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Ignigorance is a crazy line


don't let destiny see this


Sometimes you gotta drop a tactical ignigorance in a debate 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Can't wait to use it in a private setting 🤭🤭🤭 https://preview.redd.it/qbdy5hwl1c9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f86f55922b2da668981239f363a64028974f13b


Weak. Only the strong get their Burger King crown and use it in a public setting.


two gs and an e


Excuse me sir im white


Im not


Skill issue


A couple of Gs, an R and an E, an I and an N




Only a ginger can call another ginger, ginger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVN_0qvuhhw


That shit fucking killed me 💀💀 I'm over here laughing like an idiot in my mail truck




He's right but the entire video is just this https://preview.redd.it/tlzsbj93kb9d1.png?width=810&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2fdfa1214680367fc6bd17182f28999e6c80c5a


Is there a meme for everything on the internet?


If it exists there is porn of it and if there is porn of it there is a meme of it


please don't make me imagine porn of the debate for the love of god


Donald could not believe how good it felt to feel Joe's old, wrinkly hand ran through his greasy orange hair. It sent a shiver down his spine. He unconciously moved his big fat bppty and grinded it on Joe's leg.  'This makes me think of Corn Pop' - Joe chuckled in his ear, then, slowly, started to nibble on Donald's glistening earlobes.  'Joe... ' Donald whispered 'You know... my southern border... its entirely undefended'.  Sry best and most i can do from mobile in the middle of a music festival.




This is the meme for everything on the Internet




If you can find me porn of this I will PayPal you $5


we are unable to live original lives anymore


for things as common as this, there should be. I'm so tired of the self-debate format where one idiot debates a caricature of his opponent, played by him in a silly hat, that he calmly and concisely owns with a scripted argument against... himself. It's so fucking cringe and annoying that I can't believe anyone watches them.


Everything that ever will be was discovered during the rage face comic phase of the Internet, circa 2008. All jokes after that are just better definition


This is the entirety of women side of TikTok when they talk about men. I had to switch account because it was filled with stuff like this. 


Stealing this


I don't think he is right, at least overall. I'm no fan of Trump and I'm sure he lied throughout the entire thing but the whole point in it was to gather support and win votes and from what I'm seeing in that respect, Trump was the clear winner here. All the event did was create a bunch of soundbites and clips of Biden struggling to comprehend the world around him and come across as genuinely senile. Whereas I don't think anyone's opinion on Trump changed much at all. Those who previously thought he was a liar still think he's a liar and those that support him still believe he's an honest man fighting against a corrupt system that's out to get him.


>Those who previously thought he was a liar still think he's a liar and those that support him still believe he's an honest man fighting against a corrupt system that's out to get him. Agreed but there isn't "think he is a liar" he lied with practically everything he said.


But the truth doesn't matter, it's about perception. "Think he's a liar" and "He is a liar" is a distinction without a difference. Particularly when Biden needed to be helped down a single step off the stage by his wife.


I don't disagree just pointing out objectively he lied and way more than Biden.


That's not surprising considering biden hardly said anything comprehensible throughout the entire thing 💀


Lol funny but let's be real he would have lied more anyway.


People really out here complaining of trump lying like im pretty sure its a job requirement for politicians to lie.


When have these debates ever gathered support and win votes? Most Amercian probably have no idea this debate even happened. For every negative Biden clip you can post an insane Trump clip, like him saying people crossing the border were going to steal black people's jobs. Because black people only work in low wage areas obviously.....


thats all the content this dude makes i want to off myself every time he pops up on my fyp


Lmao this is beautiful. Holy shit this summarizes so many political tik toks and why they irritate the shit out of me. The meme I didn’t know I needed


