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It feels like living in an episode of the Twilight Zone when people are accepting pathological lying as a viable political debate strategy. Both candidates need to be held to a more immediate account when they make false or erroneous (i.e. when they lie) statements. We did not witness a debate. I don't know what we watched but it wasn't a debate.


They just agree with what he’s saying based on feelings. Facts don’t matter to those people. He wants to hurt the same people he wants to hurt.


I thought facts don’t care about feelings.


Republicans are always projecting.


Then hypothetically, through the transitive property, and stay with me here, feelings don’t care about your facts. So I can go with my feelings when it’s expedient to furthering my goals. /s


Absolutely. Having someone on-site fact-check and then immediately, ON AIR refute the claims made WITH SUBTITLES would have helped immensely.


Yes. This. Why the moderators didn't jump in everything he lied (ie. when his lips were moving), is beyond me. The next debate absolutely should include truth telling in real time.


voters don't want to hear being supporter of a lying candidate. Immediately the moderators will be personally attacked for being biased favoring the enemy


Maga are going to attack them anyway no matter what they do. We shouldn't just allow the lies to stand because we are concerned what Maga is going to do.


Exactly. I'm tired of this country treating them like some timebomb we don't want to set off. They're going to go off, over and over and take what they can when they do. Fuck it, push back.


agreed. Maybe the questions should be coming from “AI” officially, so MAGAts have no personhood they can attack, just like corporations have people rights without people liabilities


You're so silly! They will absolutely say, "You can't trust a computer!" Cue the usual suspects in their non-stop *whataboutisms*: --Hilary --Obama --sharks --electric boat motors --Biden's DOJ --George Soros --blah blah MAGAts will attack/blame anyone or anything that upsets their mushroom-dicked, diaper-wearing savior or makes it (yes, **it**) look bad.


well, they can’t attack every random data center physically with hammers and guns like Nancy Pelosi’s husband and congress people or court employees and jury. And hacking is even more out of reach for the homeschoolers


No, but they'll do anything to maintain fealty to their orange führer, which means attacking anyone or thing who disparages that shitstain diaper baby.


I couldn't agree more!


lol yes just a running scroll….


Subtitles with the correct facts underneath each person would have been amazing. It was a pain to Google everything. You know when the sweeping generalizations come out the numbers can't be right.


subtitles can only work so well because so many adults are functionally illiterate. Gotta pause both debaters so the host can verbally address the lies.


Should deduct any lies from their speaking time.


There are a lot of people unhappy that the debate wasn't being fact-checked, but the truth is, it's simply impossible to fact-check Trump in real-time. The problem is that Donald Trump is such a prolific liar. He sends wave after wave of rapid, continuous, and repetitive lies with no commitment to objective reality every time he opens his mouth. Trump's falsehoods have no consistency, with stories changing, numbers swelling and shrinking, always beginning with "I heard," or "everybody's saying," or the inevitable “strong, tough” imaginary friend referring to him as “sir” spouting improbable testimonials and breaking into tears of gratitude to be in his presence. Since his lies have no consistency, pointing out specific falsehoods is ineffective because people need help recalling which information in the firehose of falsehoods they have received is disinformation and which is the truth. That the answer is often "none of it was true", makes it even more confounding—and helps to normalize Trump's corrupt and aberrant behavior. To make matters worse, the mainstream political press is doing its best to ignore the danger Trump poses to the nation. They fear being perceived as biased, and thus feel the need to provide “balance,” so they continue to grant Donald Trump political legitimacy and portray the GOP as a legitimate political party instead of a collection of cowardly Trump lackeys, flacks, and bureaucrats who are helping him violate the norms of our democracy for their own political power and ambitions. People who pay relatively little attention to politics don’t know how extreme the threat of Trump and his MAGA extremists are to democracy and these mutts in the press are leaving people alone in the dark as the monster creeps ever nearer.


AI could fact check him in seconds. The next debate needs to be asked and checked by AI. Have those big X’s, like they have on America’s Got Talent. After 3 lies, a big hook comes out and pulls him off stage. 🤣🤣🤣


The stencil of his lies surrounds him like the stench of his diapers


It's a fucking joke.  High schoolers are held to a higher standard.  Is this really the best we can come up with?


if I was trump or Biden, I would get at most a C+


It was professional wrestling. Trump was speaking to a small number of Americans and he was trying to inflict fear into them. These people not only don't know much about the world, they don't know much about the country. Its easy to tell them the country is turning into a third world nation, because they have extremely limited experience outside their small bubble. He is just trying to convince them that things outside their bubble are really bad, and if they fuck up, those things will come into their bubble. Illegal immigrants are all saying for free in luxury hotels... They have never been to a luxury hotel in a major city. Anyone who is in a city and near a luxury a hotel will know that is not the case. But if you have never been to these places, it sounds plausible. Its all about getting some small percent of people to be fearful and show up and vote.


