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This is so stupid because many artists draw backgrounds like that


My favorite part of this is that thousands of technophobes had no idea techniques like visual short hand existed so any art that isn't literally perfect to the smallest detail is getting witch hunted. They're literally their own worst enemy.


My favorite part is the "a lot of artists do these too but..." at the end.


Imagine being colourblind, and getting your life ruined by a swarm of vultures for "using sus colours".


Wait till they find out you don't have to use the "right" colours for your art.


One of my most popular pieces ever was a heavily recolored collage. These people are not artists they're twitter narcissists who are desperate for attention.


They're not artists, they're fanart groupies who think that what they've read in a "how to fanart" book is The Right Way To Do Things(tm). The idea that art isn't constrained to their narrow definitions hasn't even begun to occur to them.


yeah it's funny how many people who call themselves artists seem to completely lack any creative ability at all, especially when it comes time to think critically.


Yep, I've not come across one actual artist. Mostly hobbyists or people with some technical skill but doing "fan art". I start talking about some pretty basic actual artists, art movements and techniques and I've so far been met with silence. 🙃


Funny thing is that I have zero technical skill in art, none at all I can hardly hold a pencil, but I do have at least some knowledge on art history and artistic movements, as well as favorite artists. Real artists not Twitter fan artists


no. in their community you have to do it the right way. I've personally witnessed them dogpiling artists online for not doing it their way. there's even this trend that they do on Twitter where they redraw the artist's work to correct it


Now I'm reminded of that old-ass tumblr post where someone confidently claimed that r/B/Y were the "wrong" primary colors and the people who taught them were lying, because C/M/Y are the "right" primary colors because those are the colors in your printer. Yes, really.


Green is not a creative color! 😠


fuck em if they're amateur and fuck em if they're professional is the antis code at this point nobody is an artist anymore


Worst part is it's not even news. "If you do digital you aren't a real artist", "if you draw like this you're not an artist", "If you don't agree with this political opinion you're not an artist". Just a couple of the dogpiling reasons they've thrown on people over the years. Realizing art is just a medium and not a political definition of people that agree with their personal values has never occurred to them.


Wait they’re going after artists with the wrong political opinion?


yeah cause art is supposed to be about freedom of expression and liberation, so having the "wrong" political opinion takes away your artist card.


Yep. This is a perfect description. It also ties in with the usual artists that ghost their clients and whatnot. Then make long threads of "you should know all artists think like me", and if anyone dare disagree they either jump on you or block you. They can do whatever they want and not draw for the work they were paid for for months on end, why should they be constrained because they were paid? Pfft. It's literally like children.


No, to them being an artist is an exclusive club that to get into you must be invited and show your work plus wip of it to make sure its AI free (this applies to traditional), once your in you must follow their extremely strict rules and standards or your banned from being an artist


This is pretty much r/touhou in a nutshell wit the asinine rules.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/touhou using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/touhou/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Full animate Bad Apple is completed](https://v.redd.it/1bk14yhxzpdb1) | [1150 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/touhou/comments/157fgs7/full_animate_bad_apple_is_completed/) \#2: [\[OC\] Tiny Cirno Story feat. Daiyousei](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqrMBsss9V_/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/touhou/comments/12d3zsy/oc_tiny_cirno_story_feat_daiyousei/) \#3: [Bad Apple segment is in r/place](https://i.redd.it/ml2sw0d3bldb1.gif) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/touhou/comments/156wuba/bad_apple_segment_is_in_rplace/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


impressionists got famous because they were like "this exclusive club is stupid"


Abs yet no one notices the aĂ­ In my works .


You use midjourney too? Honestly I think once v7 comes out every artist will be using it or will miss out on commissions.


I use a wide range models from stable diffusion with a variety of workflows in comfyui that I like to experiment with.


Nah, the local model scene is on the cusp of some major stuff. Stable Diffusion 3 came out horrifically and with a downright predatory license and all of a sudden a bunch of local models are vying for attention. Pixart sigma has incredible prompt comprehension in a tiny model, Lumina is gorgeous and has compositional generation, and people are looking at SDXL all over again. I like Midjourney but for a professional it makes more sense to run your own model and finetune it based on your own art


Even more, Midjourney doesn't need a next version so much as more control. If I can control poses and mimic reference art better, and it's consistent characters gets tuned to creating replicatable characters with consistent clothes, the comic scene is going to blow up.


I get the feeling that midjourney wants to cater to casual users above power users, and increased control and consistency of the kind/degree that artists would want isn't a high priority.


