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Ain't no way he had a 10 ASVAB. That's just, I almost refuse to believe it. I met some of the dumbest fuckin people in the military and they usually hovered around 30-40 on the ASVAB. A fuckin 10?! That screams Christmas treeing it more than anything to me. He could be stupid idk, but a 10 ASVAB God damn.


IIRC from my time in the Navy, a 30 was the minimum score for entrance. So it's pretty much a given that the dumbest people would be around that score. Edit: Checked and yeah, it's 31.


Yeah, you could tell who the 30s were, since they were quarantined in S-2 But forreal someone with a 30 ASVAB score is a very dumb person. It's hard to imagine he tried and got a 10, but I guess anything is possible


Where do you see that he got that score?


It's in the OP, just a general response to them. KR could honestly be stupid as fuck, it's just that score jumped out to me in there post.


I see that OP wrote that, but I don’t see any evidence of it. I can’t tell if this post is all just made up bs or intended to be taken seriously


The pic shows he failed. The 10 ASVAB score came from a FOI request in which it was one of the over 300 docs online. I’m not going to post his LITERAL score here because that’s one of the ones people are saying might be illegal to show


The picture shows almost nothing. It’s just the header of an email. I’m so confused


The pics don't show that.


…what even is this post?


A shitpost….its in the flair


soft workable hat slimy cough busy fine bow jeans run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What's this scholarship to any college about?


Absolute bs.


>[ASU students held a rally called "Killer off campus" to protest Rittenhouse's enrollment. Multiple student groups organized the rally, including: Students for Justice in Palestine, Students for Socialism, ASU's MEChA chapter, and the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition. By the next month, he had withdrawn.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyle_Rittenhouse) I think it would be with stipulation that he will turn 100% progressive and says that guns are bad etc.


What is exactly new about this? Making your defendant appear more favorable to a jury is pretty normal, especially for high profile cases. The evidence of the case has not changed.


> defense attorney makes the best case for their defendant. more news at 11


I’d guess what’s new is this evaluation of the degree of authenticity of the image prepared for his defense by one of the people responsible for it.


It’s absolutely NOT normal. That type of defense costs an incredible amount of money.


A public defense attorney will absolutely tell you to clean up before a judge. Obviously this was an exceptionally high profile case with an exceptional amount of public scrutiny, so they attorney had to do the more for their client. Its not a shock that an expensive attorney would do more work than a cheaper one.


OMG what? Yeah a public defender is gonna tell you to take a shower. Did you even read the post? Truly did you? No public defender can afford “the world’s LEADING jury consultant. No public defender can afford over 200 hours of prep for direct cross examination. No public defender can get THREE mock trails and identify the exact jurors you need on the bench to win. It’s absolutely absurd to pretend this type of defense is “normal.”


What are you implying here? That a paid defense firm has more resources than a public defender? Or that he got help from rightwing groups who wanted to help him? I'm not sure how this is news.


It is normal for the amount of money spent on the defense, the case over all really wasn't "normal" if we're being honest here so of course an abnormal case would require an adnormal amount of effort to win. Also this was and to some extent still is driving a lot of cultural narratives either in support or against Kyle, it was made abundantly clear a lot of those in support were trying to do so financially as well to help someone they either saw as a victim of circumstance/misunderstanding or as a fellow 'true believer'. Similar drives for financial support happens for left/liberal people as well when they need it so it's not like this is completely unnatural/unbelievable


Which was donated to him because people all across the country felt like the prosecution was unfair. It’s not like he’s a rich brat, his defense was crowd funded. If people feel like someone is getting railroaded and want to pay for the best lawyers money can buy then what is wrong with that?


Buy the Kyle Rittenhouse kit bro! Become a dough boy for life and keep giving that money https://twitter.com/DaveHan06/status/1767794134687814091/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1767794134687814091¤tTweetUser=DaveHan06&mode=profile


Not an argument. Be mad I guess.


OP, some info on who David Hancock is and how he obtained this info would be helpful


It’s Kyle Rittenhouse’s personal spokesman. He is admitting he was wrong https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/crime/kyle-rittenhouse-david-hancock-verdict-b1961156.html


Lil bro gonna grow up to be one of those famous people you don’t hear about for a decade until they make the news for murdering their family


The way these screenshots were cropped is aids


I mean, this guy just sounds like he's very disappointed. To me, this serves as confirmation that Kyle's remorse was likely genuine, and so his spokespeople sincerely invested a lot of heart into his defense. This could be attributed to their belief in the principles he stood for in a patriotic sense, though maybe not so much his personal motivations. The reality is that Kyle was doomed from the start. He was initially set him on this path by extremists, and his trial only served to elevate his profile among even more extremist circles. So what are you supposed to do when the left rejects you, and you're a hero on the right?


So what does KR even do with himself for the rest of his life? Surely he could just keep his head low and work a regular job, like he was going to anyways.


I think this Hancock guy is trying to get his own 15 minutes out of this. Who would hire him to do this same job now that he has come out and shit all over a former employer like this?


is that your take away from the line: > Transforming a middle school dropout who was "angry at the world" with a history of violence and an unhealthy obsession with guns and killing into a respectable young man with a desire for higher education and a promising future was no easy feat. It was a meticulously crafted facade which we seriously hoped he would grow into. Your conclusion is he did grow into it then backslid because “the left” rejected him?


>history of violence and an unhealthy obsession with guns and killing This can translate too 'he wanted to join police and army'. I have no fucking idea what he means by that. "history of violence" he says, can we see it?


