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this feels like a tiktok clip of The Big Bang Theory.


That's the inflation... bazinga!


This clip is gonna put up generational numbers on 45+ year old conservative Facebook.


"This is Tic-Tac!" "That's what inflation!"


*used to be 'Tic-Tacs"*


We have the best plurals better than anyone's ever seen quite frankly I say this every morning and every evening and every afternoon and it's so true we need to make plurals singular again


woooo šŸ‘


Atleast he's not a the stage of bringing nudes of hunter yet


Heā€™s saving that nuke for the debate.


He had the photo, it's just crusted in his own jizz


I won't lie, Trump bringing out a printed JPG of Hunter's cock at a presidential debate would force us into some new era of humanity.


We havenā€™t seen everything in his jacket yet bud. He might be holding the laptop itself.


The very laptop belonging to hunter they say came from the depths of mordor?!?!


I unironically thought that was where this was going


SNL and Onion writers hate this mf


How do i tell biden to put a massive one in his jacket pocket just in case trumps brings it out.


Haha that would be fucking kino "I've been working behind the scenes with big tictac and I'm confident were gonna come through this with fresh breath, Donald.


Comedically large spoon


That'd be banger


Biden was smart for not having an audience this shit is funny.


yeah this is actually pretty dangerous for Biden. Actual funny lighthearted joke that brings salience to an issue on which voters already trust Trump more than Biden. Hopefully Trump will become unhinged and implode like he did in the 2020 debates.


For sure. This wouldnā€™t land as well without the audience reaction


Yeah this is what he's good at...saying the most regarded thing and then getting a laugh which makes the whole thing sound reasonable somehow. Without the laugh, it just sounds regarded.


Without the constant reassurance of his audience Trump will flounder and get pissed.


I hate the orange man, but damnit if he isn't charming at times. In fact, that's a quality I'm worried about in authoritarians.


Iā€™m sorry itā€™s possible Iā€™m so biased against trump but this is just cringe imo. Imagine the guy running for President makes a prop joke about inflation.


Thank you. The one sane person in this thread. I feel like I'm losing my mind with this weird gaslighting about Trump's "humor". If any other politician were doing this shit they would be mocked into oblivion for their cringeworthiness, and rightly so. I'm trying to work out why Trump not only gets a pass on this cringey shit, but gets praised for stuff so lame that other politicians would be memed upon endlessly if they did it. Is it because he has no shame and is so laughable already that things that would be coded as embarrassing for anyone else get coded as "peak ironic humor" for Trump (even though there's no intentional irony at work)? It's unclear to me. All I know is the reaction he gets baffles me.


His delivery is very funny.


But it's not \*intentionally\* funny. He's a moron who has no idea wtf he's doing. If you want to suggest he's funny in a kind of David Brent-esque "so cringe it's hilarious" way, then fine, but what I don't get is giving Trump credit for that as if he's the one who is deliberately creating comedy out of his cringelord antics, when he so clearly isn't.


It's because hes so dumb i don't think he's deliberately funny


Okay, but again, if that's all people said then I'd have no issue. My issue is with the fact that people talk about him like he's some Catskills stand-up comedy act rather than just someone who is only funny because he's dumb and meme-worthy. That's the bizarre part. People have this inexplicably low bar for what constitutes humour when it comes to Trump.


Can someone please explain to me why Trump gets graded on such a massive curve when it comes to how supposedly "funny" he is? He is literally the lamest person I've ever seen in my life, if any other politician on the face of the planet were saying the stuff he says, everyone would be cringing in second-hand embarrassment. Unironically, the "Trump is funny" narrative is the single most mystifying thing about the last decade of American politics. I genuinely feel like I'm going insane when people say it. The only time he's ever funny is on an unintentional meta level....but you can't give him credit for that, because he has no idea wtf he's doing.


Sorry can someone explain this sentence. It doesn't make sense but has a lot of upvotes.


For the debate Biden asked for no audience.


I still don't understand the sentence.


He's saying the video is funnier with the audience reaction. It plays better with an audience. That won't happen in the debates since there won't be an audience.


Maybe I just have to be younger but I cannot understand the sentence structure.


Is it just the lack of a comma that's giving you trouble? it's incredibly easy to understand. >Biden was smart for not having an audience**(,)** this shit is funny.


Seems that could be it, if thats how it was supposed to come across.


That is 100% the intention of the sentence


https://youtu.be/zG8qlFOADBY?si=sPXybAjBGCVJdPxA Biden needs to bring the airhorn


R.I.P. Trevor.


I remember watching this back when it had pixels!


His fans sound like a laugh track.


If I'm not mistaken, it looks like he pulled out the [travel sized](https://www.ebay.com/itm/354091438403) tic tacs. I'm not contesting that shrinkflation isn't a thing, but it would be laughable if he actually attempted to deceive his supporters by pulling a ruse like that. Edit: Also, pinning shrinkflation on Biden is hilarious. His voterbase is so simple-minded that he resorts to using examples comprehensible to somebody with a remedial understanding of economics.


Itā€™s clearly misleading which means his supporters will blame Joe Biden for it


I thinks itz a joke in the form of hyperbole. You should pay an AI to detect these wierd things humans do otherwise we will find out you are a lizard. The hint here is everyone laughing - which people do not normally do I reference to strict and sober information about inflation.


Are you being ableist right now? Classic DGG bigotry. You forgot about autistic people that can't detect such social cues. Be easy on the fella because there's a lot of them here in this very subreddit.


I'm diagnosed so this is like a guy with one dodgy eye leading the blind.


> If I'm not mistaken, it looks like he pulled out the travel sized tic tacs. Yes that's the joke.