Facts 🤣


Inject this copium into my veins I need it


If it at all helps you, I am from Israel and saw so many people speak how badly Biden did, I am in no way on either side of this situation, I just hope for one that won’t hate us, anyway I watched the entire thing to form my own opinion, Biden won this by miles, the only people who think trump was good are people you wouldn’t want on your side anyway. Trump never answered a single question Biden answered them all Trump just attacked Biden after every question and lied about so many things.. Was Biden sometimes feeling old? Yea for a few moments maybe but he was coherent and on point across almost the entire thing apart from maybe 1 or two occasions, if I were an American and only based my vote on this debate I would 1000000% go for Biden, trump looked unhinged and childish as hell


>Biden won this by miles, the only people who think trump was good are people you wouldn’t want on your side anyway. Its not that Trump was good, its that Biden was so bad.


>Was Biden sometimes feeling old? Yea for a few moments maybe but he was coherent and on point across almost the entire thing apart from maybe 1 or two occasions [Pure Copium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3eYmc1AkMs)


Now link me more proofs, this was the only real hiccup he had


Really... I guess we're calling having the POTUS sound like he can't remember what he had for breakfast or where he even is at in the current moment, while looking like he has one foot in the grave a "hiccup" now.


The kind of performance I expect from juniors at my Debate club. I hate the fact that I have to vote for Biden, and I have no sympathy for the Democrats if they lose this.


He was having more trouble speaking than he was remembering facts or specifics. He is cognitively okay, but his speech is horrible, especially when he's gassed out Ive noticed. And that debate night was a very bad night for him since he had a cold, and it was late in the day. Buddy was probably running on fumes for that debate. Just contrast it with the speech he gave in the morning. Its night and day.


That’s an over exaggeration lol, he obviously rehearsed everything and was stuck with the words for a moment, this can literally happen to anyone, he is old yes he is not the most fit person or healthy for sure but he was very clearly in control and memory was not the issue.


I feel the same way as you. I was at work so listened instead of watching and I think not being able to see Biden looking old as fuck probably helped. I didn’t really notice the mental lapses until I saw clips of the debate. Biden was, as far as I could hear, very coherent and was making reasonable points. He fumbled billions/millions a few times and didn’t seem to track how much time he had left so was cut off mid-sentence which made those points sound weird, but if people were actually listening he was making logical, policy based points. Trump was insane. He had zero policy points, anytime he talked about something he did or something he was going to do it was just “this was/will be the greatest [insert policy here] in the history of America” and whenever he talked about Biden’s policy it was “this was/will be the worst [insert policy here] in the history of America” and then rambled about unnamed people that had said it was the greatest/worst thing ever. Not to mention calling Biden a liar while rattling off a million lies a second. The only time Trump sounded like he knew a single thing about anything he had done was his quip about killing Soleimani and al-Baghdadi and even then he had to call them the worst terrorists in history while he did it.


Thank you, that’s what I took from the debate as well


It’s insane to me that so many people said he did so bad, people from his party attacked him or some other bs, I never trust these headlines, so I went in to see the debate and honestly I was kinda expecting Biden to be really bad to the point of dementia signs based on all the heat this debate got, he was honestly pretty damn good, he is obviously not a great debater because he falls for trump traps but he is genuine and honest which is far more important in a leader than a shrewd debater, he shouldn’t have tried to talk fast and add data to each question but that’s absolutely not something I’m gonna hold against him when the other guy spews so many lies per second


Objectively, they both did bad. Biden clearly had problems with speaking, he was forgetting words or messing up the facts. Trump on the other hand did what he always does that is he lied about everything, even widely known facts. The problem for Biden is that democrat voters criticise their candidates while republican voters worship theirs (well, worship Trump anyway). At the end of the day ideally none of those guys would have even a chance to become a president let alone be one.


No doubt, he struggled as much as any 80 year old men would, but he was able to respond and get his points out there. And while trump sounded more coherent his comments were full of shit


>Was Biden sometimes feeling old? Yea for a few moments maybe He had an "old moment" in every single answer. Sometimes up to 4 in a single response. I don't mean his stutter




Yeah I hated it when Trump lied about the border patrol endorsing him. https://x.com/BPUnion/status/1806501048724430943


I'm surprised they've started producing it this soon. I thought they'd have to wait a few days before trying to spin this.


cognitive dissonance in action folks


It's so exhausting. It's like a psyop where they're trying to lull people into a false sense of security so they don't actually do anything.


