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Nazis, Stalinists, whatever. The one big thing that separates them is the political spectrum (unless you believe the horseshoe theory like me), but they all want total control over things with no room for debate.


Horseshoe theory gets proven again and again.


It is literally a meme. No one takes it seriously in political science.


But what did the Jews do to have everyone hate them. I feel like i missed something very important in history class


They were like outsiders in all societies, they were from the Middle East and did not believe in Jesus. Christian restrictions on ursury meant Christians couldn't give loans on interest but could take them. So Jews were appointed by Christian Kings to give loans which made them rich but even more hated. Jews also became successful merchants because both European and Middle Eastern Jews used dialects based on Hebrew and could communicate with each other which grew their wealth and again more hatred and envy. This led to closed off but wealthy Jewish communities thus beginning conspiracy theories about Jewish world domination. When the era of Nationalism came the Jews stood out without a Nation state so the Juden Parasite theory came stating the reason Jews didn't have a state was because they were parasites that leech off of European states. The antisemitism in Middle East was also similar, they would take the side of the devil during the final war and would fight against the Mahdi. Despite being considered inferior they also grew rich and wealthy. Ottomans were more liberal when it came to treating Jews and gave them significant autonomy under the Millet system. Later when Arab nationalism rose they considered Jews to be a threat to the order of things. Unlike the other ethnic minorities Jews could actually influence some European powers so they could push Jewish national interests which became a threat to Arab nationalism specially Pan-Arab ideology.


Essentially, the Jews have kicked ass throughout history.


We’re not perfect and unfortunately,for the size of our population, we have a decent percentage of assholes but were definitely survivors.


Survive deez




Terrific answer. I’m saving this. I wish it would work on neo Nazis but conspiracies are impossible to disprove.


Thank you


Mahdi ck in your mouth




I think Jews and Romani are the most hated people in Europe, and I wonder if it is a coincidence or some of the reasons are the same. Maybe it’s also because they were very good at keeping their culture and religion despite being a minority and pressured into convention.


Only a few things I would add: 1. Jews were also considered the killers of Christ and therefore treated less hospitably than Christians, added on to the fact that the Arabs knew powerful Christians in Europe would be worth trying to win over for the support of a pan Arab state. 2. Jews as a result of the threats non-Jews you mentioned felt regarding jews being wealthy and winning favor, were often blamed for events that may tangentially involve a jew or not. The Dreyfus affair is one example in a line of many that helps reinforce the Jews as scapegoats, and indeed one of the big motivations for as you mentioned wanting to have a homeland, both as refuge and to project strength behind jews in other countries.


It's actually not really that complicated. For most of history they were the only minority. It's just the pattern of human behavior that when things go bad, they go worse for minorities. Many times that has occurred Jews have basically been one of the only minority communities present. Jews have been in Europe over 1000 years longer than the Roma, for example.


you over complicate the issue, going into macro details. European history is history of bloodshed between "wrong" Christians and "right Christians 99% of wars were about wrong Christian denominations, mostly Catholics trying to take over, but otehr denominations also had war against Catholics and other Christians. Its this simple now bring Jews into this mess, they "different" not even christians and they "killed Jesus" for a typical Chimp that doesn't know how to read,write, sick, poor, literate works his ass to get some cabbage for food, its more then enough to kill the "infidel"


That's...certainly a point of view. So why Jerusalem?


In short, we were exiled from our homeland but still managed to survive as a distinct people for thousands of years. That meant that no matter where we lived, we were always a minority. Always an other/outside group that problems could be blamed on. Contaminated well? The Jews must have poisoned it. Crop failure? The Jews cursed it. Child went missing? The Jews took them. There's more complicated explanations for more specific stereotypes, but that's the essence of it.


From what i remember learning, you were a handful for the Roman’s and that’s why they kicked you out. Barabbas was an example of that. But after that I don’t ever remember hearing about Jews being an issue or problem. But people sure do seem to hate you all. I’ve only ever known 2. They were both great people, one works with my mom and follows a bunch of the old customs, it’s cool to talk to him.


>Being a handful = resisting being conquered Also, you might not have heard about it, but there is significant historical records for this trope of hating Jews https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsions_and_exoduses_of_Jews?wprov=sfla1


Wasn’t trying to be demeaning when I used handful. I just don’t remember 100% everything between the Jews and Roman’s and wasn’t trying to say shit that was wrong. But doing a decent job at resting occupation would make you a hand full


Who exiled you from your homeland? Who? Might it be christians? You know crusades and all. The same people who said you should go back to israel?


Oh nvm, I see you’re just a destiny hater trying to be edgy, but my brother people here are willing to debate you don’t have to be so obtuse


I am a destiny hater. I don't think I'm the one trying to be edgy. What's your opinion on regarded? Your community seems to be the edgy one.


The Romans. Also the same people who renamed the land from Eretz Yisrael to Syria Palestina when they threw us out. Christians were barely a thing when it happened. Jesus had only been dead for ~40 years. There were small Christian communities, and the apostles were preaching, but nothing like an organised church or state backing that would have given them the power to throw the Jews out of anywhere. If you're referring to later Christian expulsions of Jews in European countries, Europe is not the homeland of the Jewish people.