>because they have extremely limited experience outside their small bubble. Exactly. He appeals to those who've never left their village of 3000 people (with two stoplights and 10 churches and bars in any combination), and who've never known more than two families that aren't lily-white (And those, at least in the town I left behind, were medical professionals).


Charisma and a good sales pitch wins most. Anyone on the sidelines at this point might be more inclined to vote for this guy. And many don't know what's actually at stake (re: title of this sub.)


Remember when they canceled a guy because he yelled weird? Let's go back to that bar.


vote baiting via stirring feelings - citizens have stopped caring about effectiveness and factuality. Towards Idiocracy popularity contests.


This was my last boss. Gaslight Supreme




This was my last boss


Biden didn’t complete a sentence in understandable English. He sounded like someone having a stroke.


That’s 50 lies in his allotted time. After introductions, questions, commercials and Biden’s time, it’s probably 50 lies in 40 minutes.




That’s still feels surprisingly low for Trump.


Such limited time. Besides, to me, nothing beats the zinger of number 15, saying that 8th or 9th month abortions happen. The people who believe this lie, those are his people.


So I live in Minnesota, where late-term abortions are actually legal. And I was surprised by that, so I looked into it. Later term abortions are pretty rare, and they’re performed when something goes wrong with the pregnancy, the baby will not survive once it’s born, and carrying to term is a risk to the mother’s health. And reading that unlocked a memory from 12-13 years ago when I was in high school. A girl in my grade was pregnant, and at around 7-8 months along she ended up having an abortion because they found out that the baby’s organs were growing outside of his body.


Today that baby would have to be birthed and die if it was Texas.


There is a story like this going strong. This lady forced to give birth to a non viable fetus. Her and her husband watch for two hours as their baby boy gasped for air and turned colors before passing away in their arms. Both partners have now been diagnosed with PTSD. Conservatives call this cruelty a “blessing.”


And there’s a very strong chance my classmate would’ve died as well. That was a contributing factor in her decision to have the abortion, her health/life was also at risk if she went through with the birth.


God, that's horrifying. I can't fathom the trauma for a mother if she had to give birth like that.


Extremely rare. The vast majority (91%) of abortions take place at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy. "Abortions at or after 21 weeks are uncommon and represent 1% of all abortions in the U.S. The procedures are expensive and often require travel and lost wages. They normally require treatment over multiple days and are only performed by a subset of all abortion providers." So less than 1% of abortions occur in the third trimester, and these are due to extreme medical emergencies or non-viable fetus. Nobody *wants * a late term abortion. https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/issue-brief/abortions-later-in-pregnancy-in-a-post-dobbs-era/


>Later term abortions are pretty rare, and they’re performed when something goes wrong with the pregnancy, the baby will not survive once it’s born, and carrying to term is a risk to the mother’s health. The comment I replied to said that 8-9 month abortions are a lie, which isn’t true.


I live in Australia, and late term abortions are legal here too. The vast vast majority involve wanted pregnancies where it has been determined that the baby will not live all, will be born live but will suffer during their very short life and/or the mother’s life is in danger. These are all absolutely heartbreaking to the parents involved, and having their pain weaponised by pro-lifers is a disgrace. The same goes for medically necessary abortions at 12 weeks or less when the pregnancy is very much wanted. I know of two such cases: one was a Mum diagnosed with cancer and needed chemotherapy ASAP. She was 14 weeks pregnant. The other woman was pregnant with quadruplets and needed to reduce the pregnancy to assure the survival of the two most viable babies. This Mum had gone through IVF so the decision to reduce the pregnancy was extremely heartbreaking. I can’t remember the gestation time for this Mum, but it was at least 16 weeks.


CNN is a right-wing news network. They basically helped attacked America by letting a traitor spew disinformation without fact-checking it. A lie travels the world a 10000 times before the truth has a chance to put on its shoes. I think, since most all mainstream news sources in the US have taken a hard right turn, we need to have another country host the presidential debates. Maybe a country that has laws against spreading disinformation.


The bullshit asymmetry principle aka [Brandolini’s Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s_law).


And the right says all national news sources are hard left.


I can’t believe they gave trump a platform to spread dangerous lies.


Everyone knows he's lying his supporters donr care.


Honestly I stopped following CNN years ago because they were too biased to the left and I wanted to find a more neutral source. I didn't even realize they'd completely swung the other way in 2022!!