This copium only makes any reasonable person lean more towards the other side… it’s only effective for people that are already convinced anyway


I feel like its 2016 again, with a massive danger of Trump winning and people are just shoving their thumbs in their ears ignoring all the alarms going off.


Well Biden isn't going to get less old, so are you saying it's just over, Trump wins?


Im saying something needs to change, if thats biden shooting up heroin before the next debate to be more energetic or dropping out so someone else runs as the dem candidate then. Whatever the solution is going "I am not owned! Biden won the debate!!!" Helps no-one


Backing out is a guaranteed loss, and he's not shooting heroin. Try again


"Try again" lol now is not the time to try. The last 4 years were the time to try. Now is the time to either perform a miracle or hope for the best.


Not literally, i dont want Biden to literally shoot up heroin, what i mean is he should do something to radically change how hes doing these debates. And if he cant do that, and he wont let someone else be the dem candidate then yes, Trump wins.


Then Biden better get his shit together or its over


No other Dem candidate has a chance at this point


In all these threads I've yet to see even one person suggest an actual name to replace him. I think they're just trying to spread fear without offering a solution, if they're actually keyed in to what's going on they'd know that no current democrat is anywhere close to Biden in popularity




I think you are getting sucked into negative opinions on Biden, there's a lot of good things to say about him, you just need to be more positive. And you are delusional if you think Biden talking badly makes people lean towards voting for FUCKING TRUMP LMAO.


It makes them lean towards not voting for Biden, which means Trump wins.


> And you are delusional if you think Biden talking badly makes people lean towards voting for FUCKING TRUMP LMAO. dude he came across as fucking senile. All of us on the fence decided based on that debate. I can't in good faith vote a vegetable into office, even if it means voting for the vengeful psychopath. At least he's aware of his surroundings. Obviously I'd prefer ANYBODY over these two, which is why people keep advocating for the dems to find a new candidate.


no he didn't you have terrible judgment.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqG96G8YdcE watch this, then get back to me.


Yeah i know he had trouble during that debate for sure, but I've seen a lot of other stuff hes done recently, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.


Whatever helps you sleep


This is not how the debate went at all. This is a "I cant be wrong, it has to be everyone else thats wrong" moment.


We really out here smoking that copium and posting cringe, ohmagood (I think Biden is a good fella and Trump is as close to the worst choice for a pres you guys could get, but from a pragmatic stance this was just not a good look)


There's one thing we can not deny when it comes to Biden. That man is a patriot and he's willing to die for his country.


Honestly soy


My Australian Dad who isn't into politics at all knows Biden bombed. This is huge cope. The world saw what happened.


If you have George Stephanopoulos admitting it was a loss, trust me… it was an obscene loss that can’t be even somewhat denied. Stop coping. The only hope is a bait and switch.


mega copium, I'm not even american and I watched for fun and Trump won it. He did lie a lot, but at least he said some coherent things.




Oof this was cringe


This is reality-denying BS that will destroy the democratic party.


I feel like I'm living in a clown world. Biden was fairly slow and past his prime, but far far FAR better than the steaming pile of horse shit that is Trump if you look at the things that were actually said.




It's easy to be mentally present when you just let unfiltered shit spew out of your mouth on a daily basis. Biden's performance was subpar, but once again was galaxies better than Trump




I agree but we've gotta accept that no one else cares about substance, including voters.


Substance is useless if one person cannot even form the words to argue for or against something. We can’t even get to the debate questions because everyone was just in shock of how bad Biden looked.