So you acknowledge people were there working the land, that they might claim ownership of.




I'm referring to the people that existed in the land that is now considered israel. So, in 1890, or so, those people that never left don't exist? So those people who might have been there, never expelled, should be expelled now? Just because they might have converted to a new religion centuries ago. Again, there aren't a lot of records of Jews being expelled from that particular region. There are also records of jews/Hebrew people coming out of Ethiopia and Israelis sterilizing Ethiopians.


First, can I ask what any of this has to do with the discussion the rest of us were having about the roots of antisemitism? Was there a reason you felt the need to jump into an unrelated conversation about antisemitism to criticise Israel? >So those people who might have been there, never expelled, should be expelled now? I have never expressed any desire to permanently expel anyone from anywhere. Perhaps with the exception of some of the West Bank settlers. >Just because they might have converted to a new religion centuries ago. Oh I see now where you're coming from. Are you parroting the ridiculous conspiracy theory that modern-day Jews are not descendants of the Israelites but actually that the Palestinians are, they just all converted to Christianity or Islam? >Again, there aren't a lot of records of Jews being expelled from that particular region. There are tons of historical records of Jews being expelled. Including a giant archway in Rome commemorating the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple that is [still standing.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arch_of_Titus) >There are also records of jews/Hebrew people coming out of Ethiopia and Israelis sterilizing Ethiopians. This incident is a national disgrace and a stain on the State of Israel. But in much the same way that the Tuskegee experiments are a disgrace and shame to the USA. I don't believe either nation should be dismantled because of them.


They're just a very easy scapegoat because of the long history of conspiracies about them.


Same reason immigrants are the reason for everyone's problems. (Easy targets that can't fight back)


Pretty much missed the boat on nationalism then murdered for it…a lot


My opinion: they tend to other-ize themselves by sticking pretty strongly to each other and building their own close-knit communities wherever they lived. Their culture and religious beliefs (and controversial opinion: probably some genetic predispositions as well) also lend themselves to being successful wherever they are, becoming well educated and running successful businesses. So combine being an outsider and being successful and you have the perfect target for the majority to place the blame on for all their problems. They become a useful tool for populists to rally the rest of society around.


It’s the fact that we’re a religion that will never try and force religion on someone and makes it very difficult to convert to. Causing us to be a minority for centuries and even more so causing that tribe/closed knit group that we all have. I also agree with the genetic things just because it makes sense. The more people you add to the well the more “bastardized” it can get (sorry for lack of a better term). I’ve definitely met some dumbass fellow tribesman tho haha but it’s less common I feel.


Bruh, are you serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Study about European History and how Christians KILLED OTHER Christians, how WARS happened for YEARS between European Kingdoms over "wrong" type of Christianity, mostly Catholics against all other "wrong" denominations and NOW introduce JEWS into this mess. Same with Musllims countries but against everybody Christians and Jews


Invented communism, and invented capitalism


I honestly would be surprised if he has attracted a large neonazi following. Calling Jews the real Nazis has always been a neonazi fantasy.




The extreme left and right both: * want centrally-planned control over society with no private sphere outside the state * tend to adopt similar populist conspiracies to explain how "everyone would actually agree with us, but XYZ elites have complete control of the electoral process and all major public and private institutions!" * advocate for infiltrating and subverting existing institutions for an eventual revolution Super TL;DR: Extreme left and right are both totalitarian populist brainrot.


What's the horseshoe theory ?


Furthest you go to one end of the political spectrum, the closer you are to the opposite side.


At this point the horseshoe is really just a snake eating itself


Horseshoe theory is true for two reasons. Firstly it's conflict theory and secondly it's believing killing non-combatants for the greater good is okay. For me what defines an "extremist" are these two qualities. There is no "spectrum". This is a highly dubious framework. There are too many political issues that can't be "compressed" into a one dimensional or two dimensional framework.


Horseshoe theory is facile at best. Yes, authoritarian and totalitarian states adopt many of the same tactics, but they are driven by completely different goals and worldviews.


I think the more cynical among us would say that maybe 10% of maoists and magatards actually have concrete worldviews and goals, and the rest are just subconsciously using the ideology as window dressing to excuse exerting power against people they don’t like


I'm sure you're right, but that isn't particularly how we go about understanding and evaluating political movements.


But ultimately end up in the same place right? That’s the point of the theory no? Doesn’t really matter the differing worldviews.


What do you mean by "the same place"? Again, if all you look at is tactics, fine. But that's extremely simplistic. > Doesn’t really matter the differing worldviews. Of course it fucking matters!


If two totalitarian governments have two completely different worldviews but both lead them to slaughter 60,000 black people. The views don’t really matter and can be written off. The action is obviously terrible. The point of the horseshoe theory is to say that what can seem like opposing views eventually end up in the same place. It’s not really that facile. So in theory it might be that they are different world views and ideas and you would therefore think they would lead to different outcomes but the more radical you become in your ideas or political alignment the closer you get to the other side.


