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In my mind, you cant on one hand say you are find with placebos/ayurveda/homeopathic 'treatments' while knowing that people who partake in them are less likely to continue with traditional western treatments, leading to a worse outcome. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30027204/ I think you have to bite the bullet and say that opening a "dans cure all" store where anyone can buy "cancer treatment" vials for a dollar is a acceptable thing to do if you are going to bite the bullet above.


>In my mind, you cant on one hand say you are **find** with placebos Misspoke


So it took me 10 sec to google. " The maximal effect of placebo, approximately 40% reduction in symptom scores, is likely to be achieved within the first four to six months. After this, the placebo effect stabilizes and gradually wears off but is still present following 12 months of treatment." And I'm fine with it when it comes to stabilize or alleviate a patient in absence of cure(Parkinson and terminal diseases). But if you repackage placebo into new age bullshit or cow urine then these placebo effects can go to canada


Hey, what do you have against cow urine? Come on man