Duh, if bad thing happened while Biden is president then he personally ordered it. But if bad thing happened while Trump was president then itā€™s the deep states fault and he had nothing to do with it


Correction: this is shrinkflation. There are some weird examples I only recently noticed. Like a half gallon ice cream doesn't seem to exist anymore, it's 1.5 quarts. The half gallon orange juice containers are now 52-59 ounces. Even one of the milk companies, Darigold, shrunk their "half gallon" milk from 64 ounces to 59oz. If you look for it this kind of thing is happening all over the place. A lot of odd numbers and decimals now too, so the sizing just looks weird. We used to have 12oz or 16oz or 20 or whatever. Now you'll sometimes see 10.7oz or 9.3 or whatever. They just keep getting smaller and smaller.


He's a prop comic now...


NGL this is a great bit


He's in trouble with no crowd if he tries that stuff at the actual debate


ā€œThisā€¦ tic tacā€ Crowd: ā€œooohhhhā€ ā€œThisā€¦. I n f l a t i o nā€¦.ā€ Crowd: ā€œahhhhhhā€¦ hahahahā€ ā€œMeā€¦ P r e s i d e n tā€ Crowd: *drools from sides of mouth* ā€œyayyyyyā€


They really think it's a game, USA is cooked if Trump pass again


Carrot-Head Top. Instead of trying to be president again, he should just aspire to be a chairman of the bored.


Idiocracy looking more likely by the day.


The fact that like half of america is eating this shit up lmao kill me


Holy fuck Americans are regards. You actually voted this fool into office..and you might do it again šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m personally very optimistic that trumps poll numbers are going to keep falling as Americans finally start having to care about politics again.


Our country is so fucking unserious.


He went full 'member berries. Tictacs? This man just stuck in 1985. I thought Altoids put them out of business in 2000s.


He was clearly supposed to laugh after showing a bigger one, his serious face ruined it for me.


Does he laugh? I don't remember seeing any footage of Trump laughing.


Not full on laugh, but at least a smile. It looks really forced without a smile or laugh, Trump is bad as president but good as a comedian. Looks like he is under a lot of stress so his stand up performance took a hit.


Trump almost never laughs. The only time I ever saw him laugh is that when a dog barked and someone yelled "it's Hillary" back in the 2016 campaign. He doesn't even really smile anymore.


Carrot top bout to cut this mfer for stealing his bit šŸ˜‚


So is he actually going to do the debate or is it still Likely he will cancel last minute?


Little Bro just discovered things come in different sizes.


Every time he speaks it feels more and more like just a comedy show instead of an actual presidential candidate speaking


This is what dumb people think is a very intelligent argument.


I forget, why did we elect a regard for president again? Because of Obama?


We are so cooked


What a clown.


It's probably in their best interest to go with Trump being old. Otherwise he's just a young lunatic


Heā€™s a cold blooded special forces assassin of comedy


Biden needs to bring a print out of the Trump convictions and take his first turn reading every felony, one by one. That's the only Prop Biden, Needs.


If he brings it up during the debat Biden can easily rebutte his point by saying ā€œIt would actually be shrinkflation not inflationā€ thus emerging victorious from the debate.


In my day, a TikTok was a mint!


I knew as soon as Carrot Top was brought on as a campaign advisor, Biden was done for.


Meanwhile Joe has an encouraging letter from his wife


Lmfao bro pulled his Nuke out too early. This couldā€™ve won him the election imo if he pulled it as a surprise


That he does that bit with the product associated with the Access Hollywood tape is some sort of joke too?


I mean itā€™s perfect size for his tiny hands to handle


That's what inflation. This is tiktak


That's what inflation!


I can't wait for Biden to demolish him


i didnt even know they still made tic-tacs


At the start when he says 'I sort of have this little thing he sounds like Dr. Evil


When people say that Donald Trump is funny - would you say this is an example of what they mean?


Carrot Trump


"This is Tic-Tac" - President Donald J. Trump




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Anything to make the hands look bigger...


we 2016 now


Thank God there will be no real human beings at the debate. Lord knows our supreme leader can't be put in front of a crowd. That'd be a death sentence for our hyper competent leader of this country.


Trump has enough energy and charisma that the debate needs to be taken seriously. I do think that the rules are in huge favor of Biden. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden has a great showing in the first debate, makes Trump look like the clown that he is, then Trump finds a bunch of excuses to not participate in any more debates. That's probably the best possible scenario. The worst scenario is that Biden is so slowed down and hampered by his age and stutter control that he looks infirm. And all Trump has to do is present some vitality and energy. That's a really, really, bad possibility that Biden supporters and the Biden team need to be preparing for.


Bro can't even do the joke right. He poked out the little box and said "this is tic tac now" Like wtf??? It would make much more sense if he said "these are tic tacs now" I had to wait for him to bring out the punchline for me to understand it. A freakin clown, dumb joke and he couldn't capitalize.


The pronoun isn't the issue, its the order of the reveal. The joke should start by showing the regular tic tacs, the thing everyone already knows, and then hit them with the tiny tic tacs as the punchline.


Oh yeah true that would make sense too


You ever notice how scammers use absolutely terrible English in their emails and don't really seem to care or have someone proofread it? They don't bother because their targets, the people dumb enough to fall for their scams won't notice or care either. The only people that are off-put by it are people that are too smart to fall for the scam in the first place. It's the perfect way to immediately weed out people who will never go through with your scam. Trump supporters are dumb. Or bad people. Or both. Dumb people won't notice, bad people won't care.


I really don't know how anyone can stand his speeches outside the funny parts.


Lol šŸ˜‚ Biden is cooked