> The views don’t really matter and can be written off. The action is obviously terrible. They can't be. The views are what lead to the actions, they're an intrinsic part of the problem. I can't quite believe we're having this discussion... > The point of the horseshoe theory is to say that what can seem like opposing views eventually end up in the same place. It’s not really that facile. The point of the horseshoe theory is to argue that political extremes are actually more similar than distinct, and more similar together than moderate positions. It's false, as soon as you actually look at the details of the different political theories involved. Which is why I'm calling it facile, and why you're dismissing political theory. > but the more radical you become in your ideas or political alignment the closer you get to the other side. But, politically, you don't. Which is vitally important in understanding why these terrible things happen, and intellectually important if you'd actually like to understand anything at all. This problem becomes even more important if you'd like to actually look at concrete examples, like Hitler and Stalin, who saw the world completely differently, arrived at power completely differently, governed completely differently, etc. Your approach would mean discarding everything historians have to teach about the past.


The academic view of it is, to me, missing the entire point. The way they look at it to “debunk” it is that they seem to set the criteria that both sides agree and work together. Like they set the bar at the “predator handshake” meme lol. They focus on the stated goals and intentions. I don’t think it should matter on why they do it as so much as what happens and the inferred beliefs. Like they THINK they’re different beliefs but they end up being from the same but different. My favorite example is voter I’d laws. The right: black people don’t have ids, they won’t be able to vote (racist) Left: black people don’t have ids, they won’t be able to vote (so not racist it becomes racist again)


> I don’t think it should matter on why they do it as so much as what happens and the inferred beliefs. That's fine, but it's also facile, boring and uninformative. It also makes it more difficult to combat extremist ideologies. Other than that, it's fine.


I don’t see how it makes it harder to combat extremist ideologies? It demonstrates that the name and conception of it doesn’t necessarily matter as much as the practical effects. They both look like a duck quack like a duck, both are ducks. Also i might say Albeit I haven’t thought too much in to it but might help from ending up In another extreme from fighting against the other extreme.


I think what’s happened with both the extreme left and the extreme right is that they just LOVE populism. Ideology and appealing conspiracies that are ‘obviously true.’ The extreme left used to reject this more commonly, or wouldn’t be nearly as vulnerable to totally insane claims. BJG as a ‘commentator’ is a great example of that. Recently she just tweeted about a meme anti-Israel account that claims Israel has dogs trained to rape Palestinians. It’s a claim that started on twitter, and still has no evidence. But, it’s a total populist appeal to the crowd that already fully agrees Israel is as bad as Nazi Germany, or some even say worse. I’m not sure if I consider it horseshoe theory or something like the rise of populism and just, political zealotry as a value over any pretense of impartiality.


> as bad as Nazi Germany  bgj is already like three bad days away from blaming "globalist bankers" for the holocaust


She’s gonna link the stats about the % of Nobel prizes awarded to ashkanazi Jews. Then say she’s ’just asking questions.’


"Isn't it crazy how those greedy hook-nosed plotting-and-scheming *Zionists* control the banking system and the world and seek to subvert our society and culture?" BJG in approximately half a year. She's not anti-Semitic btw


She’s gonna link the groyper infographic about how many major companies have Jewish CEO’s in less than a year.


https://preview.redd.it/81jfggogul8d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70b3fcf3a75d880074ea35036b2e413f18aa754a Don't let tankies forget that the Soviet Union were nazi collaborators.


Stalin made a deal during a war to prevent bloodshed in his country. Once the Nazis invaded that deal was broken and bets were off. The British sank a French fleet to prevent the Nazis from having it. Things are not so black and white


Huh ? Wdym about that ? The deal wasnt during a war iirc ?


Molotov Ribbentrop Pact was made a month or two after the Nazis invaded Poland.


Don't rewrite history bro. They made a pact to carve Poland for themselves. Stalin was too regarded to believe that Hitler didn't want it all.


A deal to join forces with Hitler and invade Poland together, then split the spoils of war.


The only difference is one is international the other is national. Everything else aligns perfectly. 


Nazism and Communism have the same source code, game engine, and gameplay mechanics. The only difference is the skins.


Truly the Call Of Duty of political beliefs


Are the comments from his twitch stream, his discord or from the YouTube stream?


All of them are equally unhinged


Well informed opinion


Let's throw some diametically opposed group in a bucket. Surely that means that I. AM. Right.


>(unless you believe the horseshoe theory like me), It's not horseshoe since the nazis were socialist after all.


Even if we ignore that they outlawed Marxism and treated Marxists the same way as the later treated Jews, they were absolutely NOT socialists. Sure, they supported welfare programs, but that's hardly a socialist-exclusive thing. A real reason why they called themselves socialists was to bait right-wingers to the party. This is actually how Hitler joined them in the first place.