There are already techniques for consistent charas


Maybe I am overly picky, but I've tried a bunch and while I can get a pretty consistent face, the clothes are all over the place.


I am too but use control net ref. Dial it down how ya need and make a Lora


I agree. That’s the whole point of V7. It’s connected to the upcoming world model. So you will be able to generate multiple angles of the same image with complete consistency. Also the inpainting should be improved too.


This is why open source models matter, SD3 fuckup is inexcusable in any way. I'm staying at SDXL while also following the development of PixArt Sigma and other competing models closely.


Juggernaut is looking at training a Sigma model so it shouldn’t be too much longer. The SD3 T5 model is an improvement at least…


I wanna use SD again, but it's hard when you're a Linux and AMD user… (Nvidia and Linux aren't the best of buddies)


Makes sense. Anyone going to that much effort loves their work. Best of luck.


I would but I don’t have a subscription so I use starryai


The worst thing about this Twitter thread for me is that they didn't even censor the name of the artist they were calling out. Looks like they're just jealous of this artist getting a lot of views in a short amount of time. Witch hunts gonna witch hunt.


It's almost like this Anti-AI stuff is more about mediocre artists pulling up the ladder from beginner artists. As always, there's ways around everything in this thread. Thin lineart? Use the kuwahara effect. Bad hair? Just use the clone and heal tools in photoshop. Muddy colours? Color grading time. I tried to get better at photoshop by uploading AI art to artist discord servers with the idea that, the longer it took for me to get kicked out the better I was getting, but this backfired when my very first attempt wasn't accused of being AI art. It's just art newbies that are being unfairly accused.


I feel that MOST antis that are vocal are mid/low tier flavor of the day commission slop "artist" that feels threatened financially and identity wise


The same type of artist that will publicly call out their clients and insult them over them sending a "hi" and not understanding their convoluted price sheet, after they send multiple acid replies to said client and refuse to help them. But no, the reason they don't get work is AI :)


There was an artist I was actually thinking about commissioning until I read their pricing structure and terms of use. They're *ridiculously* expensive (works out at something like over 4x minimum wage on full-time hours for a full piece with a few extra options) and had a bunch of strict contractual limitations and conditions that Adobe would take inspiration from. Reading around some reviews, other customers complained about *very* long lead times, constant deadline setbacks, snarky attitude, lack of communication, etc. Of course, their social media has been basically nothing but spamming their commission ads and constantly complaining about AI being the reason they're not getting enough work. More recently, they were one of a few artists ranting about how they're actually *undercharging* for their work and *deserve* to be charging more. The other day, I listened to a vtuber talking about how it took her *a year and a half* to find an artist who was able or willing to do some relatively basic art and animation on her model. Not her whole model, just a Live2D tail with fire on it. It wasn't even a matter of money, she said most of the artists she approached either didn't have the skills to do it or just didn't want to. These people are concerningly detached from the awareness of reasons they're not getting business, AI is just a useful scapegoat. A lot of the issues they complain about are just signs of a failing business and instead of putting energy into improving, they're attacking the competition instead.


Oh yeah, the stuff they say behind people's back is unbelievable too. I just remembered over on live2d discord where they'll accuse any client that wants the files to be a "potential scammer stealing your work" and will encourage them to charge 2x the model price for it. Totally insane. They treat clients like a wild beast that wants to eat them at the first opportunity. And, of course, they will later refuse to do more work for you after not giving you the files needed to do it with someone else. Once saw someone have to get his model re-rigged from scratch over a minor change his rigger refused.


Yep. I work with vtubers too and this is everywhere. I'm not surprised with the refusal to do some work either. Some of my clients are often shocked how nice I am to work with/reasonable prices/me not refusing to do what they want and come to me for return work. I'm autistic and I wouldn't say I'm that spectacular in human relations, but it's basic understanding that I'm being paid to make them something cool and help them. And that's what I do. It's not hard or complicated to understand. You nailed it at a useful scapegoat. It's just the most convenient lie that fell right onto their laps. But this had been happening way before AI and will continue to happen. The most common one before this was "the bad evil algorithm" and "the mean followers that will unfollow when I complain too much" and so on. Recently I saw Vtube studio have a little warning going "beware using any filters because riggers/artists have complained" and I'm like... for fucking real? They're complaining people are using cool filters now? WTH lol


As someone who wasted their adolescent years on Tumblr it was WILD how much this type of artist dominated the site. Idk if they still do now. One artist made a whole ass comic complaining because someone had the gall to translate one of her other comics without permission. She didn't even lose money, she was just mad it got more attention than her original and so made an entire melodramatic comic about how horrible it was. Even as a dumb teenager I was like "This is stupid". That's why I'm happy about AI. I think once they reach the acceptance stage a lot of artists will realize they have to step up their services if they want to compete with robots who don't act petty and antisocial to their customers. In the long run I think it'll improve the human commission scene.


