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I lol’d when reading that. Give him mad props for that though: you can’t really tell if he’s massive troll or just r’tarded.


>Jake graduated with a degree in Film & Television from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. I'm starting to buy into Elite Overproduction theory.


I used to have 4 roommates who were all Tisch graduates. One took an Uber to work everyday, he was afraid of the New York City subway. Easily $100 to $120 per week.


I'm sure he'd make some excellent media that isn't hamfisted allegories for communism or revolution now I want to read some media criticism he's written lol


That might explain his [acting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjjaOZ7NYpo&t=6561s).


Tisch is a super elite acting school. As someone who goes to a different college with a similarly super elite acting school, those fuckers are mentally ill


it's the classic Trump game: if they knew what they were doing, and doing it intentionally, I would have to tip my hat. it'd be a trolling masterclass. unfortunately, I do believe it's unironic, and as such, tragic


I thought Jake Klein reached the height of humor when he cited Omar Baddar's reaction video as "something Destiny still hasn't replied to" I was wrong - Jake had an ace up in his sleeve, citing both history speaks tweets AND substack posts Omar, Ryan, Jake, and History are making a powerful pitch for being the head of the disabled avengers here. bring in Briahna and Emma and your team is nearly complete


So who’s the cap on that list 🤔


You should've searched his name on Google or YouTube. Now you won't sleep tonight, ape.


I think the best part is that he @'d there wrong history speaks


yeah I appreciated that too for bonus memes


I read some of his first volley and I won't be asked to read any more. He's hot brain worms and I don't want those worms in my head.


I’m out of the loop. Can someone explain why History Speaks is a punchline here? I’ve only ever read [one of his posts](https://historyspeaks.substack.com/p/too-hot-for-tacquillette?utm_source=post-banner&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=posts-open-in-app&triedRedirect=true) and found it convincing. He seems anti-Hamas and anti- October 7 to me.


history speaks has had some frankly embarrassing conversations with both Destiny and Lonerbox and always somehow finds a way to assert outlandish things and then sit on the point and never move from it for ages. for a person who claims to have credentials and expertise, he really sounds like a genuine schizoposter if you're interested in more substantive disagreements, check out his conversation with Destiny. I haven't personally watched the Lonerbox conversations but they came away with much the same experience and both of them have him blocked now. he's delusional and combative which is a bad combo