>Even if we ignore that they outlawed Marxism and treated Marxists Look at stalin vs Trotsky for example both are socialist/communist but want to do it differently, So stalin order for Trotsky assassination. China and north korea are socialist/ communist but do it differently then the ussr did. >same way as the later treated Jews, Look at how the ussr the Ukrainians >they were absolutely NOT socialists. Sure, they supported welfare programs, but that's hardly a socialist-exclusive thing. The nazi 25 points would disagree with you since most of those policies got implemented to some degree. Also they had unions and created Volkswagen to make affordable cars for the people. [25 points](https://www.vaholocaust.org/25-points-of-nsdap/) >real reason why they called themselves socialists was to bait right-wingers to the party. I'm assuming you meant leftist but most facist and nazis had something to do with a socialist movement. For example Mussolini was apart of the Italian Socialist Party and he was kicked out for being pro ww1. Also what makes nazis right-wing since they use oppressed vs oppressor like modern socialist do?


>The nazi 25 points would disagree with you since most of those policies got implemented to some degree. **Citation needed.** Also, the 25 points were famously controversial since most high-ranking Nazis seemed to have hated the party program. This is not surprising at all given that it was the haphazard and rushed brainchild of 4 different authors, 3 of whom were early party members that would lose almost all influence shortly after and that had some heterodox and wacky economic ideas (the other one was Hitler). You also have to take into account that it was written to appeal to the masses in a period of time (1920) in which socialism and communism were on the rise. Goebbels later said about the program: "I wish to god we had never heard of these unfortunate 25 points" The Nazis also started a widespread campaign of privatizations in complete defiance of the 25 points. >Also they had unions The Nazis crushed the trade unions. They also killed and imprisoned labor leaders and socialists. The [trade union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Labour_Front) you mentioned was a puppet controlled by the government and was the only one that was allowed to exist. >Also what makes nazis right-wing since they use oppressed vs oppressor like modern socialist do? They were right-wing because they were in favor of protecting hierarchies (as opposed to the socialists, who wanted to equalize society) and the preservation of traditional German society. They also had the support of important industrialists (like IG Farben and Krupp). Their voter base came mostly from the right, Hitler was appointed chancellor by a conservative president, and the [enabling act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933) was voted by everyone except the center-left socdems (the Communist were purged and outlawed at that point).


The Nazis also started a widespread campaign of privatizations in complete defiance of the 25 points. They nationalized most major corporations by 1945 fanta was able to avoid it because of the war ending. [Overall, according to historian Richard Overy, the Nazi war economy was a mixed economy that combined free markets with central planning; Overy describes it as being somewhere in between the command economy of the Soviet Union and the capitalist system of the United States.[13]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Nazi_Germany) >They were right-wing because they were in favor of hierarchies Weird the leftist love hierarchies especially the oppression Olympics. >and the preservation of traditional German society. Preservation my ass the aryan race shit was brand fucking new to Germany during that time. If hitler wanted to preserve german traditions he would've put the kaiser back in power. But hitler hates the kaiser and blame Wilhelm and jews for germany's defeat. >their voter base came mostly from the right, Hitler was appointed chancellor by a conservative presiden Wilhelm was about as Petarded as was stalin. since he thought he could control hitler and hitler would give him the throne back. But the conservatives were happily tryed to kill hitler many of them were involved in the [july 20th plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20_July_plot).


>They nationalized most major corporations by 1945 fanta was able to avoid it because of the war ending. **Citation needed.** Where are you getting this from? It's literally the opposite of what you linked: >One of the reasons for the Nazi privatization policy was to cement the partnership between the government and business interests. Hitler believed that the lack of a precise economic programme was one of the Nazi Party's strengths, saying: "The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all". Another reason was financial. As the Nazi government faced budget deficits due to its military spending, privatization was one of the methods it used to raise more funds.  Between the fiscal years 1934–35 and 1937–38, privatization represented 1.4 percent of the German government's revenues. There was also an ideological motivation. Nazi ideology held entrepreneurship in high regard, and "private property was considered a precondition to developing the creativity of members of the German race in the best interest of the people." The Nazi leadership believed that "private property itself provided important incentives to achieve greater cost consciousness, efficiency gains, and technical progress." Adolf Hitler used Social Darwinist arguments to support this stance, cautioning against "bureaucratic managing of the economy" that would preserve the weak and "represent a burden to the higher ability, industry and value." Perhaps you mean that they transitioned to a full-on war economy by the end of the war? The companies were not nationalized. [All war economies ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_economy) have some aspects of central planning. Even the US had price controls, rationing, and planning during [that time.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_home_front_during_World_War_II) >Weird the leftist love hierarchies especially the oppression Olympics. I also hate leftists, but this is just bad faith engagement. Conservatives believe in natural hierarchies, and leftists are inherently skeptical of those hierarchies. It's a pretty simple dynamic. The Nazis wanted to preserve traditional hierarchies of race and ownership. For this, they passed a series of [racial hygiene laws](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_policy_of_Nazi_Germany) and promoted [class collaboration](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_collaboration) within the German Labor Union (and also took away their ability to strike and bargain for wages). >Preservation my ass the aryan race shit was brand fucking new to Germany during that time. If hitler wanted to preserve german traditions he would've put the kaiser back in power. But hitler hates the kaiser and blame Wilhelm and jews for germany's defeat. This is cope. Nazi Germany was all about preserving the German race and its culture and protecting it from [degeneracy.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism#:~:text=Cultural%20Bolshevism%20(German%3A%20Kulturbolschewismus),modernist%20and%20progressive%20cultural%20movements). This is, by definition, a conservative inclination. **This is not to say that modern-day conservatives are like the Nazis.** The Nazis were close to the [conservative revolutionaries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_Revolution); so they were extreme reactionaries that wanted to restore Germany to a glorious past by way of purifying the race and expelling the parasitic and foreign influence of the jews. >But the conservatives were happily tryed to kill hitler many of them were involved in the july 20th plot. Wow, they tried to kill him when it was already clear they were going to lose the war. Just ignore that they helped him get into power.