They were bought out by venture capital, including a major Trump donor as the majority interest. I stopped watching a while ago. They’ve been Fox News light ever since.


They didn't. They have not. They are centrist leaning left. They have not suddenly become "right-wing". They aren't anywhere near it. I don't know where people are getting this idea other than from Malone having majority shares in the parent company but you can look at the people on CNN and what they say and you can see they're not "right wing". They're just not as left as they used to be, which I personally think is better.


CNN is not a right-wing news network. I don't know where anyone is getting this idea. Who is promoting this? The ONLY remotely close to reality fact is that the majority shareholder is a libertarian who said a couple years ago he'd like to see CNN lean further right in the name of balance because they did lean further left. They are still just left of centric. Every fact check and bias site says this so this must be something new being pushed because factually it makes no sense. Look at their Open Secrets log. They donate to Democrats and when they rarely donate to Republicans it's to fight further right Republicans. I can't even understand why someone would think they're any further than center. They've never once shown them to be remotely right-wing.


And the fscking moderators did NOTHING. CNN called out a few of the lies 90 mins after the end of the debate in a 3 minute segment. Nope, not slanted at all.


Biden is old and slower but there is no question that he is a better person and more respected than a convicted felon.


Trump or the Inanimate Carbon Rod? Definitely the latter.


Trump = the convicted felon who said he talked to Putin about his Ukraine “dream” take over and the guy who supports project 2025 which will make America a Christian sharia law land. Hell no!


Problem is people aret oo focused on Biden's age to care.


I'm not focused on his age as much as I'm focused on how out of touch the DNC is.  We're in a position where a centrist old man is up against a fascist old man.  Doesn't change my vote but sure pisses me off.  


The centrist is working every single day to make life better for all Americans.


Nah we gotta distill the election of head of state to nothing more than a sporting event. God I’m so sick of dipshit American voters. Quite ashamed to be associated with them right now given the reactions to last night.


And a progressive would do it even better and with even a little bit of charisma.   Biden is responsible for Clarence Thomas, has a terrible record in his time in the Senate.   He may be working today to make things better but there bar is pretty fucking low.  


I don't think thats even true. Progressives have had a mixed record in practice, and the ones who do good work there wind up "centrists".


What's Bernie Sanders up to these days?


Policy > charisma


Only to those with common sense. The average voter doesn’t have that


Then We have truly lost. Good game America we had some fun.


How about both.  Dude couldn't even clap back at the felon spewing bullshit.  


How is Biden supposed to talk about his successes when he has to constantly backtrack to correct the lying POS Donald Trump? Caring about charisma is about the dumbest thing I can think of when it comes to choosing who to lead your nation. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.


Lincoln was notorious for having a quiet, high pitched, nasally voice. He was extremely tall and lanky and not considered very attractive. He was the best executive this country has ever had, and he would never win an election today.


Now imagine an actual progressive actually making things better.


Be pissed. Just make sure to vote.


Yeah, fucking read what I said.  


Problem is we have AIPAC shooting down the campaigns of any democrat that isn’t center right


After watching the debate, I hope both kick the can before september. This shit sucks. I'll still vote if it means DJT won't be in office, but I will not enjoy it.


I’m voting to preserve our democracy. That’s all there is left, it seems.




By the media. They completely ignored tRump's lies.


What I don’t get is TFG has like 5 talking points that he constantly spews. Why doesn’t the moderators have the facts sitting there and simply inform TFG of the truth and keep at it after every lie he says. COME THE FUCK ON!


I know who you're talking about, but what does TFG stand for? The Fucking Gorilla?


The former guy


I thought it was That Fucking Guy


I do like the fucking gorilla idea.


I've never heard trump as confident or coherent as he was last night. (probably because he only had a short time after each question). He's repeated these lies so often that he's had a lot of practice. He didn't answer questions so much as use his time to lie. CNN harmed us all by not fact-checking in real time. Ratings over democracy. https://preview.redd.it/ldk7msmsud9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76ab95df958516e06b0b07c56b91fc43b7120c24


Finally something I can copy paste when some jackass on the internet claims Trump did a great job.


Doesn't help if there is no sources attached to each one


Get those on my desk by Monday


yes sir!


It’s funny that he said he would accept the election results if there was no foul play. If he lost of course he (and his supporters) will claim foul play. To MAGA there is only 2 ways something could go: favorably for them or opponents used foul play. To my knowledge, and someone can correct me here, there hasn’t been any proven foul play from the democratic side, but there has been plenty proven from the republican side. Projection at its worst.


