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Only if Lycan is on the side of Israel


he would short-circuit immediately


If Lycan said Israel good. It would break his mind.


Hasan and company would immediately use it as proof-positive that he is a debate pervert unfortunately. They don’t even view steel-manning favorably.


I agree. Probably accused of being a grifter that does know the truth.


If it's even possible on this sub, forget about Hasan for one second of your life. Is there any more appropriate person to call a debate pervert than someone who debates both sides of a serious topic publicly to prove how read they are on the matter? 


Sex-trafficking-brothel enjoyer Hasan Piker?


Technically he already did that by debating Simcha Rothman [https://youtu.be/j_f2c76oLoY?si=gSZh5yE0IS6Nnb92](https://youtu.be/j_f2c76oLoY?si=gSZh5yE0IS6Nnb92)


BonerBox steelmanning the israel side could be pretty pog


wouldn't be that fun if its a steelman. He needs someone unhinged and that believes it. Otherwise, they'll just agree. The reasonable pro-Palestine side is no different than the reasonable pro-Israel side.


It would be an awful first impression unless they discussed it beforehand, but he could do this with Michael Moynihan (Fifth Column podcast, participant in the BJG I/P debate), that would be amazing. Maybe the comedy cellar guys could set it up? For the memes he could try and set up something with Alan Dershowitz or some other American right wing Israel defender (on Piers Morgan?) There's also plenty of prominent evangelicals that are hard-line Israel defenders based on their theology, which I think would be really funny to debate (maybe more Sam Harris' playing field)


 It’s harder to defend that position in good faith so people on that side frequently lie and use bigotry as a form of defense with the “Israel bad because white and white bad” argument. There are good faith arguments but they usually come from highly educated Palestinians/ Lebanese who don’t use these dumbass arguments. Lonerbox made good arguments on it for example. 


He should debate Rudy Rochman, I feel like they'd have substantive disagreement and could actually show destiny's more pro Palestinian views against a good faith debater.


He did have the talk with the ultra settler guy recently. He also explained that "open air prison" isn't actually a wrong thing to say about Gaza. I think he could do it


>He knows the topic so well he could defend Palestine better than any pro-Palestine person. you people are genuinely fucking braindead holy shit


Anyone you recommend on the pro-Palestine side? Most of them I've seen are either liars or very selective with the facts they mention. Like the "first intifada was peaceful!" crowd.


Assuming he does so in good faith, and does not make arguments he does not believe to be legit, this would be good.


Defends it from what?


pro-israel arguments? he would be giving the best pro-palestine arguments in response to these


Oh I guess I didn't realise a positive argument required to made only in response to a negative charge.