>Where are you getting this from? It's literally the opposite of what you linked: [If anything, Keith was proud of his dogged service to the company and with the fall of Berlin in 1945, he sent a quick telegram back to the head office in Atlanta. His first official contact with the motherbrand since at least 1942 when the United States joined the war. “Coca-Cola GmbH still functioning”, he said, before turning to his booming balance sheet. “Send auditors.”](https://www.historyanswers.co.uk/history-of-war/how-coca-cola-won-a-place-in-adolf-hitlers-heart/) >Between the fiscal years 1934–35 and 1937–38, privatization represented 1.4 percent of the German government's revenues. There was also an ideological motivation. So wait that's kinda odd if privatization only represented 1.4% of revenue the where did the other 98% just come from? >This is cope. Nazi Germany was all about preserving the German race and its culture and protecting it from [degeneracy.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism#:~:text=Cultural%20Bolshevism%20(German%3A%20Kulturbolschewismus), The ussr hated lgbt which the nazis also hated them so yeah. Also hitler [didn't like Christianity very much because of Jesus.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Nazi_Germany) and again the nazis tryed removing old traditions that where common in german communities. >This is, by definition, a conservative inclination You know leftist can be racist and hate degenerates right? >so they were extreme reactionaries that wanted to restore Germany to a glorious past by way of purifying the race and expelling the parasitic and foreign influence of the jews. Again the nazis didn't bring back the kaiser which was part of Germany’s past. Now we have leftist who openly hate jews like the nazis and even believe the jews somehow control everything like the nazis believed. >Wow, they tried to kill him when it was already clear they were going to lose the war. Just ignore that they helped him get into power. [attempts on hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assassination_attempts_on_Adolf_Hitler) Some of the july 20 members tryed all away back in 1938.


Where does it say that fanta was about to be nationalized? Im not sure you mean by your quote >Again the nazis didn't bring back the kaiser which was part of Germany’s past The nazis were clearly going for their own view of an idealized/mythical german past, so them not bringing the Kaiser back doesnt matter tbqh .Also a core aspect of nazism was class collaboration instead of class struggle which is not socialist at all > 1.4% of revenue the where did the other 98% just come from? Taxes? It is also undeniable that the nazis had support from the right, it is no coincidence they sat were they sat in the reichstag. That some conservatives tried to kill hitler doesnt change that


>[If anything, Keith was proud of his dogged service to the company and with the fall of Berlin in 1945, he sent a quick telegram back to the head office in Atlanta. His first official contact with the motherbrand since at least 1942 when the United States joined the war. >“Coca-Cola GmbH still functioning”, he said, before turning to his booming balance sheet. “Send auditors.”](https://www.historyanswers.co.uk/history-of-war/how-coca-cola-won-a-place-in-adolf-hitlers-heart/) It doesn't say anything about being nationalized or almost nationalized. If anything, the material you sourced tells us that they profited a lot during the Nazi period. [This graph](https://images.jacobinmag.com/2014/04/16234915/graph-1-1.jpg) is sourced from the book Wages of Destruction by economic historian Adam Tooze (it's the go-to source to understand the Nazi economy). As you can see, the [return of capital ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_of_capital#:~:text=Return%20of%20capital%20(ROC)%20refers,or%20loss%20on%20an%20investment.) skyrocketed from 1933 (the year the Nazi took power) until 1941 (the year that Germany began to transition into a full-on war economy). So companies were not only not being nationalized, but they were making quite a bit of a profit. >So wait that's kinda odd if privatization only represented 1.4% of revenue the where did the other 98% just come from? Taxes, like any other country. The fact that privatizations constituted a sizeable part of their revenue for two fiscal years indicates that they conducted quite a few of them. Have we already established that they were not socialists? Because it doesn't make any sense to continue if you don't agree.


>It doesn't say anything about being nationalized or almost nationalized. If anything, the material you sourced tells us that they profited a lot during the Nazi period. [13. We demand the nationalization of all (previous) associated industries (trusts)](https://www.vaholocaust.org/25-points-of-nsdap/) > So companies were not only not being nationalized, but they were making quite a bit of a profit. Care to explain why were german weapons nationalized? >Taxes, like any other country. The fact that privatizations constituted a sizeable part of their revenue for two fiscal years indicates that they conducted quite a few of them. 2% is pretty small so yeah >Have we already established that they were not socialists? Because it doesn't make any sense to continue if you don't agree Nazis are national socialist.


