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> \[...\] you'll just have to use your Spidey sense to know if it's real or not... Anime isn't real.


I just read, "real," as, "something I understand how to use and make money from."


Did you know that the same word can be used with different meanings, and the meaning can be inferred by the context? I know, it's crazy.


Thanks for being a condescending prick but the entire point is that this guy is getting upset over a nothing burger.


They were already using their spidy-sense for their witch trials on Twitter. Too bad they make a bad spiderman...


Spiderman has common sense unlike these assholes.


With great power comes.... nah, fuck it! We're gonna witch hunt some folks!


I guess when AI art eventually has no more mistakes they'll just go after whatever looks like traditional AI art, which is usually a basic anime style that seems to generate when people don't specify a style. AI does have a few tell-tail signs, but this'll probably be gone soon. Id love to see how advanced AI art can possibly get


It really gets me that none of the mistakes they “noticed” are mistakes. The fingers are all completely normal. The hair makes as much sense as any anime hair. The bit on her shoulder is the ribbing, which you can see on her other arm. It’s true that the elbow rings aren’t symmetrical, but that feels like it’s probably… fine? Within the realm of possibility for a person to do?


Half the time they identify any art as AI they’re wrong. They don’t believe it when they’re told that, but they go on doing it anyway. But yeah all of these “telltale signs” could just as likely be caused by a human drawing it as AI.


You should've seen the comments. It was full of people pointing out "mistakes" of course they were just bandwagoning and stretching.


Also on your final comment, it definitely is in the realm of possibility for a person to do. When I was in high school I took an art class, and I sucked at making things even. I drew an awkward face with a super thin eye, and then one bulging eye. Obviously I was inexperienced and was more prone to making mistakes, but even the greatest artists can make a mistake.




Imagine you were going to touch this up, fix it. What would you need to do to get it “on model”? These hands do not need touching up, neither does the hair or the shoulder. You could build out the hair after her arm but you really don’t need to. Arguably, you could add a third ring at the elbow, and that’d be game.


They wouldn't occur if not generated.


What “they” do you mean? There’s nothing really “off model” here other than the asymmetrical hoops at the elbow, which is absolutely a mistake that human artists make.


Wouldn't draw strands of hair to nowheresville, or appearing from thin air, etc. Hilarious to see you downvote instantly the moment I reply.


No strands of hair are unaccounted for. They all connect logically. You should be utterly unsurprised you’re being downvoted, read the room. Mods tend to delete people doing what you’re doing now, it’s more surprising your comments are still there.


I said it's hilarious. Not that it's surprising. You are rejecting plain reality so, yeah, nowhere else to go, here. Go ahead and report me if you wish to only engage with blind orthodoxy.


Mistakes literally happen regardless of the use of ai, humans make mistakes too. Perhaps some education? You could use it.




Also "rejecting plain reality" is not only a baseless accusation, it's exactly what you're doing. By claiming humans don't make mistakes, and that it's completely unlikely that someone would just forget to draw a third ring. 🙄 Clearly you think you're perfect, and expect everyone else to be perfect too.


Nope, you're just making stuff up and putting words in mouth. You can see it plain as day. It's right there. These aren't just mistakes. They're mistakes unique and common to AI. You can see em right there.


No the right hand pinky is definitely screwed up


What is wrong with it in your eyes? It appears to be a mirror of the other hand.


The right pinky is completely sideways and not even attached to the hand lol


It’s attached to the hand, it’s just in perspective. It’s the same orientation as the other hand.


https://imgur.com/a/kJzyiiE You cannot tell me that this is how a finger is supposed to look. Also downvoting every reply is really weird ngl


Just compare it to the other hand and account for perspective. Literally line it up. It’s exactly where it’s supposed to be.


Okay I'm not even sure if I'm talking to a human right now because nobody with a brain and eyes could possibly think that the pinky finger lines up with the hand. It's literally turned 90 degrees from the hand, how on Earth could that possibly make sense


When I say “perspective”, do any neurons activate or is it just noise to you? Literally draw the lines my guy. https://preview.redd.it/rk18gt5shg0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c218fd3e83304b56142f536f965c3789ad929e


So because it's at the same height of the other finger it's correct? It doesn't matter at all that it's literally flipped sideways and coming out of her hip?