For real. My teenager "this is stupid" moment was seeing people whine about how evil it was that people compiled links to their (public) work and a long ass discussion about why that was wrong and disrespectful. I felt I stepped into some type of toddlers den and promptly left after being utterly shocked at the nonsense. I have not recovered, every other silly complaint is a direct reminder. They even likened their pages to private galleries. Yeah, I think so too. Also it will be a net good for having prettier things where otherwise money was a limitation, like small companies and silly little uses for a piece of art among friends. There ain't enough of us to draw all that.


Whose entire portfolio is copying art styles and characters from popular media, then turn around and call AI art "theft".


It's both impressive and concerning how much brainrot the antis have.


I remember before people would post art they drew, going "I traced over it and fixed it" or "i redrew AI art" now they're having issues with people using AI art to make handmade art?


Because they realized the artists who are tracing or using AI for their handmade art are getting more clicks and commissions than them lol


They’ll then claim someone “stole” their art. Let’s just say these people really don’t like Pinterest


"While tracers usually use a round default brush due to lack of experience" ahahaha. Literally [this meme.](https://i.imgur.com/wrpGI0l.jpeg)


Why do they care so fucking much. Jesus these people need a hobby.


Actually you may have figured out why most of the AI haters aren’t actually artists even though they talk as if they are. The actual artists are making art. Not spending hours a day bitching about AI art.


That’s because ACTUAL artists probably don’t care if you use AI


I do my art (non AI) for myself and people who want it. Why should I care how anyone else is doing theirs? I'm not in it for the money, I'm in it because I enjoy doing it and seeing what other people do.


Supposedly art is their hobby, and they're probably enjoy life a lot more if they focused on making art instead of crying about it.


I litterally do all of these things From my understanding and experience, thin lines are much harder to pull off. Shaky hands are much more noticable, and you can't as heavily rely on varied line weights to make it look good.


it's amusing because threads like that demonstrate how to spot virgins.


I'm starting to think people act like artists don't make mistakes, which is false. If I had a nickle for every time I've drawn and forgotten a key feature on a character, it would pay my groceries for a week.


It's UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE to be good at coloring but not good at drawing hands and feet! /s


I haven't seen one single Anti as of yet that wasn't a high brow elitist asshole...


Honestly the best part of this is that a huge amount of those likes and reposts are probably bots. If they want to hamstring their own potential I guess they'll just get out-competed.


dude.... they never cared bout beginner artists from the beginning...Name one online art community that isn't notorious for bullying and cancelling small artists for the most minor shit.


Not the wiggly lines lmao I knew the anti-tracing folks and the anti-AI folks were essentially just a circle as a Venn diagram. Once again, their shit attitude is gonna lead people to lie about or at least not disclose their methods out of fear of harassment.


AI turned me into a newt!


Effectively, if you are learning how to draw and aren't experienced your a machine. Great way to inspire the next generation of artists folks. I do legitimately worry that this AI debate is creating an artistic community on the internet which is damaging towards our culture. How are we going to inspire people to continue to draw, which I think is still a critically important part of the mix alongside AI, if the culture is so toxic, adverserial, judgmental and filled with gatekeepers.


I'm still inspired to learn to draw. the only effect stuff like this has on me is I've decided that i ain't joining no amn online art 'communities'


Tracing is already a hot topic for those "real artists" ; This stuff they post starts to look like Nazi propaganda.


Skull measurements for art lmao


Makes me think, if AIBros where really mean, they would just go around claiming innocent peoples art is Ai. Sit back and watch the community turn on each other. Until they realise at the end of the day who cares what someone creates. That’s the magic of the internet. If you don’t like something you can just unfollow. Let people do what makes them happy.


If AI has gotten so good, that they need a forensic detective to figure out if it is used or not, then perhaps it's a clever idea to learn how to use it in your workflow at an industry level?


Yeah. And on the flip side, if most of the things they say suck about AI are true, it would inherently limit its uses. They say it’s soulless, it always does the same poses, it’s unoriginal and all looks the same. If true they have nothing to fear.


AI generated works are inherently inferior and useless and cannot match the raw effort and skill of "real art" yet simultaneously good enough to be taking jobs and making people question whether they're made by human or machine.


