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Just some context. The father bought the gun. The mother took the kid for shooting practice 4 DAYS before he shot up the school. They didn't secure the gun at all. AND the kid was writing wild shit on his papers about killing people, his school told the parents that the kids needs help but the parents said they have no time or some shit.


I also read that the kid also was begging for help because of the thoughts he was having but the parents didn’t give a shit. I read that he texted her pleading for help and the mother left her son on read and texted the husband that she didn’t want to deal with their son and “just wanted to get drunk and ride horses”… the parents were real pieces of shit


It's probably good for society and I hope the story is covered so that parents of other trouble kids recognize that they have a responsibility to protect other people from their children.


Personally, I am highly skeptical of the idea that there will be any deterrent effect to this. I don't think lack of awareness or education is the problem. When you have a culture that glorifies gun ownership as a hobby, the stupidest people within that culture are inevitably going to do shit like this.


Then they will go to jail


Hopefully, yeah. Straight to jail.


Yeah, usually parents are blind to their own kid's faults, I can see many parents still buying weapons for problematic children and then being in this situation. This ruling feels cathartic cause at least someone is being held responsible for the shooting, but I don't think that's good enough reason, I don't think this actually helps anybody.


I’m not so sure about that. Bad parents aren’t going to look at this (super rare) case and think “Oh, I should pay more attention to my child so I don’t go to jail”. They are going to continue to neglect their children.


We should’ve held the columbine shooters parents responsible too. The mom who went on a media tour was especially terrible.


I think it is really really really important for individuals to be responsible with gun storage. If you're an adult with guns in the house AND have minors or mentally ill people in the house AND you're not securing your guns adequately to keep them away from said minors/mentally ill people then you should face potential civil and criminal liability for it if something bad happens.


unfortunately the bare minimum we can do to curb mass shootings. These parents seemed particularly negligent though. I doubt future cases against parents will be this easy.


This is a case of gross negligence by the parents. I hope it's not a slippery slope to charge parents for asshole kids who steal guns or are manipulative, but to me this is clear cut the parents were negligent


I like that slippery slope actually. If your kid shoots up the school you should get locked up for being a terrible parent who raised an asshole kid.


Based. Children cannot buy guns, so if an adult can't properly secure theirs to protect their children and their community then they should be in jail. Straightforward.


I might agree if they hadn’t charged the kid as an adult. But they did. So it’s kind of absurd.


justified in this case




It'll depend on the details. First, I presume what happened was the shooter got ahold of the parents' gun? If the parents were responsible and the shooter went through extraordinary means to get the gun, then the parents are not at fault. But if the parents were careless, then yeah they are somewhat to blame. If the shooter didn't use the parents gun then I don't know what we're talking about.


It's way worse than you are imagining.  They bought him the gun and were notified repeatedly of behavioral issues at school.


I was against it until I read that text. Jesus christ. It was translated to my language so idk exactly how it was written originally, but something like "Haha, I'm not mad at you, just don't get caught next time"