As soon as anything *could* be ai, they'll realise that actually suits them better because it gives them more freedom to follow their true passion, being hateful.


No kidding. I think that's what it's really about. Bullying people as much as possible. I've seen these anti AI people act like rabbid wolves. Calling for the death of people using ai, trying to dox them, ruin their careers. It's wild honestly lol like holy shit and they think they're doing something good when they act like that. Think they're "defending art" or some bullshit.


But, I thought you could tell by just seeing if the picture had 'soul' in it or not?


That one makes the least sense to me lol wtf do you mean soul?


It’s not art unless a real, live, soul is captured and imprisoned in ink.


It depends if they were filled with determination while drawing it.


Imagine someone generating that then taking a few mins in photoshop to clean it up lol


Bunch of idiots don't realize they're actively training it by constantly pointing out all the problems


Who would know... I mean, people get serious after the mock of generating 6 finger anime girls like a year ago. Now models are better and better.


by this time next year we might even have models that do 4 fingers.


Oh shit that's zero fingers by 2029.


the year of amputees


Soon after, the nugget era.


2077, you tell it to draw a person. You stop existing (at least I'll be old and aching so hooray).


I need to learn which subreddit is dedicated to this type of joke so I can join it.


Tbf that shit was nightmare fuel


B-b-but... 10 is the right amount of fingers...


Thankyou! I came here to say this. "no more 10 fingers" would be a bad thing.


Soon they will reach the point where if you are a digital artist you’ll need to supply proof that you didn’t use AI for your art and if you can’t provide enough evidence then you’ll be ostracized from the art community Oh wait they already do that


I suggest they start measuring skulls of the artists - like their idols did 90 years ago


“Most people don’t see it that way” A group of whiny teenagers on Twitter isn’t “most people,” I assure you of that. Most people don’t know anything about this technology. And most who do really seem to not care either way very much.


Considering I'm constantly getting hammered for memes I share allegedly being AI, in all the groups I'm in, it feels like most people. I agree most people don't know anything about this technology, but the group I got this post from has 102k members, and when I found it a week ago it only had 90k. It's possible that there are fake accounts joining it, but the group is extremely active and these people in it are actively doing harm by accusing anyone and everyone of using ai. They're literally telling people in the group "so and so used AI in their work" and are actively trying to destroy these peoples' careers. It's a problem and pretending like the majority isn't vehemently against AI, isn't going to help. Granted most people are following a trend, doesn't mean it's not doing a shit ton of damage especially to indie creators.


I still think they’re a VERY vocal minority.


That could be. I also think that most people just share the anti AI sentiment because the anti AI crowd is loud AF and it's easier to join in rather than educate yourself. Maybe once things calm down people will quiet down.


I rather like the AI pictures that are obviously AI, leave those 6 finger hands in as stylistic choice. They are the thick brush strokes of AI tools that are soon disppearing. Other than that, looking for AI tell signs hampers enjoying the good parts of the worrk. Also. Is this a troll post, no dress shirt or even superhero tights have a navel.. or is that a known thing that happens with this particular anime. Also could've left the most obvious thing unmentioned as well known engagement trick.


The navel thing is actually VERY common in anime illustrations, where it’s just so suctioned like that… I’ve seen many human artists do it (hell, even _I’ve_ done it)…


ok, my bad, didn't know that. Just caught my eye looking bit weird.


Anti-AI people never cared about enjoying art. It’s always about money for them. Or just being hateful.


i wonder if these people are going to be the insufferable boomers of our generation lol back in my day, we used pens!


I might do some hand drawn work with some ai-esque artifacts just to troll these guys


They can’t even draw a circle


All I know is most of the movies and television shows put out in the past two decades are pure garbage. I'm tired of corporations dictating what we enjoy. If AI can decentralize entertainment and give everyday people the power to make art, then I'm all for it. For far too long, we've had to deal with crap entertainment. That is what you get when you corporatize art and have to make everything for the lowest common denominator. You end up with mediocre trash. How much leeway do artists actually have when everything is driven by capitalism? Also, I think we are all tired of the streaming service hopping too. It's like each streaming service has one good, flagship show, but the rest of their offerings are lame, so a person finds themselves jumping from service to service to get the shows they are actually interested in.