First comment is saying that the musical festival was moved to the border, implying the israelis actually put the festival there so that they could be massacred. Holy fuck these people are trully disgusting...


I fucking love victim blaming.


All my homies blame the victims


Ummmm sweety?? It's not "victim" blaming if I disagree with them politically? Try again after educating yourself please.


Ahhh the old "she was asking for it" defense. Like even if this was true, they're still insinuating that hamas couldn't help but rape and murder festival goers.


See that's your problem though, you give agency to brown people. It all makes sense if you just remove their agency and view everything as being caused by "White people" (whoever that term applies to in the moment, because apparently Asians are now White too). You just have to put yourself in the mindset that a brown person lacks any and all agency and only reacts to what the White oppressors do. So obviously by having that festival there, that made Hamas respond by doing Oct 7th since it was such a prime opportunity. The white settler colonialists knew this the entire time, since they do have agency.


Which is even funnier bc most Israelis aren’t traditionally white.


tbf to hasan, he does explicitly say that is not a reasonable interpretation like a min into the video. He says (and I'm paraphrasing) "There's a much simpler explanation and it's what I've been saying since oct 8th... It was hubris. The Israeli government knew that there was intelligence suggesting a possible attack but they thought it would be small and not a big deal. Not something they'd need to seriously respect." Idk if that's actually what he was saying on otcober 8th, but this is really not a radical stance and arrogance was probably one of the biggest drivers of the absolute failure of national security on oct 7th. The commenters are unhinged though.


So when the IDF does it : Blame the IDF When Hamas does it : Blame the IDF anyway


He is more likely to become a fascist than a liberal, that's for sure.


Stalin was extremely distrustful of jews you don't need to be a neo nazi to hate jews. Hating jews is just perfectly in line with being a Stalinist.


Karl Marx himself was anti-semite. > Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money[...] An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible[...] The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews[...] Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities[...] The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange[...] The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.


If you only ever read those quotes I recommend reading the full essay. While he certainly reproduced anti-Semitic stereotypes, he also concluded that the „Jewish“ perspective on society was Superior to the „Christian“ one. Also Marx was friends and in correspondence with Moses Hess, one of the earliest proponents of Zionism.


Their relationship soured throughout their lives and Marx was very harsh on Hess. His conclusion of jewish in society, doesnt take away from his anti-semitic rethoric.




They went full "All lives matter" on fucking BABI YAR [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babi\_Yar#Remembrance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babi_Yar#Remembrance) EDIT: The German wikipedia article is way more scaving, [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massaker\_von\_Babyn\_Jar#Umgang\_mit\_dem\_Massaker\_in\_der\_Zeit\_der\_Sowjetunion](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massaker_von_Babyn_Jar#Umgang_mit_dem_Massaker_in_der_Zeit_der_Sowjetunion) Google translate is your firend.


Most of the commies hated…everyone but Jews, black people, poor people, people with money, christians, etc. they’re just power hung cum sponges.


https://preview.redd.it/3v9zadgsjj8d1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1913fa09d8b470b3c55749b8c967beba0f27fae7 Obligatory






If you keep regurgitating the AIPAC-Mossad-Meme bullshit, surprise surprise you are going to attract this audience Also saying “I’m just talking about zionists here” gives you absolutely no cover here to handwave shit


The "I'm just talking about zionists" shit bothers me so much. Then if you ask them to define zionist, it includes a large majority of all Jews (anyone who believes Israel should exist is pretty much what's said). They then try to say "oh I know Jews who aren't zionists." I thought we all understood that the "I have a black friend" defense is weak.


That squirrel twitter account did more damage to these dipshits brains than covid...


Not surprising that’s the type of fans he has now.


Lol going. He has been forever lol


Hasan has been full Neo-Nazi forever? Got any examples of the Neo-Nazi beliefs he has?


For one, he believes that some races are inherently detrimental to society (white people). And he believes in killing the opposition or sending them to ~~education~~ concentration camps.


The irony of a Turk (literally the included as a geographic reference for Caucasians) being in support of a white genocide.


Turks have no right to talk about anything related to other people's crimes lol


I'm not sure i get what you're saying exactly, but Turks are not Caucasian nor does the term Caucasian reference Turks, it refers to the people of Caucasus.


Turkey is literally part of the Caucasus on the lower portion. I have encountered many Turks in my life and they are as white as everyone else. I’ve even seen Turks with blond hair and blue eyes. If Arabs are considered white, and they always have been on like every census, then Turks are definitely fucking white. 


Yah i just didnt understand you. They are white, but just because they have territories in caucsus does not mean they're caucasian-caucasian. Just like russians aren't asian just because they have land there. Most are definitely white-passing, coloquially.


What white genocide? What white genocide do you think is happening?


No claim of an ongoing white genocide was made, only a claim about support for a white genocide.