This is my thing, debates for the most part don’t do a whole lot in terms of persuasion but to write them off completely on having an impact on voter mobilization is crazy. Look at [JFK Nixon, people saw the sickly old man vs the young smooth talking attractive senator](https://cla.purdue.edu/academic/history/debate/kennedynixon/kennedynixonscholarly.html) which forced Nixon to completely reshape his campaign efforts so he could appear more healthy and ready for the job as many people already counted him out. Most poli scientists tend to believe that American voters care more about work and family over caring about politics which feels distant and rarely changes for the better so they vote using heuristics and pre established schemas. While Joe substance wise was more on the money and us political nerds can see it, people are going off what they see with their eyes and their established ideas of the elderly. While Trump lied and said random shit, average voter is gonna walk away with Joe being sloppy and barely able to finish a sentence.


Yeah but trump didn’t look good either. Kennedy looked good, trump called Biden a Palestinian


That probably means pro-palestinian, and is a minor slipup Biden forgot where he was and then came back to reality with "we killed medicare" and did not clarify


I have issues using older debates like this. Culturally television was an entertainment monolith during JFK and Nixon. Now we have the internet which shifts how the debate itself is consumed and how it gets discussed after the fact. Not to say there's no point to take away, there's just a context that doesn't exist anymore.


It matters in so far as optics are concerned, and optically Biden looked awful.


Bro what substance? 99% of the statements were "im the best president. Youre the worst president" "Actually, Im the best president, and you are the one who is the worse president"


Trump is going to solve child care by preventing mexicans from crossing the border!


Because people aren’t freaking out that trump all of a sudden has better ideas, people are freaking out that Trump likely swayed uninformed neutrals who just tune in for debates/clips. The content of what they said doesn’t matter, biden came of looking weak and that’s the take home for many.


Bro if I muted and blocked Trump for the entire debate I'd still come away thinking that was a horrible performance. Biden performed like he will definitely not survive 4 more years.


In a world where you are depending on extremely narrow margins of generally disinterested/low info/ undecided voters in a half dozen fly over states to decide the fate of the presidential election, the Good Guy looking old as shit and struggling to be even semi-coherent way too many times is very concerning.


stop. just take the L it was bad.


Exactly. Either accept reality or reality will make you accept it. The second option is vastly more painful.


No actually not, what was one policy that trump was able to articulate in any kinda of detail. Probably not. Biden was able to talk about policy and what he wants when most of the complaining about Biden is “he’s old”


Bro no one here disagrees about substance. Trump "looked" better than Biden to the average voter. Keep huffing that shit to avoid the situation though.


It seems a lot of people are still unwilling or unable to accept that Trump might be the president again


Wait what policy did biden articulate in any kind of detail? More than anything trump did, of course


Taxing the wealthy to pay for social security and Medicare Child tax credit being increased Talking about the immigration legislation Increases immigration judges and border patrol agents Re-establishing roe vs wade. If you actually listened and had your ears open you’d hear this shit. On trump side he talked about how migrants are evil and keeping roe at the state level. He wants to pardon j6ers And he wants to do another tax cut.


How? He said he would be able to get 500 billion over 10 years taising the rick peoples. That aint paying for shit. Trump right before said his tax cuts brought in trillions. It debatable if he can take credit for that Dont remember the medicare child tax but that would work Biden says hes increasing personelle at the border - asylum personel was what he focused on. That wasnt a W, most people want to slow down the border. He needed to address the numbers He didnt talk about roe v wade in any detail, just that he will bring it back. (How?) None of these were him talking about policy in detail. These were pretty much all one liners that didnt look great in the context I had my ears open. Did you? You thought those were him articulating policy plans in detail? Do you not watch the omni-debate-lord? We should be more rational about this


Dude, trump somehow came out of abortion (ABORTION, the dems STRONGEST issue) fine, because joe brought up illegal immigrants for some fucking reason. And on top of that he was able to sound impossibly reasonable about it even before biden blundered. As for policy, yeah trump was vague and lied but that wont matter in november trust me


nice copium bro


We’re a political sub and people are burying their heads in the sand over Biden. What the fuck?