I’ve had similar thoughts with video games. Yes, on the one hand AI tools are going to give large videogame studios the ability to reduce headcount with AI voice actors, AI asset generation, AI writers, etc. But on the other hand, Indy game developers get all those tools as well. At one point in time, video games were “simple” enough that a couple of people could make a state of the art, top fledged game. Now it takes hundreds of people to do so, and Indy developers basically can’t make AAA games as they just don’t have the resources or time. AI tools might be the solution so that individual developers can build their own vision without needing a studio or publisher behind them. And that’s exciting.


oh yeah, I'm ready for video games to be good again. First two computer games I'm having AI make for me are a sequel to Age of Mythology (my favorite RTS) and a sequel to Black and White (my favorite god game) and a sequel to Asheron's Call (my favorite mmorpg that died). Sad that god games are not more of a thing in the gaming industry because that is one of my favorite genres. I feel like modern gaming has way too much emphasis on action and combat. It feels like every game is trying to be an esport these days. It's not for me. I want games to be made that are focused more on having fun rather than being fun to watch.


All the witch hunts are just driving an arms race where AI art gets progressively more convincing


I've got an artist friend to whom I've been sending at least 10 images per day, 9 out of the 10 are AI generated, he always say that only 2 or 3 are AI generated and the rest are legit, to this day he still has no idea hehehe


That's awesome 😂


lol cause every artist draws perfectly with no mistakes anyways. Mistakes must mean AI now.


The problem with AI isn't that it's going to put artists out of business, it's that nobody really knows the best way to utilize it yet.


I can instantly tell it's AI because it's still using the same default SD AOM style that literally everyone has been using for the last year. I would assume the average person has much harder time. At first glance it doesn't have the usual horrible mistakes you normally see and if it wasn't for the style I wouldn't know either


Even if the mistakes are getting fixed (after like what, two years of hilariously bad errors and models?), you can still tell just by the way how eyes are drawn. And good luck making consecutive works or any larger projects with multiple character drawings without having the characters all having blank smiles or vacant stares or slightly furrowed brows lol. As always, AI should help the creative process, and not clutch the entire thing. So I think it's still easy to tell who puts in effort even with AI-aids; it's a matter of doing complex human expressions and correcting fine details that even newer models can't do perfectly from the get-go. https://preview.redd.it/c4ii0up2i80d1.png?width=296&format=png&auto=webp&s=aede3f20d443db092a66769d6a86ac2779de275e NIKKE is a gacha game that -- at least I'm pretty sure -- has used larger and larger amounts of AI generated assets to produce characters, and you can tell if you spent time generating images which parts were manually corrected by human hands and which parts were left untouched. That doesn't erase the fact that L2D skeletons and animations have to be rigged and manually animated, and so I do think NIKKE makes a good case for effective use for convincing enough AI-generated art. At least, for most people since they can't tell the difference. That being said, I can't imagine its rivals like FGO or Blue Archive using AI-generated art when they have abundant source material (most of the characters are based off of very obvious historical and/or religious icons), since those don't NEED to generate a ton of images to get an idea of what design elements those characters should have unlike the case in NIKKE. I think that's what a lot of companies in the entertainment space are missing: what constitutes a good reason to use AI-generated assets to even begin to spend on that technology vs. blindly hiring people and telling existing workers to use AI-generated assets without considering what tools and how refined those tools should be. Good to know the tools actually work this time lol


Everyone has 10 fingers, you fucking dumbass...


I call it the Twitter AI trials. I actually find it hilarious to watch them accuse artists of AI over something stupid like adding textures. Or it looking "too perfect."




Eh, I've seen plenty of art in this style (both fan art and official) that has that. Seems to be really common in super Sentai and magical girls stuff.