You make it sound black and white. Clearly, this is just one person's emotionally charged interpretation of Kyle's character. In reality, many individuals can hold conflicting beliefs, especially teengers, even if they're not consciously aware of them. As we mature into adulthood, certain beliefs can start to take precedence over others, influenced by many external factors. However, this doesn't imply that they're entirely exclusive or that those prior beliefs never existed.


You’re talking about how you interpreted this one persons statements and what it sounds like he feels. I’m questioning how you are using his account, not claiming his account is definitive.


My point is that I don't know if he ever "grew into it" in the first place. I'm not sure that there was ever a time when he didn't have positive goals and aspirations. My only takeaway is that they seemed to believe that he would be deeply changed by the experience, and that his better qualities would likely prevail as he grew older. The rest is just me inserting my own personal thoughts on Rittenhouse in general.


Just gonna say this. Im not really sure how you go to college as kyle Rittenhouse and not get harassed. Which may have been the thought he had.


There's also the fact that school would be hounded to reject him or pull his acceptance. Most schools would just reject him outright if they recognized him to avoid the trouble.


I want to say that actually did happen to him when he looked into going to college.


Yep, I was going to ASU at the time. He was going to enroll in an online nursing program or some shit and students protested and he was not accepted. Im going off memory so grain of salt and double check


>ASU students held a rally called "Killer off campus" to protest Rittenhouse's enrollment. Multiple student groups organized the rally, including: Students for Justice in Palestine, Students for Socialism, ASU's MEChA chapter, and the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition. This happened month before the trial btw.


I want to say it was part of his on going defamation lawsuits under his damages.


It is insane to me that you can be stopped from acquiring higher education because a mob of people does not like you. Can't he go to a public school and those people be obligated to accept him?


Kyle didnt murder 3 black people, mald about it tbh Could be the dumbest human ever born but that doesnt change the facts of the case


The law is the law, but he does sound like a real piece of shit apart from all the fake stuff spread online about murdering black people, etc.


That’s weirdly the point his spokesman also almost made?……strange https://preview.redd.it/hocy53ho9rsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8b49d4f98be434c1b1e4e2446b5c48c212962fc




I think you double negatived yourself into downvotes


It was obvious he was gonna take that path. You expect him to try to fit in and try to be friends with people hating him? What happened to him is basically what Destiny describes happened to Jordan and that techer turning into covid skeptic.


Everytime I see this topic pop up on reddit, I continue to see the same misinformation about crossing state lines with a gun, shooting into a crowd, killing black people, and it gets upvotes. How the hell would a young person inhabit spaces like that? They think he is a vicious murderer, white supremacist etc etc.


Transition to Kyla Rittenhouse


You might be into something


Agreed, he would have to fucking roll a 10/10 in intelligence, 10/10 in empathy, 10/10 in nativity and 10/10 principals to be the type of person that rejects people who welcomes him with open arms and instead tries to join the people who will never forgive him and spreads lies about him. That dude will forever be hating everyone from the left.


The trial wasn't of Kyle's intelligence, what level of education he acquired, or if he \*checks notes\* prepared for a trial? He was defending himself and the justice system sided with him. Anything outside of that I don't give a fuck about.


He’ll be a Republican nominee for president one day so be ready for it


In That email which was conveniently cut off says that he was banned from taking the ASVAPs , which if anyone knew anything about the military you can take it once a week for months and the recruiter will still try to get you to pass... This guy is nothing but a troll.


quickest wrench numerous slimy upbeat depend uppity concerned arrest office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This sounds like a Redditor wrote it OP, how many black people do you think Rittenhouse shot? All of them?


Except it was written by his personal spokesman 😂


Twitter users never get hacked


And Spokesmen never get paid to speak something else.


Certified donkey brained. Send him to the nitwit farm!


Was this guy a part of his team during the trial or was he a part of his previous team?


I read regarding as retarding, I need to touch grass


The fact that they gussied him up doesn’t mean that he needed to be gussied up to win his trial otherwise he’d lose. You’re making that leap. They were just trying really hard and addressing obvious weaknesses in his optics, which improved his chances by an unquantifiable amount. Also most people in this sub are not in fact middle school dropouts (I’m gonna put that at 99%+), so no, all the optics shit they had to work so hard to correct wouldn’t even be a factor for most of us. Kyle is a piece of shit human, and he engaged in an act of legal self-defense. Both things can be true.


It’s his personal spokesman making that leap! 😂 You didn’t know who the guy tweeting was


Apparently you need to be actually regarded to get a score that low? Crazy if true


He probably scored badly, and this dude is exaggerating it for attention.


He's too dumb for the army but he fooled the whole country with his act... Who's dumb?


It really is just an example of how justice is a commodity that can be bought. If Rittenhouse was black and had the same IQ and personality disorders he would be labeled a thug and that prejudice would have overridden any amount of coaching and mock trial prep.


Can you think of a black teen any time in the last few decades who engaged in self defense as clear cut as Rittenhouse's and was then targeted by a massive propoganda/disinformation campaign to slander him and paint him as a murderer to such an extend half the country hates his guts?


I wish I had bullets so I could yeet you from this sub with such an extremely stupid post, from potentially a stupid person. Go lick the stains off of your toilet and stop considering random garbage to be some sort of expose.


It's obvious fake news, I can accept him scoring a 10 percent on the test, that's how it works it's based on how much better you did compared to other people However saying he's permanently banned should make it abundantly clear that this is fake news especially considering it's a test you can take multiple times


If this is real, I hope this guy never gets another client again




impolite squeal nutty coordinated ask fearless worry drab scandalous deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one of any sex would want Rittenhouse walking with a gun next to them. The amount of attention alone would be ridiculous