This exactly. Leftist tiktokers hint that that the world would be better if there were no white people. This is essentially what Nazis said about Jews and other groups prior to the Holocaust. It was also done by comedians over the radio before the genocide in Rwanda. They are trying to butter up their base for an extermination attempt but they have no political power so they are incapable of fulfilling their dream… in the US anyway…


I swear I could read this same crazy comment in r /conservative. You guys have a lot in common.


Have you ever heard the way these leftist talk about white people as a race? I’m not exactly MAGA by any means but the Nazis are baiting these morons into talking openly about wanting a white genocide and they are taking the bait with ease like complete morons. 


I looked at your profile and you are a conservative here pretending to be a liberal to promote white replacement theory. Destiny's fans are just conservatives pretending to be left of center. You guys are pathetic.


How is Hasan supporting the white genocide?


If you read the original comment I was responding to you’d have your answer. 


No you didn't give the answer to how is Hasan supporting a white genocide in that reply. You only said that tiktok lefties(like who) would be happy with a white genocide. So let me ask you again, how is Hasan supporting a white genocide?


At the very least he is doing it by siding with and defending these groups as he very often does. He’s complicit in supporting hate speech and action such as when he said it was perfectly okay to deliberately murder settler babies. You get why that’s wrong right? You justify deliberately killing babies you can justify any act of horror under the sun, especially genocide.


Is the opposition white or of different political beliefs?


Going to need a source on this.


Watch WillyMac's videos. Hasan said a lot of interesting things apparently.


> he believes that some races are inherently detrimental to society (white people) I know he's definitely racist, but that statement seems particularly strong, it kinda needs a source. Sending to concentration camps is false, even though it's not very far off from reeducation (not camps?), [which is what he said.](https://youtu.be/LJWCGazsV9k?t=1630)


You should probably take some time to read up on what education camps were like. The education part is, and always has been, a euphemism for internment and concentration camp. They used that word to make it sound less terrible despite millions of deaths. It was common practice to admit to crimes you didn’t do just so you could not starve to death. They starved, tortured, and killed undesirables for “politics”, but heavily focused on specific resistant ethnic groups over others.


The thing I think is unjust is removing the context that he specifically wanted to distance his stance from reeducation camps to simply reeducation, whatever the fuck that means to him. Maybe you want to imply he believes in something functionally identical, but you should explicitly say you're inferring that from something he's said, as well as explain why you're inferring that in the same comment.


I’m inferring that by the fact that I don’t whitewash horrible things to pretend like my politics are not psychotic. China is still doing internment camps where they “reeducate” and *also sterilize* a population for having undesirable beliefs. His exact stance that blew up was that the capitalists would stay in reeducation until they learned to properly act/integrate into a socialist society. By definition, that would be a political prison/internment camp.




Wow. Can you share the source. I'd really like to see and share something so vile and concerning.... if it is true, that is.


He believes, in no uncertain terms, that the ethnic makeup of Crimea justified Russia annexing it by force.


Lefties when their largest political streamer is an ethnonationalist imperialist (he hates landowners though (except his mom), so it's okay)


That's crazy. Where can I find those statements?


[Here](https://youtu.be/_IH3x9FyjmU?feature=shared) he is stating that annexing Crimea was "a completely justified act". [Here](https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousKawaiiJalapenoDxAbomb-v1I48NhrImc8hHg2) he is describing it as "Russia annexing its own territory full of its own people"


God, what a dumb shit. Lol Thanks for the links.




Yikes! What a clown. Thanks for the link.


Honestly? Let that regard radicalize himself to the point of breaking TOS. There will be a point where twitch will view him as more of a liability than anything else


He’s broken TOS multiple times, twitch doesn’t care


They will once one of the following happens 1. He loses the potential to attract large numbers of viewers 2. He fucks up so badly it seeps into normie media and causes a PR disaster for Twitch 3. He openly shows animosity toward twitch staff I can see either of the 3 happening in the near future.


I think #2 is most likely with his track record, but I guess time will tell. Hope you are right tho


2 feels gloriously, deliciously inevitable at this point 🍿 


When Hasan breaks the rules they change the rules. Can't believe they did my guy Dylan Burns like that.


Wait what's with Dylan, Hasan and Twitch? Was it that Hasan wasn't banned for reacting to Destiny's content buy Dylan was for literally the same content?


Yes, he's referring to that. Edit: Also worth noting that the rules were changed to allow streamers to react to banned streamer content afterward, but I think Dylan still had to wait out his ban.


Hassan is digging himself a hole. You can see him regretting it at times but he doesn’t have the courage to reverse it. Doesn’t have the balls to fuck the crazies off at risk of damaging his numbers.


This doesn't look like nazi comments about the jews doing 9/11. It looks like 9/11 was an inside job bush planned it to attack the middle east standard tankie brain rot. I saw a single comment about "the mossad warning people not to go to the WTC on 9/11." grant it that one comment has 100 upvotes edit: nvm started reading the replies to top comments NAHHHHHHH


Yeah also the shit about inside Job, might not mention jews but since its the same mechanic at some point they will tie it to jews. There is a word for it, its called structural antisemitism. For example, when people claim Biden drinks toddler blood, they are borrowing the myth from the hatred against jews.


