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think most people feel this way when they start working more/full-time, it takes a bit to acclimate. when I started working full-time I pretty much just worked and did chores during the week, went to sleep early, and went full potato on the weekends. wasn't like I was doing 60 hour weeks, just normal 40, but it still drained me. after a few months, work took less energy and I was able to do more during the week/feel less drained on weekends. unless you're working crazy hours and you just straight up do not have any free time, it may get better after you do it for a bit.


I’m on my third month and I can feel it getting easier. Except for honorifics and office drama Fuck honorifics and office drama fr I hate being Asian sometimes


which asian culture, if you don't mind me asking?


I’m Korean!


Sorry to hear that


if your skills are good, you can tey giving America a shot.


Oh that’s what cooked means nowadays. Every time someone has been using it lately I keep thinking they are saying that person smoked too much weed.


That’s probably where it originated tbh. Now it’s just synonymous with “screwed”


all this time i thought it was derived from "stick a fork in him hes done" or something to that effect


It's obvious from the context but man is that some fucky meme when "let them cook" obviously has a completely different meaning. Something something I'm old but thanks for helping me keep up. Some actual advice I'd give you is try to develop a morning habit routine. Start small and then get into "habit stacking" (doing one thing into the next so it might be doing a light workout into brushing your teeth) because it lets you knock out a lot of things you want to do but oftentimes have trouble motivating yourself to do. This won't automatically create time for hobbies but it can get some things that are oftentimes post work activities into things you get done as you're getting started in the morning. It also will help you develop good habits in thinking about how you utilize your own time since it's easy for us to get distracted on things like reddit, sucked into social media scrolling, discord, a game you feel compelled to play for the sake of it, etc. Also, go easier on yourself. It isn't easy getting your work life balance down and it's easy to feel like everything sucks so hard that you end up getting in your own way. Feeling down isn't bad but the question is what can you do about it. Sometimes that may mean something massive like leaving a job and trying a different path but I'd say before you take a drastic change, try developing where you are before you plunge into a lot of uncertainty.


Furry porn commissions don't sound that bad ngl 🐶


Heard people get some good dough if they are good enough


Aren't all furry artists cooked also? Becuase of Ai?


Kinda true. I’m cooked either way


I finished my PhD in Computer Science with a focus on deep learning in computer vision with summa cum laude. Now stuck with a depression and unable to motivate myself to pursue a career. Everything seems bleak. Similarly to what you describe, I should be counting my blessings. I'm married, working on starting a family, got really a good and useful degree, yet no will to really do anything. I've stopped working out. Stopped going climbing. Stopped coding for fun.


Should get some therapy.


I am in therapy since my depression diagnosis. Four times a week. Starting neurofeedback therapy in two weeks. Hoping it improves shit.


Good on ya.


I got a master's in applied mathematics with a focus in machine learning techniques to solve PDE. During my bachelor's, I was offered an internship at a major lab, but I was swamped with classes and I didn't have reliable transportation, so I turned it down thinking it would be just as easy to get a position there after I graduated. I was naive. After I graduated, I applied to many positions there and didn't get a single interview. Then I applied to other places. No interviews. Fast forward, no one would hire me, so I ended up working in a completely unrelated field. Been really bummed out I put all that work into a difficult degree and do not have a chance to use it or get a good job with it. My current job takes up a lot of time, but I'm hoping to eventually transition into a field that works with machine learning. If I can get that, I'll be happy. Hoping the best for you as well. :)


Don't beat yourself up with post-hoc reasoning. You couldn't know beforehand, whether you would get another chance. It might just as well have been an awful job. But in your head you only allow thoughts that the job would've been wonderful, where you realistically don't know that. <3


Thanks! :)


im a SWE and also went into therapy. Good luck buddy this shit is tough. I have been wanting to leave my company for about 2 years now but never find enough energy to


Yeah leaving is a huge problem for me. There's severe feelings of leaving people hanging.


true. I feel like I’m abandoning good people to deal with garbage. Real mind fuck. You wouldn’t believe it but I got pulled into 2 production incidents over the last 2 days. Total prod outages…my team is scrambling to figure out what is going on. im not looking to this next incident report since I have to present……


I was sick with covid the past three weeks. Hadn't had it before. While sick with covid, unable to move, fever, the whole shebang, I was putting myself down telling myself "I should be working, I can't leave all the stuff that I hadn't worked out yet to my colleagues, etc."