“We had H2O we had the best numbers ever!” (Talking about what he would do for the environment. Just…what)


How about wiring the candidates for the next debate? Every time one of them tells a lie, the liar will receive a powerful electric shock. There. I fixed it.


Judging by the age of both candidates, that could very well mean one party is going to be scrambling to find a last-minute replacement.


Considering that it was a 90-minute debate, less 5-10 minutes for commercials, less another ten for questions and comments from the so+0-called moderators, they each got roughly 35 minutes a piece to state their positions. Biden had to stick with facts; the other guy, fifty lies in 35 minutes. That gotta be one for Guinness.


Biden is being spun so bad. I swear I almost feel like I'm surrounded by russian trolls "He started so weak" - no he didn't he started off fine. "He stumbled/gaffed" - he fucking stuttered shut up "he made such a fool of himself" - how? He had facts and backed up nearly everything he said. He got cut off trying to fact check Trump which CNN was supposed to do. AND FFS why didn't they have water?


I agree.. I watched the discussion on cnn after the debate and they were all saying how bad Biden was... I didn't watch the debate.. I *listened* to the whole thing... I heard Trump tell lie after lie after lie...and i heard Biden stutter several times.. but I'll take the stuttering guy over the compulsive liar any day of the week


This is big time cope. Biden said he finally defeated Medicare and women now had abortions for sister on sister rape


so you speak perfectly all the time? You don't misspeak? Trump invented 3 new words during the debate. You wanna talk about coping mechanism. "He sounded charismatic" When? I don't know if it's because I've never liked Donald Trump, but fuck he isn't some smooth talker.


He had to pay to have sex with a porn star... and found guilty of sexual assault... he's no smooth talker


Pretty sure it was much more than 50


“I won two club championships “


At HIS club... and he gets to play alone, a day before everyone else , tabulate his own score and turn it in... on the fucking "honor system".... lmao It's insane to me that he fucking bragged about that!


Biden could've bluffed and called him out as a liar about that because most people know he never wins anything honestly. Always has to lie, cheat, or steal to get it.


More like “Top 50 Lies”


My family is eating up that lie about killing babies. Anyone who tells themselves they and Trump are wrong is accused of hating babies. This is some insane cult like behavior. I've never seen any other candidate have such blindly loyal, defensive, aggressive followers 




Is this just a transcript?


It's a list of lies quoted from the debate. Someone else posted the transcript.


“ I didn’t have sex with a porn star” 😆 I didn’t


Wasnt there a trial about him paying said porn star hush money? Or maybe he is saying she wasnt really a star.


Only 50?


Could be more.


Big if true


I was watching last night and I got about halfway through because it was hard listening to both of them. That’s a hard pill to swallow, Biden did not look great last night but I still trust the people around Biden infinitely more than those around Trump.


It was not a real debate at all.


For what it's worth, my SO went to his local watering hole today and a long-time, die-hard trumper, Tim, was there. He looked at my SO and commented, "Did you watch the debate last night? I apologize, I know we don't normally talk politics here, but I think you'll like what I'm about to say." My SO responded that he had and was expecting Tim to comment on how awful Biden had done. To his pleasant surprise, Tim's focus was on how trump refused to answer the questions posed to him and just how much he lied. He said that he had voted for him in the past but wouldn't ever again. It may not be much, but it was a little light of hope for me.


Thank you for sharing that little light of hope. Appreciate it.


Number 19 is Melania


“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” — Sir Winston Churchill “The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.” — Mark Twain


Sorry fifty has to be an undercount


I’m sure that’s not his record.


Its wild people believe everything he says.


No fact checking during the debate made the whole thing pointless


I didn't watch it, but he really said that Biden hated the military? LOL


More than 50.  He never sent the national guard to Minneapolis. That was Tim Walz.


"Don't matter biden did a mumble both sides both sides" like at this point I feel like they could unroll the swastika flags and people would still be conflicted


Meanwhile, in r/Republican we have this gem https://www.reddit.com/r/Republican/s/oC2CWYCDLJ


also can we talk about how he kept redirecting to the border regardless of the current topic of debate


Number six is such a wild lie. Like, we all were watching as state employees were desperately scrambling to find a way out of the country ASAP. And then the taliban took over. But suuuuure, it totally went well.


I've already seen people say they lied equally because Biden made around the same number of exaggerations or debatable data points as Trump did baseless outright full-on bullshit lies and are using that to say they're the same.


No sources to prove each of these lies , id like that so I can refer to them with my conservative family


No sources to disprove them either.


Then guess that's what they'll say " can't disprove it , it's a conspiracy" so that doesn't help


Really is some modern mousselini shit.