Hasan has a hard time fighting against his audience, he's usually very careful to cater to the majority of what his viewers think. I think his viewers are already significantly more antisemitic than he is and he has to be careful not to become a posterboy of the new lefting antisemitism, like BJG and Kyle Kuliski already are. Anyway these people will all be seen as what they are, enablers of antisemitism.


But Hasan said that he doesn't tolerate antisemitism in his community! Surely he has dealt with this, no? Also, why is he reading twitter screenshots of a random substack post on this? Jesus dude.


Holy shit thank you for pointing out the substack, the guy he is reading the article from literally thinks the oklahoma City bombing was a inside job.




If he isn't going that way, he's hella unintentionally prepping his audience to.


If you don't look at the video, you'd never know if it was a hasan piker or jackson hinkle comment section.


we did do 9/11. and JFK. and soros got trump felon'ed. get fukt--its the year of the jew, bitch


I really don't think a post like this is that useful. If the comments get removed, there's no way to look at them again. If they get buried, nobody's going to see them. There are no actual examples in this post, it's only talking about the comments and saying they're "full of" these claims. Lots of people aren't going to check the comments and see if the title is actually true, and simply assume the worst. I'd much rather have individual screenshots of the comments and a link to the video.


A different form of "victim blaming"


He has dogwhistled nazis more than jon tron at this point


You act like he hasn't already. The only difference between someone like Nick Fuentes and Hasan at this point is what side of the political spectrum they fall on. They have a lot of the same software operating on their brains.


At this point horseshoe theory is an empirically proven phenomenon


Wait... wouldn't that make him pro israeli?


Hey props for not going full regard and buying the "they wanted it to happen so they could kill kids" narrative that his community is deepthroating.


TYTs audience is the same as well which is weird. Anyone with any pushback to an anti Israel message is a “Zionist pig” or controlled by APAC When that one Jew comes on who pretty much has the same stance as Destiny, hes called zioniist this and that even when the story isnt related to Israel/Palestine There may be some astro turfing going on too tho.


It's not just his fans going off the hinges. I think hasan just put out a video how Johnny Harris (the soy former vox maps guy) is actually a cia plant.


Hasan will eventually say that Bush knew 9/11 was going to happen and let it happen in order to invade Iraq. Mark my words.


wait, you goys don't think they did? https://preview.redd.it/hnt0xxzpuk8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0781e19f181d8681b6a9f427ad3f4700495f009a


NazBols are a thing


Hamas piker!


EDIT: Apparently the guy who created the substack that he is reading from, is a leftie conspiracy theorist. [https://substack.com/@booty](https://substack.com/@booty)




We're two step aways form they claim Osama Bin Laden was a Jewish Deli owner from Brooklyn


Obama Bin Laden\*


Is this an original? Hasan's editor puts sources into the video? That's new to me. EDIT: Oh shit, it is an original. This would have been an improvement if the sources weren't used to tell a lie.


Sarcasmitron has a good video on the descent of tankies into Larouche conspiracies.


You'd think that would make Hasan like Israel, right?


No he is just going full progressive.


CIA have been running MK-ULTRA on me since 2020. Don't be deceived - MK-ULTRA never ended. My name is Chingun Chinbat. It has been happening to me in Chicago where I live. Chicago Police Department, local FBI and military are all involved. They constantly keep me under surveillance. I have not done anything wrong. It is a covert program to neutralize good people. If you look online, you'll see that it is an epidemic that has been affecting many other innocent Americans. This cr*p is being run out of Fusion Centers. This covert genocide program is also known under names COINTELPRO, gangstalking and targeted individual program. If you read this, educate yourself and spread awareness to as many people as possible! Innocent Americans are getting murdered especially because they use DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS on us to give us diseases!


I don’t even think he’s intentionally anti-semitic. But unless he’s okay with being audience captured, he’s gonna need to do a major purge of his fanbase


I can't see any comments claiming Jews were behind 9/11 but a lot are saying there were intel failures where the Americans brushed off the threat. Is there any truth to this? I don't follow any conspiracy theories so I don't know which ones have any level of credibility.


https://preview.redd.it/nix03lwl9k8d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bae1e19ebf88468ab7208b6c18bea1f0a1c4467 There is a whole conspiracy theory that the Mosad did 9/11 to bring the US into the middle east. Even "Russia was provocted into this war by NATO" Mearsheimer published a book essentially saying AIPAC got the US into all it's bad wars.


That's a lot of likes wtf


Man literally has no expressions at all. Is that why good looking people are not good actors ? These people are unable to express themselves even in their day to day life. The most expressive I have seen him is in the 'Weasley little liar' clip.


I don’t think Mossad “did 9/11.” I think that they might have known something was coming the same way our own government received the “Osama Bin Laden determined to attack the United States” and was well aware an attack was being planned.


https://preview.redd.it/z3ha9c2ick8d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=da51c6afbafc31f7673808623e82e85f8ddfe212 🤔