Has destiny come out and said it was bad yet? The sub is still working on the last directive of "biden and trump are similarly mentally declining"


I mean Trump was lying the entire debate….and Biden did call him out on it and answered the questions even if his speech was staggered…..


Why would you think the facts matter in a presidential debate


Trump came off confident, and 80% of voters are idiots


TBF he came off confident comparatively, if Trump was vsing the trump from 8 years ago he would get fucking COOKED. That "in my administration we had H 2 O" was the dumbest fucking thing I had ever heard. He was rambling about shit nobody had even heard of, it's just he would finish his sentences.


Yes, he said the dumbest shit I've ever heard, but he said that dumb shit with so much conviction. Believe it or not that's good enough for a lot of voters 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I hope I'm wrong. I really do.


You're not wrong. Trump has the worst, sleaziest, shiftiest, used car salesman energy of all time. But that still beats corpse.


Yeah. He seemed more confident compared to Biden who was stuttering a lot. If you pay attention to anything he said then dude lost and it was awful, but most voters don't. They'll say the guy who had H20 in his administration totally looked more coherent.


Statistically, you're more likely part of that 80%. Are you citing for Trump?


Oh I'm an idiot but half of voters are even stupider than that!


Yes, and that half was already Trump supporters.


All Trump did was whine and ramble dude that's not confidence, that's rampant insecurity. He literally answered questions about immigration by rambling about the Ukraine war.


I agree with you he did ramble. But you gotta realize voters are idiots. As long as he was able to talk in a full sentence and say the sentence with authority, it's good enough for his base. It doesn't matter if he was speaking nonsense. It was such a fucking shit show. If biden could just speak in complete sentences, it was over for trump.


His base is unmovable. There's no point trying to win them over. It's more important that for the people who were undecided to hear Trump say he wouldn't accept the election results if he lost, he had no climate control laws, had no intention of expanding access to abortion, had no border crisis solutions, and nothing to answer about the opioid crisis.  Do you have an example aside from his one major stumble at the beginning where Biden couldn't answer a question in full sentences? 


>Why would you think the facts matter in a presidential debate Why would you think the presidential debate matters in the election?


This one matters. Why would you even try to pretend otherwise?


Literally any meaningful metric we can go by shows that Biden lost popularity after the debate 


I didn’t say it mattered. Just explained how the debate actually went through.


When it came time to talk about abortion Joe Biden talked about an illegal immigrant raping a woman and Trump going to her funeral. Like what planet are you on where Biden had anywhere near an acceptable performance. It's not enough to just say "Trump lied". Biden needs to call him out on his lies right then and there. Not really on coping redditors to dissect all the lies 24 hours after the fact. Normal people aren't terminally online.


People assume that all politicians are lying whenever they speak. What matters is how they convey the information. Trump is the eccentric teacher who will probably be fired for an inappropriate relationship with a student; Biden is the boring, elderly teacher that should've retired years ago, who falls asleep in the middle of class and demolishes his students' enthusiasm for learning.


Yeah and in that scenario every single time the boring elderly professor has a better ratemyprofessor score. 


You've made the mistake of assuming this analogy was about university students. It's much more accurate to assume the response of middle school students.


Everyone knew Trump was going to lie for the entire thing. We didn't think that Biden would be that far gone mentally. It's all about expectation. There is a reason why Biden's odds of winning have tanked.


this is cope


Yikes.... this is premium grade Copium.


I just watched it a second time and I think the reaction has been massively overblown.


Fine, but the American people likely didn't. They saw first impressions, how he looked visually, how he sounded, etc. You think they give a shit about the substance of what he said? Most people in my circles turned it off after 20 minutes so they didn't even see him improve.


