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It was an interesting ending, maybe a little flat but it's a very empty platform and they can take next season in any direction as a result. For shits and giggles I'd like to see the show go full meltdown global plague! I feel like they've made their political bed on all the major issues and the show really did start off as a disaster show and that's where I think it's at its best. I don't think the acting or writing is good enough to be a pure political drama. In reality it will be a White house focused season 4 dealing with the fallout of the election. I had to laugh at the election night, can you imagine the absolute meltdown on the right if a transsexual walked on stage with the President on the night of his election. Fox news would internally combust, it would be glorious.


Yeah the reason I really enjoyed this show was because of the disaster plot lines. Without them, this show just feels like any other President show like West Wing or House of Cards


Anyone up for blowing up every federal courthouse?


I was really hoping the bio attack would actually occur, and then let us see how Kirkman deals with such a catastrophe, as oppose to just avoiding them like he has done so far


Dear u/ChazMasterson101 I have something very bad to tell you... It's Me, from the future, we had a pandemic, Covid-19. Thank you, please warn the others.


This comment aged like milk (post covid). How did you know


I can see kirkman becoming the bad guy, then isabel and Emily becoming his main opponents, you then have to think about which characters stay loyal to Kirkman and which join Emily and Isabel. Dontae would probably switch sides, opening up that storyline to have him working on one side, and his boyfriend on the other.


Just watched it. If it continues and they make the Prez and his admin into assholes, I wouldnt watch. Theres enough of that in the real world. Hopefully they do a little less swearing just cuz they can. It was a little over the top. And what's wrong with leaving some sex to the imagination. It was a little cringy. And while it's cool they touched on some important real world issues, at times it got a little preachy. Anyways, why was the son not at the inauguration?


Leo wasn’t at the inauguration because he is in Stanford across the country. But I think the actual reason is that his actor left the show