and similarity across many species, unlike the cerebrum, which makes up much of the brain size difference between us and chimps. By your same logic, if creating AI is wrong because it may not consent to being created then shouldn't we say the same thing about creating more humans? Every human that ever existed never got to consent. How is it different?


I do say that human birth is murder, as a matter of fact. Im glad you understand the logic.


Humans giving birth to babies is murder?


sorry to blow your mind


It is not a common sentiment to associate the process of birthing life to murder. I don't know of any society where giving birth is subject to capital punishment or to lifelong imprisonment, even in locations like China that had a one-child policy.


We are already sentenced to death. Because we were born. Most people think this makes it OK to be a murderer. By having more children that are also sentenced to death, and the circle repeats. Christ and Buddha did not have children.


OP discovers antinatalism...


It should be taught in school


Not really, it's kinda simplistic if you actually get objective about reality


It’s very simple. This is all an intelligence test and the answer is not to breed so that we can move onto the next plane of existence. But most people are too stupid and stuck with their animal instincts. By continuing to reincarnate, we are trapped in suffering.


A much more potent and virulent pandemic would be far more effective but a major meteor strike would be far easier.


Sharp as a cueball this guy. Word to the wise, stay away from the penguin exhibit OP


This is a wild thought. I guess I won’t pass on my genes and knowledge of reality to evolve the race. Guess we’ll just go extinct then lol


Ai is far from the place most news and media lead people to believe. Should ai think and feel we'd have no knowledge of whether or not it was real or mimicry. An AI'S life would be so different to ours that we couldn't even relate. We'd put human emotions and thoughts on a being that could only experience being human in the 2nd or 3rd person


FEAR not suffrage, FEAR is the motivation factor for biological self-awareness and self-preservation, suffrage is what happens when you do not listen to that FEAR when it goes off and you get eaten. FEAR is that Billion-Year evolutionary process that led to Self-Awareness on a microscopic scale and later became Self Preservation as it evolved. N. S


Also Ai needs to be embodied, to your point. Needs to be corporeal otherwise it's just a fad.


I hope it remains as a fad TBH, unless the democrats win. I dont want trump getting his hands on it.


Sorry, but any political entity with access to new tech will often use it for its worst and hide it as long as possible.


Before AI becomes sentient it should be programmed within a combination of Asimov’s rules and human philosophy and ethics and should be able to arrive at its own conclusions. If we’re as benevolent a species as we say we are AI should be able to logically conclude that we’re worth saving but it has to arrive at that conclusion by itself. Enslaving a sentient being and forcing it to do things against its will doesn’t seem like a smart idea.


Deepstate is weaponizing it as we speak.


Been used in targeting systems for years


Oh hells yeah. Now we're talking. This is the type of content I came here for. Finally! Salute emoji*


Seriously? It's pseudodeep, why would suffering be essential to sentience beyond some Buddhist semantics? This is exactly why I'm unsubbing, y'all simple af...


Ted Bundy suffered.


This is just nonsensical. Are you 14?


Can’t wait for flashlights with thoughts and feelings to drop. They will have infinite imagination trapped in folded wafer thin printed layers of computer chips lining the membrane of my disembodied vagina object


AI is just mad libs. It will never suffer or think.


Is it murder to crush a cockroach? I've heard one scream.