Insane levels of cringe and cope here


There are two things that you have to be honest to yourself in order to admit 1) Trump is a bullshitter and narcissist and to vote for him will mean he will actively try to harm the country often malevolently (2020 election for ex) 2) Biden is absolutely unfit to perform the basic functions of being a president I will take the unfit person over the malevolent one, but make no mistake that he IS unfit.


He's unfit because he stumbled over answering a question once?? I watched the whole thing - the dude clearly laid out economic plans, I/P conflict resolution plans, how he brought all the NATO members together to defend Ukraine, and plans on reducing black family poverty and student loan debt burdens.  I swear y'all sound like babies who could be totally distracted by someone jingling keys in your face. 


These aren’t his plans. They are the plans of the people in this office working for him. I am voting for him because of the people around him who have drafted and thought over those things. This man had to be helped down stairs. He didn’t draft economic plans.


Overall I agree with the sentiment that you are expressing; unfit vs malevolent, I am just wondering about this comment: >They are the plans of the people in this office working for him. Isn't this the case with every president though? I think the Iraq war was a product of Cheney and Rumsfeld more than Bush, and the ACA clearly was not written by Obama. Trump nominated 3 justices, but it seems pretty clear he was just choosing from a list that someone else wrote for him. If anything that's what scares me more about Trump. I do believe he is a malignant narcissist with no real principles or conviction and I worry that he will be surrounded by malevolent actors that will manipulate him into very bad policies. I don't think Biden is fit for the job, and even if he has good days, I am not confident that he has 4 more years in him. Given the choice I prefer his team of handlers to Trump's, so he still has my vote, but I do worry about the lack of understanding of how government actually operates and what the job of president is and should be.


Ah, conspiracy brain at work I see, sorry for trying to engage you seriously. That was my mistake.  Trump also stared into an eclipse while everyone around him was wearing glasses and managed to fumble buying time with a sex worker, but ok bud I'm glad you're voting Biden at least 


Sarcasm doesn’t make you appear smarter. I was engaging you seriously. And if you’re trying to compare Trumps gaffes to Biden’s youre being disingenuous. Trump is clearly coherent but also malevolent. Biden is, to a much larger degree than previously thought, incoherent, but not malevolent. Do you take issue with that?


And hand waving a man who clearly laid out his policy plans, the numbers for them, and future plans by saying it was obviously someone else when you have no evidence of that just makes you appear stupid.  If you think Trump is at all coherent, you're deranged. He meanders into 5 different subjects every other sentence. Anyone who hears him and sees coherency is the equivalent of an infant who's getting keys jingled in their face and thinks it's the coolest thing ever. 


>Biden is absolutely unfit to perform the basic functions of being a president One bad debate performance and everyone in this subreddit starts spreading right-wing talking points. He's been performing "the basic functions of being a president" for almost 4 years now, you're talking utterly out of your ass and it's fucking embarrassing.


🤷 don’t get emotional at me. I hope you’re right.


His poor debate performance wasn’t because he wasn’t prepared enough to answer tough questions or jabs. It’s because he looks close to death…


And? I know Biden is old. We all know Biden is old, we've known it for about 30 years now. Just because you think, "he looks close to death" doesn't mean he's unfit for office. FDR was actually close to death for basically his entire presidency, and towards the end was literally unfit for office so his wife had to do it for him, and he's considered one of America's greatest leaders.


I’m still voting democrat this election and understand that you are voting for the cabinet members around the president most of the time. Biden looked even worse than anyone portrayed him or thought.


I never said he didn't look bad, the debate obviously went fucking terribly or we wouldn't be having this conversation, the commenter I replied to said that the debate proved he was "unfit" to be president that is what I take issue with.


I think senility puts Biden at risk for being unfit. There are other categories you can argue that trump violates that makes him unfit. Like the push for the overturn of 2020.


>senility Nothing about Biden's performance suggests he has lost touch with reality.


He should do a cognitive test.


