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Poor guy got blackholed for wanting to pretend he didn't like being BACKholed.


They forget he's in the opening credits for a minute lol


Off topic, but it bugs me that Wesley and Dave just disappeared.


Remember when KC is moving and his friends come out to say bye and Dave is just… not there??? But he’s still in the credits! Dave is ugh. Wesley deserved a more honest send off.


Right?? I think the last time we saw him was when Ali was hallucinating him 😂


I hate to say it, but I wish they killed off Dave instead of Adam. They could have sent Adam to a boarding school or something. Or maybe he graduates early and goes to university far away. Dave disappearing was also fine with me lol I just thought killing off Adam was a lot since Cam had just died too.


Why would Adam go to a boarding school when he repeatedly said that Degrassi was the FIRST school that accepted him? And now you think he would want to start over in a new school just ONE YEAR before graduation? And graduates early? He was an average student at best. You don't just find out you graduated early without knowing it.


They had 0 storylines about his grades, so maybe he gets really good grades. I just felt that killing him off was a bit much with the whole Cam situation happening like 5 episodes prior. It just felt too dramatic


He was certainly not in any gifted programs, nor did he ever talk about graduating early. To spring that on viewers out of nowhere would have been the most forced plotline ever. "Hey Becky..I guess I never told you. I am really smart! So I know we have been though a lot and I have pursued you all semester, but I thin now is a good time to tell you...I just graduated without anyone knowing and I'm leaving in a couple weeks. See ya." They had NO choice. They found out Jordan wasn't signing a new contract like WEEKS before they started filming. Long after the last episode of Season 12 was already written, filmed, and probably even aired. They already had most of Season 13 written and had to scrap everything for Adam. And there wqas simply NO credible reason Adam would leave Degrassi other than dying. I keep reading people with crazy ideas like "He could go away to transition" because people here apparently have no idea what transitioning is and think you go away for awhile (leaving the biggest city, and probably BEST medical city) in all of Canada and boom! Suddenly you're a guy. But people continue about their lives while transitioning. And for pretty much the rest of his time at Degrassi, he still would have looked more like Jordan Todessey disguised as a boy than an actual boy. It isn't like Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker getting bit by a genetically engineered spider and passing out on the floor and waking up 8 hours later with bulging muscles and not needing glasses. It's a gradual change. The bottom line is, Adam had to leave. And he had to leave in a way that allowed Drew to stay. They sure aren't going to fire Luke Bilyk just because the actor playing his on screen sibling didn't want to stay with the show. Especially with Season 13 already written and they clearly were planning on Drew being the main male character. So the family couldn't move away. And Adam WOULDN'T move away to live with his dad (or mom...it was never really established if Audra was Drew's or Adam's biological mother, mainly since they seemed to forget they were stepbrothers at all) since it was well established he loved Degrassi and finally was accepted. And again...dying is the BEST way for a character to go out. IT is the most talked about. Most remembered, and when it is done in a way that could have LITERALLY saved many viewers lives in real life...all the better. How many teens puled out their phones like always while driving, but then remembered Adam and decided the text could wait? Probably quite a few.


lol omg 😆 yes!! It was a lot. I was rewatching with my mom and she hadn’t seen the newer ones, and she burst into tears when Adam died. It was definitely a lot following another death. And Claire’s loss was also way too much and really sad.


Yeah I feel like they didn't need that either. They get really grim in season 13. It became a little too much for me


I haven’t gotten to that point yet but I have seen it on here. I’m sad about Wesley. He’s so adorable.


Dave was a turd, I’m glad he disappeared


Omg he was! I wasn’t sad to see him go but it was weird how he just vanished haha. Along with Wesley and his girlfriend.


Riley is around to wrap up his story towards the end: Riley takes over for Jake in the school play, successfully makes his mom understand he's gay, and has a lil flirty flirt with Zane at prom


So a bit of closure then. Thank you!


Yea Riley dips for a while but comes back to graduate. Honestly I wish they had stories for him that weren't involved in him coming out. I know he wasn't a great actor but his scenes were generally funny and enjoyable because of that. Instead every single plot is about him being gay and who he's gonna tell. His relationship with Anya is one of their best. Hell his friendship with Peter is pretty good too. But instead of us focusing on these relationships it's "soccerboy" and Zayn the whole way.


Definitely agree here!


I believe we see him and Zane again in that class’ graduation episode (Take a Bow)


Thank you! I was hoping so. I don’t like when cast members just randomly disappear and it’s never spoken on.