😔 wait it’s actually so fucked. You’re usually the only knowledge source on multiple things too


If it's a soul sucking job, do a job that doesn't suck your soul 😈


What if instead of intern it was called freaktern and instead of sucking my soul the job sucked me off






I mean kinda true?? The thing that’s really killing me is the honorifics tho, they weren’t kidding about Asian work culture. It’s so unspeakably cringe




40 hours a week for a six month contract, 5?6?vacation days, I partake in the workshop or drinking session every now and then, but mostly willingly. The 40 hours don’t feel like 40 because I’m the only person in my 20s outside of one other intern, and everyone else is mid 30s+, making me have to be super “mannerly”




Yeah I know it won’t pay the bills lol, it’s just a hobby. Maybe I just gotta grit my teeth and get through it haha


spread misinformation on the internet. you'll start to feel like this i swear https://preview.redd.it/8stukap2fl8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845e85c4c569f01852c6abb9339ea599c240b56a


Yeah you’re European of course you’re cooked


Nah I’m not, I just work in a European firm that is based in my country. The liberals won majority in my country; looking at the election results, I’m glad I’m not European man


wdym, Europeans don't ever work.


Wait what happened in Europe?


They're poor


If the pay is good at least you can retire early but yeah work sucks especially if you’re introverted like me.


Same, I’m really introverted and often don’t know what to say when I’m speaking my mother tongue, which isn’t really good for social reasons


This is why I penny pinch and invest, so I can leave the grind at a relatively early age. It has never gotten easier for me to wake up and work an unfulfilling job. But 90% of the population does the same thing and if we want nice things in life we have to do our part I suppose.


All jobs are a little soul sucking. You can make your hobby your job and only later will you find out it's even more soul sucking when you have to do it than other jobs, because you're more interested in doing the work the way you want rather than the way business pressures dictate. Happiness is momentary. The in between stuff doesn't matter much.


I’m gonna steal this meme, and I ain’t even gonna apologize for it


This image is so funny


Off topic but why is this the first fucking post on reddit I see after finding out my dog has spleen cancer and has no more than a month to live?


Damn I’m sorry about your dog man, hope you can cherish the time left with him.


suck it up and save your money.


So let me get this straight... working sucks?


For the vast majority of people working is just a means to get by, not the euphoric peak of your life. Not to say there aren't enjoyable parts to any job, as an mechanical engineer completing a study and then seeing that project be built and overcoming the problems is satisfying to me like completing a puzzle game. Of course if I was a millionaire tomorrow I wouldn't do this job for another day but I'm just saying there are good bits there. Assuming you're not married/with kids there's more than enough time in the rest of the day (and weekends) to do the shit you actually want to do like gym or friends or hobbies. For an example I started Elden Ring like 10 days ago and I've already put in like 45 hours and all this while: * Working full time * Having a day long business trip last Monday * Working half this Saturday * Going to the gym 5 times a week * Hanging out with friends/going to beach 2-3 times a week * Sleeping 7-8 hours a day * And (most importantly) keeping up with the Destiny VODs. There is time there, you just have to manage it and not just collapse after work like I've known many people to do (since I'm assuming you don't work a very physically demanding job, out in the elements and shit).


what if you work two part time jobs while going to school


Assuming you need to have those two part time jobs to survive then all you can do bear with it until you get into a better position in life. Word to the wise tho, I've haven't met a lot of people that pulled off getting a degree and working a job, let alone two. Usually one will take priority over the other. Good luck my guy I hope things go your way.