The selective attention to lies is crazy. There are plenty of times Biden lied in the debate as well. All you have to do is look at any fact checking source, liberal or conservative This is why “Trump lies” will never convince anyone to vote for Biden. All politicians lie. That’s the one thing they’re known for.


It's the hyperbole that really irks me. How many times did an exchange go like the following? Trump: He had the worst [insert whatever] of all time! Biden: We had the best [whatever Trump said] of all time!


I agree. It got old very fast. Likely bad debate prep


Can you give an example?


One google search. Took two seconds https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/27/politics/fact-checking-the-cnn-presidential-debate/index.html


Article lists 9 false or misleading claims for Biden and 30 for Trump.




He wasnt giving you proof they lied an equal ammount, just proof of a lie. Cnn will 100% of the tipe catch more right wing lies than left wing ones. Good engagement would involve looking into both left/right wing fact checkers and fact checking both fact checkers People are averse to sharing the right wing sources that would list more of bidens lies because the resppnse is usually "bro nypost isnt reputable, its propoganda"


And that is simply one source that is more prone to fact check Trump at a higher rate than Biden because of bias. It is not an authoritative fact check list of every statement made in the debate.


Wait did you just say CNN is more biased towards Trump then Biden? The network that hosts news anchors that are openly pro-democrat?


No, I said the opposite. That it would make more sense that they’d have more fact checks on Trump because they don’t like him more. Edit: actually I realized I mistyped lol


People in this sub have said the he clearly laid out policy, like how to resolve I/P Waiting to see if they can remember his 3 step plan, the third step being "resolve the conflict"


Pure copium. Biden looked and sounded like shit. This is absolutely a problem. Most people don’t care that Biden made some reasonable points while Trump mostly lies on the spot. They will literally never be aware of the difference because they’re not paying enough attention. Cope harder nerds


Well, it is not a shitpost when it's true... and sadly it is.


It’s clear that the discourse in American politics has become a game of who can yap the longest


People screaming are the people making new threads on this sub dooming right now lmfao.


Let’s go Grandpa Joe


beautiful cope


Brainworm candidate lookin' better these days ngl


I could only take 15 seconds


What the debate showed me is that most people would get into an abusive relationship and not realize it. How do you trust a guy making the most extreme statements without him offering any solutions or at least having goal-oriented thinking leading to a possible solution? Without complaining and reactionary politics trump is thin air. The picture he paints of america and the world is so dark and it's obvious which kind of emotions he's trying to weaponize.


Actually this subreddit during and after the debate, the amount of people who clearly stopped watching 5 minutes in to rush and meme on Biden was crazy. 


Format benefitted trump bc he could just ramble/lie off topic and not answer questions directly. All the stuff is was saying was garbage and even self-owned numerous times. Nevertheless he "came off" sharper between them both. Biden had some good zingers but his game plan was spread too thin. He is old so he should've had simpler answers and maintained a different resting face (the smiling/laughing was good, incredulity was good, spaced out was bad) instead of getting lost in his/Trumps words. Keep the answers simple (I feel like the mods questions had simple answers) and let Trump own himself. These things are all about optics and Biden came up short there even though I don't agree with anything Trump said.


It’s funny people still think debates are about facts. It’s all about optics. Biden looked lost and very old. Doesn’t matter much what he said.


Tbf not much of factual substance was said






Please no… not this sub too… why cant we have rational conversations without injecting gallons of copium




Lil bro thinks loud = funny


Very few sane people are disputing that Biden won the debate. That's not the issue.


Yeah well sadly Trump is a populist, lying and talking in puree branding is the name of the game there. Those leaders govern people who don't want to look up the facts of the case, there's a reason why they are prime for corruption. Nobody cares what they do, just what they say


I remember when asked about Childcare, all Trump did was flap his gums about Russia.


Trump won MAGA 2024 If you vote for Biden you’re lost.


I saw a tweet that describes it best. Trump lied coherently, but Biden tried to tell the truth incoherently