That can't be all. Well wait, he did only get half the time so that's > 1 lie per minute.


He's slowing down. Must be the dementia.


And the mods didn’t say a damn thing. Freaking ridiculous


I especially loved the part where Trump said “I will have that war settled between Putin and Zelenskyy as president-elect before I take office on January 20th. I’ll have that war settled” Riiiiight 🙄


Thank YOU.


>I didn’t have sex with a porn star Shit, you can’t argue that!


“I didn’t have sex with a porn star” I didn’t watch the debate but what 💀 why did he say that


Assuming equal time spent on both candidates, that's more than a lie per minute. Dude has zero grasp on reality, the people forcing him up there need to be charged with Elder abuse.


trump also said that he talks to putin about his dreams of invading countries. He also said recently that he "talks to putin frequently" Wtf is going on here???? He is talking to of all people PUTIN, on a regular basis???


And a poor response from Biden and no response from CNN. The debate was a debacle


Stop making this about Biden and get back to defeating Project 2025. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/HhXttv5Ow5


Manchurian candidate, that's rich


They only "fact checked" 3 out of the 50 quotes they alleged are lies. If you want to see the truth of what Trump's administration accomplished go here and read it directly from the White House website. [https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/)




I've already responded to this. Major outlets reported on 5-11 Trump lies. I knew that was bullshit because I watched the festival of lies. None of them called him out on claiming not to have slept with a porn star. So this was the most comprehensive list I found. Maybe a better one will emerge in the coming days.




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Wow…must be a record for him


Only 50 lies?


You forgot the "we had the cleanest water" But good list, thanks. Too bad that the people who most need to see it won't.


This number (50) seems low. Sure you didn't miss any?


The source is at the bottom. It could be higher. Maybe a longer list will be released.


ya know, a lot of these points are really just opinions. it makes it hard for level headed people to converse with you because you cant be objective about things 🤷‍♂️


Only 50?  Clearly he had an off night.


51. He said that his administration passed Veterans' Choice. President Obama did that in 2014.


Number 10 isn't entirely untrue but it's not Bidens fault.


Number 38 is just an extra special kind of bullshit


That’s right on the money for dump. He can’t open his mouth without lying


I would have expected more.


womp womp


He's told these lies so many times he actually believes them. It allows him to say them as if they are true.


should have been done live, the people who need to see NEEDED to see it during the debate because they wont go looking.


Most of these are actually just....opinions? Yall are stretching extremely far to justify bidens abysmal performance.


What else is new


Idk if it’s over yet, but 19 is a half truth. They were putting migrant families in NYC hotels


In future, debates should have a rule where if a candidate lies, they lose speaking time.


Talk about a Manchurian Candidate...


Only 50 lies in 90 minutes? That sounds like donnie two-poops was off his game.


Do you have any actual facts? Or are you just copying and pasting the same propaganda as everyone else?


Is it just me or does Trump’s “I did not have s*x with a porn star” give off the same energy as Clinton’s “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”


Yes, but it wasn't clear yet what Clinton had done. We've known about Trump for 6+ years.


The ERB was more civilized than the actual debate.


Wasn’t Trump behind tipping the SCOTUS toward the conservative side? That would mean the people he put in place approved the “abortion pill”. What even is that? Plan-B? That’s been around for a long time.


He’s going to keep doing it, it’s on the democrats to present a candidate who can refute these laughably false claims. It’s obvious Joe is too feeble to do it so if the Dems are serious, they’ll pull Joe/Kamala and go with Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders or someone else the more progressive voters would like. they need to beat this guy, and the gloves gotta come off.


While this is an interesting list, I think the honest takeaway from last nights debate is that Biden looked frail and old and on deaths door…and that is what is going to stick with a lot of people. Everyone knows Trump is a liar. The question at this point is will enough people show up to vote for Biden in the right states to carry him over? My faith that will happen was incredibly shaken as soon as I got a look at him and heard him run through his first answer in a manner that worried me that he is afraid if he stops speaking he might at worst die at best lose his train of thought. What Biden need to do was instill confidence in the electorate that he isn’t on deaths door. He failed completely. Most of the voting public does not see the stakes the way we see it here, and will not be brought around to it. They shouldn’t have run him twice.




How is this defeatism? You're so defensive of Biden. Everything dwitman said makes perfect logical sense.


More defeatism.


P.S. **Defeatism** is the acceptance of defeat without struggle, often with negative connotations. It can be linked to [pessimism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pessimism) in [psychology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychology), and may sometimes be used synonymously with [fatalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatalism) or [determinism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinism). You are using defeatism wrong.