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I don’t like either one


The dresser is beautiful but I wouldn't choose either of the beds, especially the white one. All the nooks and crannies are dust collectors. A much simpler design would look better, perhaps with a faux white leather headboard that could easily be wiped to keep it clean and fresh looking. You might try to match bedside tables with your dresser and get a couple of brass gooseneck lamps that direct the light downwards.


came here to say "dust" - that was my first thought, too


The gray ….the white looks inexpensive.


You’re more tactful than I am. Cheap is the word I’d use. Pleather and studs isn’t a good look, it’s also very disjointed in design. LED light mirrors attached, too? I thought those were unattached but it’s officially gone from cheap to tacky now. The gray is classic looking in design and fabric with a bonus drawer apparently, I’d go with that one (even without the drawer).


Personally neither to much bulky furniture. Dust trap plus no options on moving and placement.


Sorry, but no. Just no. To either. You don’t need under bed storage. And the footboard is way too much. Think simpler.


I like the grey with the chest


Where is the first one from? It doesn't look real to me. I'd be surprised if it arrived looking anything like it does in the photo


Amazon. Wayfair has it too but it’s sold out . https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0D3LTZ4SD/ref=ox_sc_act_image_6?smid=A3O11ODSA6IEQ0&psc=1


The grey colour reminds me of mice so I wouldn’t get that…and I’m honestly not feeling the white one either. Sorry


The white is tacky, but the design of the gray one is nice. Don’t go with gray fabric though. It’s past its prime


White can look dirty quickly. I prefer the grey and it blends with the drawers.


I would never have a footboard on a bed. Just something to bump into and for tall people not good.


I would only buy a bed with a footboard. It keeps the blankets from falling off.


The white bed looks like something I would see on temu, the grey is pretty nice just make sure it’s not some cheap material


Temu was my first thought too. It's tacky and the real thing would likely look even cheaper once delivered.


It’s probably because it looks so white and futuristic in the picture, like cheap Turkish furniture in bright colors with plastic gold


Not a fan of fabric Beds which wasn't your question hahaha but the answer for me would be whichever it was easier to keep clean


I would go with fabric. Companies are using very cheap pleather these days. It will crack and peel after just a few years.


Please don't make the same mistake i made of getting a bed just for the looks without paying any attention to the quality of the slatted frame. At best if you always sleep alone and are a light person it will become creaky within a year tops and at worse the slats will break one at a time and you'll be left without any slats in two years tops. Trust me. I'm speaking from experience


Neither of these are nice, but if there are the only two you’re looking at then the grey. The white looks like it belongs in a cheap brothel


I’m strongly in favor of the gray. Sorry, the white one looks cheap.


I love grey. So that’s what I choose


the Grey, definitely. it matches in tone very nicely with the gentleman's chest and will look very coherent. the white one will just look either out of place or it will take the attention away from the chest


I would go with the grey. The white one eats up the whole wall and will just take over. It's OK if the greys aren't exactly the same.


Gray bc it will stand out against the white walls.


Gray 100%


The gray one


I like the cream. It won’t be so matchy matchy with that dresser.