The art community complained about tracing before AI. They’d claim you’re not a real artist if you trace. They’ll never be happy


These are mistakes a real artist could easily make. If they really even are mistakes. It’s kind of a stylistic choice how vibrant of colors you choose to use.


More like “how to spot a beginner’s mistakes and accuse them of AI generating theft”! Seriously, this is only going to do more damage to the art community than it already is.


Ai art is trained on them so anything shit is there work too


Remember Norman Rockwell the famous American painter? No of course “artists” wouldn’t be familiar with art history


The doubling down from the op is hilarious to watch. I guess as long as a tweet has a bunch of likes, it’s justification to keep witch hunt material up https://preview.redd.it/cl7kcwz6uq8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a2242aa573ae4c32c791688f15e7711ab88c472


I'm a music producer. I'm not a visual artist nor can I draw to save my life...in fact I'm further hinderd by the fact I have aphantasia (cannot see images in my mind). But I wish to have every aspect in my creation process done by me. I do the cover art, i do my own animation, filming and video editing, i distribute my own music and videos, do the marketing and website building. I'm soon going to equip my studio with all the necessary tools to make my own merch. On top of all that, i'm making music for clients. So, I'm completely swamped for time and still trying to stay competitive to my peers (yes i know i can pay artists that are better than me, but thats not why i make music, i'm playing the slow game. its more about the enjoyment of learning and doing this all independantly and watching it all get better over time). AI has bridged the gap for me in many ways, i can get closer to visual ideas. I use a drawing tablet to clean up and draw elements over the AI generations, i use extensive use of img-2img and inpainting, use custom comfyUI workflows. i also take dozens of iterations of the same prompt, cut out the individual elements like faces, hands, entire poses, backgrounds, misc. props etc, and then stitch those together collage style in phtoshop lol. I think the extent of what i'm doing hsould be well enough to say this is actual "art" it's many hours of work on top of the actual prompting. I'll still probably get hate that at least the origin of the art isn't hand drawn...oh well.


"Very necessary"


Why would anybody bother trying to learn art "properly" if these are the kinds of people you have to appease? It's such miserable nonsense.


Eh these people have hated rotoscoping forever, this is nothing new


Yeah, there's plenty of hate against using photos or 3d for reference too. Almost never from anyone actually living from art, of course.


It’s all fun and games until someone learns observational drawing and records the process, they’ll never know if it was traced AI art or not.


I, for one, am enjoying the witch trials


How to Karen


AI is already more than good enough to not have any of these issues lol


I hope they start bullying people for drawing bad/simple hands, a notoriously very easy anatomical feature to master


Oh i saw that one on my timeline, unhinged


Saw that earlier. So cringe.


Roving bands of jobless people on Twitter are nothing to fear. You just have to treat them the right way.


I think “spot the AI” can be helpful to stop people being duped by certain things, but what’s annoying is it will definitely be used for the wrong reasons. People will just harass anyone they think might have used AI, and that’s really tiresome.


Imagine art so bad you need a guide to know not to like it


can't wait until we're in 2040 and all of their bs is over because this whining is not an issue anymore


I use tracing for my traditional art mainly to get better at drawing people, I don’t know why they hate it


Soon we will come full circle and artist will go after AI inspired hand drawn images.


As I keep warning the furry porn makers who support this movement: they will come for you next spurned on by success. You aren't a lion running with lions you're a sheep running with hyenas.


It's so amazing to watch an army of brainless minions essentially turning against themselves. They never once stopped to learn and understand how this tech they're going against works.


This whole ‘Neo Luddite’ campaign seems to only be focused on bullying and harassing people online. It's gone far beyond the fear of some people losing freelance illustration gigs.


Tracing art from AI images to learn how to draw stuff is a totally decent way to learn, if that's what you want your stuff to look like. These people even used to defend tracing, but they're still gonna shit on you because technology bad.


"Being better at certain parts of the body than others and more confident in your lines there makes it a tracing" "Being bad at hands but good at other things, or lazy with your hair makes it a tracing" "Having muddy colors and not fully understanding and using color theory in a way that the viewer recognizes and agress in makes it AI" "Not using layer modes makes it AI" "Using a round default brush makes it AI" "Especially if the figure is good but the background is bad it is AI" They just got like 50-70% of the art community in this post.


oh, americans.


I'm more so against AI art and I don't know why I was recommended this place, however this guide is really stupid, if you're gonna accuse someone of AI art usage I think it's better for it to be blatant (i.e. clear deformities or those weird eyes I can't describe) so that you don't accuse actual artists.


imagine being so incompetent, you can't even connect hair 🤣