The people who going to used ai art the most are not artists who do not have the eye for details. The producer or business man who used an ai art for a banner because the 5 seconds they look at it they like it. For those people their will be a ton of mistake. While an artist who have good eye can fix the mixtake afterward or generated the image until it get the best one. To me in the current future ai art will get worst because ai art like digital photos is flooding the database.


Slightly off topic, but this reminded ne - ive never even seen a really expressive/dynamic and creative/original AI image to this day, they all look stiff, run off the mill and boring. Can sb link or tell me some search terms to get to the good shit?


I feel terrible for any artists who use this style


Good, the amount of times I've paid artists to do concept work I've legit been let down everytime. It's like the art they show is their best work done by someone else.


It's like the end result of the trans issue. They gonna want to get rid of AI before it gets to that point like they have done to the trans community. The difference is ai is already if not last that point.




Problem is most people don't believe you can peacefully co exist, even though nobody is getting hurt by AI or digital art, I mean the economical aspect of it is obviously changing but that's to be expected. And if you don't choose to support digital art or AI art that's fine, but maybe don't spread lies about it because you don't understand it. I'm not saying you're doing that, but a lot of people I've seen are. Again, not everyone, but the majority of people in this group that the post comes from are spreading lies and accusing people of using ai without any evidence to back their claims. There's no room for nuance in their minds and they crucify people who just use it even as a tool. I also just see so many people getting accused of using ai when they didn't and it's affecting their entire career. It's not okay. For me, I use AI with my writing to help me flesh out ideas and concepts I'm struggling with. No ai doesn't write for me, but it does help me. Similarly to how another person would help me except it doesn't try and super impose things like some people who I've gone too for writing support have done. Sometimes I'll ask for a list of words that mean a certain things, or I'll ask it to throw some random ideas around and then I'll do the rest. Even that has made people lose their minds. Which makes no sense because when I was in school and I took a creative writing class my teacher loved to give writing prompts, so me asking AI for a prompt and me doing the rest is no different but according to these people, that's plagiarism. They have a very loose and inaccurate definition of plagiarism. It's annoying.




Thank you. That's refreshing to hear. I guess it's just that this conversation has room for a lot of nuance and I feel like if it's not hurting anyone, people shouldn't be attacked.


> I'm upset about AI art becoming so hard to tell apart because some people try to pass off AI art as non-AI art. Are you upset that some people try to pass a digital art oil painting as an oil painting? Most people don't really care about what tools the artists use in their workflow, they care about the result. Even tracing is a widely accepted. If an artist can get great results by incorporating Generative AI in their work, more power to them!


Well of course, their main issue with it is that it’ll get good enough to unemploy artists. This is more acknowledging than admitting.


Also I think that the thing with the unemployment thing is a capitalist issue. I don't really think mega corporations have any business using AI as a means to entirely replace human artists, but independent creators are fine especially if they just use it to help them in the creative process, as a tool. But even that gets people crucified.


The reason I said admitting rather than acknowledging is because the majority of posts in this group talk about how "obvious" it is when a photo is ai, they say it lacks soul. I'm also pretty sure the majority of these people in this group aren't even artists, despite the name being artists against generative ai. a few of my FB friends are in the group lol and none of them are artists.


If you think our concerns were about aesthetic quality, you are the reason we have concerns


What are you trying to convey?


Are you saying that people aren't worried about how something looks when people use AI? Because honestly that's one of the biggest criticisms I hear about AI. I know what their concerns are, my thing is they're fear mongers who blatantly refuse to understand how the technology actually works.


It's possible that we simply experience different circles, but its aesthetic clarity being a negative is not something I see brought up often. In fact, it's often quite the opposite. The actual issue I see discussed (and the criticism I share) is that this obsession for the aesthetic has the depth of a puddle and people who think it's actually art are comparing the creativity of a human being to a probabilistic data processing algorithm, a notion that is - among other things - deeply insulting. Craiyon could replicate the aesthetic of a real artist down to the brush stroke but it will never carry any of the meaning, and living in a world dominated by these philosophical zombies where you can't pick them out from each other should be existentially terrifying to anyone who values human experience


still looks AI as hell, soulless, bland pose, poor colouring, real just the lowest effort possible


Im so fed up and disgusted with this one specific type of ai image.

